Pennsylvania warns of major delays in vote counting….AGAIN

You mean like all the sworn affidavits and sworn testimony claiming Trump is a criminal?

Same thing right?
There are none of those. 6 years of get Trump and zero results proves that.
Maybe you should stop Bloody Joe from selling suicide drones from Iran to his friend Putin.
Maybe you should stop Nazi Joe from imposing mandates on our oil and gas industry and automobile manufacturers trying to kill the combustion engine.
Maybe you should STFU and go back to shaving Putin and Xi's asses and licking The Ayatollah's Assahollah.
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Same Dominion machines were used to rig the primaries for Hillary Clinton in 2016 were used to put Maduro in Office in Venezuela and were used to rig the election for Biden in 2020.

Those same machines are still in place in Democrat Run cities.

The first known use of dominion machines to cheat in America was 2002 in a GOP primary in VA where 911 Zionist Bob goodlatta fended off a challenge from a tea party Air Force vet TRUTHER.
Pennsylvania expanded mail in voting in 2019 when they signed Act 77 that provided unrestricted ability to vote by mail.

That's why it became a problem in 2020, because the number of mail in ballots went way up.

There's zero excuse for your ignorance. It's pure laziness.
It was expanded due to covid asshole. If you want to see pure inexcusable ignorance, go look in the mirror.
So....the obvious question is with almost two weeks before the election;
What is the state of Pennsylvania doing ahead of time to improve this situation?

If I lived in Pennsylvania I would be spamming my elected representatives with that question.
It was expanded due to covid asshole. If you want to see pure inexcusable ignorance, go look in the mirror.
It was expanded by Act 77 passed in 2019 and applied to all elections in 2020 and later. It allowed all voters to request mail in ballots whereas they were previously restricted to people with one of several reasons. If you're not a complete moron, you'll notice that was before COVID.

Listen asshole, I'm obviously more informed than you. Just shut your face and accept it.
He was asking the legislature to pass it before the 2020 election.

No need for mail in now at all, would he have signed legislation removing what was passed in 2019 dumbass?
No need for mail in now at all, would he have signed legislation removing what was passed in 2019 dumbass?
The 2019 law was passed in a bipartisan fashion. There's no reason to repeal it. People like mail in ballots.
It was expanded by Act 77 passed in 2019 and applied to all elections in 2020 and later. It allowed all voters to request mail in ballots whereas they were previously restricted to people with one of several reasons. If you're not a complete moron, you'll notice that was before COVID.

Listen asshole, I'm obviously more informed than you. Just shut your face and accept it.
Which tells me when they successfully rigged Clinton's primary in 2016 they thought they could start rigging National and State Elections on a bigger scale in 2020 and 2022. That means they planned it.

They already installed Bloody Joe in 2020 as an illegitimate puppet, so it would not surprise me that they will be able to rig just about every state race possible in 2022.

The same Maduro voting machines used to rig Hillary's primaries were used in 2020, and are still in place for 2022.
Which tells me when they successfully rigged Clinton's primary in 2016 they thought they could start rigging National and State Elections on a bigger scale in 2020 and 2022. That means they planned it.

They already installed Bloody Joe in 2020 as an illegitimate puppet, so it would not surprise me that they will be able to rig just about every state race possible in 2022.

The same Maduro voting machines used to rig Hillary's primaries were used in 2020, and are still in place for 2022.
You are a delusional moron. I don't care what the voices in your head tell you. They're all as insane as you.
I love this guy. Now it's "unregistered people"
Unverified - Unregistered since we don't know who the fraudulent ballots were sent to.
California is already a Chinese Territory and Democracy has been overthrown there. Bet that makes your Mangina wet.
We should not allow The Chinese, Iranian and Russian allies of EmperorShtizHizPantz do the same to Pennsylvania.
Secure the Vote = Securing Democracy

Why are you against Securing Democracy, like DemNazi?
Unverified - Unregistered since we don't know who the fraudulent ballots were sent to.
California is already a Chinese Territory and Democracy has been overthrown there. Bet that makes your Mangina wet.
We should not allow The Chinese, Iranian and Russian allies of EmperorShtizHizPantz do the same to Pennsylvania.
Secure the Vote = Securing Democracy

Why are you against Securing Democracy, like DemNazi?
And the hits just keep on coming. Hilarious. Thanks again.-
Its 2022.

Why cant PA get their act together?

It makes one suspicious when they are always late and always have serious abnormalities!


Where is the law that states results are supposed to be known within a few hours of the polls closing?

Also, did PA change the law so they can start to process mail in votes before the closing of the polls on election day?
You are a delusional moron. I don't care what the voices in your head tell you. They're all as insane as you.

MASTRIANO: How Pennsylvania Democrats Hijacked Act 77 – DV Journal

It wasn't used as intended, by a corrupt SOS and AG, it was later struck down only to be appealed by said AG conveniently running for PA governor right now. SB 884 will put the issue on the ballot as a change to the PA constitution which effectively eliminates Act 77, and how it was abused by the corrupt assholes that you support.
Act 77 passed in Oct 2019. Covid was first reported two months later.

It really was........

Typical of the New Republicans. Like it was Joe Biden's EO's in 2021 that caused the world wide production of oil to drop in 2020.

It was abused and unconstitutionally expanded by the corrupt leadership (SOS) of this state for 'covid' purposes.

Supreme Court Rules Pennsylvania Can Count Ballots Received After Election Day

Neither PA or US SC's should have been able to over turn the PA legislature.

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