People Are So Desperate To Leave California

You'd better be careful what you say about that. People could easily misconstrue it. Like they do with Joe Biden.
Ah HA, so that's why Americans don't watch soccer. They don't ogle little girls.
Your conclusion is wrong. People from all over the world live in San Diego County and we border Mexico, where soccer is the most popular sport in the country. That's why this stadium is viable.
You just proved my conclusion is correct. The popularity in San Diego is driven by people from all over the world living there and proximity to Mexico (a foreign country) where soccer is popular. Two causes of foreigners propelling the popularity of soccer. Fewer Americans to completely ignore it. To few to even consider really.
We saw so much of that! We never could figure out how our neighbors could afford vacation homes, boats, RVs, ATVs for the desert and on and on. They took out so many home equity loans and then the housing market collapsed and they were all in trouble. Those are the people who have to leave California. Forced to leave is more like it and they are unhappy about it so they try to make a new California wherever they go and it leads to problems.
i delivered mail in cal for 33 years much of it in the Anaheim Hills.....the people who were moving from my route out of state,were doing so for way more than the reason you stated....most of what they told me was because they had a much better business opportunity elsewhere with taxes and living expenses....and many retirees were just sick of the amount of people that were there now.....
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I could never live in California, nor Arizona, nor any state in the southeast. Too hot and humid. The older I get the more cold appeals to me. Smarter than those folk.
Ah HA, so that's why Americans don't watch soccer. They don't ogle little girls.

You just proved my conclusion is correct. The popularity in San Diego is driven by people from all over the world living there and proximity to Mexico (a foreign country) where soccer is popular. Two causes of foreigners propelling the popularity of soccer. Fewer Americans to completely ignore it. To few to even consider really.
Okay yes whatever. Again, soccer is the fourth most popular sport in the USA, (the whole USA, not just San Diego), behind MLB and in front of NHL. I'm not sure why you are arguing against that? Just for the sake of argument? And you think it's a girlie sport?
i delivered mail in cal for 33 years much of it in the Anaheim Hills.....the people who were moving from my route out of state,were doing so for way more than the reason you stated....most of what they told me was because they had a much better business opportunity elsewhere with taxes and living expenses....and many retirees were just sick of the amount of people that were there now.....
So why are the places these folks are moving to bawling about being turned into California? They are claiming these nasty California lefties are polluting their once pristine towns with radical liberal bullshit. And they claim they are now full and will all future Californians please stay away we don't want you or your politics. People in this thread are saying that! So I am thinking maybe all these transplants miss California and that is why they are turning everywhere else into California. Its all I can come up with.
Okay yes whatever. Again, soccer is the fourth most popular sport in the USA, (the whole USA, not just San Diego), behind MLB and in front of NHL. I'm not sure why you are arguing against that? Just for the sake of argument? And you think it's a girlie sport?
I was just surprised to see enough support for the sport to warrant building a soccer stadium.
Wrong. $900,000 would buy exactly what we want, closer to the water. Do you live here? No? I thought not, otherwise you would not make that false claim about real estate in my city.

Mind you I am not that far from the water now. Less than 7 miles but the closer you are to the water, the cooler the weather and I am all about that cool Pacific breeze blowing over my body at night like an angel's kiss.

I would never live in Minnesota. Not when I can live in SoCal paradise.

Sunday at 8:51 you wrote:

"I, can't sell it at the moment because THERE IS NOTHING TO BUY. Seriously, I want to move closer to the water and there is nothing for sale."

A few minutes later, you that $900,000 "would buy exactly what we want, closer to the water."

Nice try.

I'm a license broker. I made millions in real estate and my house is worth $1,500,000.
My dear friend retired as a dentist and moved to Nashville, Tennessee. He just played golf with three other ex-Californians
who are all tickled to have left the outrageous politics, taxes, real estate, and traffic.

Thousands have already fled the "paradise" and many more thousands are following them.
My sister-in-law and her husband just moved from Orange County to Arizona suburbs and got twice the house for half the price of California.

Won't it be swell when taxpayers get the bill for a few billion in reparations payouts, courtesy of white suckas who vote Demoncrat.
Sunday at 8:51 you wrote:

"I, can't sell it at the moment because THERE IS NOTHING TO BUY. Seriously, I want to move closer to the water and there is nothing for sale."

A few minutes later, you that $900,000 "would buy exactly what we want, closer to the water."

Nice try.

I'm a license broker. I made millions in real estate and my house is worth $1,500,000.
My dear friend retired as a dentist and moved to Nashville, Tennessee. He just played golf with three other ex-Californians
who are all tickled to have left the outrageous politics, taxes, real estate, and traffic.

Thousands have already fled the "paradise" and many more thousands are following them.
My sister-in-law and her husband just moved from Orange County to Arizona suburbs and got twice the house for half the price of California.

Won't it be swell when taxpayers get the bill for a few billion in reparations payouts, courtesy of white suckas who vote Demoncrat.
What does any of this tripe have to do with the price of real estate near or in downtown Chula Vista?
Sunday at 8:51 you wrote:

"I, can't sell it at the moment because THERE IS NOTHING TO BUY. Seriously, I want to move closer to the water and there is nothing for sale."

A few minutes later, you that $900,000 "would buy exactly what we want, closer to the water."

Nice try.

I'm a license broker. I made millions in real estate and my house is worth $1,500,000.
My dear friend retired as a dentist and moved to Nashville, Tennessee. He just played golf with three other ex-Californians
who are all tickled to have left the outrageous politics, taxes, real estate, and traffic.

Thousands have already fled the "paradise" and many more thousands are following them.
My sister-in-law and her husband just moved from Orange County to Arizona suburbs and got twice the house for half the price of California.

Won't it be swell when taxpayers get the bill for a few billion in reparations payouts, courtesy of white suckas who vote Demoncrat.
GOP will never get California back. Never. Sucks for them.
They'll even move to Minnesota, where the climate is better. And not only do they not regret their move, but they bring friends and family with them. Can it get any more embarrassing for California?

No, the right wingers are free to leave. Good riddance.
GOP will never get California back. Never. Sucks for them.

Spoken like a true Leftist, supporter of Maxine Waters, Governor Gruesome, Pride Month and all the miserable rest.

You should sell your old house and move to Cuba. That is Leftist nirvana. Close to the beach too!!!
So why are the places these folks are moving to bawling about being turned into California? They are claiming these nasty California lefties are polluting their once pristine towns with radical liberal bullshit. And they claim they are now full and will all future Californians please stay away we don't want you or your politics. People in this thread are saying that! So I am thinking maybe all these transplants miss California and that is why they are turning everywhere else into California. Its all I can come up with.
i dont believe most of can a few thousand people from california turn a state with millions in it into another California?....if millions moved there then i can see that....
Spoken like a true Leftist, supporter of Maxine Waters, Governor Gruesome, Pride Month and all the miserable rest.

You should sell your old house and move to Cuba. That is Leftist nirvana. Close to the beach too!!!
I don't need to move to Cuba, I already live in paradise.

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