People Opposed To Racial Preferences

Your denial of the documented history of white government dependence won't work with me.

Democrats in the past and Republicans today tell you that you are a victim.

You agree with them.

Nobody tells me I'm a victim. Because I'm not. I have no obligation to validate your warped view of history.

You're like a blonde, who, upon hearing a blonde joke, gets huffy and tells the exact same joke, substituting "brunette" for "blonde" then flounces off.

You need to flounce off now.
Nobody tells me I'm a victim. Because I'm not. I have no obligation to validate your warped view of history.

You're like a blonde, who, upon hearing a blonde joke, gets huffy and tells the exact same joke, substituting "brunette" for "blonde" then flounces off.

You need to flounce off now.
Apparently, you are ignorant of American history. Because nobody has told me shit. Except REALITY.
And judging by the successful black people I've known, they don't vote Democrat.
Oprah votes democrat and she is the most successful black person in America. Son, you're ignorant and you run your mouth.
Apparently, you are ignorant of American history. Because nobody has told me shit. Except REALITY.
Your "reality" is defined by Democrats. You see what you're told to see...nothing more, nothing less.
Oprah votes democrat and she is the most successful black person in America. Son, you're ignorant and you run your mouth.
Yes, and Oprah is JUST LIKE YOU, isn't she?

Oprah's insanely wealthy. Of course she votes Democrat.

So who are the people who decide on who is and isn't LESS or MORE qualified ?

Will this person “fit in” with the company? Do they have “enough” experience?

Both of these evaluations are judgment calls and those judgment calls are made by the white supremacists and that's why black people lose out on them. White favoristism has got so bad, that companies would prefer to hire white criminals over black people that are clean.

View attachment 640872

And of course, around 90% jobs are never advertised, they're filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages blk people and favors whites,
I don’t believe that statement about same treatment for whites out of prison and blacks with no criminal record.I have worked many places during my life and this is not true. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but I doubt it’s the norm.
Myth: Under affirmative action, minorities and women receive preferences.
Reality: Affirmative action does not require preferences, nor do women and minorities assume that they will be given preference. Race, gender, and national origin are factors that can be considered when hiring or accepting qualified applicants. Hiring qualified women and minorities is similar to the preferences given to veterans in hiring and to children of alumni in college admissions. There are also other preferences used in selecting qualified candidates. For example, when private colleges and universities value geographic diversity on their campuses, an out-of-state student may be admitted before an in-state student. Some colleges and universities consider athletic abilities and/or evidence of leadership skills in addition to academic qualifications.

Myth: Affirmative action leads to discrimination against white men.
Reality: Evidence demonstrates that discrimination against white men is rare. For example, of the 91,000 employment discrimination cases before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, approximately 3% percent are discrimination cases against white men. Further, a study conducted by Rutgers University and commissioned by the U.S. Department of Labor (1995) found that discrimination against white men is not a significant problem in employment and that a "high proportion" of claims brought by white men are "without merit."
Affirmative action provides the employer with the largest pool of qualified applicants from which to choose.

Myth: Unqualified individuals are being hired and promoted for the sake of diversity/affirmative action.
Reality: Only affirmative action plans that do not compromise valid job or educational qualifications are lawful. Plans must be flexible, realistic, reviewable, and fair. The Supreme Court has found that there are at least two permissible bases for voluntary affirmative action by employers under Title VII: (1) to remedy a clear and convincing history of past discrimination by the employer or union, and (2) to cure a manifest imbalance in the employer's work force. Thus, affirmative action programs are intended to hire the most qualified individuals, while at the same time achieving equality of opportunity for all.

It’s also a myth that women are the biggest benefactors of AA.
I don’t believe that statement about same treatment for whites out of prison and blacks with no criminal record.I have worked many places during my life and this is not true. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but I doubt it’s the norm.
Denial is a horrible thing
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Your "reality" is defined by Democrats. You see what you're told to see...nothing more, nothing less.
That's what republicans tell YOU. What I say has evidence.
I don’t believe that statement about same treatment for whites out of prison and blacks with no criminal record.I have worked many places during my life and this is not true. I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but I doubt it’s the norm.
Doesn't matter what you believe. What matters is what the facts show.
Your denial of the documented history of white government dependence won't work with me.

Democrats in the past and Republicans today tell you that you are a victim.

You agree with them.


mga and unkotare, what I posted was true.

So who are the people who decide on who is and isn't LESS or MORE qualified ?

Will this person “fit in” with the company? Do they have “enough” experience?

Both of these evaluations are judgment calls and those judgment calls are made by the white supremacists and that's why black people lose out on them. White favoristism has got so bad, that companies would prefer to hire white criminals over black people that are clean.

View attachment 640872

And of course, around 90% jobs are never advertised, they're filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which disproportionately disadvantages blk people and favors whites,
Talcum X from 7 years ago lol more lies.

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