People on the right are being hypocrites right now in my opinion.

There is nothing in this phony Russia investigation.

Then let Mueller waste his twilight years making a fool of himself. Or are you worried he is onto something?

If he was on to anything, it would have been revealed by now.

What he's doing is running around trying to find process crimes on people associated with Trump; you know, like somebody said a red car instead of a blue car.

The entire investigation is to smear Trump. Why not let it go on? Because that's the anti-trumpers plan; to stretch it out until the mid-terms. To keep doubt in the minds of the voters.

It's pure politics and not an investigation at all. For crying out loud, the DNC computer got hacked under DumBama, but nobody investigated him, investigate Trump instead.

If he was on to anything, it would have been revealed by now.

Who says?

You will know when it's completed.
I'm not even going to state an opinion about it one way or the other because like I said, I hate Hillary. I would have loved to watch her burn over that scandal. I just think the argument for why Mueller should stop is weak and hypocritical. If Trump didn't do anything his supporters have nothing to worry about. Are people secretly worried that he is guilty of a crime?

Obama lied to the American people on the Letterman show about Benghazi. He knew it was a planned attack and 7 days later still blamed it on "some shady guy that made a movie".

How do you know President Obama knew about the eminent attack on the mission in Benghazi?

He knew it was a planned terrorist attack, not the result of an angry mob motivated by a movie that insulted Mohammed.

So in other words you don't know! Yet accuse him of complicity in an act of terror. That makes you an asshole, and a liar.

Obama starts his lie around the 33:30 mark of the video. This appearance on Letterman was a week after the attack on Benghazi. Records show the State Department knew the day after that it was a planned terrorist attack and the movie had nothing to do with it. It's little sniveling lying punks like you that hurt this great country.

My two takeaways from this video are this:
  • I miss Obama, who is thoughtful, diplomatic and brought America back from the Great Recession;
  • You are liar and an idiot if you believe anything in this video even suggests he lied and knew about the attack before it commenced.
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?

I'm not even going to state an opinion about it one way or the other because like I said, I hate Hillary. I would have loved to watch her burn over that scandal. I just think the argument for why Mueller should stop is weak and hypocritical. If Trump didn't do anything his supporters have nothing to worry about. Are people secretly worried that he is guilty of a crime?
Obama lied to the American people on the Letterman show about Benghazi. He knew it was a planned attack and 7 days later still blamed it on "some shady guy that made a movie".

How do you know President Obama knew about the eminent attack on the mission in Benghazi?
Every American knew, you finally admitting that Obama didn't have a clue?

If you watched the video, and I did, and still claim Obama knew about the attack well before it happened, you are either an idiot or a damn liar.
It's pretty clear by now that Hussein used the IRS to intimidate and punish political enemies. Nobody was indicted and nobody was even fired. It's pretty clear that Benghazi wasn't about an obscure you tube video but it was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9-11. How could they have missed that? People died and Hillary lied. Operation Fast/Furious was the biggest boondoggle in federal law enforcement history. People lied and Hussein and Holder lied but nobody was indicted and nobody was even fired. What is Mueller looking for? If Russia tampered with the U.S. elections it's on Obama's head.
Obama lied to the American people on the Letterman show about Benghazi. He knew it was a planned attack and 7 days later still blamed it on "some shady guy that made a movie".

How do you know President Obama knew about the eminent attack on the mission in Benghazi?

He knew it was a planned terrorist attack, not the result of an angry mob motivated by a movie that insulted Mohammed.

So in other words you don't know! Yet accuse him of complicity in an act of terror. That makes you an asshole, and a liar.

Obama starts his lie around the 33:30 mark of the video. This appearance on Letterman was a week after the attack on Benghazi. Records show the State Department knew the day after that it was a planned terrorist attack and the movie had nothing to do with it. It's little sniveling lying punks like you that hurt this great country.

My two takeaways from this video are this:
  • I miss Obama, who is thoughtful, diplomatic and brought America back from the Great Recession;
  • You are liar and an idiot if you believe anything in this video even suggests he lied and knew about the attack before it commenced.

This appearance on Letterman was a week after the attack. Obama knew it wasn't over a video. Why do you lie?
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?

I'm not even going to state an opinion about it one way or the other because like I said, I hate Hillary. I would have loved to watch her burn over that scandal. I just think the argument for why Mueller should stop is weak and hypocritical. If Trump didn't do anything his supporters have nothing to worry about. Are people secretly worried that he is guilty of a crime?
Obama lied to the American people on the Letterman show about Benghazi. He knew it was a planned attack and 7 days later still blamed it on "some shady guy that made a movie".

How do you know President Obama knew about the eminent attack on the mission in Benghazi?
Every American knew, you finally admitting that Obama didn't have a clue?

If you watched the video, and I did, and still claim Obama knew about the attack well before it happened, you are either an idiot or a damn liar.
You're lying and deliberately confusing the issue. Obama lied AFTER the attack by blaming the attack on a video. Why are you deliberately lying?
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?
what dew ewe have?
No less than 8 investigations which all concluded that you're full of shit.
That’s not what the survivors say, but of course you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version.
you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version

Hillary's version?

You meant to say the conclusion of several Republican led investigations.

Stupid is ignoring all of the official findings in favor or your own deluded reckonings.
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?
what dew ewe have?
No less than 8 investigations which all concluded that you're full of shit.
That’s not what the survivors say, but of course you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version.
you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version

Hillary's version?

You meant to say the conclusion of several Republican led investigations.

Stupid is ignoring all of the official findings in favor or your own deluded reckonings.
Do ewe believe the survivors?
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?

what dew ewe have?

No less than 8 investigations which all concluded that you're full of shit.

That’s not what the survivors say, but of course you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version.

Willow, if you are not the dumbest person who is a regular on this message board, you are surely in the top three. We know the perps had means and opportunity, the motive is the question best answered by the killers, and yet they would likely lie.

What motive did President Obama and HRC have in knowing and not doing something to prevent the attack? Facts don't lie, and the conspiracy afoot on this issue has been put to rest since every effort by the Republican Party to blame Obama and HRC for the attack has been put to rest.

Only stupid people actually believe they would not have prevented the attack, if the ability to do so was available.

For those with at least an IQ of 80 or above, the blame for the killings at Benghazi were the doing of fiscal conservatives in the GOP:

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats

Obviously Willow and the rest of the echo chamber fools won't read it, can't read or will never read anything which does not prove the hate they hold for Democrats isn't warranted.
Why did Susan Rice go to five different networks and state that the attack was due to a video?

Why did Hillary lie to the families of the dead?

How many spontaneous rioters are armed with cans of gasoline and rpgs?

Why did the rescue team have to get there against issued orders?
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?

what dew ewe have?

No less than 8 investigations which all concluded that you're full of shit.

That’s not what the survivors say, but of course you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version.

Willow, if you are not the dumbest person who is a regular on this message board, you are surely in the top three. We know the perps had means and opportunity, the motive is the question best answered by the killers, and yet they would likely lie.

What motive did President Obama and HRC have in knowing and not doing something to prevent the attack? Facts don't lie, and the conspiracy afoot on this issue has been put to rest since every effort by the Republican Party to blame Obama and HRC for the attack has been put to rest.

Only stupid people actually believe they would not have prevented the attack, if the ability to do so was available.

For those with at least an IQ of 80 or above, the blame for the killings at Benghazi were the doing of fiscal conservatives in the GOP:

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats

Obviously Willow and the rest of the echo chamber fools won't read it, can't read or will never read anything which does not prove the hate they hold for Democrats isn't warranted.
The question is why did the bastards take such pains to lie and cover up? Do you know?
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?

what dew ewe have?

No less than 8 investigations which all concluded that you're full of shit.

That’s not what the survivors say, but of course you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version.

Willow, if you are not the dumbest person who is a regular on this message board, you are surely in the top three. We know the perps had means and opportunity, the motive is the question best answered by the killers, and yet they would likely lie.

What motive did President Obama and HRC have in knowing and not doing something to prevent the attack? Facts don't lie, and the conspiracy afoot on this issue has been put to rest since every effort by the Republican Party to blame Obama and HRC for the attack has been put to rest.

Only stupid people actually believe they would not have prevented the attack, if the ability to do so was available.

For those with at least an IQ of 80 or above, the blame for the killings at Benghazi were the doing of fiscal conservatives in the GOP:

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats

Obviously Willow and the rest of the echo chamber fools won't read it, can't read or will never read anything which does not prove the hate they hold for Democrats isn't warranted.
The question is why did the bastards take such pains to lie and cover up? Do you know?
He knows, but he's a liar and deliberately misleads to confuse the issue. Smarmy leftists.
Hey Wry Catcher, you dumb ass. Did you willfully choose to disregard this testimony?

I'm not even going to state an opinion about it one way or the other because like I said, I hate Hillary. I would have loved to watch her burn over that scandal. I just think the argument for why Mueller should stop is weak and hypocritical. If Trump didn't do anything his supporters have nothing to worry about. Are people secretly worried that he is guilty of a crime?
Obama lied to the American people on the Letterman show about Benghazi. He knew it was a planned attack and 7 days later still blamed it on "some shady guy that made a movie".

How do you know President Obama knew about the eminent attack on the mission in Benghazi?
Every American knew, you finally admitting that Obama didn't have a clue?

If you watched the video, and I did, and still claim Obama knew about the attack well before it happened, you are either an idiot or a damn liar.

You're lying and deliberately confusing the issue. Obama lied AFTER the attack by blaming the attack on a video. Why are you deliberately lying?

There is no evidence to prove the motive of the attackers which killed four Americans including the Ambassador.

By inference, it was assumed the attack may have motivated the attackers, since the film stirred massive rallies against America the week the film was released.

Do you anything about the attack at Charlie Hebdo? What happened and why?

If you can, learn to think on your own, and put facts together before you post nothing more than an echo of a meme which is nothing more than a postulated conspiracy
Well, as far as Benghazi goes we had eyewitness aka survivors testimony, what dew ewe have?
what dew ewe have?
No less than 8 investigations which all concluded that you're full of shit.
That’s not what the survivors say, but of course you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version.
you are just stupid enough to believe Hillary’s version

Hillary's version?

You meant to say the conclusion of several Republican led investigations.

Stupid is ignoring all of the official findings in favor or your own deluded reckonings.
Do ewe believe the survivors?

I believe the very serious people across multiple investigations who looked very closely at all of the facts surrounding the events. They all reached the same conclusion.
Obama lied to the American people on the Letterman show about Benghazi. He knew it was a planned attack and 7 days later still blamed it on "some shady guy that made a movie".

How do you know President Obama knew about the eminent attack on the mission in Benghazi?
Every American knew, you finally admitting that Obama didn't have a clue?

If you watched the video, and I did, and still claim Obama knew about the attack well before it happened, you are either an idiot or a damn liar.

You're lying and deliberately confusing the issue. Obama lied AFTER the attack by blaming the attack on a video. Why are you deliberately lying?

There is no evidence to prove the motive of the attackers which killed four Americans including the Ambassador.

By inference, it was assumed the attack may have motivated the attackers, since the film stirred massive rallies against America the week the film was released.

Do you anything about the attack at Charlie Hebdo? What happened and why?

If you can, learn to think on your own, and put facts together before you post nothing more than an echo of a meme which is nothing more than a postulated conspiracy
Once again you muddy the water. The point I made is Obama went on Letterman a week after the attack and blamed a video for it when he knew at that point that the attack was NOT because of a video. Obama lied. Now cut your crap and drop it.
Believe what you want. She lied then, she lies now, she will always lie. She is after all a demon rat.
Obama sent out Susan Rice to lie about the probable motivations of the murderers because the election was set to occur within days, and the attack did buttress Romney's claims that Obama didn't have a fucking clue as to what he was doing in the ME. And Romney was right about that, imo. Gowdy was really pissed he couldn't find an email from Hillary spelling out how Rice lied. And she wasn't gonna admit it. LOL

But that has no comparison to a candidate using illegal assistance from one of America's existential enemies, which btw has hundreds of nukes aimed at us. If that actually happened.

I think what the Trumpbots are afraid of is that its very likely Trump is owned lock stock and confidentiality agreement by the Russians. So even if there's no smoking gun that he personally accepted illegal information and/or assistance, the facts of his finances are not going to be helpful for him.

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