People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

Libertarians are even worse than Republicans and almost as bad as Tea Baggers. I like 4 things about Libertarians. Pot and prostitution legal, no wars and I can't remember the 4th. But other than the 4 things, you guys suck.

Libertarians in 2013 The Even Whiter Wealthier WASPier Bastion of Republican Party Alternet

First of all, moron, that doesn't address why you keep arguing with W in your posts instead of me since you are writing them to me.

And second of all, your ranking is as clueless as you are. How are we not worse than Tea Partiers? They only want to limit government growth and taxes, we want to obliterate them. We are way, way worse to government whores like you than they are. They are barely more fiscally conservative than Republicans are. They would only cut your afternoon tea from your government dependency check, we would take the check.
Is this you? “Nearly all libertarians are non-Hispanic whites (94 percent), more than two-thirds (68 percent) are men, and more than six in 10 (62 percent) are under the age of 50,

90% of liberals are stupid and 10% prey on the stupid. Which group are you in? I'm thinking the former.
kaz said:
So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.
How come you couldn't get the tea baggers to join you?

I'm not sure why you keep replying to the same post, but Tea Partiers are tax and spend Republicans. They just want to tax and spend a little less than other Republicans. When you accept government confiscation and redistribution of wealth like they do, they are still criminals like you are even if they want to do less of it. They have pretty much nothing in common with us. The guy in the gang of bank robbers who wants to rob one less bank a year isn't a cop.
So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

The only things I like about Libertarians

Nearly six-in-ten oppose making it more difficult for a woman to get an abortion. Seventy percent favor lethal injections by physicians for the terminally ill—nearly twice the rate of other Republicans. Seventy-one percent favor legalizing pot, compared to 59 percent of Tea Partiers.

I don't know how someone who doesn't favor legalizing drugs or euthanasia thinks they are a libertarian at all. Government doesn't have the right to tell us what we can do with our own bodies. How many times did you reply to my same post with your random Jack Handy quotes?
So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

And don't cry that we don't like you because clearly you don't like us either.

Sorry I made you cry, guy. OK, I'm not. Here's a hanky.

When it comes to the intensity of their political beliefs, libertarians dislike Democrats more fervently than they like Republicans—who they have a hot-and-cold relationship with. Fifty-seven percent “have a favorable view” of the GOP, “but a substantial minority (40 percent) have an unfavorable view. That may be why they are less likely than Tea Partiers to vote in GOP primaries. When it comes to Democrats, 89 percent "have an unfavorable view" and 64 percent "have a very unfavorable opinion of the party."

So fuck you too. LOL

Actually, we hate Republicans who are virtually indistinguishable from Democrats almost as much or as much as we hate Democrats. There is no hot-cold relationship. It's a cold-cold one The only difference between you and Republicans is they want to die a slower death. Your course to Marxism is immediate. They want to go about Marxism slower. That's the only difference. And that is why we are less likely to vote. We are split between voting for the slower death and not caring because the end is the same.

And BTW, while you replied to the same post repeatedly, you never answered the question why you argue with W when you post to me.
Libertarians are even worse than Republicans and almost as bad as Tea Baggers. I like 4 things about Libertarians. Pot and prostitution legal, no wars and I can't remember the 4th. But other than the 4 things, you guys suck

No wars is enough. If everything else in politics just disappeared over night, and I could be guaranteed just ONE DAMN THING, and it was NO WARS? Well then, I guess we would be doing all right with Libertarians in charge, wouldn't we?

LOL, true dat. When Obama ran the first time, I told my liberal friends if I didn't think he was a liar about the middle east and he would actually end the wars there and get us out, I would vote for him. But I don't believe him, I believe he will be W when he gets in office. They were all, no, kaz, he's serious, if that's true you have to vote for him. I said no, he's lying. I called that one...
I think you're huffing paint.
Oh brother. Some of us don't vote because we realize that the political-governmental system is the least effective and least moral means to deal with the issues or problems that you talk about.

Other people simply don't care about those issues in the least.

Thousands died for your right to vote and you throw it away. SHAME ON YOU. Also you have no right to bitch about anything if you choose to not vote.
When was my right to vote threatened? And no, it's you people who do vote, who endorse and support the system, who have no right to complain about the results of your efforts.
I didnt vote for obama so what do i have to complain about. I voted for romney. Independents and libertarian s who dont vote by default voted for the guys who won and his actions therafter. A vote can be for and against something whethere you vote or not. Point is vote dumbass.
By voting you endorse the system by which Obama came to power, and thus legitimized his governing over you. That's why you have no right to complain. I, however, who did not vote, have every right to complain about how the government you voters created affects me and others because I do not endorse the system in the first place, and never consented to be aggressed against.
You know the judicial branch is apart of this government that was designed to uphold the constitution which protects your freedoms and rights but has been ignored by the other branches and even though you are obviously in favor of peoples rights you sit back and bitch about your rights being taken away and the judicial branch being corrupted and yet you dont vote? Very hypocritical.
Oh brother. Some of us don't vote because we realize that the political-governmental system is the least effective and least moral means to deal with the issues or problems that you talk about.

Other people simply don't care about those issues in the least.

Thousands died for your right to vote and you throw it away. SHAME ON YOU. Also you have no right to bitch about anything if you choose to not vote.
When was my right to vote threatened? And no, it's you people who do vote, who endorse and support the system, who have no right to complain about the results of your efforts.
I didnt vote for obama so what do i have to complain about. I voted for romney. Independents and libertarian s who dont vote by default voted for the guys who won and his actions therafter. A vote can be for and against something whethere you vote or not. Point is vote dumbass.
By voting you endorse the system by which Obama came to power, and thus legitimized his governing over you. That's why you have no right to complain. I, however, who did not vote, have every right to complain about how the government you voters created affects me and others because I do not endorse the system in the first place, and never consented to be aggressed against.
You know the judicial branch is apart of this government that was designed to uphold the constitution which protects your freedoms and rights but has been ignored by the other branches and even though you are obviously in favor of peoples rights you sit back and bitch about your rights being taken away and the judicial branch being corrupted and yet you dont vote? Very hypocritical.
Very hypocritical of you to endorse the system by which people's rights, including your own, are violated and then complain about it.
Thousands died for your right to vote and you throw it away. SHAME ON YOU. Also you have no right to bitch about anything if you choose to not vote.
When was my right to vote threatened? And no, it's you people who do vote, who endorse and support the system, who have no right to complain about the results of your efforts.
I didnt vote for obama so what do i have to complain about. I voted for romney. Independents and libertarian s who dont vote by default voted for the guys who won and his actions therafter. A vote can be for and against something whethere you vote or not. Point is vote dumbass.
By voting you endorse the system by which Obama came to power, and thus legitimized his governing over you. That's why you have no right to complain. I, however, who did not vote, have every right to complain about how the government you voters created affects me and others because I do not endorse the system in the first place, and never consented to be aggressed against.
You know the judicial branch is apart of this government that was designed to uphold the constitution which protects your freedoms and rights but has been ignored by the other branches and even though you are obviously in favor of peoples rights you sit back and bitch about your rights being taken away and the judicial branch being corrupted and yet you dont vote? Very hypocritical.
Very hypocritical of you to endorse the system by which people's rights, including your own, are violated and then complain about it.
Aw... but i dont complain about it. It will take a lot more than this to make me lose faith in government. See because we have the right to vote we have the ability to correct or r err verse actions that temporarily stripped our freedom. Example is voting for congressman that will hold federal judges accountable by unseating ones that dont uphold the constitution. This allows the judicial branch to be checked and balanced. However that requires your vote.
By voting you endorse the system by which Obama came to power, and thus legitimized his governing over you. That's why you have no right to complain. I, however, who did not vote, have every right to complain about how the government you voters created affects me and others because I do not endorse the system in the first place, and never consented to be aggressed against.
You know the judicial branch is apart of this government that was designed to uphold the constitution which protects your freedoms and rights but has been ignored by the other branches and even though you are obviously in favor of peoples rights you sit back and bitch about your rights being taken away and the judicial branch being corrupted and yet you dont vote? Very hypocritical.

First of all, I disagree with Kevin that voting means you consent to be robbed. Kevin's argument is like saying if you try to run from or fight back to a mugger you consented to be robbed. By not fighting back, only he can criticize the people who robbed him. It's a stupid argument. However, your response was ridiculous. Government protects us from government? What a ridiculous argument. And obviously they don't.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Commerce clause legitimizes all government control over the economy not just trade between the States, that government can confiscate land for it's own benefit not just government's, that government can restrict our right to defend ourselves, that government can disregard our Constitutional rights in collecting taxes and in pursuing drugs and drug money, that government can require us to enter into a private contract with a health insurance company, that government can freely confiscate money from one citizen and give it to another, that government can regulate political speech going into elections, that people are property (Dred Scott), that there are no limits on Federal power (FDR), that government can engage in non-defensive wars, that government can discriminate against white people and men, none of which are in the Constitution. Then they made up that people have a right to an abortion and gays have a right to marriage. Whatever you think about those,they are not in the Constitution.

But it all comes back to the absurdity that you believe the Federal government will protect us from the Federal government. And obviously as I showed, they don't.
By voting you endorse the system by which Obama came to power, and thus legitimized his governing over you. That's why you have no right to complain. I, however, who did not vote, have every right to complain about how the government you voters created affects me and others because I do not endorse the system in the first place, and never consented to be aggressed against.
You know the judicial branch is apart of this government that was designed to uphold the constitution which protects your freedoms and rights but has been ignored by the other branches and even though you are obviously in favor of peoples rights you sit back and bitch about your rights being taken away and the judicial branch being corrupted and yet you dont vote? Very hypocritical.

First of all, I disagree with Kevin that voting means you consent to be robbed. Kevin's argument is like saying if you try to run from or fight back to a mugger you consented to be robbed. By not fighting back, only he can criticize the people who robbed him. It's a stupid argument. However, your response was ridiculous. Government protects us from government? What a ridiculous argument. And obviously they don't.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the Commerce clause legitimizes all government control over the economy not just trade between the States, that government can confiscate land for it's own benefit not just government's, that government can restrict our right to defend ourselves, that government can disregard our Constitutional rights in collecting taxes and in pursuing drugs and drug money, that government can require us to enter into a private contract with a health insurance company, that government can freely confiscate money from one citizen and give it to another, that government can regulate political speech going into elections, that people are property (Dred Scott), that there are no limits on Federal power (FDR), that government can engage in non-defensive wars, that government can discriminate against white people and men, none of which are in the Constitution. Then they made up that people have a right to an abortion and gays have a right to marriage. Whatever you think about those,they are not in the Constitution.

But it all comes back to the absurdity that you believe the Federal government will protect us from the Federal government. And obviously as I showed, they don't.
I never said that. I said the peoples right to vote protects us from government. It allows our government the ability to reset and the checks and balances prevent our government from going to far. Thats what makes our system of government unique. Everything obama has done can be reversed nd its looking pretty good that it will thanks to those citizens that voted.
Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

First, "kaz" is for my home town, Kalamazoo. And wow. You are going to use Michigan as an example of Democratic party policies working? Do you know anything about how Michigan drove out one of the greatest industries in the world with your endless socialist anti-business policies backed up by your Marxist rhetoric to justify it? Do you know anything about why Detroit is bankrupt? Do you know how to tie your shoes?

I know what the right wing spin is on what happened to Michigan. How could I not know? I would have had to miss all the commercials of Rick Snyder lying, just like Romney lied in 2007 when he said Michigan was in a one state recession.

But they are liars. What really ruined Michigan? It wasn't that union workers made too much. The GOP not only nationally but GLOBALLY destroyed the fucking economy. So when all those manufacturing jobs went overseas, no fucking shit the economy tanked. When they gave all those tax breaks to the rich and got us into two wars, no shit we are broke.

Here is all you need to know, DUMMY. In 1999 Ford had record profits and paid out record profit sharing. They weren't hurting at all, despite the high wages they paid their employees.

In fucking fact stupid, it was also those highly paid union workers who paid all those taxes to the state and federal government that funded the government. They also spun the economy by spending that money. And since those jobs no longer exist, the government isn't getting any of that money anymore. This is why you give the tax breaks to the middle class and poor, not the rich. The rich sit on the money, we spend it.

Stop fucking crying about what' fair you big fucking babies. What works? What worked? Your way doesn't work PERIOD. Ours did/does. Trickle down doesn't work. Middle first does.

99 Profit Sharing at Ford Averages 8 000 - New York Times

You fucking jealous pricks. You cry that we are jealous of the rich but you were jealous of the middle class. They didn't cause Ford to almost collapse. That was the GOP from 2000 and on that did that. And I think you should know that but for some reason your brainwashed ass doesn't.

So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

Libertarians are even worse than Republicans and almost as bad as Tea Baggers. I like 4 things about Libertarians. Pot and prostitution legal, no wars and I can't remember the 4th. But other than the 4 things, you guys suck.

Libertarians in 2013 The Even Whiter Wealthier WASPier Bastion of Republican Party Alternet

No wars is enough. If everything else in politics just disappeared over night, and I could be guaranteed just ONE DAMN THING, and it was NO WARS? Well then, I guess we would be doing all right with Libertarians in charge, wouldn't we?

Can you imagine, the entire planet with them in charge, and not a single war anywhere? Yeah, everyone MUST settle their differences peacefully. Wow, what a frickin' concept. Voluntary action. Can you imagine?

(p.s. the other thing you like about Libertarians is they support abortion on demand. lol)

Yes I can imagine. The entire rest of the world would be speaking German. Maybe even us too. It'd be easy for them to come in from Mexico and Canada. They gonna stop them? And you nut Libertards would end up destroying the world because we just know you'd drop the nuke and they'd return the favor.

And your economic policies SUCK. Reminds me of the times leading up to the Great Recession. Do you know what Libertards say Bush did wrong? He didn't deregulate enough!

Libertarianism is anarchy. At least at first. They want to trash the system and start over. Then it's every man for himself. We wouldn't even have Public parks. Grand Canyon would be privately owned by Disney or the Koch brothers. Buy a fucking ticket if you want to see it.

Libertarians don't think government should do anything. Everything should be private. They must not remember why we started medicare for seniors, public schools.

Do Libertarians realize Government is the referee in the game of running a country? Not the rich. But I'm not going to change your mind. It's the people who didn't show up to vote that I need to reach.

They didn't vote because they don't think it matters. We all know thats not true. You guys wouldn't be here if that was true. You LOVE IT that they don't vote. You assume they'll vote stupidly but you really fear them because on every fucking issue, they agree with us.

Going green? They agree with us. Mitch McConnell just said Obama is waging a war on coal. What a dick. Until the voters show up and tell Mitch that they want to go green, he'll keep telling that lie.

They will keep raising our taxes and giving the rich more tax breaks. Shifting the tax burden onto you/us. If we don't vote, they'll just keep on doing it.

Here is why it is hard to argue with a Libertarian. Because there is a lot we agree on. Randi Rhodes and Thom Hartman have had Libertarians on their shows and it is crazy how much we agree on. But not enough for me to EVER support you. And that is why you are even less popular than the Tea Party. You have captured the young right wing white voters is all.
Lets put it very simple so even you dumb ass middle class Republicans can understand. The GOP raised your taxes. We still owe on the debt right? But over the years the rich and corporations have gotten huge tax breaks. So that means more of the debt is owed by you and me. Great example. Snyder in Michigan has been cutting taxes for all his buddies. Now the roads need fixing and he's saying they don't have the money and now he's going to have to raise our taxes somewhere. Sorry. So he/they shifted the tax burden onto us.

First, "kaz" is for my home town, Kalamazoo. And wow. You are going to use Michigan as an example of Democratic party policies working? Do you know anything about how Michigan drove out one of the greatest industries in the world with your endless socialist anti-business policies backed up by your Marxist rhetoric to justify it? Do you know anything about why Detroit is bankrupt? Do you know how to tie your shoes?

I know what the right wing spin is on what happened to Michigan. How could I not know? I would have had to miss all the commercials of Rick Snyder lying, just like Romney lied in 2007 when he said Michigan was in a one state recession.

But they are liars. What really ruined Michigan? It wasn't that union workers made too much. The GOP not only nationally but GLOBALLY destroyed the fucking economy. So when all those manufacturing jobs went overseas, no fucking shit the economy tanked. When they gave all those tax breaks to the rich and got us into two wars, no shit we are broke.

Here is all you need to know, DUMMY. In 1999 Ford had record profits and paid out record profit sharing. They weren't hurting at all, despite the high wages they paid their employees.

In fucking fact stupid, it was also those highly paid union workers who paid all those taxes to the state and federal government that funded the government. They also spun the economy by spending that money. And since those jobs no longer exist, the government isn't getting any of that money anymore. This is why you give the tax breaks to the middle class and poor, not the rich. The rich sit on the money, we spend it.

Stop fucking crying about what' fair you big fucking babies. What works? What worked? Your way doesn't work PERIOD. Ours did/does. Trickle down doesn't work. Middle first does.

99 Profit Sharing at Ford Averages 8 000 - New York Times

You fucking jealous pricks. You cry that we are jealous of the rich but you were jealous of the middle class. They didn't cause Ford to almost collapse. That was the GOP from 2000 and on that did that. And I think you should know that but for some reason your brainwashed ass doesn't.

So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

Libertarians are even worse than Republicans and almost as bad as Tea Baggers. I like 4 things about Libertarians. Pot and prostitution legal, no wars and I can't remember the 4th. But other than the 4 things, you guys suck.

Libertarians in 2013 The Even Whiter Wealthier WASPier Bastion of Republican Party Alternet

No wars is enough. )

I know you are not really but this comment makes you sound like a one issue voter. Wedge issues are how the rich divide us. God, gays, guns, abortion.

And what makes you think Ron Paul if elected would not go back on his word? Obama did. Bush did. Clinton did. Bush 1 did. Reagan did. Carter, Ford, JFK, LBJ, LBGT, FDR, DNC, Every president has. Oh your boy is different?

Ron Paul reminds me of Joseph Smith of the Mormon faith. Joseph Smith found an angle and started his own religion. Still a "christian" sorta, but not really.
Oh, and by the way Black people! I got a bone to pick with you. I'm hearing black people cry that the whites are trying to take Detroit away from black people. You are god damn right they are! And don't be callin up no radio station and complain when you didn't get off your fat asses and vote.

For those that don't know it, like in Katrina they used the Hurricane to run the poor out of New Orleans. Same things going on in Detroit. Detroit can no longer be a shit hole for poor people. Those poor people need to move. Either to a new poorer part of the city or the suburbs. If you want to make something of yourself, go to the burbs. If you want to be scum go live in the ghetto. But instead of having the poor live all over Detroit, they are going to relocate them so that instead of 100% of Detroit being shitty, only 25% of the city will be dangerous and seedy. Then people won't be afraid to go to "Detroit". They'll just know not to go to that part of Detroit.

It's not a black thing. It's a poor thing. Its a drug dealers, rapists, murderers, crack heads. The welfare community. They need to go.

And if I'm wrong the show up to vote in 2016. And not because of the skin color or because she's the first woman to be president. Show up because you understand it's all you got.
Its not like the game isn't played because you stayed at home. And the only thing that happens when you stay home for sure is that you lose for sure. Not that interested in politics? Don't think it matters? Ok....
I think people who don't vote view issues as "problems". Problems that, to them, are a very complex puzzle that they hope will solve itself. They imagine themselves as nothing but one of tens of millions of tiny pieces to that puzzle. These non-voters will eventually be fitted by someone else into that puzzle that has no possible solution. It's the easiest path to no end in sight.

I also think that people who DO vote view issues as challenges. And challenges are full of opportunity. Opportunity to make change and to make a difference. They become part of a platform and that platform becomes a springboard. It could lead to results, or it could also lead to nowhere.

But at least they stepped up to the challenge.

When they Greeks invented Democracy it wasn't just for the richest and smartest citizens. That had already been done before. It was for everyone. And so fast forward to today where the sad pathetic lazy ignorant Americans don't even bother to show up.

See here why Australia has it right.

BBC News - Australia election Why is voting compulsory

required by law or a rule; obligatory.
"compulsory military service"
synonyms:obligatory, mandatory, required, requisite, necessary, essential;
I think people who don't vote view issues as "problems". Problems that, to them, are a very complex puzzle that they hope will solve itself. They imagine themselves as nothing but one of tens of millions of tiny pieces to that puzzle. These non-voters will eventually be fitted by someone else into that puzzle that has no possible solution. It's the easiest path to no end in sight.

I also think that people who DO vote view issues as challenges. And challenges are full of opportunity. Opportunity to make change and to make a difference. They become part of a platform and that platform becomes a springboard. It could lead to results, or it could also lead to nowhere.

But at least they stepped up to the challenge.
I think you're painting with too broad a brush.
I think you're huffing paint.
Oh brother. Some of us don't vote because we realize that the political-governmental system is the least effective and least moral means to deal with the issues or problems that you talk about.

Other people simply don't care about those issues in the least.

Thousands died for your right to vote and you throw it away. SHAME ON YOU. Also you have no right to bitch about anything if you choose to not vote.
When was my right to vote threatened? And no, it's you people who do vote, who endorse and support the system, who have no right to complain about the results of your efforts.

Ok George Carlin

So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

Libertarians are even worse than Republicans and almost as bad as Tea Baggers. I like 4 things about Libertarians. Pot and prostitution legal, no wars and I can't remember the 4th. But other than the 4 things, you guys suck.

Libertarians in 2013 The Even Whiter Wealthier WASPier Bastion of Republican Party Alternet

First of all, moron, that doesn't address why you keep arguing with W in your posts instead of me since you are writing them to me.

And second of all, your ranking is as clueless as you are. How are we not worse than Tea Partiers? They only want to limit government growth and taxes, we want to obliterate them. We are way, way worse to government whores like you than they are. They are barely more fiscally conservative than Republicans are. They would only cut your afternoon tea from your government dependency check, we would take the check.

I wish you Libertarians had the $ to go around the world and see how the best countries are doing it. No one is doing it your way. Your way has never been done before so you can't even say it will work. In fact we think it would be HORRIBLE. So does the rest of your party. In fact you have less voters than the tea party so what does that say about you? You are a fringe group is what it says.

Oh, and what works in Switzerland won't work here either. They don't pay a lot in taxes but they don't have the masses we have to deal with.

I could be a libertarian if we didn't have the masses to deal with. I think Lbertarians don't understand the suffering their policies would cause. No social safety nets.

Look around and see how every other country has a government that invests in it's people. They invest in infrastructure. And EVERY other country has universal healthcare. Would the new Libertarian America? No it would not. So I don't see how you guys would deal with that.

Oh yea, you would let the free market decide. NEXT!

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class

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