People Who Don't Vote Are The Problem

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.

Oh you are an employer not an employee? No wonder you think the way you do. I understand.

We're employees. So of course we aren't going to agree with you when you say we are all lazy and overpaid. If you ask us, you are.

I don't think "employees" are lazy and overpaid. I think you are. That's why you have your hat out.

Whatever broke ass. House slave.
Kaz is starting to piss me off. Big mistke..

Kaz is being intellectually dishonest.
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.

I'll work smarter and you can work harder.
He's going to see when I leave that he's never going to find anyone like me. Everyone says it. Everyone who has left the company says he's going to be sorry the day I leave. But he'll take that chance. He'll find someone else. Maybe they'll be as good as me. Maybe they'll stick around. I doubt it. No one else has.

And I have just recently grown fed up with him and his business. I was trying very hard to make it grow but because he doesn't pay his employees enough, they don't stick around long enough.

He's not a very bright guy. He's very talented at doing what we sell, but running the business not so much. It is amazing he has 3 locations. And when I started here, he had a really bad rep in the community. I had to mend so many broken fences.

Anyways, his business model doesn't call for paying people what they are worth. He starts you off really low, makes promises, raises the minimums and quotas so you'll never make as much as you were expecting.

I know. If I don't like it I can find another job. I am currently in the process.

So being cheap is costing him. IMO anyways. I think if he paid more he'd make more. But his business model is to pay as little as he has to and if people leave there are plenty of people looking for work.

This is why the rich love it that they trashed the economy on purpose, sent all those jobs overseas, hired all those illegals. They wanted to flood the job market with people needing work. That lowers wages and you have your pick of who you want to hire. So the only way to fix the economy is to insist that all those manufacturing companies that went overseas come back and pay a fair wage. If they don't we will tax/tariff the fuck out of them and then their competitors who are Made in America will take over their market share if they refuse.
I was with you until the last paragraph. If you know the day to day operations of the business and he's a lousy businessman, and I've met plenty, then that is a void you can fill. Paying less for inferior goods or services only works in a limited way for limited businesses. People go to a business because they want something done and don't want the headache of a problem service.

Depending on the type of business, it may well be impossible to compete globally with US wages and regulations. In that case they move, die or sell the company. Like Milwaukee Tools. My favorite brand is made in China now because the Chinese own the company.

People talk patriotic but they don't want to pay $500 for a drill they can get for $300 and the Chinese can make quality products. You would make them sell $500 drills and they'd go tits up sooner rather than later. So blaming the company is a scapegoat in many cases when they live in a sink or swim market.

If you think nationalizing the products is the answer that hasn't proven to be a successful model either because close enough for government work is par for the course.
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.

That couldn't be further from the truth. No one has worked harder for my company than me and in the end, the owner doesn't give a shit about what I did in the past. What have I done for him lately is all he cares about. He's a user. In his eyes, he already paid me for that past hard work. Want a raise? Work even harder!

Oh, and it is his fault business is slow not mine. I'm not going to go into it all but he is so far out of the loop on what's going on here and when I tell him he says I'm just making excuses. So fuck him. I'll run his business but I won't go above and beyond anymore and while I do it I'll be looking for another job. Time to move on.

And then he hires a new guy who comes in all gun ho and drinking the coolaid just like I did when I first started. It is so funny to see him doing basically what I was doing when I first started here. The owner had me go to each location and evaluate what everyone was doing wrong. Now the new guy is basically going to go do everything I already did/tried. Am I going to tell him? Fuck no! It's not my business. The owner can pay him and he will find out. I'll just do what is required of me.

See? If he paid a little more I would care and go back to working "harder". And again, everyone says there is no way he's going to find anyone like me. If he does the person is going to ask for a lot more to start and he won't pay it. I took the job with a low starting pay expecting as the business grew so would my pay. That didn't happen. When I got the sales up, he raised the quotas. So I will perpetually never make any more even if I quadruple his business? Not going to happen.

Plus don't forget his business isn't growing anymore because of the high turnover.

I wonder how much the owner makes? I know he pays him and his wife a salary and they don't do anything. At least she doesn't do anything. Oh, and they have a "foundation" charity where we all know they don't do a god damn thing for the needy. The foundation is just a way for them to make more $. They pay themselves out of the foundation and whatever is left over (the scraps) goes to the needy.

No biggy. In 19 years I'll be retired. I'm not going to start my own business. I'll just find another job. Hopefully the next person I work for will be generous like you. LOL
LOL, right, your Marxist comrades are doing so well economically. Actually the greatest experiment in libertarianism led to 5% of the world's population dominating the global economy. That experiment was the USA. It is your socialism that is undoing that.

I'm not going to disagree when you say "libertarianism led to 5% of the world's population dominating the global economy"

Are you arguing or agreeing with me?

That doesn't agree with anything you said. The founding fathers were classic liberals, who are today called libertarians.
Not at all actually. They were a party not avaiable in Todays society.

No meat to back that up. You can't. They were very close to small government libertarians, particularly at the Federal level. Since you said they were "not at all actually," a plethora of examples of differences between libertarians and the founding fathers should be at your fingertips. Good luck with that.
Theres simularities with them and all the partys. My point was not one party today is a match of them back then and to suggest otherwise is to suggest your high on drugs dreaming.

Still no answer to the question...
He's going to see when I leave that he's never going to find anyone like me. Everyone says it. Everyone who has left the company says he's going to be sorry the day I leave. But he'll take that chance. He'll find someone else. Maybe they'll be as good as me. Maybe they'll stick around. I doubt it. No one else has.

And I have just recently grown fed up with him and his business. I was trying very hard to make it grow but because he doesn't pay his employees enough, they don't stick around long enough.

He's not a very bright guy. He's very talented at doing what we sell, but running the business not so much. It is amazing he has 3 locations. And when I started here, he had a really bad rep in the community. I had to mend so many broken fences.

Anyways, his business model doesn't call for paying people what they are worth. He starts you off really low, makes promises, raises the minimums and quotas so you'll never make as much as you were expecting.

I know. If I don't like it I can find another job. I am currently in the process.

So being cheap is costing him. IMO anyways. I think if he paid more he'd make more. But his business model is to pay as little as he has to and if people leave there are plenty of people looking for work.

This is why the rich love it that they trashed the economy on purpose, sent all those jobs overseas, hired all those illegals. They wanted to flood the job market with people needing work. That lowers wages and you have your pick of who you want to hire. So the only way to fix the economy is to insist that all those manufacturing companies that went overseas come back and pay a fair wage. If they don't we will tax/tariff the fuck out of them and then their competitors who are Made in America will take over their market share if they refuse.
I was with you until the last paragraph. If you know the day to day operations of the business and he's a lousy businessman, and I've met plenty, then that is a void you can fill. Paying less for inferior goods or services only works in a limited way for limited businesses. People go to a business because they want something done and don't want the headache of a problem service.

Depending on the type of business, it may well be impossible to compete globally with US wages and regulations. In that case they move, die or sell the company. Like Milwaukee Tools. My favorite brand is made in China now because the Chinese own the company.

People talk patriotic but they don't want to pay $500 for a drill they can get for $300 and the Chinese can make quality products. You would make them sell $500 drills and they'd go tits up sooner rather than later. So blaming the company is a scapegoat in many cases when they live in a sink or swim market.

If you think nationalizing the products is the answer that hasn't proven to be a successful model either because close enough for government work is par for the course.

Some things are going to go overseas. But every country other than the USA protected the industries that were vital to their economies. America didn't because our vital industry was manufacturing and those companies were paying way too much for union labor and pensions and healthcare.

Did sending manufacturing overseas lower prices or did it just increase the CEO's bonus'? Because I remember they said Walmart would give us cheep products and from what I see I get better deals at Meijers and Krogers. And how much less are Honda's and Toyota cars than Ford & GM? Not at all as far as I can see.
And that is why the rich vote GOP because they want hand outs and the Dems don't give them to them.
Many Democrats are very wealthy. You really are a moron.

I think you know what I mean. And when I say rich I mean Koch brother rich. The only rich Democrat like that you guys ever bring up is Soros.

Yes there are lots of rich people in Hollywood and they aren't greedy rich people I agree.

Again, I think you know what I mean. Either that or you don't because you are really dumb?
I wish you Libertarians had the $ to go around the world and see how the best countries are doing it. No one is doing it your way. Your way has never been done before so you can't even say it will work. In fact we think it would be HORRIBLE. So does the rest of your party. In fact you have less voters than the tea party so what does that say about you? You are a fringe group is what it says.

Oh, and what works in Switzerland won't work here either. They don't pay a lot in taxes but they don't have the masses we have to deal with.

I could be a libertarian if we didn't have the masses to deal with. I think Lbertarians don't understand the suffering their policies would cause. No social safety nets.

Look around and see how every other country has a government that invests in it's people. They invest in infrastructure. And VERY other country has universal healthcare. Would the new Libertarian America? No it would not. So I don't see how you guys would deal with that.

Oh yea, you would let the free market decide. NEXT!

Democracy - Not The Free Market - Will Save America s Middle Class

LOL, right, your Marxist comrades are doing so well economically. Actually the greatest experiment in libertarianism led to 5% of the world's population dominating the global economy. That experiment was the USA. It is your socialism that is undoing that.

I'm not going to disagree when you say "libertarianism led to 5% of the world's population dominating the global economy"

Are you arguing or agreeing with me?

That doesn't agree with anything you said. The founding fathers were classic liberals, who are today called libertarians.
Not at all actually. They were a party not avaiable in Todays society.

No meat to back that up. You can't. They were very close to small government libertarians, particularly at the Federal level. Since you said they were "not at all actually," a plethora of examples of differences between libertarians and the founding fathers should be at your fingertips. Good luck with that.

Back then conservatives wanted to stay loyal to the King of England.
I don't think "employees" are lazy and overpaid. I think you are. That's why you have your hat out.

Sure you guys think "in general" that American employees are lazy and overpaid. First you said it about union workers. Then you said it about government workers. Now you are saying it about me and I am neither.

You guys have been saying it about us for over a decade now. Remember you said it back when McCain and Romney were saying that illegals work harder and are only doing jobs Americans won't do? We will do the work. We just want a fair wage.

So don't try to say you don't think employees are lazy and overpaid. Clearly that is your parties position.

No employee who makes a market wage is overpaid or underpaid. As for your post, the only thing I said to you is the red part. The rest were the voices in your head.
Vote for Hillary and Democrats and the Middle Class and Poor get the tax breaks.

Dude, the poor don't pay taxes, how can they get a "tax break?" The middle class barely pay taxes.

Yea, we got it soooo good and the rich got it soooo rough.

Maybe you should work harder. As another tip as an employer, the biggest difference between those I give raises to and those I don't is when people care about their job. I"d start with yourself.

That couldn't be further from the truth. No one has worked harder for my company than me and in the end, the owner doesn't give a shit about what I did in the past. What have I done for him lately is all he cares about. He's a user. In his eyes, he already paid me for that past hard work. Want a raise? Work even harder!

Oh, and it is his fault business is slow not mine. I'm not going to go into it all but he is so far out of the loop on what's going on here and when I tell him he says I'm just making excuses. So fuck him. I'll run his business but I won't go above and beyond anymore and while I do it I'll be looking for another job. Time to move on.

And then he hires a new guy who comes in all gun ho and drinking the coolaid just like I did when I first started. It is so funny to see him doing basically what I was doing when I first started here. The owner had me go to each location and evaluate what everyone was doing wrong. Now the new guy is basically going to go do everything I already did/tried. Am I going to tell him? Fuck no! It's not my business. The owner can pay him and he will find out. I'll just do what is required of me.

See? If he paid a little more I would care and go back to working "harder". And again, everyone says there is no way he's going to find anyone like me. If he does the person is going to ask for a lot more to start and he won't pay it. I took the job with a low starting pay expecting as the business grew so would my pay. That didn't happen. When I got the sales up, he raised the quotas. So I will perpetually never make any more even if I quadruple his business? Not going to happen.

Plus don't forget his business isn't growing anymore because of the high turnover.

I wonder how much the owner makes? I know he pays him and his wife a salary and they don't do anything. At least she doesn't do anything. Oh, and they have a "foundation" charity where we all know they don't do a god damn thing for the needy. The foundation is just a way for them to make more $. They pay themselves out of the foundation and whatever is left over (the scraps) goes to the needy.

No biggy. In 19 years I'll be retired. I'm not going to start my own business. I'll just find another job. Hopefully the next person I work for will be generous like you. LOL

There are good and bad employees and good and bad owners. If you were a good employee, you would just find a good owner and succeed together. Instead you're just blaming all employers and putting your hat out. Says what the truth is.
LOL, right, your Marxist comrades are doing so well economically. Actually the greatest experiment in libertarianism led to 5% of the world's population dominating the global economy. That experiment was the USA. It is your socialism that is undoing that.

I'm not going to disagree when you say "libertarianism led to 5% of the world's population dominating the global economy"

Are you arguing or agreeing with me?

That doesn't agree with anything you said. The founding fathers were classic liberals, who are today called libertarians.
Not at all actually. They were a party not avaiable in Todays society.

No meat to back that up. You can't. They were very close to small government libertarians, particularly at the Federal level. Since you said they were "not at all actually," a plethora of examples of differences between libertarians and the founding fathers should be at your fingertips. Good luck with that.

Back then conservatives wanted to stay loyal to the King of England.

I'm a Republican again. That's very clever. Do you write your own material or do you have a professional help you? Or are you a professional? Wow, that really is cutting. I'm impressed.
What good is voting if your elected official never carries out his duty? Kinda renders voting a moot point. I voted, though, for the lesser of two evils. I believe voting has a purpose, but also that not voting sends a message.
Agreed. Voting for evil is still wrong.




Winston Churchill once said the best argument against democracy was to spend 10 minutes with the average American voter.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about you .... or was he?
First, "kaz" is for my home town, Kalamazoo. And wow. You are going to use Michigan as an example of Democratic party policies working? Do you know anything about how Michigan drove out one of the greatest industries in the world with your endless socialist anti-business policies backed up by your Marxist rhetoric to justify it? Do you know anything about why Detroit is bankrupt? Do you know how to tie your shoes?

I know what the right wing spin is on what happened to Michigan. How could I not know? I would have had to miss all the commercials of Rick Snyder lying, just like Romney lied in 2007 when he said Michigan was in a one state recession.

But they are liars. What really ruined Michigan? It wasn't that union workers made too much. The GOP not only nationally but GLOBALLY destroyed the fucking economy. So when all those manufacturing jobs went overseas, no fucking shit the economy tanked. When they gave all those tax breaks to the rich and got us into two wars, no shit we are broke.

Here is all you need to know, DUMMY. In 1999 Ford had record profits and paid out record profit sharing. They weren't hurting at all, despite the high wages they paid their employees.

In fucking fact stupid, it was also those highly paid union workers who paid all those taxes to the state and federal government that funded the government. They also spun the economy by spending that money. And since those jobs no longer exist, the government isn't getting any of that money anymore. This is why you give the tax breaks to the middle class and poor, not the rich. The rich sit on the money, we spend it.

Stop fucking crying about what' fair you big fucking babies. What works? What worked? Your way doesn't work PERIOD. Ours did/does. Trickle down doesn't work. Middle first does.

99 Profit Sharing at Ford Averages 8 000 - New York Times

You fucking jealous pricks. You cry that we are jealous of the rich but you were jealous of the middle class. They didn't cause Ford to almost collapse. That was the GOP from 2000 and on that did that. And I think you should know that but for some reason your brainwashed ass doesn't.

So if you're so certain of being right, why can't you argue my views instead of W's? That's a clear indication you have no fucking clue what you are talking about. You ever want to debate a libertarian instead of a Republican, I'm here. But calling my views Republican is just retarded. Which is of course, what you are.

Libertarians are even worse than Republicans and almost as bad as Tea Baggers. I like 4 things about Libertarians. Pot and prostitution legal, no wars and I can't remember the 4th. But other than the 4 things, you guys suck.

Libertarians in 2013 The Even Whiter Wealthier WASPier Bastion of Republican Party Alternet

No wars is enough. If everything else in politics just disappeared over night, and I could be guaranteed just ONE DAMN THING, and it was NO WARS? Well then, I guess we would be doing all right with Libertarians in charge, wouldn't we?

Can you imagine, the entire planet with them in charge, and not a single war anywhere? Yeah, everyone MUST settle their differences peacefully. Wow, what a frickin' concept. Voluntary action. Can you imagine?

(p.s. the other thing you like about Libertarians is they support abortion on demand. lol)

Yes I can imagine. The entire rest of the world would be speaking German. Maybe even us too. It'd be easy for them to come in from Mexico and Canada. They gonna stop them? And you nut Libertards would end up destroying the world because we just know you'd drop the nuke and they'd return the favor.

And your economic policies SUCK. Reminds me of the times leading up to the Great Recession. Do you know what Libertards say Bush did wrong? He didn't deregulate enough!

Libertarianism is anarchy. At least at first. They want to trash the system and start over. Then it's every man for himself. We wouldn't even have Public parks. Grand Canyon would be privately owned by Disney or the Koch brothers. Buy a fucking ticket if you want to see it.

Libertarians don't think government should do anything. Everything should be private. They must not remember why we started medicare for seniors, public schools.

Do Libertarians realize Government is the referee in the game of running a country? Not the rich. But I'm not going to change your mind. It's the people who didn't show up to vote that I need to reach.

They didn't vote because they don't think it matters. We all know thats not true. You guys wouldn't be here if that was true. You LOVE IT that they don't vote. You assume they'll vote stupidly but you really fear them because on every fucking issue, they agree with us.

Going green? They agree with us. Mitch McConnell just said Obama is waging a war on coal. What a dick. Until the voters show up and tell Mitch that they want to go green, he'll keep telling that lie.

They will keep raising our taxes and giving the rich more tax breaks. Shifting the tax burden onto you/us. If we don't vote, they'll just keep on doing it.

Here is why it is hard to argue with a Libertarian. Because there is a lot we agree on. Randi Rhodes and Thom Hartman have had Libertarians on their shows and it is crazy how much we agree on. But not enough for me to EVER support you. And that is why you are even less popular than the Tea Party. You have captured the young right wing white voters is all.
Did sending manufacturing overseas lower prices or did it just increase the CEO's bonus'? Because I remember they said Walmart would give us cheep products and from what I see I get better deals at Meijers and Krogers. And how much less are Honda's and Toyota cars than Ford & GM? Not at all as far as I can see.
Absolutely. people can buy a lot more these days with their money. Where are the American TVs? You can buy big ass flat screens for prices computer monitors went for not long ago. GM and Ford vehicles cost about $3k more for pension and union concerns, last I checked. On the other hand, many Toyotas and Hondas are made here, and many others. Punishing them would put many Americans out of work. VWs are made here too and the German unions fought it like hell.
I think you know what I mean. And when I say rich I mean Koch brother rich. The only rich Democrat like that you guys ever bring up is Soros.

Yes there are lots of rich people in Hollywood and they aren't greedy rich people I agree.

Again, I think you know what I mean. Either that or you don't because you are really dumb?
You honestly don't know what you're talking about. Off the top of my head Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, the Google guy, Facebook, GE's Immel, Corsine, etc. etc. Probably more rich Dems than Repubs. Big government benefits the super rich.
kaz said:
I don't think "employees" are lazy and overpaid. I think you are. That's why you have your hat out.

Whatever broke ass. House slave.
Kaz is starting to piss me off. Big mistke..

I'm scared. What happens when you get pissed off? Do you suddenly start backing up what you said? I'd be in favor of that.
I hate giving history lessons to people who should already know history. Failing school system that you are a product of. By the way im saying fuck your question nicely.
Last edited:
kaz said:
I don't think "employees" are lazy and overpaid. I think you are. That's why you have your hat out.

Whatever broke ass. House slave.
Kaz is starting to piss me off. Big mistke..

I'm scared. What happens when you get pissed off? Do you suddenly start backing up what you said? I'd be in favor of that.
I hate giving history lessons to people who should already know history. Failing school system that you are a product of.
Why would I vote when I feel none of the candidates represent my interest?
Good question. A better one is would you vote if one cndidate said he was going to pass a program to take away your rights or vote for the other candidate that would stop that from happening and restore your lost taken rights?
kaz said:
I don't think "employees" are lazy and overpaid. I think you are. That's why you have your hat out.

Whatever broke ass. House slave.
Kaz is starting to piss me off. Big mistke..

I'm scared. What happens when you get pissed off? Do you suddenly start backing up what you said? I'd be in favor of that.
I hate giving history lessons to people who should already know history. Failing school system that you are a product of.
Why would I vote when I feel none of the candidates represent my interest?
Good question. A better one is would you vote if one cndidate said he was going to pass a program to take away your rights or vote for the other candidate that would stop that from happening and restore your lost taken rights?
They are all liars, so it doesn't matter what any of them say they are going to do. You would be a fool to listen to any of them. A smart person looks at who is funding them, and then can figure out exactly what they are going to do.

Since both political parties are receiving funding from the same sources, and intelligent person can figure out that it doesn't make a dimes worth of difference in the end WHO you vote for.



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