People like Van Jones and Michelle Obama are wrong when they talk about bringing everyone together.

Van Jones bringing people together.....No!
Van Camp bringing people together......yes!
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

Blah, blah, blah. Righties hate, Righties are bad. You are a hate addled little parrot kid. Frankly you epitomize what's wrong with this Nation. When YOU talk about "compromise" you mean "capitulation".

Dean is a mental case, he's as insane as any Batman villain.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

deanie boi you're making delusional statements again... Empty talking points being spewed out does not win elections... Back away from the keyboard deanie and knock on doors and get those people to vote... You are not gaining any ground here... pound the pavement deanie… :21:
Bonobo helped the DEMs loose over 1000 leg. seats while he was in office,
He left the Presidency/Congress and Senate in the hands of the REPS.
His DEM party LOST to a fucking ORANGE CLOWN! How stupid does a bunch of DEMs have to be to let that happen?
Is anyone pounding on BONOBO's door asking for his advice on winning local and state elections?
BONOBO was ONLY elected b/c of white-guilt BBC yearning females and negroes.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
It's rdean, another thread for him to look like an idiot.
People don't like hateful socialists, except for other hateful socialists.
Medicare For All
Anti-Waging War For Corporate Interests
Daycare For Working Families
Improved Support For Senior Citizens
Anti-Wall Street Gambling With Taxpayers Money
State College/Trade School For All

That is some really hateful do they live with themselves?
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
It's rdean, another thread for him to look like an idiot.
People don't like hateful socialists, except for other hateful socialists.
Medicare For All
Anti-Waging War For Corporate Interests
Daycare For Working Families
Improved Support For Senior Citizens
Anti-Wall Street Gambling With Taxpayers Money
State College/Trade School For All

That is some really hateful do they live with themselves?
dean is one of the most divisive people this forum has ever seen....him talking about bringing people together is a fucking joke....the only people he can get along with are the farther left people....anyone else?....yea right....
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
It's rdean, another thread for him to look like an idiot.
People don't like hateful socialists, except for other hateful socialists.
Medicare For All
Anti-Waging War For Corporate Interests
Daycare For Working Families
Improved Support For Senior Citizens
Anti-Wall Street Gambling With Taxpayers Money
State College/Trade School For All

That is some really hateful do they live with themselves?
The hateful part is the attacking people in public places and trying to get people fired and barred from speaking at shut the fuck up.
improved support for seniors, what does that mean>?
Trump is working on some trade school proposals.......we're fine there, with capitalism, not socialism
anti wall street gambling with tax payers money? Give an example with what you are talking about
Anti one likes war, except for those neo cons that hate Trump and became democrats....lolololololol......democrats are now the war party
daycare for working families......we have need to pay for it.......
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.

They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.

We need fewer crazies. Quickly.

Let's not pretend though that "the crazies" are the same on 2 sides. One sides "crazy" wants free college and universal healthcare for all. The other sides "crazy" have racism embedded in it's policies, deep ties to Russia and corporate interest fueling major policy decisions.
No the logical side wonders how you expect to pay for it all.
Hey Michelle Obama!!! The economy is on an upward move, we have record low unemployment for blacks and the President negotiated peace with North Korea (something your husband said would be Trump's biggest challenge). Are you still proud of your country?
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
It's rdean, another thread for him to look like an idiot.
People don't like hateful socialists, except for other hateful socialists.
Medicare For All
Anti-Waging War For Corporate Interests
Daycare For Working Families
Improved Support For Senior Citizens
Anti-Wall Street Gambling With Taxpayers Money
State College/Trade School For All

That is some really hateful do they live with themselves?
The hateful part is the attacking people in public places and trying to get people fired and barred from speaking at shut the fuck up.
improved support for seniors, what does that mean>?
Trump is working on some trade school proposals.......we're fine there, with capitalism, not socialism
anti wall street gambling with tax payers money? Give an example with what you are talking about
Anti one likes war, except for those neo cons that hate Trump and became democrats....lolololololol......democrats are now the war party
daycare for working families......we have need to pay for it.......
1. The government funding trade schools for people to attend is not capitalism, it is socialism -- capitalism never takes into account what is best for the greater society, it is mainly an economic model -- that is why other "socialist" countries can thrive using capitalism as its economic model and socialism as its policy making model.

2. "No one likes war" is a convenient strawman to deflect from the fact that most of our wars are fought on behalf of corporate interests..

3. Daycare for working families is something well worth the investment -- I don't mind if my existing tax dollars go to funding a single mom's ability to remain on her job and her child to get adequate day care -- she shouldn't have to choose on whether to work or quit because she can't afford daycare...I would definitely prefer my tax dollars to go there than to go towards ensuring hedge fund managers pay lower worship the wealthy, I don't.

4. Give you an example of Wallstreet gambling with tax payer money? you never heard of banks making shady speculative bets with other people's money and when those bets fail, we bail them out and they get a slap on the wrist?? Versus, when those bets pay off, they keep the gains for themselves --- or as they say, privatize the gains, socialize the risks...capitalism is predicated on that, democratic socialism is 100% opposed to it

..but yea, its the people saying mean things to other people on college campuses, that is the problem...
If the Republican party would adopt libertarian views, they never lose another election. Yet the right-wing just wants to hunker down in their brand of authoritarianism and fool idiots into thinking it's "freedom."
Only white people believe in libertarianism.
Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters.

And remember when they go low we go high?

I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over".

It's nonsense.

You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers. These are people who don't have an issue with stripping parents of babies. Or lying to people who come here seeking asylum and forcing them back into a burning building. These are people that are not like most Americans.

And that's the key. "MOST" Americans.

Instead of trying to get the votes of people who will never vote for you, you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting. Appeal to their better Angels. If they were as bad as Right Wingers, they would already be voting. Because with the right, it's all about attacking people. Forcing them. Making them suffer. Keeping poor children from school lunches. Ending healthcare from Americans who need help.

Get the rest of America registered. Get them out to vote. Unify the people who are open to working together and doing what's good for America. Promote education, fairness, healthcare, helping children make it, quality of life, a clean country. We need to get the support of people who know what's right. What actually makes America great again.

you need to get the other half of America to vote who aren't voting.

Why do you suppose those people aren't already voting for the Left?
It's rdean, another thread for him to look like an idiot.
People don't like hateful socialists, except for other hateful socialists.
Medicare For All
Anti-Waging War For Corporate Interests
Daycare For Working Families
Improved Support For Senior Citizens
Anti-Wall Street Gambling With Taxpayers Money
State College/Trade School For All

That is some really hateful do they live with themselves?
The hateful part is the attacking people in public places and trying to get people fired and barred from speaking at shut the fuck up.
improved support for seniors, what does that mean>?
Trump is working on some trade school proposals.......we're fine there, with capitalism, not socialism
anti wall street gambling with tax payers money? Give an example with what you are talking about
Anti one likes war, except for those neo cons that hate Trump and became democrats....lolololololol......democrats are now the war party
daycare for working families......we have need to pay for it.......
1. The government funding trade schools for people to attend is not capitalism, it is socialism -- capitalism never takes into account what is best for the greater society, it is mainly an economic model -- that is why other "socialist" countries can thrive using capitalism as its economic model and socialism as its policy making model.

2. "No one likes war" is a convenient strawman to deflect from the fact that most of our wars are fought on behalf of corporate interests..

3. Daycare for working families is something well worth the investment -- I don't mind if my existing tax dollars go to funding a single mom's ability to remain on her job and her child to get adequate day care -- she shouldn't have to choose on whether to work or quit because she can't afford daycare...I would definitely prefer my tax dollars to go there than to go towards ensuring hedge fund managers pay lower worship the wealthy, I don't.

4. Give you an example of Wallstreet gambling with tax payer money? you never heard of banks making shady speculative bets with other people's money and when those bets fail, we bail them out and they get a slap on the wrist?? Versus, when those bets pay off, they keep the gains for themselves --- or as they say, privatize the gains, socialize the risks...capitalism is predicated on that, democratic socialism is 100% opposed to it

..but yea, its the people saying mean things to other people on college campuses, that is the problem...
1) Trade schools have been around, we are investing more into them yes, but if you saw his meeting, you would know that companies are investing in training and creating thousands to millions of jobs......
This video talks about the partnerships and help from the private sector...this is the way to do it. And after this clip there is a session where he goes around and talks with various CEOS about their commitment...Walmart is committed to a million jobs and partnerships......FedEx is about 500,000 and there are tons of others......

Career and technical education bill rockets to Trump’s desk

2) Noone does like war. Sure the Military Industrial Complex makes money, but the people who favor war hate Trump and are now with your side.....ironic and hilarious.

3) Daycare, I wouldn't mind a voucher maybe for lower income, but it's something people need to be responsible and pay their bills like everyone else.
3a) As for taxes. Tax Cuts are not a program...why do you guys think that? We pay the taxes, but it's our money. Tax Cuts have nothing to do with federal programs. And stop using projections, they are never correct and we'll make money off tax cuts in the next year or two......just look at the 80s. It's called economic growth
4)I don't like bailouts either, Did you criticize Obama for his? Trump criticized them as well, another point you have in common with 45.

Based on your responses, you agree with Trump more than you think.
Van Jones' idea of building unity is to attack everyone who disagrees with him and then to accuse them of "hate speech" if they respond.
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.

They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.

We need fewer crazies. Quickly.

not sure how we get rdean & other crazies to act like adults.

any ideas?
Last edited:
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.
They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.
We need fewer crazies. Quickly.
not sure how we get rdean & other crazies to act like adults.reran
many ideas?
I used to think it was possible, now I'm not so sure. Now I think they just won't be part of any constructive conversation, so it's best they're just marginalized.
It's clear that the crazies inhabiting both wings are far more interested in beating the other tribe than in anything else.
They can't even communicate like adults any more, so they certainly don't have the capacity to bring anyone together.
We need fewer crazies. Quickly.
not sure how we get rdean & other crazies to act like adults.reran
many ideas?
I used to think it was possible, now I'm not so sure. Now I think they just won't be part of any constructive conversation, so it's best they're just marginalized.

Hard to marginalize the people who control the media

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