People are poor because (not what the Leftists tell you).

Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

Who said you had to be concerned?

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.

My job was fine until you Communists got power. That's what screwed me and millions like me. But no matter how many times I have to repeat this to you, I still see you sitting in the corner. :lalala:

Your job was fine until they got you to abandon unions
Do You think the Teamsters would allow your employer not to give health insurance?

It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.
Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.

Ray is correct, there are plenty of jobs that pay well that are not executive level. Hard work, a good attitude and a little ambition will do wonders for a career.
Not any form of substitute for equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our At-Will employment States.

Please explain. I live in a right to work state, which is great, because industries come here and will pay good money to those that work hard. Are you saying right to work states are racist in their employment practices?
No, i am saying they are unnecessary and improper if the Poor don't have an actual Right to Work if they are "on the street".
Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart
Right wingers don't care as long the Poor benefit the least under our form of Capitalism.
Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart
Right wingers don't care as long the Poor benefit the least under our form of Capitalism.

That is simply untrue. There is no evidence that Repulicans don't want the poor to succeed but quite a bit of evidence that Democrats don't want anyone to be rich.
Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart
Right wingers don't care as long the Poor benefit the least under our form of Capitalism.

That is simply untrue. There is no evidence that Repulicans don't want the poor to succeed but quite a bit of evidence that Democrats don't want anyone to be rich.

The Republicans believe that the solution is to bring those from from the bottom up. The Democrat solution is to bring those from the top down.

The Democrat party exists for two reasons: government dependents and victims. If our country had no government dependents or victims, then who would need the Democrat party around? They only time you'd hear the name Democrat is in history books. Democrats need to expand on those two groups, not reduce them.
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Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart

Walmart receives an estimated $6.2 billion annually in mostly federal taxpayer subsidies," the report said. "The reason: Walmart pays its employees so little that many of them rely on food stamps, health care and other taxpayer-funded programs.

Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

You'll never get a Democrat to understand these facts
Good luck with that one

It’s Time to Get Billionaires Off of Welfare
The working families and middle class of this country should not have to subsidize the wealthiest people in the United States. That’s absurd. That’s what a rigged economy is all about.

The fact is that if employers in this country simply paid workers a living wage, taxpayers would save about $150 billion a year on federal assistance programs and millions of workers would be able to live in dignity and security.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

You'll never get a Democrat to understand these facts

It's so cold here, i saw a democrat with his hands in his OWN pockets.....~S~
Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart
Right wingers don't care as long the Poor benefit the least under our form of Capitalism.

That is simply untrue. There is no evidence that Repulicans don't want the poor to succeed but quite a bit of evidence that Democrats don't want anyone to be rich.
It is totally true. Nobody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
Wealth for the Richest doubled not Wages for the Poor.
Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

Who said you had to be concerned?

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.

My job was fine until you Communists got power. That's what screwed me and millions like me. But no matter how many times I have to repeat this to you, I still see you sitting in the corner. :lalala:

Your job was fine until they got you to abandon unions
Do You think the Teamsters would allow your employer not to give health insurance?

If we had unions, my employer would have closed the business decades ago. The reason we are open today is because we never had a union, and don't want one either. During the recession, many other trucking companies closed down. We survived; barely, but we made it through.
Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

Who said you had to be concerned?

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.

My job was fine until you Communists got power. That's what screwed me and millions like me. But no matter how many times I have to repeat this to you, I still see you sitting in the corner. :lalala:

Your job was fine until they got you to abandon unions
Do You think the Teamsters would allow your employer not to give health insurance?

It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.

Well you've certainly drunk the Republican Kool-Aid haven't you.

The rise of the union movement in the USA coincides with the rise of the American Middle Class. That's not an accident, that's "cause and effect". For the first time in history, workers had a voice in negotiating with their employers for wages and working conditions. A thriving middle class is necessary to a healthy successful economy, and the union movement helped create that thriving middle class.

But Reagan killed the goose that laid the golden egg, because Reagan believed in Milton Friedman's unfettered free market economics which said that anything that restricted the "free market" was bad. Reagan destroyed the American union movement, and with it, worker wages began to stagnate, and the Middle Class is no longer thriving.

In the EU and Canada, where the union movement is still alive and well, our middle class is still thriving and growing, and our wages are going up.
Why should they? Who's rule is that?

You people on the left think that a company exists to provide good paying jobs and benefits. Sorry to disappoint you, but that's not why somebody opens up a business. They open a business to provide product or services at a profit. There is no other reason for them to own a company.

Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

You don't have to be a CEO, have PhD or a MBA to make a decent living in this country. Plenty of trades are still in demand for workers. Some general labor still pays okay.

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart

So where is it written that the only reason Walmart can pay their employees that wage is because of government programs? Show me where this is written.

If we got rid of every social program today, Walmart would still pay the wages they've always paid. No business creates a wage based on what government does. Businesses don't care what government does with social programs. It doesn't affect them one way or the other.

You want to blame Walmart for the mistake we made by allowing social programs to subsidize those who don't want to work, or work very little. Guess what? Those programs have been with us before Walmart.
Then why should the rest of us be that concerned with businesses?

Who said you had to be concerned?

Again, says the guy who works for a bottom feeder trucking company that doesn't provide health insurance.

My job was fine until you Communists got power. That's what screwed me and millions like me. But no matter how many times I have to repeat this to you, I still see you sitting in the corner. :lalala:

Your job was fine until they got you to abandon unions
Do You think the Teamsters would allow your employer not to give health insurance?

It is quite astounding in this day and age that anyone would be arguing that we should bring back Unions in any state. Aside from being crooked, they are driving companies out of business.

Well you've certainly drunk the Republican Kool-Aid haven't you.

The rise of the union movement in the USA coincides with the rise of the American Middle Class. That's not an accident, that's "cause and effect". For the first time in history, workers had a voice in negotiating with their employers for wages and working conditions. A thriving middle class is necessary to a healthy successful economy, and the union movement helped create that thriving middle class.

But Reagan killed the goose that laid the golden egg, because Reagan believed in Milton Friedman's unfettered free market economics which said that anything that restricted the "free market" was bad. Reagan destroyed the American union movement, and with it, worker wages began to stagnate, and the Middle Class is no longer thriving.

In the EU and Canada, where the union movement is still alive and well, our middle class is still thriving and growing, and our wages are going up.

And that's why your unemployment rate is almost double ours.
If we had unions, my employer would have closed the business decades ago. The reason we are open today is because we never had a union, and don't want one either.

One can use the wayback machine to find the exact same stance during our gilded age Ray

oh and, fwiw, i was a teamster before i was a spark ,in fact worked a number of trucking outfits , union & non union.

the difference was phenomenal, and big box stores KNOW it

With 1.3 million U.S. employees—more than the population of Vermont and Wyoming combined—Walmart is by far the nation’s largest private-sector employer. It’s also one of the nation’s most aggressive anti-union companies, with a long history of trying to squelch unionization efforts. “People are scared to vote for a union because they’re scared their store will be closed,” said Barbara Gertz, an overnight Walmart stocker in Denver.

Walmart's War Against Unions -- and the U.S. Laws That Make It Possible | HuffPost

Group accuses Wal-Mart of illegal anti-union tactics

How America's Largest Employer Persuades Its Workers Not to Unionize

The rise of the union movement in the USA coincides with the rise of the American Middle Class. That's not an accident, that's "cause and effect". For the first time in history, workers had a voice in negotiating with their employers for wages and working conditions. A thriving middle class is necessary to a healthy successful economy, and the union movement helped create that thriving middle class.

My dearly departed union rep uncle would agree....

One can use the wayback machine to find the exact same stance during our gilded age Ray

oh and, fwiw, i was a teamster before i was a spark ,in fact worked a number of trucking outfits , union & non union.

the difference was phenomenal, and big box stores KNOW it

I won't deny unions once had a worth in this country, but so did the horseshoe maker and ice man.

Unions might still be okay today if the unions of the past didn't get so greedy. And being in the transportation industry, I have dozens and dozens of union stories, some unbelievable, and some just plain ridiculous.

But since you brought up trucking, years ago (when more unions were around) we were waiting to get into the dock. I started talking with a driver who belonged to a union company. He was thrilled that another last minute pickup came in that he didn't take. The union rules were that any OT offered must go to the most senior drivers first, and then down the line if they don't want the pickup.

So what the union demanded is they offer it to this guy first, even though the pickup was clear across the other side of town. It was cheaper to have the driver in the area make the pickup, and have to pay the driver I was talking to as well. So he got paid for nothing.

How can a company stay in business against any non-union company like ours, where my dispatcher would simply do what they did, and call a driver on the other side of town? There is no way to compete like that. I guess that's why they sold the company.
Agree, if you own a business that needs the taxpayers to support your workers, why should we care if you go out of business?

They don't need the taxpayers for anything. Democrats have allowed them to be on the dole. Walmart isn't responsible for anybody collecting welfare--the Democrats are.

By having the taxpayer support their workers, they are able to pay a reduced wage and keep the additional profit.

Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart
Right wingers don't care as long the Poor benefit the least under our form of Capitalism.

That is simply untrue. There is no evidence that Repulicans don't want the poor to succeed but quite a bit of evidence that Democrats don't want anyone to be rich.

The Republicans believe that the solution is to bring those from from the bottom up. The Democrat solution is to bring those from the top down.

The Democrat party exists for two reasons: government dependents and victims. If our country had no government dependents or victims, then who would need the Democrat party around? They only time you'd hear the name Democrat is in history books. Democrats need to expand on those two groups, not reduce them.
Maybe in right wing fantasy. In the real world, the right wing prefers the "institutional downward pressure on wages for the Poor", with their "work or die" political-philosophy.
Unions might still be okay today if the unions of the past didn't get so greedy.

On that i have to agree with you Ray

the teamsters ,in particular , undeniably had a long sketchy history

power corrupts, and they serve as grand example.

Further, we can cite many similar examples where some 'bloody do gooder' senario morphs into the same ends.

This is why i don't always leap at the left's grandiose suggestions

That said, i'll also not paint all that may be a good thing for the mid class w/broad brush

Unions were a good thing, and could be good for American workers again

How that sugars off is all about who holds the reins

Unions might still be okay today if the unions of the past didn't get so greedy.

On that i have to agree with you Ray

the teamsters ,in particular , undeniably had a long sketchy history

power corrupts, and they serve as grand example.

Further, we can cite many similar examples where some 'bloody do gooder' senario morphs into the same ends.

This is why i don't always leap at the left's grandiose suggestions

That said, i'll also not paint all that may be a good thing for the mid class w/broad brush

Unions were a good thing, and could be good for American workers again

How that sugars off is all about who holds the reins


The problem with unions is that they virtually took over the industries where they existed. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, who they could or could not promote, what kind of wages and benefits their workers will get.

Most of the things unions stood for in the day, government has taken over. Things like safety and overtime.

One of the last few customers we have were union. The employees kicked them out. The top job in the shop opened up, and the union forced the company to give the job to it's most senior member. The problem was, the guy couldn't do the job. The employer had to come out and do the job for him.

The other employees were pissed. Everybody wanted that job. But the employer was forbidden from giving it to the most qualified. He had to (by force) give it to the guy who was considered the most worthless in the company.

So they woke up and voted the union out. The company fired that guy, and two other employees that were a drag on the business that they could never get rid of before. Now a qualified senior worker has that job, the employees are much happier, and the business is running better. Getting rid of their union was a win for everybody.
Three Simple Rules Poor Teens Should Follow to Join the Middle Class

It has nothing to do with oppression, race, religion, etc.

Follow three simple rules and you will not be poor:

#1) Graduate High School

#2) Get a job

#3) Don't become a single parent.

This is from the LEFT leaning Brookings Institute. One way to pay down debt and improve our budget is to reduce entitlements such as welfare and this is a start.

Today, more than 40% of American children, including more than 70% of black children and 50% of Hispanic children, are born outside marriage.

The above is ridiculous. I would even consider paying young women NOT to have kids until marriage or they can afford it to make sure they don't get on welfare and continue this cycle.

I welcome all your thoughts. Even the crazy Leftist ones.

You'll never get a Democrat to understand these facts

It's so cold here, i saw a democrat with his hands in his OWN pockets.....~S~
I do not have an issue with Democrats. I have an issue with Leftists.

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