Pennsylvania's Reply to Texas Lawsuit

PA Democrats have something to say, as well. hahaha
First of all this is not a lawsuit of “Texas” so much as a lawsuit of incredibly arrogant professional Republican politicians who were themselves often elected by a bare majority of people in Texas. They were not elected even in their own state by an overwhelming majority — and yet they are determined to disenfranchise the people in other states whose officials (some of them also Republican) want to protect the voting rights of all of their state’s people. On what basis? They can’t prove fraud, so now they argue “something unconstitutional” occurred in all those other states! Talk about “whistling Dixie”!

Really hard to believe these Republicans are serious ...
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Since Election Day, State and Federal courts
throughout the country have been flooded with frivo-
lous lawsuits aimed at disenfranchising large swaths
of voters and undermining the legitimacy of the elec-
tion. The State of Texas has now added its voice to the
cacophony of bogus claims. Texas seeks to invalidate
elections in four states for yielding results with which
it disagrees. Its request for this Court to exercise its
original jurisdiction and then anoint Texas’s preferred
candidate for President is legally indefensible and is an
afront to principles of constitutional democracy.


HOLY SHIT!!!! That Prelim is filled to the brim with FUCKING ASS HURT!!!
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
And they got shot down as expected. These Trump losers just keep losing. Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden
First of all this is not a lawsuit of “Texas” so much as a lawsuit of incredibly arrogant professional Republican politicians who were themselves often elected by a bare majority of people in Texas. They were not elected even in their own state by an overwhelming majority — and yet they are determined to disenfranchise the people in other states whose officials (some of them also Republican) want to protect the voting rights of all of their state’s people. On what basis? They can’t prove fraud, so now they argue “something unconstitutional” occurred in all those other states! Talk about “whistling Dixie”!

Really hard to believe these Republicans are serious ...
Believe it. But as we are believing that, there are sane people left in government still. Supreme Court rejects Texas effort to overturn election in blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden

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