Pence to appear at NRA and guns will be banned for his protection.

Is that the same as the stupid Moon Bats like Obama and Crooked Hillary bitching about the right to keep and bear arms but yet had armed security guards?
HuffPost•April 28, 2018

Guns will be barred during Vice President Mike Pence’s appearance at an upcoming National Rifle Association convention to protect his safety — prompting survivors of the Parkland school shooting in Florida to wonder why the gun group won’t agree to gun restrictions elsewhere to protect children.

Those attending the NRA Leadership Conference in Dallas are on notice that no firearms or “weapons of any kind,” or ammunition, will be allowed in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center “prior to and during” Pence’s appearance on May 4. The NRA posted the restrictions ― a requirement of the Secret Service ― on a website announcing the conference.

NRA Convention Bans Guns To Protect Mike Pence. Parkland Survivors' Jaws Drop.

I know I should say something but I'm at a loss for words. I could careless about the gun nuts at the NRA convention. Really I could care less, I know there are "nuts" there, it only stands to reason, but who cares.

Can you blame them?
You lefties are known to shoot at Republicans.

Yeah but according to NRA folklore, if a “lefty” did get into the NRA convention (he sure as hell wouldn’t be a member) a “good guy” with a gun would stop him…right????

Congratulations, you just blew the fable the NRA lives by all to hell.
You lie. If democrats would sop shooting people crime would almost be non existent.
The NRA controls who appears in person at their functions you damn dunce. The NRA made the choice to defer to the SS and create a GUN FREE ZONE. The NRA caved and showed their hypocrisy to the world.

And who is the troll, you bloody hypocrite! My posts on this thread are ALL ON TOPIC, which is something one can rarely say about your own asswipe!
Trolls just cannot be completely honest. I stated the NRA controls who speak, but the SS controls security if it's Pence.
Right, so the obvious solution is to refuse to host Pence knowing that he demands the SS, which demands a gun-free zone. Obviously the NRA are OK with a gun-free zone as long as they get something for it.
Duh! Liberals are all ok with gun free zones as long as they get something for it. Dead kids.

Do you ever read your own posts? You claim liberals want dead kids. That's disgusting Mikey. I didn't think you were that hateful. You need to back off on the Alex Jones and fox rhetoric. Nobody wants dead kids. A sane person would know that.
Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

Acuse your opponent of wanting dead kids is disgusting Mikey. Is that the kind of person you are?
Someone already posted this. Do you have direct evidence it was the NRA or on orders of the Secret Service?
The secret service sets those rules, for the trolls who like to throw half truths around.
So the NRA allows a gun free zone while condemning gun free zones. Fucking hypocrites. Pence could have done his talk by video pick-up you fucking idiot.
They have no control over if they want Pence to speak. Personally I wouldn't go to it, because it would be ripe for another democrat to start shooting.
The HELL they don't have any control. I knew your dumb ass would come up with that crap so I added that bit in my first post about Pence doing a video link speech/interview so the NRA wouldn't have to look like the bloody hypocrites they truly are as shown by their actions of creating a de facto GUN FREE ZONE! What a bloody lock-step, piss drinking apologist!
If they want Pence the secret service controls it, troll.
The NRA controls who appears in person at their functions you damn dunce. The NRA made the choice to defer to the SS and create a GUN FREE ZONE. The NRA caved and showed their hypocrisy to the world.

And who is the troll, you bloody hypocrite! My posts on this thread are ALL ON TOPIC, which is something one can rarely say about your own asswipe!
No one sets the parameters to Pence attending any function except the SS you MUTT!
The NRA has zero say!
Pence should just show up being armed with an ar 15 and a colt 45 on his hip. Lead by example and all that. If he's half the man most republicans think they are, then he should override what the secret service says.
Someone already posted this. Do you have direct evidence it was the NRA or on orders of the Secret Service?

If somebody else posted this, it wasn't on the front page when I posted it. So it should be merged into the original.
HuffPost•April 28, 2018

Guns will be barred during Vice President Mike Pence’s appearance at an upcoming National Rifle Association convention to protect his safety — prompting survivors of the Parkland school shooting in Florida to wonder why the gun group won’t agree to gun restrictions elsewhere to protect children.

Those attending the NRA Leadership Conference in Dallas are on notice that no firearms or “weapons of any kind,” or ammunition, will be allowed in the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center “prior to and during” Pence’s appearance on May 4. The NRA posted the restrictions ― a requirement of the Secret Service ― on a website announcing the conference.

NRA Convention Bans Guns To Protect Mike Pence. Parkland Survivors' Jaws Drop.

I know I should say something but I'm at a loss for words. I could careless about the gun nuts at the NRA convention. Really I could care less, I know there are "nuts" there, it only stands to reason, but who cares.
It is somewhat ironic -- no guns allowed at an NRA meeting !!

Sort of lends credence to the theory that there are places where guns should not be allowed:

- in courtrooms

- in sporting events

- in prisons

- at a POTUS or VP speech (?!)

Who cares, people can do whatever they want in a private event.
So the NRA allows a gun free zone while condemning gun free zones. Fucking hypocrites. Pence could have done his talk by video pick-up you fucking idiot.
They have no control over if they want Pence to speak. Personally I wouldn't go to it, because it would be ripe for another democrat to start shooting.
The HELL they don't have any control. I knew your dumb ass would come up with that crap so I added that bit in my first post about Pence doing a video link speech/interview so the NRA wouldn't have to look like the bloody hypocrites they truly are as shown by their actions of creating a de facto GUN FREE ZONE! What a bloody lock-step, piss drinking apologist!
If they want Pence the secret service controls it, troll.
The NRA controls who appears in person at their functions you damn dunce. The NRA made the choice to defer to the SS and create a GUN FREE ZONE. The NRA caved and showed their hypocrisy to the world.

And who is the troll, you bloody hypocrite! My posts on this thread are ALL ON TOPIC, which is something one can rarely say about your own asswipe!
No one sets the parameters to Pence attending any function except the SS you MUTT!
The NRA has zero say!
No one sets the parameters to Pence attending any function except the SS you MUTT!
The NRA has zero say!
You'd only be right if this were 1939 Germany, IDIOT!

Are you Mikey's twin?
NRA, the baby crib for conservative snowflakes. They have a gun-free zone at all their conventions. Why? Wouldn't it be much safer if you had all those 'good guys with guns' mingling about?

Uh huh.

You don't believe in evidence of Global Warming, no reason to think you'd believe in evidence of anything else.

I don't? Where did I say that? Now you have two pieces of evidence to produce.
Someone already posted this. Do you have direct evidence it was the NRA or on orders of the Secret Service?

Even his link says it is on orders from the Secret Service, but why mess up a good righteous indignation high! :21::21:
The secret service and venue owners set the security parameters, not the NRA. Yet you freaks bring it up every time, children learn better than regressives.

When did the secrete service become the be all end all .

The VP is not beholden to what they say . Blaming the SS is spin .

It’s a gun free zone ! Ya know , what the gun nuts all rail against .
When did the secrete service become the be all end all .

The VP is not beholden to what they say . Blaming the SS is spin .

It’s a gun free zone ! Ya know , what the gun nuts all rail against .
Yeah!! Obama and Hillary's detail don't even carry guns, right?!
When did the secrete service become the be all end all .

The VP is not beholden to what they say . Blaming the SS is spin .

It’s a gun free zone ! Ya know , what the gun nuts all rail against .

There will be a shit ton of guns there
Someone already posted this. Do you have direct evidence it was the NRA or on orders of the Secret Service?

Even his link says it is on orders from the Secret Service, but why mess up a good righteous indignation high! :21::21:

The secret service is hosting the event?

Let me go back and read that again.

I mean, an organization like the NRA which holds conventions demanding gun owners be able to practice their God given rights to carry a gun anywhere they want, call gun free zones open targets, and preach from the top of every indignant soap box about NRA members being the good guys with guns, surely wouldn't hold a convention, where that would be violated no matter who was a guest speaker.

Especially a guest speaker that has signed laws in the past as an elected official, protecting just such God given rights.

That kind of hypocrisy almost equals the indignacy of your comment reply.

One I can only assume coming from someone in love with the sound of their own voice, based upon their assumption of being a legend in their own mind.

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