Pennsylvania school bans CNN from classrooms

I don’t think it is me who can’t think when are inhabiting an echo chamber that utilizes revisionist history to whitewash it’s own history. But this is definitely getting off topic.

How about showing a variety of news sources and teaching kids to critically assess them? Todays kids are growing up bombarded with constant media and lacking the tools to determine what is factual and what is not.

You IGNORE history. Hitler and Stalin were allies right up until they weren't. There was a load of coal crossing the border to Germany from the USSR as Operation Barbarossa was crossing the frontier. You are ignorant of history, and a dupe of the Fabian Socialists who have been pushing the bullshit tale that right wing socialism is different from left wing socialism.

Learn to think for yourself.
Notice I was offline. You seem to have issues with people pointing out rightwing hate on a thread that boils down to supposedly biased news and screams of “left wing hate”. Man up and take responsibility for your own rightwing hate instead of pulling the victim card.
You’re being offline has nothing to do with it, Just responding to your post the way we ALL respond to other posts . You seem to have issues with people pointing out Leftwing hate and instead of acknowledging it you get defensive with the typical left double standard? Man 👨 up and take responsibility for your own Leftwing hate, double standards instead of pulling the victim card
You’re being offline has nothing to do with it, Just responding to your post the way we ALL respond to other posts . You seem to have issues with people pointing out Leftwing hate and instead of acknowledging it you get defensive with the typical left double standard? Man 👨 up and take responsibility for your own Leftwing hate, double standards instead of pulling the victim card
I have no issue acknowledging bad or rude leftist behavior Yet people here seem to get upset when their own are pointed out. How are you with bad rightist behavior?
It's really a travesty that more people can't get their kids out of the public school system.

Placing that aside, I find the terms 'left', 'right' and 'center' to be some of the most empty phrases in the American lexicon. It's just very shallow political football. Language like that never stimulates meaningful discussion on the issues. In fact, language like that only serves as an obstacle to meaningful discussion.

The electorate would do better to strive to think more critically. Really, there's just no means of having relevant, intelligent discussion with anyone who can't think or speak beyond that limitation. It's a waste of time.
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You know what? All those things you said about leftists in your post? I don’t do them. So … if you don’t like broadbrushing, why do you do it?
I never accused you of it.....YOU ACCUSED ME!

And I didn't broadbrush anything.
Maybe you could go back and show me where I did.

The point I was making is you tend to accuse everyone who doesn't buy into the nonsense and constant hoaxes the MSM pushes down our throats as rightwing racists and haters. You probably figure that because we won't get vaccinated we are murderers or some kind of threat to your health. The funny thing still can't bring yourself to realize that you can get COVID even if you're wearing a mask and had all of your shots.

And to you supporting Trump means we're racists.
No......the reason most of us support Trump is because we've figured out that nobody else in Washington can be trusted not to give us the screwing of a lifetime.....which is what Biden is doing as we speak.
Smart move. Children shouldn’t be exposed to lies and propaganda
I never accused you of them.....YOU ACCUSED ME!

And I didn't broadbrush anything.
Maybe you could go back and show me where I did.

The point I was making is you tend to accuse everyone who doesn't buy into the nonsense the MSM as rightwing racists and haters.
Nope. Depends on the situation.

You probably figure that because we won't get vaccinated we are murderers or some kind of threat to your health. The funny thing still can't bring yourself to realize that you can get COVID even if you're wearing a mask and had all of your shots.
Never said you were murderers. Vaccination is your choice, except within certain occupations.

And to you supporting Trump means we're racists.


No......the reason most of us support Trump is because we've figured out that nobody else in Washington can be trusted not to give us the screwing a lifetime.

Did you notice all that broad brushing you just did?

By the way, I GET why some folks voted for Trump. Same reason I voted for Biden.

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