Pennsylvania warns of major delays in vote counting….AGAIN

Target your ire where it belongs. With the Republican majority state legislature.
Gov Wolf urged them to action ahead of the last election. You see how they’ve responded. With nothing.

You need to do more research instead of parroting what you've read in here and other places.
Following the absurd idea that there should not be a time cutoff for mail ins then let’s just allow people to vote in person when it’s convenient 1,2,3-7 days after Election Day. That’s fair too
There were no voters voting after Election Day. The issue was whether or not mailed ballots post marked by Election Day but received later could be counted.
You are a disembodied cartoon like voice inside my head when I read the words you type. I thank you once again for the entertainment value of that too. My Keyboard(s) not so much......
You wouldn't say that if the illegal immigrants that showed up at Martha's Vineyard came with rakes mops and buckets to do your landscaping and clean your house for peanuts, right? Then not only would you let them stay, you'd let them vote. Just another way you corrupt our Democracy and rig our elections, right lil DimTard?

You Godless Heathens do realize that eventually God gives up on you, gives you what you want, including the exact kind of leader you want, Globalism all of it, and what you end up with is Satan Incarnate in the form of AntiChrist, y'all worshipping him and taking his mark, living under Satanic Fascist Globalist Rule, and you call it Freedom, yet your souls are damned to an eternal Hell imprisoned for eternity.

The only reason I post here is to not save the recalcitrant lost, but in the hopes some people see The Evil people like you and your allies promote. If I turn one soul away from Hell it is worth it. I post here in the hopes some people get it, and maybe we can vote good people into office and delay God's wrath, and maybe save even someone as hardened and calloused as you.

It's never too late, until it's too late even for you to see what is going on and change your viewpoint. Your god Satan won't be able to save you from Judgment Day. And the secular paradise your leaders keep promising you is never really going to come. I'm sad for people like you, but not sympathetic. You know exactly what you are doing, despite knowing it's wrong. You just don't care.
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They send you a mailing asking if you want to do it this nice, soft, kushy way. It’s called enticement

And what is the problem with that?

Why do things have to be made harder than they need to be?
Its 2022.

Why cant PA get their act together?

It makes one suspicious when they are always late and always have serious abnormalities!

Oh, they're going to fix it,
You wouldn't say that if the illegal immigrants that showed up at Martha's Vineyard came with rakes mops and buckets to do your landscaping and clean your house for peanuts, right? Then not only would you let them stay, you'd let them vote. Just another way you corrupt our Democracy and rig out elections, right lil DimTard?
I would say that. Why Wooden Eye?
And what is the problem with that?

Why do things have to be made harder than they need to be?
Worthy things often require effort and when it’s real easy it’s generally not worthy.
Important issues should take effort and making it easy (lazy) is factually a non factor and unnecessary
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