People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Reagan wouldn't even win the GOP primaries today the party has moved so far to the right and Obama is not far left anything
Now that's just funny. You are a hard core Marxist just like your Messiah. And the GOP keeps moving to the left, not the right. They are tax and spend, just like you. You consider them not moving left as fast as you to be moving right. You're just clueless.
I think people who don't vote view issues as "problems". Problems that, to them, are a very complex puzzle that they hope will solve itself. They imagine themselves as nothing but one of tens of millions of tiny pieces to that puzzle. These non-voters will eventually be fitted by someone else into that puzzle that has no possible solution. It's the easiest path to no end in sight.

I also think that people who DO vote view issues as challenges. And challenges are full of opportunity. Opportunity to make change and to make a difference. They become part of a platform and that platform becomes a springboard. It could lead to results, or it could also lead to nowhere.

But at least they stepped up to the challenge.

When they Greeks invented Democracy it wasn't just for the richest and smartest citizens. That had already been done before. It was for everyone. And so fast forward to today where the sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans don't even bother to show up.

See here why Australia has it right.

BBC News - Australia election Why is voting compulsory

required by law or a rule; obligatory.
"compulsory military service"
synonyms:obligatory, mandatory, required, requisite, necessary, essential;

So Democrats lose when "sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans don't even bother to show up." But when these same "sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans" do vote, Democrats win.

I think you're close to having an epiphany.

And yes. Democrats represent the poor. Instead of what I called them, you and Romney call them "takers".

Clearly the GOP doesn't represent them. Right? Oh yea I forgot, you guys try to pretend the GOP is the best party no matter what your economic conditions are. They claim their policies work for everyone when so clearly they don't. But keep up the lie. It seems to be working.

I never called anyone that. When you have to lie, you've lost.
Reagan wouldn't even win the GOP primaries today the party has moved so far to the right and Obama is not far left anything
Now that's just funny. You are a hard core Marxist just like your Messiah. And the GOP keeps moving to the left, not the right. They are tax and spend, just like you. You consider them not moving left as fast as you to be moving right. You're just clueless.

What are we living in 1960's with that Marxist shit? That's the same thing the KKKlan called the Freedom Riders when they just wanted to ride on a fucking Greyhound from one state to another. You guys are pretty "liberal" with that word, dummy.

And we all know as soon as the GOP get back into power they'll stop being deficit hawks and go right back to being tax and spenders just like they were before.

They never cut your taxes you fucking dummy! All these years the Bush tax cuts were for the rich, not you. In fact his tax breaks to them raised your taxes.

Snyder is doing it now. He cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on retirees. And now the roads need fixing so he's coming after us again to pay for the roads the corporate truckers destroyed driving around our country making a profit!
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Great question. Instead of guys like Snyder and Romney raising taxes, what they do is raise "fees". So when you go to get your car registered on your birthday and the fee goes from $80 to $125, thank a Republican.

But that's not a tax.
Reagan wouldn't even win the GOP primaries today the party has moved so far to the right and Obama is not far left anything
Now that's just funny. You are a hard core Marxist just like your Messiah. And the GOP keeps moving to the left, not the right. They are tax and spend, just like you. You consider them not moving left as fast as you to be moving right. You're just clueless.

What are we living in 1960's with that Marxist shit? That's the same thing the KKKlan called the Freedom Riders when they just wanted to ride on a fucking Greyhound from one state to another. You guys are pretty "liberal" with that word, dummy.

And we all know as soon as the GOP get back into power they'll stop being deficit hawks and go right back to being tax and spenders just like they were before.

They never cut your taxes you fucking dummy! All these years the Bush tax cuts were for the rich, not you. In fact his tax breaks to them raised your taxes.

Snyder is doing it now. He cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on retirees. And now the roads need fixing so he's coming after us again to pay for the roads the corporate truckers destroyed driving around our country making a profit!

The lower your income, the higher percentage tax cut you got under W's plan. How is that a tax cut for the rich?
I think people who don't vote view issues as "problems". Problems that, to them, are a very complex puzzle that they hope will solve itself. They imagine themselves as nothing but one of tens of millions of tiny pieces to that puzzle. These non-voters will eventually be fitted by someone else into that puzzle that has no possible solution. It's the easiest path to no end in sight.

I also think that people who DO vote view issues as challenges. And challenges are full of opportunity. Opportunity to make change and to make a difference. They become part of a platform and that platform becomes a springboard. It could lead to results, or it could also lead to nowhere.

But at least they stepped up to the challenge.

When they Greeks invented Democracy it wasn't just for the richest and smartest citizens. That had already been done before. It was for everyone. And so fast forward to today where the sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans don't even bother to show up.

See here why Australia has it right.

BBC News - Australia election Why is voting compulsory

required by law or a rule; obligatory.
"compulsory military service"
synonyms:obligatory, mandatory, required, requisite, necessary, essential;

So Democrats lose when "sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans don't even bother to show up." But when these same "sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans" do vote, Democrats win.

I think you're close to having an epiphany.

And yes. Democrats represent the poor. Instead of what I called them, you and Romney call them "takers".

Clearly the GOP doesn't represent them. Right? Oh yea I forgot, you guys try to pretend the GOP is the best party no matter what your economic conditions are. They claim their policies work for everyone when so clearly they don't. But keep up the lie. It seems to be working.

I never called anyone that. When you have to lie, you've lost.

When I talk to conservatives I lose.
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Great question. Instead of guys like Snyder and Romney raising taxes, what they do is raise "fees". So when you go to get your car registered on your birthday and the fee goes from $80 to $125, thank a Republican.

But that's not a tax.

Yes, you mentioned that since I'm not a Democrat I am a Republican. In your tiny world, there is black and white. Oh, but Republicans are stupid, they are black and white, not intelligent like you.

What a moron.

So the poor should not pay fees to register their car? They should not pay taxes? They are just societal parasites who should contribute nothing? Even fees to ... think about it ... register a car?
Reagan wouldn't even win the GOP primaries today the party has moved so far to the right and Obama is not far left anything
Now that's just funny. You are a hard core Marxist just like your Messiah. And the GOP keeps moving to the left, not the right. They are tax and spend, just like you. You consider them not moving left as fast as you to be moving right. You're just clueless.

What are we living in 1960's with that Marxist shit? That's the same thing the KKKlan called the Freedom Riders when they just wanted to ride on a fucking Greyhound from one state to another. You guys are pretty "liberal" with that word, dummy.

And we all know as soon as the GOP get back into power they'll stop being deficit hawks and go right back to being tax and spenders just like they were before.

They never cut your taxes you fucking dummy! All these years the Bush tax cuts were for the rich, not you. In fact his tax breaks to them raised your taxes.

Snyder is doing it now. He cut taxes on the rich and raise taxes on retirees. And now the roads need fixing so he's coming after us again to pay for the roads the corporate truckers destroyed driving around our country making a profit!

The lower your income, the higher percentage tax cut you got under W's plan. How is that a tax cut for the rich?

Thanks for loaning me $300 and then putting it on the debt so now not only do I owe you that $300 fucking dollars but I also will have to pay interest?

All so GW could escape an official "recession" which I believe is 3 consecutive quarters of negative numbers? That's 9 fucking months GW was losing jobs and if he didn't "stimulate" the economy he'd be an even bigger loser than he already was.

The rich got $100K in tax breaks. And since we lowered their taxes, that means not only do they not have to pay the $100K back, you have to pay more of it back because they shifted the tax burden more onto you when they gave the rich those breaks, DUMMY.
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Great question. Instead of guys like Snyder and Romney raising taxes, what they do is raise "fees". So when you go to get your car registered on your birthday and the fee goes from $80 to $125, thank a Republican.

But that's not a tax.

Yes, you mentioned that since I'm not a Democrat I am a Republican. In your tiny world, there is black and white. Oh, but Republicans are stupid, they are black and white, not intelligent like you.

What a moron.

So the poor should not pay fees to register their car? They should not pay taxes? They are just societal parasites who should contribute nothing? Even fees to ... think about it ... register a car?

What are you a tea bagger or libertard? Even worse!
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.

Oh you are an employer not an employee? No wonder you think the way you do. I understand.

We're employees. So of course we aren't going to agree with you when you say we are all lazy and overpaid. If you ask us, you are.
Oh you are an employer not an employee? No wonder you think the way you do. I understand.

We're employees. So of course we aren't going to agree with you when you say we are all lazy and overpaid. If you ask us, you are.
How does an employee have so much free time on their hands?
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.

What will that do? The rich took over our government. They changed things so that instead of them having 75% of all the money and us 25%, they now have 90% of the money.

So you want me to work harder so I can try to gobble up the 10% of the money that is available to me? I think you'd have a better chance getting me to work harder if you put things back the way they should be where there is a fair amount of $ out there for me to get. Right now the rich are sitting on 90% of it.

See asshole idiots like you try to make this personal when this is not my problem, it's a problem we have as a nation. Its not just me that's not doing as well as I did in the 90's, it's all of us. So you can tell us to wrk harder but all that does is expose you for the ignorant douche bag that you are.
What will that do? The rich took over our government. They changed things so that instead of them having 75% of all the money and us 25%, they now have 90% of the money.

So you want me to work harder so I can try to gobble up the 10% of the money that is available to me? I think you'd have a better chance getting me to work harder if you put things back the way they should be where there is a fair amount of $ out there for me to get. Right now the rich are sitting on 90% of it.

See asshole idiots like you try to make this personal when this is not my problem, it's a problem we have as a nation. Its not just me that's not doing as well as I did in the 90's, it's all of us. So you can tell us to wrk harder but all that does is expose you for the ignorant douche bag that you are.
I don't know where you get your figures from but the American way used to be to go out and make money. Money isn't finite, there's room for success if you are successful. You seem to think there is a static amount of wealth and redistributing it is the American way that made this nation great. You must be worth your weight in gold at work.
Oh you are an employer not an employee? No wonder you think the way you do. I understand.

We're employees. So of course we aren't going to agree with you when you say we are all lazy and overpaid. If you ask us, you are.
How does an employee have so much free time on their hands?

I work 12 hour days! You ok with me taking an hour or three when I'm on salary and actually only getting paid for 8? Minus 1 hour for lunch of course. Also sometimes after I close or punch out I'll stay and argue with you idiots on usmb after I'm off the clock.

I run the business. The owner just sits at home and makes whatever profit I get him.

As long as I hit my goals and get my commissions and bonus' the owner is happy.

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