People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

Every generation sees the destruction of jobs and frets about what people are going to do in the future.

In 1900 more than half of the economy was involved in the production of food. Now a couple percent of the population produces more food than we could possibly eat. What happened to all those farmers who lost their jobs?

When I was a kid, there were uniformed elevator operators in most of the large office buildings in downtown Pittsburgh. When you pulled into a gas station, there was an attendant to pumped gas, checked your oil and tire pressure, and cleaned your windows...for free. Old guys - usually drunks - set up pins in the local bowling alleys. And so on.

Now we have millions of jobs that Rip Van Winkle - having slept for a couple generations - could not even imagine. Computer game designer. Et Cetera. New service companies are being formed every day that do valuable things for people who either don't know how or don't want to be bothered. It will never end. Automation itself will create new jobs.

Don't worry about it.



if computers/machines/robots are doing all the driving/lifting/toting/packaging/delivery/serving

what jobs will be left for humans?

what jobs will be left for 7 BILLION humans?
There will always be work for those who want to work. All some on the left are saying is that the Poor should not have to suffer simply so the Richest can get richer under our form of Capitalism with our Constitutional form of Government (on markets).

"There will always be work for those who want to work."

I don't believe this. There can be no doubt that we are headed for a day when machines/robots/computers/androids/drones will be doing MOST of the work. When that day comes I would not like to find that conservatives had created LAWS against housing/feeding people who do not work!

"All some on the left are saying is that the Poor should not have to suffer simply so the Richest can get richer."

a sentiment I agree with!

Nobody suffers because of the rich. If we took every dollar every rich person has in this country, how does that help you or I?
Every generation sees the destruction of jobs and frets about what people are going to do in the future.

In 1900 more than half of the economy was involved in the production of food. Now a couple percent of the population produces more food than we could possibly eat. What happened to all those farmers who lost their jobs?

When I was a kid, there were uniformed elevator operators in most of the large office buildings in downtown Pittsburgh. When you pulled into a gas station, there was an attendant to pumped gas, checked your oil and tire pressure, and cleaned your windows...for free. Old guys - usually drunks - set up pins in the local bowling alleys. And so on.

Now we have millions of jobs that Rip Van Winkle - having slept for a couple generations - could not even imagine. Computer game designer. Et Cetera. New service companies are being formed every day that do valuable things for people who either don't know how or don't want to be bothered. It will never end. Automation itself will create new jobs.

Don't worry about it.

This is true, but it's the same argument some have made about outsourcing.

Bolts come in from China on a ship. American workers have to unload those containers off the ship. Then American customs agents have to inspect the freight. American office people have to create the paperwork. From there, American truck drivers have to take those containers to a container rail yard and drop them. An American tow motor operator has to load them onto the train and secure them to the carts. From there, an American train engineer has to take them to various other container yard where they will be unladed, and put on other trucks. Then those parts get delivered to various warehouses. They are unloaded by American workers, counted and examined for damage, and once again, the warehouse office has to prepare the paperwork. Then truck drivers have to pick up the freight to take them to their final destination which are the customers in the area.

Were jobs created by outsourcing? You bet, but in the end, it's still a net job loss.
I hope you realize how stupid that sounds.

How many times do I have to tell you that not everyone will do what is necessary to better themselves financially?

When I was flipping houses I had people working for me and I can't count the times I offered overtime and even double time for people to work so we could get a house done ahead of schedule and people refused because they had to play in some beer belly softball game.

People literally gave up the opportunity to make an extra 500 dollars to play in a meaningless softball game.

This is indicative of a very large portion of the population

Now the couple guys I had that went the extra mile and proved to me that they knew what they were doing were the ones who I let run a crew and they not only got paid but they got a cut of the profits when we sold a house.

If you want a raise you can get it IF you can prove you are worth more to your boss, if not you take the skills you gained on one job and use them to get a better job. Or if you can identify a need and find a way to fill that need for people you can run a side business and even eventually make that side business your full time job

None of this is rocket science.

the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Every generation sees the destruction of jobs and frets about what people are going to do in the future.

In 1900 more than half of the economy was involved in the production of food. Now a couple percent of the population produces more food than we could possibly eat. What happened to all those farmers who lost their jobs?

When I was a kid, there were uniformed elevator operators in most of the large office buildings in downtown Pittsburgh. When you pulled into a gas station, there was an attendant to pumped gas, checked your oil and tire pressure, and cleaned your windows...for free. Old guys - usually drunks - set up pins in the local bowling alleys. And so on.

Now we have millions of jobs that Rip Van Winkle - having slept for a couple generations - could not even imagine. Computer game designer. Et Cetera. New service companies are being formed every day that do valuable things for people who either don't know how or don't want to be bothered. It will never end. Automation itself will create new jobs.

Don't worry about it.



if computers/machines/robots are doing all the driving/lifting/toting/packaging/delivery/serving

what jobs will be left for humans?

what jobs will be left for 7 BILLION humans?
There will always be work for those who want to work. All some on the left are saying is that the Poor should not have to suffer simply so the Richest can get richer under our form of Capitalism with our Constitutional form of Government (on markets).

"There will always be work for those who want to work."

I don't believe this. There can be no doubt that we are headed for a day when machines/robots/computers/androids/drones will be doing MOST of the work. When that day comes I would not like to find that conservatives had created LAWS against housing/feeding people who do not work!

"All some on the left are saying is that the Poor should not have to suffer simply so the Richest can get richer."

a sentiment I agree with!

Nobody suffers because of the rich. If we took every dollar every rich person has in this country, how does that help you or I?
You miss the social point under our form of Capitalism where those with the most Gold make the most Rules, for the rest of us.

It is about equal protection of the law even under our form of Capitalism due to the social-ism of Government via our social laws.

And about "market specialization" where the Richest simply use their Gold to their advantage as much as may be necessary and proper to obtain better privileges and immunities, and where the Poor may still benefit from equal protection of the law.
the conservative way;



40% enough to pay bills and keep lights on

30% barely keeping lights on

10% poverty

My way;

top 1% RICH (but not quite so rich)

20% well off

40% doing fine

20% doing ok

10% above poverty line

you keep saying everyone who doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an idiot.

Your assessment is; if you want more money educate yourself and get a better job.

To which I reply; we can't all be CEO"S (we can;t ALL have the best jobs!) SOMEBODY has to be a pizza delivery guy and somebody else has to fill gas tanks and someone else has to sweep the floors and YOU are certainly NOT going to pay any of those workers respectable wages. will ALWAYS say "I can get any idiot to do THAT job so I do NOT have to pay you!)

and YOU are TOO FKN STUPID to understand that while insisting that people MUCH SMARTER and MUCH MORE LOGICAL THAN YOU are "idiots"

So I repeat....
If everyone in the country over educated themselves with PHDs and MBAs they would ALL expect the BEST JOBS and there would be NOONE who wanted to do the LOW PAYING jobs.

All I ask is that any adult working a full time job doing ANYTHING should AT THE VERY FKN LEAST earn enough to live ABOVE FKN POVERTY.

Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Sorry Joe, but you're old now. Things change. The union gravy trains were always temporary. There was no way they could last forever. Making 50K a year turning nuts onto bolts nearly went out with the horseshoe maker. Those people are no longer needed. They've been replaced by machines and automation. What the machines and automation can't do, the Chinese can. Taxes, regulations, and unions destroyed those jobs.

But by that same logic, no one should make any kind of money doing those things...

They have you people so hoodwinked, that you actually believe them about taxing the rich. They've been playing you people for a sucker all along, because even they know that confiscating more money from people that have it has negative economic ramifications. Because they know people like you would never accept the fact that the rich guy never loses. When you take money from them, they recoup that money from you.

Actually, rich guys lose all the time... Just ask all the ones Stalin put in mass graves... or the ones Castro chased into the sea they probably died screaming 'What did I do wrong.

Herbert Hoover said it best, the problem with capitalism is capitalists, they are too fucking greedy. They need government to save them from themselves.

You on the left will never embrace these realities. When you see Warren or Sander's telling you that when they take money from the rich guy, he's just going to have to do with one less yacht, and you just believe them.

If the rich were able to get away with it, they wouldn't be shitting their expensive silk suits worried that Bernie or Warren might win. Instead, they hope they can squeeze Joe Biden in before Trump crashes the economy on them and make socialism evenmore popular.

I put into the system my entire life. If they are going to force me out, I'm getting it back. The "poor" never did that. They never put into the system, and always took out.

I'm glad you think that mindless bureaucrats know more about health and safety than doctors that spent 8 years in college to learn about medicine, and spent a lifetime practicing it. That's just where Big Brother wants you to be, believing government knows all and sees all.

No one is going to hold your doctor responsible if you run over a busload of nuns and orphans because someone should have taken your old decrepit ass off the road years ago.

Also, if you think you are going to get disability that easily, you are deluded. They'll make you apply for all sorts of other work, first.

My late sister went functionally blind a few years ago, couldn't work as a nurse. Still took two years before SSD would kick in for the old girl.

Well, I'm sure you can watch a YouTube video... and it will show you how to put together a good resume.
If the rich were able to get away with it, they wouldn't be shitting their expensive silk suits worried that Bernie or Warren might win. Instead, they hope they can squeeze Joe Biden in before Trump crashes the economy on them and make socialism evenmore popular.

I didn't say they didn't worry about it, what I said is that they will recoup that money elsewhere. To do that, it takes restructuring of the company and business model. Of course they want to give us the lowest cost products or services they can, and a tax would would be in the way from doing that.

No one is going to hold your doctor responsible if you run over a busload of nuns and orphans because someone should have taken your old decrepit ass off the road years ago.

Also, if you think you are going to get disability that easily, you are deluded. They'll make you apply for all sorts of other work, first.

My late sister went functionally blind a few years ago, couldn't work as a nurse. Still took two years before SSD would kick in for the old girl.

Well, I'm sure you can watch a YouTube video... and it will show you how to put together a good resume.

I'm glad you know more than my lawyer does about it. They specialize in representing truck drivers, and he said it's an open and shut case if he ever seen one.

Yes, they can hold doctors responsible. That's why you let doctors make such decisions and not bureaucrats. That's what they've been doing for many, many years; have your doctor sign you out. Then some government genius decided that it would be a great idea to find a doctor that didn't treat you to sign you out instead because they had to be government certified. Good luck finding one of those.

Out of the hundreds of government doctors I called, I finally found one guy that said he'd do it. And now that he's been doing it for the last couple of years, they throw another hurdle in the process.

So here I am, even though I can still work, they won't let me. I give up. They won.
Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

When people move up, it starves the lower skilled positions which means employers simply have to offer more. That's how you get those jobs to pay better--not government.

so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.
How about this....

You can have two kids.

Have a third, and you are fined $1 million.

If you can't pay, you are castrated or shot.

Have a fourth and you are shot, period....

We are in STAGE 1 of human overpopulation on Planet Earth.

We need to be much more "PRO DEATH" if we are to survive while allowing freedom of religion, the #1 source of the overpopulation....

Get pregnant out of wedlock ! Sign agreement to not receive any Govt benefits. Keep the children if you want too just take care of them yourself. I had to raise my children with no Govt assistance as a matter of fact I had to pay higher taxes to provide care for other peoples children you did too! If you ever had a job.
How about this....

You can have two kids.

Have a third, and you are fined $1 million.

If you can't pay, you are castrated or shot.

Have a fourth and you are shot, period....

We are in STAGE 1 of human overpopulation on Planet Earth.

We need to be much more "PRO DEATH" if we are to survive while allowing freedom of religion, the #1 source of the overpopulation....

Nah that's way to civil. Just take the kids away and smash their heads against a tree or rock or drown them! The Chinese have been doing it for Centuries. Or raise them to serve the Collective as worker drones, we could have a whole separate Population of workers. "regular people" wouldn't have to work and everything would be such a "Utopia"!
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
I don't disagree with your post but there are additional reasons for poverty:
  • Being born into a poor and/or immigrant family
  • Getting seriously ill
I was born into a poor immigrant family. The 2nd one I agree but that is a tiny minority.

You would think it should be a tiny minority, but I am personally alarmed at the increasing rates of disablity in our modern society.

I think it has to do with a confluence of factors, which the corporate media and the scientific dictatorship is loath to research or even admit.

The reason it is loath to admit these factors, has, mostly to do with the fact that treating these illnesses and disabilities in their early stages has been a boon to the mass industrialized medical industry.

Ever since the explosive success of vaccines, Big Pharma has gone on to mass produce them and an even grander scale, cheapening the adjuvants in them so they no longer need refrigeration, and using cheaper additives to make production more cost effective. My belief is there are most adverse reactions to the cheaper adjuvants. This, on top of the more rigorous and profound schedule of more numerous vaccines people are recommended to get.

Next, we have the food and water supply. There seems to be a marked increase in micro-toxins in both the food and water. From fluoride and hormones to Glyphosate, many chemicals are wrecking havoc on our many natural systems. When I was a kid, a few folks had something called Celiac's disease, now, Glyphosate toxicity, or leaky bowel syndrome masks itself as an allergic reaction to Gluten.

Related to food, is the mass production during the "green revolution" using modern agriculture. This uses mono-agriculture with mass fertilizer. What then happens is soil is leached of micro-nutrients that our ancestors used to get, that many foods no longer have. This, or the adjuncts cause many to have serious food allergies where we never had such things before.

Another problem that is plaguing society is cheap and plentiful sugar. The ph balance of a person's diet, along with the amount of calories consumed in sugar, seems to be greatly unbalanced. This again, causes many problems, i.e. diabetes, cancer, etc.

On top of this, the affects of low frequency EMF, how these interact with all the aforementioned toxins creating a whole new category of diseases on a massive scale that we have never seen in epidemic proportions. From alzheimer's, to chronic fatigue, to autism and a whole host of immunosuppressive diseases are now, again, epidemic. The mass media and literature seems to be in denial of this phenomenon.

. . . and to top off all of this, the media is equally in denial of the nightmarish intersection of the nutricide due to a lack of micro nutrients which I mentioned, with the toxic soup we all live in causing an historical epidemic rate of cancers. Why should the media alert the public, it is good for business.

But. . . to sit there and stammer. . . . " . . . . but that is a tiny minority."

I didn't say they didn't worry about it, what I said is that they will recoup that money elsewhere. To do that, it takes restructuring of the company and business model. Of course they want to give us the lowest cost products or services they can, and a tax would would be in the way from doing that.

Guy, tax cuts on the rich have no effect on economic performance... We've had recessions after tax cuts and economic booms after tax increases.

In fact, the Supply Side Voodoo has been so discredited that Conservatives don't even try to claim that it helps the economy. Their new talking point is the rich deserve to keep the money they squeeze out of the working class.

I'm glad you know more than my lawyer does about it. They specialize in representing truck drivers, and he said it's an open and shut case if he ever seen one.

Yes, they can hold doctors responsible. That's why you let doctors make such decisions and not bureaucrats. That's what they've been doing for many, many years; have your doctor sign you out. Then some government genius decided that it would be a great idea to find a doctor that didn't treat you to sign you out instead because they had to be government certified. Good luck finding one of those.

Out of the hundreds of government doctors I called, I finally found one guy that said he'd do it. And now that he's been doing it for the last couple of years, they throw another hurdle in the process.

So here I am, even though I can still work, they won't let me. I give up. They won.

A couple of telling things here. The first is you think this was some vast conspiracy against you personally. It seems like if there are a 100 doctors who say, "Meh, we don't think he should be driving a truck" maybe you shouldn't be driving a truck.

Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.


You could do customer service work. You seem articulate (see, I'm saying something nice about you) and have lots of experience dealing with the public. You could get a job as a dispatcher. You could get a job as a logistics broker. It really matters how you phrase your resume... (I'm sure that was on the magic YouTube video you watched.)
so if EVERY POOR PERSON in the USA suddenly decided to get some education and climb the employment ladder to greater success......

who would sweep your floors?
who would empty your dustbins?
who would deliver your pizza?

and if every woman decided to educate herself and get a better job who will perform your immoral and illegal sex acts on you?


somebody has to do them....

therefore; even if every person in the country had an MBA or a PHD (even from trump university!) you still have poor paying low level jobs that SOME PEOPLE have to do and NOT get paid for.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.

It's called disability insurance

If you had it then you would be getting up to 80% of your annual salary tax free.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.

It's called disability insurance

If you had it then you would be getting up to 80% of your annual salary tax free.

Your answer is technically correct, but you should check your percentage. A plan that pays 80% is as common as hen's teeth.50-60% is the norm for long term disability.
No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.

It's called disability insurance

If you had it then you would be getting up to 80% of your annual salary tax free.

Your answer is technically correct, but you should check your percentage. A plan that pays 80% is as common as hen's teeth.50-60% is the norm for long term disability.
You'll notice I said up to 80%

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.

It's called disability insurance

If you had it then you would be getting up to 80% of your annual salary tax free.

Your answer is technically correct, but you should check your percentage. A plan that pays 80% is as common as hen's teeth.50-60% is the norm for long term disability.
You'll notice I said up to 80%

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Show one that pays 80 percent.
Under our current regime of unemployment compensation. Labor should be able to obtain unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

No one should get paid not to work

So what are you supposed to do when you can't work? Die?
Can't work for what reason?

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Because you need to be certified by a government doctor to drive a CDL vehicle, and he won't re-certify me. If this happened 20 years ago, I could get training for a different line of work, but pushing 60, that's not even a consideration. By the time I'd get training in whatever, I'd be 61 or 62. Then I'd be an older rookie at whatever field of work trying to compete with younger folks for a job. This line of work is all I've ever really known.

Even in my line of work before I was forced to leave, I couldn't find any jobs when they realized my age. Yes, it's age discrimination, but almost impossible to prove. That and I'd never want to work for somebody that didn't want me there because my medical insurance premiums would be through the roof. And with my disabilities, I can't do any real physical work for a long period of time.

So I'm really kind of stuck.

It's called disability insurance

If you had it then you would be getting up to 80% of your annual salary tax free.

No, this is SS disability. The agent called me yesterday and explained how it works. To make a long story short, if approved, what I'd be getting is what I would have gotten if I worked until my full retirement age which for me is 67. So in a sense, all I'd really be doing is retiring early.
Solving simple poverty in a market friendly manner can only benefit the multiplier effect in a positive manner. A multiplier of two or more is a very positive effect upon any economy.
A couple of telling things here. The first is you think this was some vast conspiracy against you personally. It seems like if there are a 100 doctors who say, "Meh, we don't think he should be driving a truck" maybe you shouldn't be driving a truck.

When did I say it was a conspiracy? I don't think it's a conspiracy, I think there is just too much government stopping people from doing all kinds of things. It's about power. If it was about safety, they wouldn't allow these Fn foreigners who can read a word of English swerving all over the highway because they don't understand our highway signs, and making last second decisions on what lane they need to be in. Any American driver will tell you, these foreigners are an extreme danger on the road.

If somebody wants to come to this country and drive, fine with me. Fill out the written test in English like I had to do. Take the road and maneuverability test like I had to do. Demonstrate you have enough knowledge and experience to handle that vehicle like I had to do.

But no. The government apparently lets them come in from whatever country and honors their license. That's why watching them trying to back in a trailer is like watching a blind person trying to do it. In their country, getting a comparable CDL license is nothing but a fee that anybody can get.


You could do customer service work. You seem articulate (see, I'm saying something nice about you) and have lots of experience dealing with the public. You could get a job as a dispatcher. You could get a job as a logistics broker. It really matters how you phrase your resume... (I'm sure that was on the magic YouTube video you watched.)

Well thanks for the compliment, but you are making suggestions to me as if I was 30 years old. But I'm an old guy now, and getting a job that pays a livable wage at this age with no experience at anything is damn near impossible. The cost to the company just for medical insurance alone makes me the least qualified. Hell, in spite of my outstanding driving record and experience, I couldn't find anybody to reply to my emails for a job because of my age in my own field of work.

It's not like when we were younger and you could land such a job and learn while working. Those jobs don't pay crap anymore. You need to be in a professional field of work to make a living today.

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