People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism

So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Communism merely requires social morals for free to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth. Capitalism can never buy us a stairway to Heaven.

And in Socialism, everyone will have their very own stairway to Heaven.
lol. only the right wing alleges to not believe in affirmative action.

the gods help those who build their own Commune of Heaven on Earth.
Affirmative action is a joke. Do you want the best doctor available for your heart transplant - or the best "minority" doctor?
Let's end Corporate Welfare; no more bailouts.
Can any stupid dumb ass left wing piece of shit tell us how much money or charitable giving....

Venezuela, Cuba, China, North Korea, give?

Go ahead and compare it to what America gives to the world.

Do you fuckers want to compare?

Want to compare what Christians give compared to hollywood?

Do you want to make that comparison?


i won’t deny some small businesses would flounder especially if they are barely making a profit, but so be it. Why should we coddle their interests when millions of people would make more money? Money they desperately need because they can’t even afford a 40 hour work week’s pay.
Firms with less than 20 workers made up 89.4 percent of businesses.

This means that you would adversely affect nearly 90% of the businesses in the US. That is not a case of the needs of the many.

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
This is actually very misleading because it includes locally owned franchises such as McDonald’s and Burger King. Such businesses obviously never have supply problems.
That is not misleading. A franchise, in case you don't understand, is the business owner leasing a name. The business owner is still responsible for the business just as any mom or pop owner would be. My wife manages subways. They do have supply problems.
They definitely don’t have supply problems that hinder the success of the franchise. The employees just suck most of the time. If your wife runs a subway, she is dictated how she runs it by the corporation. She has some authority, but she must follow the rules laid out by the successful business that governs their products.

I see these threads all the time about the glory of capitalism. Capitalism fails quite often but the government subsidizes and bails it out quite often. Things got better for Americans when FDR came in with liberal and socialist policies after capitalism failed. Raised taxes on the extremely wealthy and corporations. Things went along pretty well, the working class advanced with higher wages, till reagan comes along a half century later convincing people that government is the cause of all our problems, while of course drastically lowering tax rates. Things have gone downhill for the working class ever since.
Capitalism fails on a regular basis and then socialism wipes its arse.
we need a capitalistic system that is progressive, that is able to help families get ahead!
Can any stupid dumb ass left wing piece of shit tell us how much money or charitable giving....

Venezuela, Cuba, China, North Korea, give?

Go ahead and compare it to what America gives to the world.

Do you fuckers want to compare?

Want to compare what Christians give compared to hollywood?

Do you want to make that comparison?


apples and oranges. we have the First World economy. It is "easy" to give, if you have plenty of money.

Why so miserly when it comes to actually solving our problems, instead of just, "covering multitudes of sins", through private charity?
Businesses have no purpose in paying people a wage they live off of? Are you insane? How else will they make money? The government? Hmmm.

Also, what does “market value” mean exactly when it comes to wages? Can you elaborate?

How is it the responsibility of the employer to pay the employee "needs"? It is the responsibility of the employee to increase their value to the employer. Many employers even help the worker by paying for courses, tuition, and inner company training.

Worker productivity as well as corporate profits are at an all time high yet wages are way behind on the cost of living. Shouldn’t that be enough to raise wages?

We've had little or no cost of living increase, inflation, in ten years. All during the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama, there was malaise, little or no inflation.

Okay what? What, specifically, is this graph measuring? It has no information so there’s no way to fucking know its significance.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize that only a title on the chart was not adequate for you to comprehend the meaning of the hart. Try reading it again, the last column to the right is the average for that year and the bottom right figure is the annual average over eight years of the failed administration of former president Barack Hussein.
oubtful. A lot of contributions are anonymous and nobody knows their political affiliation.

I take it that you believe that Democrats/Progressives contribute as much or more to charities in time and money as do Republicans/Conservatives. If you believe that to be true, you are typically uninformed.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Communism merely requires social morals for free to achieve a Commune of Heaven on Earth. Capitalism can never buy us a stairway to Heaven.

And in Socialism, everyone will have their very own stairway to Heaven.
lol. only the right wing alleges to not believe in affirmative action.

the gods help those who build their own Commune of Heaven on Earth.
Affirmative action is a joke. Do you want the best doctor available for your heart transplant - or the best "minority" doctor?
Let's end Corporate Welfare; no more bailouts.

Great, for all corporations, farms, renewables, solar, welfare, food stamps, all welfare!
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein

That's such a ridiculous argument, it's incredible.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

Define “poor” who are working.
oubtful. A lot of contributions are anonymous and nobody knows their political affiliation.

I take it that you believe that Democrats/Progressives contribute as much or more to charities in time and money as do Republicans/Conservatives. If you believe that to be true, you are typically uninformed.

Well, provide your proof if you want to debate this...
oubtful. A lot of contributions are anonymous and nobody knows their political affiliation.

I take it that you believe that Democrats/Progressives contribute as much or more to charities in time and money as do Republicans/Conservatives. If you believe that to be true, you are typically uninformed.

Well, provide your proof if you want to debate this...

You're so easy, this is hardly any fun.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity

By Peter Panepento

Households that describe themselves as conservative tend to give more money to charities than moderate and liberal households, according to a new survey.

In a survey of 3,300 households that donated money to charity in the past 12 months, the company Campbell Rinker, in Valencia, Calif., asked respondents about their political ideology.

Of those surveyed, those who live in conservative households donated an average of $3,255 to charities outside of places of worship during the past year. By comparison, moderate households donated $2,926 and liberal households donated $1,879.

Conservatives also give significantly more money to their place of worship than liberals and moderates.

The survey found conservatives gave, on average, $1,841 to their places of worship during the past year — compared with $1,115 for moderates and $499 for liberals.

But while conservatives give more than their peers, they are less likely to spread the word to others about their giving experiences.

Among liberal donors, 84 percent said they had recommended a charity to friends, family, or colleagues. That compares with 75 percent of moderates and 59 percent of conservatives.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity

Last edited:
oubtful. A lot of contributions are anonymous and nobody knows their political affiliation.

I take it that you believe that Democrats/Progressives contribute as much or more to charities in time and money as do Republicans/Conservatives. If you believe that to be true, you are typically uninformed.

Well, provide your proof if you want to debate this...

You're so easy, this is hardly any fun.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity

By Peter Panepento

Households that describe themselves as conservative tend to give more money to charities than moderate and liberal households, according to a new survey.

In a survey of 3,300 households that donated money to charity in the past 12 months, the company Campbell Rinker, in Valencia, Calif., asked respondents about their political ideology.

Of those surveyed, those who live in conservative households donated an average of $3,255 to charities outside of places of worship during the past year. By comparison, moderate households donated $2,926 and liberal households donated $1,879.

Conservatives also give significantly more money to their place of worship than liberals and moderates.

The survey found conservatives gave, on average, $1,841 to their places of worship during the past year — compared with $1,115 for moderates and $499 for liberals.

But while conservatives give more than their peers, they are less likely to spread the word to others about their giving experiences.

Among liberal donors, 84 percent said they had recommended a charity to friends, family, or colleagues. That compares with 75 percent of moderates and 59 percent of conservatives.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity


Where did the respondents live?
Where were the 3,300 households located?
What were the questions asked?
What about non monetary giving?
Was the giving verified?
Firms with less than 20 workers made up 89.4 percent of businesses.

This means that you would adversely affect nearly 90% of the businesses in the US. That is not a case of the needs of the many.

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council
This is actually very misleading because it includes locally owned franchises such as McDonald’s and Burger King. Such businesses obviously never have supply problems.
That is not misleading. A franchise, in case you don't understand, is the business owner leasing a name. The business owner is still responsible for the business just as any mom or pop owner would be. My wife manages subways. They do have supply problems.
They definitely don’t have supply problems that hinder the success of the franchise. The employees just suck most of the time. If your wife runs a subway, she is dictated how she runs it by the corporation. She has some authority, but she must follow the rules laid out by the successful business that governs their products.

I see these threads all the time about the glory of capitalism. Capitalism fails quite often but the government subsidizes and bails it out quite often. Things got better for Americans when FDR came in with liberal and socialist policies after capitalism failed. Raised taxes on the extremely wealthy and corporations. Things went along pretty well, the working class advanced with higher wages, till reagan comes along a half century later convincing people that government is the cause of all our problems, while of course drastically lowering tax rates. Things have gone downhill for the working class ever since.
Capitalism fails on a regular basis and then socialism wipes its arse.

Socialism is the TP used to wipe it's ass.

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