People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

One can use the wayback machine to find the exact same stance during our gilded age Ray

oh and, fwiw, i was a teamster before i was a spark ,in fact worked a number of trucking outfits , union & non union.

the difference was phenomenal, and big box stores KNOW it

I won't deny unions once had a worth in this country, but so did the horseshoe maker and ice man.

Unions might still be okay today if the unions of the past didn't get so greedy. And being in the transportation industry, I have dozens and dozens of union stories, some unbelievable, and some just plain ridiculous.

But since you brought up trucking, years ago (when more unions were around) we were waiting to get into the dock. I started talking with a driver who belonged to a union company. He was thrilled that another last minute pickup came in that he didn't take. The union rules were that any OT offered must go to the most senior drivers first, and then down the line if they don't want the pickup.

So what the union demanded is they offer it to this guy first, even though the pickup was clear across the other side of town. It was cheaper to have the driver in the area make the pickup, and have to pay the driver I was talking to as well. So he got paid for nothing.

How can a company stay in business against any non-union company like ours, where my dispatcher would simply do what they did, and call a driver on the other side of town? There is no way to compete like that. I guess that's why they sold the company.

You keep brining up your stories, Ray, but the statistics and the facts don't bear out any of them. You don't seem to have any problem at all with the hundreds of companies which have shut down because of Trump's steel tariff's and will quickly deny that right wing policies have put you where you are, but you are quick to blame the unions for loss of jobs.

Corporations are now paying the same level of wages as a percentage of costs as they were paying in the Guilded Age - before the rise of unions. Corporate profits are at record highs and going every higher. You're right. It was greed that killed the unions but it wasn't union greed, it was corporate greed.

As for union corruption, that's a legal matter, not a union matter. Why was this allowed to happen? Did corporate interests work with organized crimes because the fastest way to discredit unions was to make them look like greedy criminals? I say this because the USA is the only first world country where the union movement was corrupted by organized crime. For this to happen, someone has to turn a blind eye, in a very big way?

When business and corporate interests took over Washinton in the wake of the Reagan election, the full media onslaught was to portray all unions as illegal, and corrupt, when in fact unions like the Teamsters were completely corrupted, but most unions, including teachers' unions, were not.

Countries where the unions are respected and strong, are maintaining higher level of worker wages, and have a growing middle class.
One can use the wayback machine to find the exact same stance during our gilded age Ray

oh and, fwiw, i was a teamster before i was a spark ,in fact worked a number of trucking outfits , union & non union.

the difference was phenomenal, and big box stores KNOW it

I won't deny unions once had a worth in this country, but so did the horseshoe maker and ice man.

Unions might still be okay today if the unions of the past didn't get so greedy. And being in the transportation industry, I have dozens and dozens of union stories, some unbelievable, and some just plain ridiculous.

But since you brought up trucking, years ago (when more unions were around) we were waiting to get into the dock. I started talking with a driver who belonged to a union company. He was thrilled that another last minute pickup came in that he didn't take. The union rules were that any OT offered must go to the most senior drivers first, and then down the line if they don't want the pickup.

So what the union demanded is they offer it to this guy first, even though the pickup was clear across the other side of town. It was cheaper to have the driver in the area make the pickup, and have to pay the driver I was talking to as well. So he got paid for nothing.

How can a company stay in business against any non-union company like ours, where my dispatcher would simply do what they did, and call a driver on the other side of town? There is no way to compete like that. I guess that's why they sold the company.

You keep brining up your stories, Ray, but the statistics and the facts don't bear out any of them. You don't seem to have any problem at all with the hundreds of companies which have shut down because of Trump's steel tariff's and will quickly deny that right wing policies have put you where you are, but you are quick to blame the unions for loss of jobs.

Corporations are now paying the same level of wages as a percentage of costs as they were paying in the Guilded Age - before the rise of unions. Corporate profits are at record highs and going every higher. You're right. It was greed that killed the unions but it wasn't union greed, it was corporate greed.

As for union corruption, that's a legal matter, not a union matter. Why was this allowed to happen? Did corporate interests work with organized crimes because the fastest way to discredit unions was to make them look like greedy criminals? I say this because the USA is the only first world country where the union movement was corrupted by organized crime. For this to happen, someone has to turn a blind eye, in a very big way?

When business and corporate interests took over Washinton in the wake of the Reagan election, the full media onslaught was to portray all unions as illegal, and corrupt, when in fact unions like the Teamsters were completely corrupted, but most unions, including teachers' unions, were not.

Countries where the unions are respected and strong, are maintaining higher level of worker wages, and have a growing middle class.

I didn't bring up union corruption--you did. So apparently that's on your mind.

Yes, I do blame unions based on my vast number of experiences with them. We have lost dozens of customers because of unions throughout the years. They either moved out of state or out of the country to get away from them.

What jobs were lost in the steel industry? I live in a steel town, our steel mills have never been better.

Republic Steel’s Lorain mill to start production within months

As for Reagan, he only went after one group of union workers. That was it. The union support stopped when people seen their jobs leaving the US for other countries. Reagan had nothing to do with that.
The problem with unions is that they virtually took over the industries where they existed. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, who they could or could not promote, what kind of wages and benefits their workers will get.

Ideally, their members get a vote

Most of the things unions stood for in the day, government has taken over. Things like safety and overtime.
Indeed they do.

So how does governance factor in would be the grand Q

one would think the creation of a level playing field would be an end goal, where capitalism flourishes.

this is where the libertarians and free market folks could well argue the devil & details...

imho, the Gub'Mit represents the interests of corporatists and globalists by legislating that which only the 'big dogs' can aspire to, and 'small dogs' get eaten by them

Corporations are now paying the same level of wages as a percentage of costs as they were paying in the Guilded Age - before the rise of unions. Corporate profits are at record highs and going every higher. You're right. It was greed that killed the unions but it wasn't union greed, it was corporate greed.

Glaringly apparent, and statistically acrobatic in the sense that factoring in that minority % to an entire economy portrays it as utopia

which begs the trickle down argument , along with all tyhe gnashing of teeth & wringing of hands....

As for union corruption, that's a legal matter, not a union matter. Why was this allowed to happen? Did corporate interests work with organized crimes because the fastest way to discredit unions was to make them look like greedy criminals? I say this because the USA is the only first world country where the union movement was corrupted by organized crime. For this to happen, someone has to turn a blind eye, in a very big way?

More i'd say corporate interests lobbied congresscritters 4-5 tax brackets higher than before they held office DragonLady


When business and corporate interests took over Washington in the wake of the Reagan election, the full media onslaught was to portray all unions as illegal, and corrupt, when in fact unions like the Teamsters were completely corrupted, but most unions, including teachers' unions, were not.

As for Reagan, he only went after one group of union workers. That was it

Yet was the shot heard 'round the world' for the WOL to progress, along with this generations mainfestations like Scott Walker

So you see, the issue is multi faceted , there is no simple solution to complex problems, albit simpletons abound parroting what politicians tell them to

Don't be one....

Just a suggestion

Ray is correct, there are plenty of jobs that pay well that are not executive level. Hard work, a good attitude and a little ambition will do wonders for a career.

Again- Ray works for a trucking company that cancelled his health insurance plan. When I asked him why he just doesn't send out resumes and get a better job... he whined the government won't let him take certain jobs. When I did a search on Indeed for his market, I gave him links to several jobs... and he had an excuse why he wouldn't want to work for that company.

Oh, yeah, and he lives in a crime-ridden suburb where his Section 8 Neighbors keep him up at night and he spends all day listening to the police scanners...
I didn't bring up union corruption--you did. So apparently that's on your mind.

Yes, I do blame unions based on my vast number of experiences with them. We have lost dozens of customers because of unions throughout the years. They either moved out of state or out of the country to get away from them.

Again, your argument would have validity if your customers were beaten in the market place by non-union labor.

They weren't. The Germans and Japanese have stronger unions than we have.
Please explain. I live in a right to work state, which is great, because industries come here and will pay good money to those that work hard. Are you saying right to work states are racist in their employment practices?

Still enjoying that promotion to Head Possum Catcher, are you?
How about pulling out? Duh? Don't be stupid.
Yeah guys are 100# effective at that. Talk about stupid...

Never said 100% but it is better than gambling. The girl can also say no glove no love or take the pill.
No man should trust a woman to take birth control.

If you literally do not see her take her birth control pill every day then you better assume she's not taking it at all

I agree with you. Just pull out.

Wear a rubber.

Pulling out is far less effective

Right! Just like in basketball, some players dribble before they shoot!
It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.

Uh, the only thing driving companies out of business is the greed of Wall Street.

The Republicans believe that the solution is to bring those from from the bottom up. The Democrat solution is to bring those from the top down.

50 years since Tricky Dick preached that nonsense, and five more Repuke presidents since then... If anything, more working class whites have found themselves on the bottom.

And this is the tragic horror of Trumpism. You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did. But you are too stupid to realize, guys like Trump are the ones who stole your "Middle Class" lifestyle.

So you sit in your miserable little hovel, listening to the police scanner all night, muttering about how the darkies have ruined things for you because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.
You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did.

mind your manners Joe

that'll be MR. stupid, working class, uneducated white people

now you'll please excuse me , it's sunday and i've work to do!!!

People are poor because of federal reserve monetary manipulation and excessive taxation.

That’s it. End of story. Fix those 2 things and “poverty” won’t be an income level anymore.
50 years since Tricky Dick preached that nonsense, and five more Repuke presidents since then... If anything, more working class whites have found themselves on the bottom.

And this is the tragic horror of Trumpism. You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did. But you are too stupid to realize, guys like Trump are the ones who stole your "Middle Class" lifestyle.

So you sit in your miserable little hovel, listening to the police scanner all night, muttering about how the darkies have ruined things for you because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

Sorry to inform you and Dragon, but the union era was a bubble, and all bubbles bust, just like the housing bubble, just like the tech bubble.

So tell me Joe, how good was it in our parents time? How often did you go to fast food compared to people today? To any restaurant? To the movies? Where did you go on vacation? What was your entertainment back then and how much did they spend on it? How old was your vehicle, and how many vehicles in your household?

Hell, today, even our poor and homeless have cell phones for crying out loud. We spend money on all kinds of non-necessary crap that nobody dreamed of years ago: newest video game systems, cable or satellite television, satellite radio, internet, cell phones for every member of your household, with unlimited call, text and data time........

As I posted earlier (or perhaps another thread) the average home today is three times the size it was of those homes in the 1950's. Yes, in some ways we had it better back then, and in some ways much worse. But all and all, would you rather be living back in the 60's today, or living like you do now?
I didn't bring up union corruption--you did. So apparently that's on your mind.

Yes, I do blame unions based on my vast number of experiences with them. We have lost dozens of customers because of unions throughout the years. They either moved out of state or out of the country to get away from them.

Again, your argument would have validity if your customers were beaten in the market place by non-union labor.

They weren't. The Germans and Japanese have stronger unions than we have.

The Japanese and Germans have more solidarity with their people and workers than we do. Where are all those American made products in our stores today? Oh, that's right, not many of them. Our stores are loaded with imported crap made in third world countries. You people want to live in Walmart and then come home and complain there are no good paying jobs around, and you can't figure it out yet.

You and I are in the widget business. My widgets are made in Vietnam and with shipping, I can sell them for six dollars a piece. Your widgets are made here, in a union shop, that forces you to overpay workers, and provide benefits that cost twice as much as your payroll. You can only afford to sell your widgets at thirteen dollars each. How long do you suppose you can stay in business against me?

Of course businesses move out because of competition. It's either move out or close down; one or the other in most cases. Trust me, I've delivered crates to companies that did go, and pretty much talking with the supervisor, or in some cases, the company owner, they all pretty much had the same story to tell.
Ray is correct, there are plenty of jobs that pay well that are not executive level. Hard work, a good attitude and a little ambition will do wonders for a career.

Again- Ray works for a trucking company that cancelled his health insurance plan. When I asked him why he just doesn't send out resumes and get a better job... he whined the government won't let him take certain jobs. When I did a search on Indeed for his market, I gave him links to several jobs... and he had an excuse why he wouldn't want to work for that company.

Oh, yeah, and he lives in a crime-ridden suburb where his Section 8 Neighbors keep him up at night and he spends all day listening to the police scanners...

I explained my situation several times, but it's hard to get through thick heads, especially those who have severe mental disabilities like you do. The government stops me from accepting 98% of the jobs, but again, you have the memory of an alzheimer's patient. You gave me one job, and I'm very familiar with the company. Yeah, they give you access to medial care if you could afford it. But the low wages they pay make that a real challenge. In fact one of our customers uses their service. That's why they are calling us all the time; because their drivers refuse to take some stops because the pay is so low because they get paid per stop, not per hour.

30 years ago this was a great, quiet and safe neighborhood. Bet you can't guess how it got to the way it is today.
Indeed they do.

So how does governance factor in would be the grand Q

one would think the creation of a level playing field would be an end goal, where capitalism flourishes.

this is where the libertarians and free market folks could well argue the devil & details...

imho, the Gub'Mit represents the interests of corporatists and globalists by legislating that which only the 'big dogs' can aspire to, and 'small dogs' get eaten by them

Well I've heard that so many times, but it begs the question: If business is so in bed with politicians, why all the business regulations? Why (until Trump) were our corporations paying the most taxes in the industrialized world? Whey didn't they create such a wonderful business environment, nobody would want to leave or have to outsource?

Yet was the shot heard 'round the world' for the WOL to progress, along with this generations mainfestations like Scott Walker

So you see, the issue is multi faceted , there is no simple solution to complex problems, albit simpletons abound parroting what politicians tell them to

Don't be one....

Just a suggestion

I parrot nobody, especially when it comes to business. I learn by talking to people, by visiting several industries every day; staying up to date on their progress, or watch when their demise when things are not done properly.
50 years since Tricky Dick preached that nonsense, and five more Repuke presidents since then... If anything, more working class whites have found themselves on the bottom.

And this is the tragic horror of Trumpism. You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did. But you are too stupid to realize, guys like Trump are the ones who stole your "Middle Class" lifestyle.

So you sit in your miserable little hovel, listening to the police scanner all night, muttering about how the darkies have ruined things for you because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

Sorry to inform you and Dragon, but the union era was a bubble, and all bubbles bust, just like the housing bubble, just like the tech bubble.

So tell me Joe, how good was it in our parents time? How often did you go to fast food compared to people today? To any restaurant? To the movies? Where did you go on vacation? What was your entertainment back then and how much did they spend on it? How old was your vehicle, and how many vehicles in your household?

Hell, today, even our poor and homeless have cell phones for crying out loud. We spend money on all kinds of non-necessary crap that nobody dreamed of years ago: newest video game systems, cable or satellite television, satellite radio, internet, cell phones for every member of your household, with unlimited call, text and data time........

As I posted earlier (or perhaps another thread) the average home today is three times the size it was of those homes in the 1950's. Yes, in some ways we had it better back then, and in some ways much worse. But all and all, would you rather be living back in the 60's today, or living like you do now?
The left don’t ever want to take accountability for their economic situation. They should be free to spend however much they want on whatever they want and that’s nobody’s business. But then when they reach into our pockets for our tax money, how they spend that is also none of our business. They have no concept of what poor and rich actually are because they’re selfish materialistic idiots. It used to be a chicken in every pot, which at least made sense. Now they aren’t happy unless anyone who has more money than them is brought down to their level
50 years since Tricky Dick preached that nonsense, and five more Repuke presidents since then... If anything, more working class whites have found themselves on the bottom.

And this is the tragic horror of Trumpism. You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did. But you are too stupid to realize, guys like Trump are the ones who stole your "Middle Class" lifestyle.

So you sit in your miserable little hovel, listening to the police scanner all night, muttering about how the darkies have ruined things for you because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

Sorry to inform you and Dragon, but the union era was a bubble, and all bubbles bust, just like the housing bubble, just like the tech bubble.

So tell me Joe, how good was it in our parents time? How often did you go to fast food compared to people today? To any restaurant? To the movies? Where did you go on vacation? What was your entertainment back then and how much did they spend on it? How old was your vehicle, and how many vehicles in your household?

Hell, today, even our poor and homeless have cell phones for crying out loud. We spend money on all kinds of non-necessary crap that nobody dreamed of years ago: newest video game systems, cable or satellite television, satellite radio, internet, cell phones for every member of your household, with unlimited call, text and data time........

As I posted earlier (or perhaps another thread) the average home today is three times the size it was of those homes in the 1950's. Yes, in some ways we had it better back then, and in some ways much worse. But all and all, would you rather be living back in the 60's today, or living like you do now?
The left don’t ever want to take accountability for their economic situation. They should be free to spend however much they want on whatever they want and that’s nobody’s business. But then when they reach into our pockets for our tax money, how they spend that is also none of our business. They have no concept of what poor and rich actually are because they’re selfish materialistic idiots. It used to be a chicken in every pot, which at least made sense. Now they aren’t happy unless anyone who has more money than them is brought down to their level

A chicken in every pot, and a car in every driveway; a car the Democrats want to take from us.

Joe is my age, and I know he understands what life was like for us as children. I grew up in a nice middle-class suburb. However today, my father laughs when he tells us he spends more money on his cell phone every month than he paid for the mortgage on our home he built.

People back in the 60's and 70's were much, much more frugal than people today. My father made a great living, but saved every dime he could. My mother had a piggy bank in her bedroom for change. Today, I see people throw their change in the garbage can at the store. If they use a debit card, they don't take the receipt home and deduct it from their checking account. They throw those away at the store as well.

So if we don't make enough to live this lifestyle, we demand somebody do something about it except ourselves.
50 years since Tricky Dick preached that nonsense, and five more Repuke presidents since then... If anything, more working class whites have found themselves on the bottom.

And this is the tragic horror of Trumpism. You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did. But you are too stupid to realize, guys like Trump are the ones who stole your "Middle Class" lifestyle.

So you sit in your miserable little hovel, listening to the police scanner all night, muttering about how the darkies have ruined things for you because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

Sorry to inform you and Dragon, but the union era was a bubble, and all bubbles bust, just like the housing bubble, just like the tech bubble.

So tell me Joe, how good was it in our parents time? How often did you go to fast food compared to people today? To any restaurant? To the movies? Where did you go on vacation? What was your entertainment back then and how much did they spend on it? How old was your vehicle, and how many vehicles in your household?

Hell, today, even our poor and homeless have cell phones for crying out loud. We spend money on all kinds of non-necessary crap that nobody dreamed of years ago: newest video game systems, cable or satellite television, satellite radio, internet, cell phones for every member of your household, with unlimited call, text and data time........

As I posted earlier (or perhaps another thread) the average home today is three times the size it was of those homes in the 1950's. Yes, in some ways we had it better back then, and in some ways much worse. But all and all, would you rather be living back in the 60's today, or living like you do now?
The left don’t ever want to take accountability for their economic situation. They should be free to spend however much they want on whatever they want and that’s nobody’s business. But then when they reach into our pockets for our tax money, how they spend that is also none of our business. They have no concept of what poor and rich actually are because they’re selfish materialistic idiots. It used to be a chicken in every pot, which at least made sense. Now they aren’t happy unless anyone who has more money than them is brought down to their level

A chicken in every pot, and a car in every driveway; a car the Democrats want to take from us.

Joe is my age, and I know he understands what life was like for us as children. I grew up in a nice middle-class suburb. However today, my father laughs when he tells us he spends more money on his cell phone every month than he paid for the mortgage on our home he built.

People back in the 60's and 70's were much, much more frugal than people today. My father made a great living, but saved every dime he could. My mother had a piggy bank in her bedroom for change. Today, I see people throw their change in the garbage can at the store. If they use a debit card, they don't take the receipt home and deduct it from their checking account. They throw those away at the store as well.

So if we don't make enough to live this lifestyle, we demand somebody do something about it except ourselves.
It’s because media and pop culture have driven us to materialism and we don’t know how to be happy with whatever we have anymore. Wealthy has to mean a dollar amount now instead of blessings and health. They can’t grasp the concept that even though they don’t have a billion dollars, they’re still wealthier than a lot of those 1% in many other ways. And that’s because the collapse of the family unit. I see my happy little family I’m raising and I feel wealthy. They can’t understand that concept.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.
In some ways, I think that the Democratic party is still the "plantation party" for this reason and mindset alone.
So tell me Joe, how good was it in our parents time? How often did you go to fast food compared to people today? To any restaurant? To the movies? Where did you go on vacation? What was your entertainment back then and how much did they spend on it? How old was your vehicle, and how many vehicles in your household?


We did a weekly family resturant thing when I was growing up... and there were five kids, so that wasn't cheap. At least in the 60's. In the 70's, when Tricky Dick's economy started kicking in with double digit inflation, not so much.

Movies- Dad took us to the movies occassionally. Not like we had a lot of options because this was the 70's and movie makers realized they could show tits now and say "Fuck".

Vacations were kind of awesome, because my dad had this lake property back in Wisconsin. (I still own 20% of it.) Now, working class people couldn't afford a cabin up there... All our neighbors are rich... and us.

Cars- My Dad had four cars I remember between when I was old enough to remember such things and his death in 1981. Again, we lived in Chicago, which had great public transit. I didn't even need a car personally until I was 24.

Hell, today, even our poor and homeless have cell phones for crying out loud. We spend money on all kinds of non-necessary crap that nobody dreamed of years ago: newest video game systems, cable or satellite television, satellite radio, internet, cell phones for every member of your household, with unlimited call, text and data time........

THe "nonsense" crap aren't the key things to indicate wealth. I pay $94.00 a month for my phone right now... Unlimited text and data. It's not even 2% of my monthly budget.

As I posted earlier (or perhaps another thread) the average home today is three times the size it was of those homes in the 1950's. Yes, in some ways we had it better back then, and in some ways much worse. But all and all, would you rather be living back in the 60's today, or living like you do now?

Depends on what you are measuring... if you are talking about the number of TV channels.. Um, yeah. Today. If you are talking about whether or not a major illness will wipe you out financially.. then. Both of my parents died of cancer. Dad's good union plan took care of them. I couldn't even get Cigna to fix my fucking knee without a fight.

The Japanese and Germans have more solidarity with their people and workers than we do. Where are all those American made products in our stores today? Oh, that's right, not many of them. Our stores are loaded with imported crap made in third world countries. You people want to live in Walmart and then come home and complain there are no good paying jobs around, and you can't figure it out yet.

Oh, I've figured it out just fine. YOu dumbfucks blame the Chinese and the Vietnamese instead of the greedy-ass white assholes in the corner offices who opened up factories intentionally JUST TO FUCK WITH YOU. Because at the end of the day, you guys are always willing to blame the darkies.

You and I are in the widget business. My widgets are made in Vietnam and with shipping, I can sell them for six dollars a piece. Your widgets are made here, in a union shop, that forces you to overpay workers, and provide benefits that cost twice as much as your payroll. You can only afford to sell your widgets at thirteen dollars each. How long do you suppose you can stay in business against me?

Probably pretty well... you've obviously never done purchasing (which was my career for 20 years) or you wouldn't say anything so stupid.

Purchasing is a triad- Cost, Quality and Service. Your Vietnamese factory maybe wins on cost, and frankly, you can take away every right an American Worker has, and still not win there. (Don't worry, the GOP is working on that!) But where the union shop wins is in quality and service. If I need parts right now, and I need to know they are going to work, I go local.

Worked for a genius company that tried what you suggest.. they had to triple the quality department because the shit from Malaysia never worked right.

I explained my situation several times, but it's hard to get through thick heads, especially those who have severe mental disabilities like you do. The government stops me from accepting 98% of the jobs, but again, you have the memory of an alzheimer's patient. You gave me one job, and I'm very familiar with the company. Yeah, they give you access to medial care if you could afford it. But the low wages they pay make that a real challenge. In fact one of our customers uses their service. That's why they are calling us all the time; because their drivers refuse to take some stops because the pay is so low because they get paid per stop, not per hour.

Translation- You are happy in your abusive, co-dependent relationship and frankly, would rather blame Obama and the government for your misfortunes rather than improve you life. WE GOT THAT. It's just kind of, pathetic. I help people, all the time, who've been dealt worse hands than you have. But what they have that you lack is the motivation to better your situation.

30 years ago this was a great, quiet and safe neighborhood. Bet you can't guess how it got to the way it is today.

Yup, the One Percenters threw you away faster than Trump throws away Trophy Wives when they get fat.

Joe is my age, and I know he understands what life was like for us as children. I grew up in a nice middle-class suburb. However today, my father laughs when he tells us he spends more money on his cell phone every month than he paid for the mortgage on our home he built.

Does he understand the concept of inflation ?
You stupid, working class, uneducated white people KNOW you don't have it as good as your parents or grandparents did. But you are too stupid to realize, guys like Trump are the ones who stole your "Middle Class" lifestyle.

I have it MUCH better than my grandparents did. Sorry you don't.

So you sit in your miserable little hovel, listening to the police scanner all night, muttering about how the darkies have ruined things for you because it's always easier to kick down than to punch up.

You bring up race again. Nobody mentioned anything about "darkies" except you. Chip on your shoulder much?

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