Zone1 People get testy when someone says their Church is THE Church Christ founded


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
Why all the malice when someone claims his/her Church is THE Church?

And it is mostly Catholics saying that. That's because the Catholic Church IS the Church Christ founded. Humans have muddied it up a bit, but does anyone believe Jesus didn't see that coming? LOL

He knows all about humans. He was one.
Why all the malice when someone claims his/her Church is THE Church?

And it is mostly Catholics saying that. That's because the Catholic Church IS the Church Christ founded. Humans have muddied it up a bit, but does anyone believe Jesus didn't see that coming? LOL

He knows all about humans. He was one.
Every religion believes they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone choose to join a religion that is second best?
If you tell someone that if you don't follow my flavor of religion then you are gonna go to hell then that does not seem to me to be very Jesus-like.
Right. We should just be "nice" to them on their way to eternal punishment as Jesus calls it

Mt 25:31
Every religion believes they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone choose to join a religion that is second best?
for once I agree, sort of

I mean, to put it another way: Why would you belong to a "church" that DOESN't teach that it is the right one?


(well, at least the non-Catholic "churches" that don't teach that are being honest about one thing)
Jesus was never in Rome.
He gave Peter the job of starting His church.
And Peter did. In Jerusalem. 10 days after Christ ascended to Heaven.
He preached there for 15 years until his arrest.
The Catholic church wasn't started for another 300 years.

You know the truth, and continue to lie about it. For those who may get suckered into your false dogma, here is the truth:

Acts 2:14 Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem! Make no mistake about this.

Acts 2:41Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all
Why all the malice when someone claims his/her Church is THE Church?
What else is being implied with the claim? Is the implication that others are somehow inferior? What is the usual reaction when someone suggests others are inferior? It's not malice you are seeing, but righteous anger. Second, why take the position there is something to prove about your own position/Church? The LDS are experts at that. They simply declare an apostasy, call all others heretics, and off they dance on this rather shaky ground.

All other Christian churches lead directly back to Christ. Catholics follow Apostolic traditions and roots in Judaism. As time went on, some found little meaning in some of these traditions and wished to focus more intently on other traditions and possible meanings. They saw some traditions as distractions in their own spiritual journey. For example, Martin Luther had a rather odd take on works, but it was sincere--and not only that, others related to that perspective. Luther and his followers still worshiped God, believed in Jesus, and remained in the Holy Spirit. What's so wrong when one finds himself focusing more on the quality of his own works than on his worship and attention to God to remove that issue of works from his life? Often my heart goes out to Martin Luther.

Talk about why Apostolic traditions work for you, and how it draws you into a more potent worship of God and closer to Jesus. Ask others what draws them closer.
What is the usual reaction when someone suggests others are inferior? It's not malice you are seeing, but righteous anger.
It is not righteous anger or indignation, it is relying on scripture for the truth:

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
What else is being implied with the claim? Is the implication that others are somehow inferior? What is the usual reaction when someone suggests others are inferior? It's not malice you are seeing, but righteous anger.

Righteous anger?!

Please... I can't even finish reading this kind of post.. or could, but am not inclined to..

Righteous anger, indeed. If you'd said just Anger, I could agree...

No, what it is is PRIDE... the pride that says No one can tell me I am wrong about ANYTHING!

That is the spirit of the world we live in today.. .where "everyone is right"... even if you're a pervert..

The Word says not to be part of the world...
Malice is ill will. And it has nothing to do with scripture confronting untruths. Scripture isn't ill will, it is truth in the face of deception. The only malice here is the attack on anyone not Catholic.
Actually, it is attacking anybody who disagrees with misery.
Careful my Catholic friend, you are about to get shit on in all caps for disagreeing with misery!
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It all comes down to……If my views of God are right, then yours must be wrong

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