People getting fired

Trump didn't even know about it Pismoe, this is why Trump is so mad at Kelly who did say he would resign..because Kelly kept Porter on knowing about the inability to get a security clearance.
-------------------------------- WHO KNOWS , --------- so says TRUMP in a public statement for public consumption . . I have no problem with Porter working with no Sec. Clearance . Kelly and others knew what he was doing in my opinion EWings .

Come on Pismoe... Why did I have to go through the intense security clearance just to work with women and children? This is in place to keep out problems in the workplace ..
Porter could have been blackmailed and worked right next to the president..

Now to be fair, I don't know if there were others in the past who worked in the WH without a security clearance.. I haven't checked.. but it is just not right.

---------------------------------------- I disagree , i trust the OLD BOYS network more that i trust government paid officials , politicians and functionaries some of whom may be part of 'mrobama' network , deep state or 'fifth column' . And i am being serious EWings . Remember , i am an 'old boy' and i know how we work even if i am a 68 year old blue collar 'old boy' EWings .

I am 7 years younger..I always thought you were younger than me..

But times have changed , especially with all of the boys and girls raped in school, or sports..blah
these perverts ruined the trust..

But I remember my uncle had to have a security clearance to work at lockheed back in the 60's.. It has just been protocol for years and years.
Cops, Firemen all need to have security clearance..
--------------------------------- Public Schools are over run by millenial types , mostly young liberal women who are as you say raping and poorly educating their students EWing .

Nothing to do with I always worked in my boys schools until they got into middle school , lunch lady almost everyday..
I think we tend to be blind to our own side's transgressions...

Regardless, this sets back women 50 years.

Anyone who hires a women is creating a liability for the company they work for - fact.
Feel free to state that to any woman applying for a job.

There is a man accusing one of the biggest supporters #MeToo in the news today..

Assemblywoman at forefront of #MeToo movement accused of sexual misconduct
------------------------------------------------------- the whinging wusse must be one of 'mrobamas' Pajama Boys if he can't handle this silly event without going public . [he sounds like a silly giggling BOY] EWings

She is a democrat so who knows if she did or not.. She was drunk, and touching him..
Regardless, this sets back women 50 years.

Anyone who hires a women is creating a liability for the company they work for - fact.
Feel free to state that to any woman applying for a job.

There is a man accusing one of the biggest supporters #MeToo in the news today..

Assemblywoman at forefront of #MeToo movement accused of sexual misconduct
Should she be sacked now?

She was supposedly drunk and was touching him ..
Yes, ALLEGEDLY. Should she be sacked now?
If people come forward who witnessed it ..yes.
Trump didn't even know about it Pismoe, this is why Trump is so mad at Kelly who did say he would resign..because Kelly kept Porter on knowing about the inability to get a security clearance.
-------------------------------- WHO KNOWS , --------- so says TRUMP in a public statement for public consumption . . I have no problem with Porter working with no Sec. Clearance . Kelly and others knew what he was doing in my opinion EWings .

Come on Pismoe... Why did I have to go through the intense security clearance just to work with women and children? This is in place to keep out problems in the workplace ..
Porter could have been blackmailed and worked right next to the president..

Now to be fair, I don't know if there were others in the past who worked in the WH without a security clearance.. I haven't checked.. but it is just not right.

---------------------------------------- I disagree , i trust the OLD BOYS network more that i trust government paid officials , politicians and functionaries some of whom may be part of 'mrobama' network , deep state or 'fifth column' . And i am being serious EWings . Remember , i am an 'old boy' and i know how we work even if i am a 68 year old blue collar 'old boy' EWings .

I am 7 years younger..I always thought you were younger than me..

But times have changed , especially with all of the boys and girls raped in school, or sports..blah
these perverts ruined the trust..

But I remember my uncle had to have a security clearance to work at lockheed back in the 60's.. It has just been protocol for years and years.
Cops, Firemen all need to have security clearance..
--------------------------------- Public Schools are over run by millenial types , mostly young liberal women who are as you say raping and poorly educating their students EWing .

Pismoe, not all millennials are liberal... but the millennials are going to rise in the next election , that are getting screwed by our generation..

You and I had the world at our fingertips..
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
News flash, Redfish. Domestic violence is a crime. Do some employers need to worry about whether employees were involved in criminal activity? Some, yes. A lot of people think that should include the White House.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.

It depends if they make it public.
If a part of your job is one who represents the company, for instance outside sales representative. Then I can see a company taking issue with them plastering drunk photos of themselves on Facebook etc. They are doing damage to the companies reputation.
I would take issue with it myself.
-------------------------------- WHO KNOWS , --------- so says TRUMP in a public statement for public consumption . . I have no problem with Porter working with no Sec. Clearance . Kelly and others knew what he was doing in my opinion EWings .

Come on Pismoe... Why did I have to go through the intense security clearance just to work with women and children? This is in place to keep out problems in the workplace ..
Porter could have been blackmailed and worked right next to the president..

Now to be fair, I don't know if there were others in the past who worked in the WH without a security clearance.. I haven't checked.. but it is just not right.

---------------------------------------- I disagree , i trust the OLD BOYS network more that i trust government paid officials , politicians and functionaries some of whom may be part of 'mrobama' network , deep state or 'fifth column' . And i am being serious EWings . Remember , i am an 'old boy' and i know how we work even if i am a 68 year old blue collar 'old boy' EWings .

I am 7 years younger..I always thought you were younger than me..

But times have changed , especially with all of the boys and girls raped in school, or sports..blah
these perverts ruined the trust..

But I remember my uncle had to have a security clearance to work at lockheed back in the 60's.. It has just been protocol for years and years.
Cops, Firemen all need to have security clearance..
--------------------------------- Public Schools are over run by millenial types , mostly young liberal women who are as you say raping and poorly educating their students EWing .

Pismoe, not all millennials are liberal... but the millennials are going to rise in the next election , that are getting screwed by our generation..

You and I had the world at our fingertips..
------------------------------- okay with me , let the millenials and other 'know nothings' take over and turn the USA , Best country on earth and turn it into the third world . [ok with me] As i figure that they will get what they deserve EWings
Trump has "doubled down" on defending Porter; sending out a Tweet defending "due process" since he believes a woman's accusation can ruin lives! The man is so touched in the head; but no more so than the people who are still supporting him! :aargh: :ack-1::dunno:

Oh, I see. We must first believe the accusers, unless of course they are accusing Bill Clinton then they are all lying trailer trash. I get it
I thought you wanted to keep politics out of this.
here is some back up info on my post number 220 EWings . --- The big list: Female teachers with students --- Millenial Teachers , many young woman sexually abusing young students as they collect taxpayer paid salaries EWings .
--------------------------------------------- millenial Taxpayer paid PUBLIC School Teacher EWings , and lots of them and they all go through Background checks EWings .

I pay taxes for my schools even when I don't have kids anymore in the system.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
News flash, Redfish. Domestic violence is a crime. Do some employers need to worry about whether employees were involved in criminal activity? Some, yes. A lot of people think that should include the White House.
----------------------------------------------- an alleged CRIME that hasn't been Judged in the correct Legal manner OldLady .
Come on Pismoe... Why did I have to go through the intense security clearance just to work with women and children? This is in place to keep out problems in the workplace ..
Porter could have been blackmailed and worked right next to the president..

Now to be fair, I don't know if there were others in the past who worked in the WH without a security clearance.. I haven't checked.. but it is just not right.

---------------------------------------- I disagree , i trust the OLD BOYS network more that i trust government paid officials , politicians and functionaries some of whom may be part of 'mrobama' network , deep state or 'fifth column' . And i am being serious EWings . Remember , i am an 'old boy' and i know how we work even if i am a 68 year old blue collar 'old boy' EWings .

I am 7 years younger..I always thought you were younger than me..

But times have changed , especially with all of the boys and girls raped in school, or sports..blah
these perverts ruined the trust..

But I remember my uncle had to have a security clearance to work at lockheed back in the 60's.. It has just been protocol for years and years.
Cops, Firemen all need to have security clearance..
--------------------------------- Public Schools are over run by millenial types , mostly young liberal women who are as you say raping and poorly educating their students EWing .

Pismoe, not all millennials are liberal... but the millennials are going to rise in the next election , that are getting screwed by our generation..

You and I had the world at our fingertips..
------------------------------- okay with me , let the millenials and other 'know nothings' take over and turn the USA , Best country on earth and turn it into the third world . [ok with me] As i figure that they will get what they deserve EWings

I am sure that our grandparents said the same thing about our .. How did we get old..? lol..
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
News flash, Redfish. Domestic violence is a crime. Do some employers need to worry about whether employees were involved in criminal activity? Some, yes. A lot of people think that should include the White House.
----------------------------------------------- an alleged CRIME that hasn't been Judged OldLady .
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
News flash, Redfish. Domestic violence is a crime. Do some employers need to worry about whether employees were involved in criminal activity? Some, yes. A lot of people think that should include the White House.
----------------------------------------------- an alleged CRIME that hasn't been Judged OldLady .

You mean like Hillary, who was never charged..haaa :heehee::safetocomeoutff:
of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

Mozzila CEO Brendan Eich is a prime example, he made statements he was against gay marriage and was promptly lynched on the Internet and let go

Complete BS
Mozzila doesn't have the right to make their own hiring/firing calls?

Zzzzzzzz....go away, you annoy
That really doesn't answer my question about Mozzilla or the content of this thread, does it?
of course he was guilty, I asked you what punishment was levied on him. fine? imprisonment? censure? nothing was done to him even though he was found guilty of perjury.
No I think you are doing what they all do and attempting to deflect.

as I feared, this is getting off topic.

so let me restate the question.

do you find it problematic that people lose their jobs for things they do away from the workplace on their own time?

Mozzila CEO Brendan Eich is a prime example, he made statements he was against gay marriage and was promptly lynched on the Internet and let go

Complete BS
Mozzila doesn't have the right to make their own hiring/firing calls?
Classic libspeak.
It's classic libspeak to ask if a corporation has the right to hire and fire on their own?
So who got fired for doing whatever on their own time that wasn't job related?

white house staffers from both parties,

Everybody in the WH has to receive a security clearance. It's not just some job like delivering pizzas. Show a little respect for the office of the president, even though the current occupant is nothing but a sleazy criminal woman-abuser himself.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
News flash, Redfish. Domestic violence is a crime. Do some employers need to worry about whether employees were involved in criminal activity? Some, yes. A lot of people think that should include the White House.
----------------------------------------------- an alleged CRIME that hasn't been Judged OldLady .
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.
News flash, Redfish. Domestic violence is a crime. Do some employers need to worry about whether employees were involved in criminal activity? Some, yes. A lot of people think that should include the White House.
----------------------------------------------- an alleged CRIME that hasn't been Judged OldLady .

You mean like Hillary, who was never charged..haaa :heehee::safetocomeoutff:
---------------------------------------------------- SURE , only difference is that PORTER lost his job , 'illary' ran for 'prezident' [chuckle] then she started doing some woods walking .
There are 2 sides to this story, the first being the need for due process cuz in this country you're not supposed to be pronounced guilty until proven so, even in the court of public opinion. And the other side is the issue of sexual harassment and misconduct, which has to be appropriately dealt with. Is it fair to fire a guy cuz a female says he did this or that, many years ago? In some jobs like on TV (Matt Lauer, etc.) and politics, image is everything; just the appearance or accusation on impropriety can cause harm and so one can see the problem if a guy is kept on despite being accused of misconduct. And yet such charges can be used to retaliate against somebody or for monetary gain (lawsuit) when the accused may not have done anything wrong.

What if the evidence is insufficient to result in charges filed or a lawsuit brought? The guy gets canned anyway? What if it's true but years have passed and nobody said nothing until now when there's a certain amount of leverage cuz the guy has something to lose? Tough call for a woman trying to make her way in the world, if you speak up and accuse somebody of sexual misconduct then you're risking your job and maybe worse. So - no easy answers here. Case by case basis then, is there a 3rd person that can corroborate anything? Guys like that I would think tend to do that sort of thing to more than one woman.

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