People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.

I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?
How does a solid tax base help employees?
Modern infrastructure, public transportation, education, healthcare.....less tax burden on working Americans
It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.
If paying fair wages drives companies out of business, they deserve to be out of business

Unions make sure workers get fair wages

Except for the fact the word "fair" is ambiguous. What I might consider fair, you might consider not fair. Let's face it, how many people can you ask if they make enough money, they would say "yes I do?" I've known plenty of people that belonged to a union that complained they didn't make enough money.
Well let’s look at what is “fair” for American workers

Things like being able to buy a home, a car, support your family, not worry if you get sick, be able to retire someday

Things we used to call the American Dream. That dream is disappearing

The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.
It has gotten harder and harder to “earn” that American Dream

The working class used to be able to graduate HS and get a job where they could earn a decent standard of living, buy a home, take care of their family, send their kids to college

Yes, they EARN it. They give half their waking hours to their employers. In return, many have to turn to the taxpayers to subsidize substandard wages

I don't believe that.

What I see is that people whine, bitch complain and moan more than ever.

No one wants to go the extra mile. No one wants to sacrifice a bit of comfort for a reward that is a few years down the line.

And as I said the fact that people with full time jobs can get welfare is proof that it is too easy to get welfare and nothing else
I also assume there are not 55 million opportunities

Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts

so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?

I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts

so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?

I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.

If this was the case, janitors would be making 250k/yr because the demand would be high. Get it yet?
Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts

so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?

I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.

Where did I ever say anything about education?

And your hypothetical premise is just that, hypothetical.

You know as well as I do that there will always be people to sweep floors and deliver pizza. The point is that if those people never do anything but sweep floors or deliver pizza and are doing that same shitty job for years then it's BECAUSE THAT IS ALL THEY WANT.
Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts

so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?

I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.

Even poorer paying jobs would have to offer more.

During slow economic times, a McDonald's can get workers for minimum wage or something close to it. As people find better jobs in better economic times, McDonald's can't get workers. What are they supposed to do, close the restaurant? Of course not. They need to do something to compete for workers with other industries.

That's why McDonald's offers jobs several dollars above minimum wage, because they can't find workers to do that job for minimum wage.

Over the road truck drivers are hard to find because nobody wants to do that job any longer. That's why some companies are offering big bucks to attract people to the work. Walmart this year is paying close to 90K to attract drivers, and Walmart is the whipping boy for the Democrat party when it comes to accusations of underpaying employees. Their claim is they need hundreds of drivers they can't find.
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.

I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?
How does a solid tax base help employees?
Modern infrastructure, public transportation, education, healthcare.....less tax burden on working Americans

So when did they ever raise income taxes on working Americans because the wealthy got a tax reduction? Your payroll taxes are not income taxes, it's money you will eventually get back and more if you live the average lifespan in this country.
It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.
If paying fair wages drives companies out of business, they deserve to be out of business

Unions make sure workers get fair wages

Except for the fact the word "fair" is ambiguous. What I might consider fair, you might consider not fair. Let's face it, how many people can you ask if they make enough money, they would say "yes I do?" I've known plenty of people that belonged to a union that complained they didn't make enough money.
Well let’s look at what is “fair” for American workers

Things like being able to buy a home, a car, support your family, not worry if you get sick, be able to retire someday

Things we used to call the American Dream. That dream is disappearing

The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.
It has gotten harder and harder to “earn” that American Dream

The working class used to be able to graduate HS and get a job where they could earn a decent standard of living, buy a home, take care of their family, send their kids to college

Yes, they EARN it. They give half their waking hours to their employers. In return, many have to turn to the taxpayers to subsidize substandard wages

Of course they do. They can't go to a trade school and learn a new field of work. They can't work more than 40 hours a week. They can't find a second job. They can't restrain themselves from having kids until they can reasonably afford them. They have to be subsidized by taxpayers.
I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?

Okay, let's look at that. The government had plenty of funding after WWII made sure that they all paid their fair share.

As a result, billions were invested into infrastructure, education, etc... which also created jobs.

It also discouraged them from being too greedy. No point ripping off your employees and customers if the government was going to take most of it.

Government took most of it either way.

I still don't see how government taking more from your company (or company owner) entices your company to pay their employees more. It's illogical.
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.

What the rich were paying before Reagan would be just fine.

It would? Then why didn't Clinton do it before the Republicans took leadership of the House? How about DumBama when he had control over the House and Senate? He conned the country and passed Commie Care, so a huge tax hike on businesses and the wealthy should have been a shoe in.
Or they would have saved money by not paying fines, not paying workers comp, not losing merchandise due to damage, and having a happier workforce without a massive turnover rate.

Really? So how much did they pay in fines that exceeded the cost of safety equipment purchases? How does not having safety equipment affect the quality of the product? Sorry, but an employer has to pay workman's comp whether they have no accidents or ten a year.

See, this is your problem, you are way to fast to give up.

Why is it when government makes things harder in life, it's expected of me to only try harder? Here's a good idea: government stay out of my life and not make it hard on me and leave me alone?

Nah, that doesn't work for commies.
Really? So how much did they pay in fines that exceeded the cost of safety equipment purchases? How does not having safety equipment affect the quality of the product? Sorry, but an employer has to pay workman's comp whether they have no accidents or ten a year.

yes, the fines were excessive, because they weren't fixing the problems...

Why is it when government makes things harder in life, it's expected of me to only try harder? Here's a good idea: government stay out of my life and not make it hard on me and leave me alone?

Nah, that doesn't work for commies.

Yeah, here's the thing.

I really don't want you on the road if you don't have the physical capability to operate a truck barreling down the highway. I'm kind of glad the government is getting drivers like that off the road.

But by all means, give up, blame the government.... collect your welfare check that you totally "deserve" unlike those poor people.
Government took most of it either way.

I still don't see how government taking more from your company (or company owner) entices your company to pay their employees more. It's illogical.

I'm sure you don't. I'm sure you don't get that if you spend money on infrastructure and services, at a decent wage, that the private sector has to pay to match that.

Worked just fine up until the 1970s...

It would? Then why didn't Clinton do it before the Republicans took leadership of the House? How about DumBama when he had control over the House and Senate? He conned the country and passed Commie Care, so a huge tax hike on businesses and the wealthy should have been a shoe in.

You mean why didn't a conservative Democrat roll back most of the undeserved tax breaks the rich got? Gee. The few taxes he did raise drove them nuts....

Obama made the mistake of listening to the Supply Siders. Ironically, the economy really took off AFTER the Bush giveaways to the rich were allowed to expire.

I'm sure you don't. I'm sure you don't get that if you spend money on infrastructure and services, at a decent wage, that the private sector has to pay to match that.

Worked just fine up until the 1970s...

So did tube televisions, landline phones, and cars without fuel injection.

Sorry Joe, but you're old now. Things change. The union gravy trains were always temporary. There was no way they could last forever. Making 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts nearly went out with the horseshoe maker. Those people are no longer needed. They've been replaced by machines and automation. What the machines and automation can't do, the Chinese can. Taxes, regulations, and unions destroyed those jobs.

You mean why didn't a conservative Democrat roll back most of the undeserved tax breaks the rich got? Gee. The few taxes he did raise drove them nuts....

Obama made the mistake of listening to the Supply Siders. Ironically, the economy really took off AFTER the Bush giveaways to the rich were allowed to expire.

No, the federal reserve dumped trillions of dollars into the stock market. It had nothing to do with raising taxes. In fact, DumBama did nothing for the economy which is why it was the slowest recovery in recent history. You are so lost, you think the most leftist commie President we ever had was a conservative Democrat.

They have you people so hoodwinked, that you actually believe them about taxing the rich. They've been playing you people for a sucker all along, because even they know that confiscating more money from people that have it has negative economic ramifications. Because they know people like you would never accept the fact that the rich guy never loses. When you take money from them, they recoup that money from you.

If you work for them, you don't see pay increases, more employee contributions to your medical care plan and do see lower starting wages. If you buy their product or service, up go the prices. If you depend on their money for charity, your charity is going to suffer.

You on the left will never embrace these realities. When you see Warren or Sander's telling you that when they take money from the rich guy, he's just going to have to do with one less yacht, and you just believe them.
I really don't want you on the road if you don't have the physical capability to operate a truck barreling down the highway. I'm kind of glad the government is getting drivers like that off the road.

But by all means, give up, blame the government.... collect your welfare check that you totally "deserve" unlike those poor people.

I put into the system my entire life. If they are going to force me out, I'm getting it back. The "poor" never did that. They never put into the system, and always took out.

I'm glad you think that mindless bureaucrats know more about health and safety than doctors that spent 8 years in college to learn about medicine, and spent a lifetime practicing it. That's just where Big Brother wants you to be, believing government knows all and sees all.
Anyone can make their own opportunity and one person can make multiple opportunities for himself

IF he wants to and that's a BIG IF

The fact of the matter is that people don't want to do the work it takes to better themselves and would rather work in a shitty job and complain about it for their entire life.

We cannot make people more successful with government handouts

so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?

I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
so if everyone in the country decided they wanted to become CEO's we;d have 300 million CEOs and nobody doing the actual work?

I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work
I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work
lol. no one should be able to make too much money not hiring people, "off the street", so we don't have a homeless problem.
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.

I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?
How does a solid tax base help employees?
Modern infrastructure, public transportation, education, healthcare.....less tax burden on working Americans
All those corporate taxes will simply be passed on to the consumer via higher prices and on to the employees in lower wages and less benefits or fewer jobs

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