Pennsylvania's Reply to Texas Lawsuit

Georgia and Wisconsin as well.
Those poor state attorneys were up all night getting that done in time. From now on, all state lawyers should get a three week vacation before the next election, in case whining Republicans lose. They'll need the rest.
This is the first time republicrats have fought against the democrook criminal syndicate in order to prevent them from getting away with voter fraud. Even Pennsylvanian Legislators are getting involved as far as I've read because their constituencies are sick of getting fucked over my leftist mafioso's that stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out republicrat observers and tampered with voting machines.

Now you're just butt hurt that it's being exposed.

Georgia and Wisconsin as well.
Those poor state attorneys were up all night getting that done in time. From now on, all state lawyers should get a three week vacation before the next election, in case whining Republicans lose. They'll need the rest.
This is the first time republicrats have fought against the democrook criminal syndicate in order to prevent them from getting away with voter fraud. Even Pennsylvanian Legislators are getting involved as far as I've read because their constituencies are sick of getting fucked over my leftist mafioso's that stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out republicrat observers and tampered with voting machines.

Now you're just butt hurt that it's being exposed.


Finally the dog-shit worthless do-nothing GOP is fighting back against these decades of Chicago-style Dem fraud establishments.

It's like a bully getting punched in the mouth for the first time and the punch is way more than the bully ever expected.

There will be no more punches thrown. From here on out, it's bullets.
But Texas obviously lacks standing to bring such claims, which, in any event, are barred by laches, and are moot, meritless, and dangerous. Texas has not suffered harm simply because it dislikes the result of the election, and nothing in the text, history, or structure of the Constitution supports Texas’s view that it can dictate the manner in which four other states run their elections. Nor is that view grounded in any precedent from this Court. Tex as does not seek to have the Court interpret the Constitution, so much as disregard it.

But Texas obviously lacks standing

Everyone should stop reading right there -
Yes Texas has Standing
Georgia and Wisconsin as well.
Those poor state attorneys were up all night getting that done in time. From now on, all state lawyers should get a three week vacation before the next election, in case whining Republicans lose. They'll need the rest.
This is the first time republicrats have fought against the democrook criminal syndicate in order to prevent them from getting away with voter fraud. Even Pennsylvanian Legislators are getting involved as far as I've read because their constituencies are sick of getting fucked over my leftist mafioso's that stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out republicrat observers and tampered with voting machines.

Now you're just butt hurt that it's being exposed.

All fiction. If I'm hurt, it's because so many of my fellow Americans are gullible enough to believe it all. Maybe at first, yeah, but it has all been looked into, explained ad nauseum and people still won't accept the light of day. It's sad, really.
Georgia and Wisconsin as well.
Those poor state attorneys were up all night getting that done in time. From now on, all state lawyers should get a three week vacation before the next election, in case whining Republicans lose. They'll need the rest.
This is the first time republicrats have fought against the democrook criminal syndicate in order to prevent them from getting away with voter fraud. Even Pennsylvanian Legislators are getting involved as far as I've read because their constituencies are sick of getting fucked over my leftist mafioso's that stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out republicrat observers and tampered with voting machines.

Now you're just butt hurt that it's being exposed.


Finally the dog-shit worthless do-nothing GOP is fighting back against these decades of Chicago-style Dem fraud establishments.

It's like a bully getting punched in the mouth for the first time and the punch is way more than the bully ever expected.

There will be no more punches thrown. From here on out, it's bullets.
Who you planning on shooting?

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
People who don’t know anything about anything, like you, probably shouldn’t comment since you don’t understand what you’re reading.

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

That is some definite hurt feelers right there.
Why would they be hurt? Biden won.
You mean any outcome where biden wins is good

But 19 states and counting disagree
Tim Pool has an excellent review of the Texas v Pennsylvania case.

That was the best podcast I have ever heard tim poole make

He often wastes the first third bullshitting with his partners on the program

My own opinion is that states can resist an illegally elected president without firing at a military post

Civil disobedience, nullification of executive orders, general uncooperation with the federal government do not require bloodshed

But I am not assuming an unelected president biden

The issue is not settled yet

However if trump wins bloodshed is practically assured
Last edited:
Georgia and Wisconsin as well.
Those poor state attorneys were up all night getting that done in time. From now on, all state lawyers should get a three week vacation before the next election, in case whining Republicans lose. They'll need the rest.
This is the first time republicrats have fought against the democrook criminal syndicate in order to prevent them from getting away with voter fraud. Even Pennsylvanian Legislators are getting involved as far as I've read because their constituencies are sick of getting fucked over my leftist mafioso's that stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out republicrat observers and tampered with voting machines.

Now you're just butt hurt that it's being exposed.


Finally the dog-shit worthless do-nothing GOP is fighting back against these decades of Chicago-style Dem fraud establishments.

It's like a bully getting punched in the mouth for the first time and the punch is way more than the bully ever expected.

There will be no more punches thrown. From here on out, it's bullets.
Who you planning on shooting?
Treasonous scum, aren’t they?
Why would they be hurt? Biden won.
You mean any outcome where biden wins is good

But 19 states and counting disagree
Tim Pool has an excellent review of the Texas v Pennsylvania case.

That was the best podcast I have ever heard tim poole make

He often wastes the first third bullshitting with his partners on the program

My own opinion that states can resist an illegally elected president without firing at a military post

Civil disobedience, nullification of executive orders, general uncooperation with the federal government do not require bloodshed

He was and illegally elected you insane freak.

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
People who don’t know anything about anything, like you, probably shouldn’t comment since you don’t understand what you’re reading.
mmmkay, pumpkin.

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
People who don’t know anything about anything, like you, probably shouldn’t comment since you don’t understand what you’re reading.

That was funny

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
People who don’t know anything about anything, like you, probably shouldn’t comment since you don’t understand what you’re reading.

That was funny
I know, right. Irony just shit its pants.
Georgia and Wisconsin as well.
Those poor state attorneys were up all night getting that done in time. From now on, all state lawyers should get a three week vacation before the next election, in case whining Republicans lose. They'll need the rest.
This is the first time republicrats have fought against the democrook criminal syndicate in order to prevent them from getting away with voter fraud. Even Pennsylvanian Legislators are getting involved as far as I've read because their constituencies are sick of getting fucked over my leftist mafioso's that stuffed ballot boxes, kicked out republicrat observers and tampered with voting machines.

Now you're just butt hurt that it's being exposed.

All fiction. If I'm hurt, it's because so many of my fellow Americans are gullible enough to believe it all. Maybe at first, yeah, but it has all been looked into, explained ad nauseum and people still won't accept the light of day. It's sad, really.
That’s why Donald is using #overturn on Twitter. He knows he lost. But he’s a revving up these idiots so he can say I’ll pull GOP strings a. He also I thinks the judah was owe him.

hesa even stupider than visa cult

Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
People who don’t know anything about anything, like you, probably shouldn’t comment since you don’t understand what you’re reading.

That was funny
I know, right. Irony just shit its pants.
No. You don’t. But you are vulgar

and the insanity you freaks a spew could only be bought by uneducated losers

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