People Opposed To Racial Preferences

And yet, oddly, you remain unoppressed.

Weird, huh?
Well, I don't think you're qualified to make any type of determination on the condition of blacks today. What I will also say is that white racism continues, and you are an example of it.
In order to get rid of racial preferences, let’s start with the easiest move: either capitalize both Black and White, or lower case black and white. No need to give some kind of honorific to one race and not the other.
No, that's not it. Whites like you need to recognize the preferences you still receive.
Well, I don't think you're qualified to make any type of determination on the condition of blacks today. What I will also say is that white racism continues, and you are an example of it.
At least make an effort to keep up.

I said YOU, YOURSELF, PERSONALLY are not oppressed.

Not buying into your victimhood fetish is not racist. Idiot.
YBM's, when asked individually if they had been substantially harmed by discrimination, indicate that they have not. But of course they overwhelmingly believe that OTHER Blacks are oppressed.

Preferences are insidious, and the proof of it is the entitled attitude of young Blacks today. If the Supreme Court had drawn a line in the sand forty years ago and said, "End all discrimination. Hold everyone to the same standards and be done with it," then Blacks would know the standards by which they would be measured and they would also know that if they failed to meet those standards, or weren't competitive according to a universal standard that they were not being "oppressed," but that they had simply failed to make the grade. Just like everybody else who fails to make the grade.

The reason why Blacks are [statistically] sucking on the hind teat is that they continuously do the things and fail to do the things that will raise them up to be competitive with the greater society. No white racist is inducing single Black females to have kids, or YBM's to disdain academic excellence, or to engage in petty criminality or use recreational substances. That is ALL on the people doing that. And those failures are 90% of the reason for the dozens of "gaps" that Leftists like to showcase...the education gap, the income gap, the wealth gap, and so on.

It ain't racism. When you see actual racism that harms someone, dial 911 and EVERYONE will fight it together. But it simply does not happen to any great extent.
At least make an effort to keep up.

I said YOU, YOURSELF, PERSONALLY are not oppressed.

Not buying into your victimhood fetish is not racist. Idiot.
Sorry but racism is a macro issue and since I continue facing racism I can say that I am oppressed. Again, your white ass ain't the arbiter deciding the condition of black America. What you don't buy is irrelevant and for you to think it is, is delusional. The facts support what I say. Nothing supports the shit you believe.
YBM's, when asked individually if they had been substantially harmed by discrimination, indicate that they have not. But of course they overwhelmingly believe that OTHER Blacks are oppressed.

Preferences are insidious, and the proof of it is the entitled attitude of young Blacks today. If the Supreme Court had drawn a line in the sand forty years ago and said, "End all discrimination. Hold everyone to the same standards and be done with it," then Blacks would know the standards by which they would be measured and they would also know that if they failed to meet those standards, or weren't competitive according to a universal standard that they were not being "oppressed," but that they had simply failed to make the grade. Just like everybody else who fails to make the grade.

The reason why Blacks are [statistically] sucking on the hind teat is that they continuously do the things and fail to do the things that will raise them up to be competitive with the greater society. No white racist is inducing single Black females to have kids, or YBM's to disdain academic excellence, or to engage in petty criminality or use recreational substances. That is ALL on the people doing that. And those failures are 90% of the reason for the dozens of "gaps" that Leftists like to showcase...the education gap, the income gap, the wealth gap, and so on.

It ain't racism. When you see actual racism that harms someone, dial 911 and EVERYONE will fight it together. But it simply does not happen to any great extent.
You're completely wrong white boy. Shut the fuck up.
:auiqs.jpg: You are a prime example of black victimhood....despite the fact that you're not a victim.
You are a prime example of an idiot white male who thinks that repeating the same bs over and over makes it true.
YBM's, when asked individually if they had been substantially harmed by discrimination, indicate that they have not. But of course they overwhelmingly believe that OTHER Blacks are oppressed.

Preferences are insidious, and the proof of it is the entitled attitude of young Blacks today. If the Supreme Court had drawn a line in the sand forty years ago and said, "End all discrimination. Hold everyone to the same standards and be done with it," then Blacks would know the standards by which they would be measured and they would also know that if they failed to meet those standards, or weren't competitive according to a universal standard that they were not being "oppressed," but that they had simply failed to make the grade. Just like everybody else who fails to make the grade.

The reason why Blacks are [statistically] sucking on the hind teat is that they continuously do the things and fail to do the things that will raise them up to be competitive with the greater society. No white racist is inducing single Black females to have kids, or YBM's to disdain academic excellence, or to engage in petty criminality or use recreational substances. That is ALL on the people doing that. And those failures are 90% of the reason for the dozens of "gaps" that Leftists like to showcase...the education gap, the income gap, the wealth gap, and so on.

It ain't racism. When you see actual racism that harms someone, dial 911 and EVERYONE will fight it together. But it simply does not happen to any great extent.
Whites have been getting preferences for nearly 246 years. Shut the fuck up.
Sorry but racism is a macro issue and since I continue facing racism I can say that I am oppressed. Again, your white ass ain't the arbiter deciding the condition of black America. What you don't buy is irrelevant and for you to think it is, is delusional. The facts support what I say. Nothing supports the shit you believe.
Grow the fuck up, child.
If that lets you be comfortable with your huge flaming hypocrisy, sure.
I'm not the hypocrite here son. You deny most of American history to repeat a line about racial crutches when whites have been the ones using the crutch. Whites are the ones who believe they can't make it without help and the record shows 400 years of government help for whites by colonial and modern governments.

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