Pennsylvania school bans CNN from classrooms

Nope. Depends on the situation.

Never said you were murderers. Vaccination is your choice, except within certain occupations.


Did you notice all that broad brushing you just did?

By the way, I GET why some folks voted for Trump. Same reason I voted for Biden.
Broadbrushing is when you accuse everyone in a group of the same stereotype.

I've seen enough of your posts to know that regardless of your denials you feel that people like me are hateful righwingers.

The truth is....I'm left of center.....but anyone who is to the right of you is a hateful rightwinger.
Broadbrushing is when you accuse everyone in a group of the same stereotype.

I've seen enough of your posts to know that regardless of your denials you feel that people like me are hateful righwingers.

The truth is....I'm left of center.....but anyone who is to the right of you is a hateful rightwinger.
Truth is…I‘ve seen enough of your posts to know your claim of being left of center is unsupported. You’ve certainly put out a lot of your own anti-left hate Messaging. I see it in your postings. There are very few people I hate. Not even you.
Truth is…I‘ve seen enough of your posts to know your claim of being left of center is unsupported. You’ve put out a lot of your anti-left hate. I see it in your postings. There are very few people I hate.
You seem to hate rightwingers.
You also accused me of beating up cops.
Sounds like you hate me!!:iagree:

I point out what the left is doing and all that means to you is I'm a hater.

Over 600 murders and over 3000 shootings in Chicago alone in 2021.
How many of those were by rightwingers?
How many of those were even political? What makes you think those gangsters ever even stepped into a voting booth much less hooked up with any political ideology?
You seem to hate rightwingers.
You also accused me of beating up cops.
Sounds like you hate me!!:iagree:
I was using a general “you” not you specifically as a person. What “you” did you use in post #11?
How many of those were even political? What makes you think those gangsters ever even stepped into a voting booth much less hooked up with any political ideology?

What does politics have to do with gun violence?

From what I have experienced.....most gun violence is an act of hatred.....not politics.
And you folks seem to think that the only hate-crime that exists is mass-shootings by white males.
Who cares about the fact that blacks are shooting other blacks, Asians, cops, and white people more than any other group (except maybe Hispanics).
But because they're black you assume it's all gang related.
Talking about broad brush.

The fact seems to be that so many people are getting shot in cities like Chicago is because of their habit of letting repeat-offenders off easy so they can go out and commit more murders.
I have no issue acknowledging bad or rude leftist behavior Yet people here seem to get upset when their own are pointed out. How are you with bad rightist behavior?
You people get extremely upset , rude and defensive when your behavior is pointed out, How are you with the Double Standard?
I was using a general “you” not you specifically as a person. What “you” did you use in post #11?
"You" is a personal singular pronoun used in a declarative statement....."you like beating up cops and Biden supporters" as if I am the one accusing cops of shooting unarmed blacks....and I am beating up cops at the Capital.

What I am doing is pointing out that what happened on Jan 6th isn't so cut and dried.

Until someone releases all of the video evidence of what happened and allow witnesses to tell their story....we can't draw conclusions supplied to us by the lying media.
What I keep hearing is Capital Cops set up Trump Supporters and started beating some of them up the way they're beating people up in Canada as we speak.
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If you know someone who still gets their news from msm, get that person some help. Friends don't let Friends be propagandized.

What's the saying ... All things in little steps.CNN is now at the bottom of
their cesspool.They've had bad ratings before.But never this sunken.
Because they've been found out.Same thing with MSNBC.
Their hourly bastion of Lies and propaganda has been too often and
too obvious.It's kinda like how John Wayne Gacy got found out.
Just because a couple times each season he put on some Clown costume
to make Nice didn't make it so.The guy was a virtual monster inside and out.
Same with CNN.
The potato was scaring the kids.... and possibly stunting their growth.

Pudgy little creampuff boy.He's actually in real life much closer to the
thing in - Hellraiser - {1987 } either the lead or chattering Cenobite.
Washington Free Beacon

“Overall, we rate the Washington Free Beacon Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to misleading and false claims.”


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