Pentagon declines to send National Guard to deal with those horrible illegals in Bowser's DC.. OOPS, she means "Migrants"..


Platinum Member
Aug 1, 2022

Yeh, there was no mention of WHY the Pentagon would not send the National Guard to help the poor, overwhelmed, declared-by-Bower "sanctuary city."

She didn't mean it.. OK? She didn't really mean it when she used that term Sanctuary city...


So give her a break already (think dimrats... But wait.. She said it so how could she not mean it? We don't get it..) :dunno:
Free wetbacks for everybody !!
no, more like free stuff FOR wetbacks and whomever else manages to slither across the border.. but of course they don't have to slither since Mr Insanity-in-Chief came along..

I hear they are getting free housing.

That must sound really good to all the homeless people who are homeless because they can't afford $1500 a month rent.. but these people who crash our borders (btw: isn't that still, on the books, illegal?), they get housing for free...

I am so disgusted with Congress... The Rs don't have control (yet) but I wonder if they will really do anything after November when they likely will win at least the House?
Same reason elected Democrats who live in gated communities far away from crime love to say defund the police.
She said it because DC is nowhere near a border... but a border town started bussing them in... oh wait!! NO sanctuary! No sanctuary!!
I think they should be given her personal address so they can show up at her house.

Yeh, there was no mention of WHY the Pentagon would not send the National Guard to help the poor, overwhelmed, declared-by-Bower "sanctuary city."

She didn't mean it.. OK? She didn't really mean it when she used that term Sanctuary city...


So give her a break already (think dimrats... But wait.. She said it so how could she not mean it? We don't get it..) :dunno:
Muriel Bowser is so racist. It's truly disgusting. 😕
Same reason elected Democrats who live in gated communities far away from crime love to say defund the police.
She said it because DC is nowhere near a border... but a border town started bussing them in... oh wait!! NO sanctuary! No sanctuary!!
I think they should be given her personal address so they can show up at her house.
i do too.

wonder why she thinks only the city should be a sanctuary city... Why not her house also? I mean, don't the Ds just LOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE them illegals??

we thought they loved them... what a disappointment...
Bowser hates tourists......Especially the ones on Abbott's "See America Tour". ;)
Its a political ploy.

The cult never MEANS it when they say they care about illegals.


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, you cultists.
I am so disgusted with Congress... The Rs don't have control (yet) but I wonder if they will really do anything after November when they likely will win at least the House?
When the Republicans held Congress under Trump they couldn't even pass an immigration reform bill.

Remember when that RINO Bush said that Americans were idiots for complaining about sealing the border?

None of us should get our hopes up for Republicans changing things much. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch of the Big Government Party. At best the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

We don't need to be moderate. We need to be aggressive about stopping the goddamn Illegals and round up the filth that Potatohead allowed to come in and send them back. I doubt that will happen because Republicans talk big but never do anything.

Democrats promise bad government and when get in power deliver on that promise.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same bad government we would have got if the Democrat assholes had been elected.
If thousands of illegals being ushered across our open border and into border states does not qualify as a crisis then 2 - 3 busloads of illegals do not warrant military support.
oh please. You are speaking too logically. You really think the dimrats will listen?

But listen or not... Here come the Sanctuary Folks!


Now the tent cities will get so big, traffic may be blocked!
When the Republicans held Congress under Trump they couldn't even pass an immigration reform bill.

Remember when that RINO Bush said that Americans were idiots for complaining about sealing the border?

None of us should get our hopes up for Republicans changing things much. The Democrats are the bat shit crazy branch of the Big Government Party. At best the Republicans are the more moderate branch.

We don't need to be moderate. We need to be aggressive about stopping the goddamn Illegals and round up the filth that Potatohead allowed to come in and send them back. I doubt that will happen because Republicans talk big but never do anything.

Democrats promise bad government and when get in power deliver on that promise.

Republicans promise good government but usually deliver about the same bad government we would have got if the Democrat assholes had been elected.
I could have written this post myself!

no wonder Congress (at one time) had a 12% approval rating

and the 12% were Congresspersons, their staff, and relatives..

I have a plan Abbott should follow to flood NYC, DC, and SF with illegals. Since they have to volunteer to be bussed across state lines he should line every one of them up and show them pics of NYC, DC, SF and Texline, TX and tell them they will be getting on a bus to one of those for destinations. Then let them choose.

Very few would end up in Texline, and that would clear the border area of Biden's illegal hoards.
I have a plan Abbott should follow to flood NYC, DC, and SF with illegals. Since they have to volunteer to be bussed across state lines he should line every one of them up and show them pics of NYC, DC, SF and Texline, TX and tell them they will be getting on a bus to one of those for destinations. Then let them choose.

Very few would end up in Texline, and that would clear the border area of Biden's illegal hoards.
never heard of it. What's wrong w/ that town/city?

Yeh, there was no mention of WHY the Pentagon would not send the National Guard to help the poor, overwhelmed, declared-by-Bower "sanctuary city."

She didn't mean it.. OK? She didn't really mean it when she used that term Sanctuary city...


So give her a break already (think dimrats... But wait.. She said it so how could she not mean it? We don't get it..) :dunno:

A DemoKKKrat mayor is mistreating migrants and the left won't call her out for it.




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