People who believe in "white privilege" are more racist than people who don't

Well most African Americans pushing the B.S. are racists. And of course they're Democrats. So that makes sense. African American Republicans don't play the Race-Baiting Game.

But the main push behind the B.S. is coming from White Communist/Progressive assholes. They're destroying the nation. They have to be stopped. It is what it is.
Racism in fact exists, no one is playing any "games."
Actually as this post and your previous one were using no reasoning at all....
So what I just stated isn't happening?
Why a white woman said she was a black person and you support it. A young boy said he is a girl, and you support it. Hell you even support him using the girls bathroom. You say I don't make any sense? Lol I was just using liberal reasoning.

So please post the links to where I have given support to any of the things you say I have or kindly stop lying in order to attempt to make a point...
So you are totally against a boy becoming a girl? And when he does you don't think he should be able to use the girls rest room? How about the white woman who wanted to be a black woman, and she did. Became a leader in the ncaap. So you are against that too?
Are you against or for those. Prove me wrong.
Sure I'll answer as soon as you post the links to the statements you claimed I made. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.
Yeah tough guy how many times have you got jumped by two guys and beat them up? I did what I had to do and I walked away from it.
So what I just stated isn't happening?
Why a white woman said she was a black person and you support it. A young boy said he is a girl, and you support it. Hell you even support him using the girls bathroom. You say I don't make any sense? Lol I was just using liberal reasoning.

So please post the links to where I have given support to any of the things you say I have or kindly stop lying in order to attempt to make a point...
So you are totally against a boy becoming a girl? And when he does you don't think he should be able to use the girls rest room? How about the white woman who wanted to be a black woman, and she did. Became a leader in the ncaap. So you are against that too?
Are you against or for those. Prove me wrong.
Sure I'll answer as soon as you post the links to the statements you claimed I made.
If you are a liberal you have to be for it. If not you are a bigot. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.
Yeah tough guy how many times have you got jumped by two guys and beat them up? I did what I had to do and I walked away from it.

More than once. You did nothing but cower.
I suppose that was your goal though with your made up story. The goal was to show how helpless the victim whites are against the often brutal and always scary blacks.
That is not what I said.

That fact that you feel you need to lie in order to avoid honestly dealing with what I said should tell you something.

I will repost it, please try not to be a liar this time.

I already responded to that by pointing out the such decisions are generally hidden from people, and then followed up with an example of a case (two actually) where the whites in question were discriminated against in promotions and did not ever realize it.

YOur laughter is not appropriate. The promotion in question carried quite a bit of a raise with it. One enough to make a difference from working poor to middle class.

Yes. These decisions are made but hidden from us. Whites were passed over without knowing. But we all know full well this to be the case.


What do you mean WTF?

Of course hiring decisions are not shared. I gave an example, here I will repost it.

Black people I worked with were selected over more qualified white people because upper management was afraid to have a management team that was to white.

That is special preferential treatment based on skin color, black skin color to be exact.

If they aren't shared and they happen without knowledge, then how do you know about it let alone know that it's commonplace?

Extrapolation and inductive reasoning.

I was not part of a management team for a very long time, and only involved in a one promotion decision. That fact that race was a part of the ONE promotion I was part of is a strong indicator that it is not a rare occasion.

The reason for the action of upper management, ie fear of discrimination lawsuit, is an universal part of every hiring and promotion decision in the nation. That is what Federal Law is all about.

Thus there is no reason to expect that my experience was not normal.

Just as we thought. You're guessing.


And if they had rejected recommendations on the most qualified staff that just happened to be black in order to promote someone, who was white, would you be just as generous in your judgement of their intentions?

:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha: haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.

What an asshole.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.
Yeah tough guy how many times have you got jumped by two guys and beat them up? I did what I had to do and I walked away from it.

More than once. You did nothing but cower.
I suppose that was your goal though with your made up story. The goal was to show how helpless the victim whites are against the often brutal and always scary blacks.

It is always something with you libs.

You are bullet proof when it comes to ignoring information you don't like.
I don't cry, i just accept reality and stay prepared. You assholes are inciting this violent 'Open-Season On White People' climate. That's just the sad reality. But i'm prepared. I can handle anything you pussies throw at me. I feel very confident i can protect myself and my family.

Cool story, bro.

I'm ok with your 'Open-Season On White People' shite. I'm prepared. The irony is, it'll likely be mostly White Communist/Progressive wankers who become the victims of 'Black on White' crimes. I mean, you guys are a buncha whiny pussies. You have no chance. So be very careful pushing your Race War. It really could come back to haunt y'all.
I agree, if my situation happened again. They would be taking a statement as they were dragging two body bags off.

Ohhhh! You are so rugged! A regular badass!

Better than being a whiny pussy like you. If i were you, i would get prepared to defend yourself. Laugh now, cry later.

Bad day on the conspiracy forum, missy?
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.
Yeah tough guy how many times have you got jumped by two guys and beat them up? I did what I had to do and I walked away from it.

More than once. You did nothing but cower.
I suppose that was your goal though with your made up story. The goal was to show how helpless the victim whites are against the often brutal and always scary blacks.
Not really carry on. haven't told me how YOU have been discriminated against.

Have you ever been the victim of anti white discrimination?

Geez.....just typing that made me laugh.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.

What an asshole.
No, he is an insecure asshole that would shit himself if one person said he would beat him down. Internet billy bad ass!
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.

What an asshole.
No, he is an insecure asshole that would shit himself if one person said he would beat him down. Internet billy bad ass!

They pretend to not believe your story, because they are emotionally invested in the myth of blacks being downtrodden and in danger form Evul Racist Whites, to the point that they cannot allow even one counter example.

The funny part is, that one counter example does NOT disprove a general trend.

But they are so irrational that that simple fact eludes them.
Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.
Yeah tough guy how many times have you got jumped by two guys and beat them up? I did what I had to do and I walked away from it.

More than once. You did nothing but cower.
I suppose that was your goal though with your made up story. The goal was to show how helpless the victim whites are against the often brutal and always scary blacks.

It is always something with you libs.

You are bullet proof when it comes to ignoring information you don't like.

I see. You're angry because I called you on your stupid suppositions about AA. Tell us one more time about the fire dept. case.
White Privilege Explained in One Simple Comic Everyday Feminism

"White privilege" is the notion that white people live in a world that is better for them, then it is for "people of color"

As proof the author cites crime statistics, prison sentences, WITHOUT telling us how many crimes were committed by POCs.

Apparently we white people are all really racists, and we need to clean up our act.

But really it doesn't matter no matter how hard to not be a racist, we whites are racist no matter what we do.

So really, there's no real reason we should change our behavior, since we are condemned no matter what we do.
I can tell you that as a white man I am a privileged by living in America.
Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.
Yeah tough guy how many times have you got jumped by two guys and beat them up? I did what I had to do and I walked away from it.

More than once. You did nothing but cower.
I suppose that was your goal though with your made up story. The goal was to show how helpless the victim whites are against the often brutal and always scary blacks.

It is always something with you libs.

You are bullet proof when it comes to ignoring information you don't like.

I see. You're angry because I called you on your stupid suppositions about AA. Tell us one more time about the fire dept. case.

No, I'm angry because you are being an asshole.
About twenty five years ago I was walking to work and two black guys tried to beat the shit out of me for being white. Just saying.

Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.

What an asshole.
No, he is an insecure asshole that would shit himself if one person said he would beat him down. Internet billy bad ass!

No. I told you I HAVE done it more than once.
Don't suppose that you know me coward. Yes there was two of them. So what . You fight anyway.
Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.

What an asshole.
No, he is an insecure asshole that would shit himself if one person said he would beat him down. Internet billy bad ass!

They pretend to not believe your story, because they are emotionally invested in the myth of blacks being downtrodden and in danger form Evul Racist Whites, to the point that they cannot allow even one counter example.

The funny part is, that one counter example does NOT disprove a general trend.

But they are so irrational that that simple fact eludes them.

You tend to believe him because you are emotionally invested in being scared to death of black folks.
Yeah, when I realized they had me I balled up into a ball so basically all they hit was my legs and arms. Somebody ran them off shortly after it started.

What a puss.

What an asshole.
No, he is an insecure asshole that would shit himself if one person said he would beat him down. Internet billy bad ass!

They pretend to not believe your story, because they are emotionally invested in the myth of blacks being downtrodden and in danger form Evul Racist Whites, to the point that they cannot allow even one counter example.

The funny part is, that one counter example does NOT disprove a general trend.

But they are so irrational that that simple fact eludes them.

You tend to believe him because you are emotionally invested in being scared to death of black folks.

No, I believe him because his story is completely unremarkable, and because I have no reason to doubt him.

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