People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

Who said you had to be concerned?

My job was fine until you Communists got power. That's what screwed me and millions like me. But no matter how many times I have to repeat this to you, I still see you sitting in the corner. :lalala:

Your job was fine until they got you to abandon unions
Do You think the Teamsters would allow your employer not to give health insurance?

It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.
If paying fair wages drives companies out of business, they deserve to be out of business

Unions make sure workers get fair wages

Except for the fact the word "fair" is ambiguous. What I might consider fair, you might consider not fair. Let's face it, how many people can you ask if they make enough money, they would say "yes I do?" I've known plenty of people that belonged to a union that complained they didn't make enough money.
Well let’s look at what is “fair” for American workers

Things like being able to buy a home, a car, support your family, not worry if you get sick, be able to retire someday

Things we used to call the American Dream. That dream is disappearing

The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.
I would have done much better by a union closing up the company I worked for???

Um, yeah... Companies that don't offer good pay deserve to go out of business. Best thing that happened to me in my career was that the first post-Army job I had was a shitty little company where the two entitled punks who took it over from Mommy and Daddy ran it into the ground after a year.

Yes it is, but unions can't save that. There is a reason companies and even employees got rid of their unions. Trust me, our company lost business because of unions. I delivered crates to companies that were moving out of state or out of the country because of unions.

If a company can't stay competitive because they are paying a "fair wage" what do you want them to do outside of closing up? They have to move to get away from them. They have no choice.

Actually, your company probably lost business because it sucks and you have a shitty attitude. Guys on the dock probably say, There's that asshole again!

No, I'm pointing out the obvious, and that is we spend much, much more money today than our parents did when we were kids, and that's at least partly responsible why people think they are not getting paid enough. My cousin came by two weeks ago to help me with an electrical problem. He said between him and his family, he was paying $400.00 a month just for his cell phone plan. Years ago, nobody would have dreamed of spending that kind of money for a convenience and entertainment. My cousin is far from alone. I've had other people tell me similar stories.

So you friend is an idiot who doesn't know how to shop?

How do you have a job for life when your union closes down the company you work for?

Unions are incapable of closing down companies. Rich greedy people do that.

So here's what they ought to do.

When some rich asshole closes down a factory, they should do to him what they do to that jerk who slapped a reporter on the butt during a race... totally out him and make him hated.

Unions used to work because everyone- even non-union members - supported them. The trick the One Percent have managed to pull off since Tricky Dick is playing working people against each other... you are a fine example.

I couldn't agree with you more on the labeling, but I don't know if it would make that much of a difference. People who really care can look at the packaging to see where their products are made. You may need reading glasses, but it can be done. The 1% compete against each other. They cater to customer demands. Why do you think Walmart is number one today, because they carry more expensive American made products?

No, Walmart is where it's at because of it's unethical practices. The go into a town, undercut all the local businesses, and then when main street is a ghost town, they close up and move to the next town over.
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.

I will not go into the numbers, but lets just say I pay plenty...more than many people make in a year and I am not a billionaire. What do you consider rich?
We can solve simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States via unemployment compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment.

Other than the social horror for the Right Wing of the Poor being able to benefit; what objection can there be to solving simple poverty in our Republic with existing legal and physical infrastructure in our at-will employment States?
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.

I will not go into the numbers, but lets just say I pay plenty...more than many people make in a year and I am not a billionaire. What do you consider rich?
He thinks anyone with one cent more than he has is rich
Um, yeah... Companies that don't offer good pay deserve to go out of business. Best thing that happened to me in my career was that the first post-Army job I had was a shitty little company where the two entitled punks who took it over from Mommy and Daddy ran it into the ground after a year.

So how would a union have kept them open?

Actually, your company probably lost business because it sucks and you have a shitty attitude. Guys on the dock probably say, There's that asshole again!

Actually our customers loved me. It's why my boss will miss me working there. I haven't spent a career working with the people being an asshole. Nobody lasts very long that way. We've had some at our company who were like that.

So you friend is an idiot who doesn't know how to shop?

Depends. You get what you pay for. My father went to T-Mobile to get lower rates than Verizon. His voice would fade in and out, at times the call was just dropped, his phone didn't ring half the time, and the rest of the family made comments about talking to him over that network. I have even sent him text messages he never got.

With Verizon, I never had a call dropped, fade, or not get a message through. It's expensive, but like I said, you get what you pay for, and very few Verizon customers are unhappy with the service.

Unions are incapable of closing down companies. Rich greedy people do that.

So here's what they ought to do.

When some rich asshole closes down a factory, they should do to him what they do to that jerk who slapped a reporter on the butt during a race... totally out him and make him hated.

Unions used to work because everyone- even non-union members - supported them. The trick the One Percent have managed to pull off since Tricky Dick is playing working people against each other... you are a fine example.

Unions worked because it didn't make sense to move anywhere else. Even low wage countries were closer to our wage than they are today. Today they work for much, much less than we do, so it makes sense to take your company overseas, or at the very least, a right to work state.

No, Walmart is where it's at because of it's unethical practices. The go into a town, undercut all the local businesses, and then when main street is a ghost town, they close up and move to the next town over.

There have been very few cases like that. In most cases, Walmart is what's considered an anchor store. In other words, Walmart draws new businesses to a mall or shopping center. Without an anchor store, smaller stores don't stand a chance at surviving depending on where you go.
I will not go into the numbers, but lets just say I pay plenty...more than many people make in a year and I am not a billionaire. What do you consider rich?

Again, I'd be happy to go to the tax structure we had before Reagan.
So how would a union have kept them open?

Well, first, they'd have to meet certain standards to be in business.... our biggest fight with them was that they were too fucking cheap to buy safety equipment.... so every outgoing employee made a point of calling OSHA on the way out.

Cost them a lot of money, probably contrubuted to their demise.

It's why my boss will miss me working there. I haven't spent a career working with the people being an asshole.

Guy, if your boss gave a shit about you, he'd make sure you had decent health insurance... but I don't want to speculate on your co-dependent relationship.
Well, first, they'd have to meet certain standards to be in business.... our biggest fight with them was that they were too fucking cheap to buy safety equipment.... so every outgoing employee made a point of calling OSHA on the way out.

Cost them a lot of money, probably contrubuted to their demise.

I see......and if you had a union, they would have made them spend a ton of money many years earlier and closed down then.

Guy, if your boss gave a shit about you, he'd make sure you had decent health insurance... but I don't want to speculate on your co-dependent relationship.

Well that story has ended. I can't work any longer and I'm not going to try. I'll just be a government dependent like you Democrats love so much.
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.
The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.

Here's the thing. When you had unions and fair labor practices and the RICH PAID THEIR FAIR SHARE, people had enough money to own their houses and cars, sometimes outright.
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.

I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?
I see......and if you had a union, they would have made them spend a ton of money many years earlier and closed down then.

Or they would have saved money by not paying fines, not paying workers comp, not losing merchandise due to damage, and having a happier workforce without a massive turnover rate.

Well that story has ended. I can't work any longer and I'm not going to try. I'll just be a government dependent like you Democrats love so much.

See, this is your problem, you are way to fast to give up.
I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?

Okay, let's look at that. The government had plenty of funding after WWII made sure that they all paid their fair share.

As a result, billions were invested into infrastructure, education, etc... which also created jobs.

It also discouraged them from being too greedy. No point ripping off your employees and customers if the government was going to take most of it.
I would like to know who they paid their fair share to. If it was government, how did that help any of the employees?

Okay, let's look at that. The government had plenty of funding after WWII made sure that they all paid their fair share.

As a result, billions were invested into infrastructure, education, etc... which also created jobs.

It also discouraged them from being too greedy. No point ripping off your employees and customers if the government was going to take most of it.

Do you believe in raising corporate taxes across the board?
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

I would say don't buy into the college is for everyone nonesense. In fact I would say if your not smart enough to major in something like Mathmatics, Accounting, Engineering, Medicine/ Nursing, Physics, Chemistry/ Biology, 1st/ 2nd Tier Law School ... then your probably better off skipping college and doing instead trade school, truck driving, an apprenticeship in something or construction.

Relocate somwhere where the weather is so awful no one wants to live there but there are a ton of jobs like North Dakota. Everyone wants to live in sunny Florida, but good luck finding a good paying job there.
Your job was fine until they got you to abandon unions
Do You think the Teamsters would allow your employer not to give health insurance?

It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.
If paying fair wages drives companies out of business, they deserve to be out of business

Unions make sure workers get fair wages

Except for the fact the word "fair" is ambiguous. What I might consider fair, you might consider not fair. Let's face it, how many people can you ask if they make enough money, they would say "yes I do?" I've known plenty of people that belonged to a union that complained they didn't make enough money.
Well let’s look at what is “fair” for American workers

Things like being able to buy a home, a car, support your family, not worry if you get sick, be able to retire someday

Things we used to call the American Dream. That dream is disappearing

The dream is there, but it has to be earned. That seems to be the little tidbit that today's Liberals have forgotten. Nobody deserves to be able to buy a home or a car just because they live in the US.
It has gotten harder and harder to “earn” that American Dream

The working class used to be able to graduate HS and get a job where they could earn a decent standard of living, buy a home, take care of their family, send their kids to college

Yes, they EARN it. They give half their waking hours to their employers. In return, many have to turn to the taxpayers to subsidize substandard wages
Here’s the thing. JoeB always types that. Why we have no idea. Define “fair share” JoeB. I ll wait patiently.

What the rich were paying before Reagan would be just fine.
It was the same as now. The net tax rate has always been around same. Reagan lowered the tax rate but took away a lot of loopholes. Poor JoeB. Schooled by a Jew (me) again.
Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010
The loopholes came back, they always do

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