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People who voted for Trump

She wanted to give an order to US pilots that would have required them to fire on Russian planes.
Pure bullshit

Nope. She wanted to put a no fly zone, in an area patrolled by russian planes.

Hillary partisans I talked to about it at the time, assumed that Russians would back down, and they were willing to risk WWIII, on that bluff.
So to all those who believe Trump voters are poorly educated, brainwashed, racist, stupid, etc. Most of us are exactly the opposite and that is what you don't grasp. This is why the polls are so off. This is why you are deranged Leftists.

So what you are saying is that you are smart enough to be ashamed to admit to voting for Trump in public, but too stupid to not vote for him at all?

Sorry, man, what Trump has proven is that our system is flawed. The majority GOT THIS RIGHT. Given two kind of awful choices, we made the least awful choice, which was Mrs. Clinton.

Trump won because too many people in Swing States looked at the polls, assumed Hillary had it in the bag, and stayed home or pissed away their votes on third parties. That won't happen again.

So, yes, you guys were so smart, we now have 60,000 dead (more killed in a month and a half than 8 years of war in Vietnam) and 26 million unemployed (more than lost their jobs in the Great Depression).

So, um, hooray for you?
Joe, you are a failed HR clerk who reviews resumes. You’re not smarter than the rest of us. Stop acting like it. You completely disregarded the post and repeated your Leftist diatribe for the 100th time. You have nothing to offer in intellectual discussions and your comparisons are crazy given this is a Global Pandemic. I do not know who will win in November as Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump but if you think Trump garnered his 62mil+ votes from rednecks and racists you’re simply wrong.
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& who is it that bends over for a failed reality TV star?


that's who!
A fictional character from The Hobbit? LOL


hey - you picked it to represent *you*.

that's all what is needed. you wussed out bigley when you shut yer profile down.

LOL you’re so easily triggered this is fun. You miss my profile. Beg me to open it.

naw - i found a way to poke you ... you have no choice to see my likes & Looooooves............ you'll never know when it's ready for you. unless of course you put me on iggy , otherwise you'll go right to my 'quote' to you & VOILA!

there it is.
Iggy? Take out your pacifier and enjoy your 500+ thumbs down.

you said it was only 200 yesterday.... :hyper:
bluzman61 been putting in some overtime.

he's a coward - he loves to give them out - but won't debate because he is incapable i suppose; & he knows it.
Crep and I debate frequently. What do you mean?

i wasn't talking about you. & neither was crep. but you ARE a coward 'cause you can't stand seeing me get so many more likes & certainly more 'loves' than you could ever dream of getting for yerself.

actually you are a wussy. that's worse than a coward.
I just like that it triggers you and you're such a follower that you copied my modus operandi. LOL

i'm mocking you.

if i were copying you, that would make me a wussified coward.

that title belong to you & only you.
^^^ TRIGGERED!!! ^^^

"Mocking" --- LMAO...yeah...this is great. I broke another one. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Thanks for the thumbs down.

it IS great! you started this game. & that is what it is. a game. for some nutter reason, you need to think that getting 'thumbs down' must affect me in a negative way.... i get it. i bet you live for accolades & probably get a tingle up yer leg seeing all the 'friends' you have on FB, too.

lol... am i right?

anyhoo - you project. you've done it so many times - THAT is your MO. superficial people are so easily detected. i figured you out quite some time ago. that's why when you started this game - i zeroed in on the 'likes' vs the negative & YOU really REALLY took off with it. poking you with a stick is fun. giving you real time stats annoys you SO much - that you closed down yer profile - - - like a juvenile wuss.

you broke nothing but yer own fragile ego.
So you passed out just work up with a hangover and decided it’s a “game”. No. You’re imitating me because you’re an unoriginal person. You Leftists are such reality denying fools.
Who voted for Trump:

Those who believe his Apprentice persona
Those who hated Hillary more
Those who thought......How bad can he be? What do we have to lose?
Deplorables who hate Mexicans, Muslims, Minorities, Gays
Those who only cared about stocking the courts with Conservatives
Those who will only vote for a Republican
Those that did not want the US to become a socialist Nation
Those that did not what to give illegals the right to vote
Those that believe the Democrats never met a tax they did not like
Those that believe we should not go globalist
Those that believe we should end out mid east involvement
Those who believed Mexico was going to pay for the wall
Those who believed Trump would bring back coal jobs
Those who believed Trump would reduce the deficit

Those who didn't believe he was responsible for Trump University fraud lawsuit.
Those who didn't believe he had filed bankruptcy 6 times.
Those who didn't believe the Hollywood Access tape.
Those who didn't see his bias by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers.

Many people were satisfied with Trump University. Only a few butthurts got a refund.

He did not file bankruptcy six times. Companies he started filed bankruptcy. There is a difference. Also, I think you will find it was 4 times.

What was to believe about the tape. He was 100% correct.

Where is your link of him calling Mexican rapist and murderers?
Of course there is a difference
Trump is not going to risk his own money in a business. He gets investors and creditors to back the TRUMP name.

Then, when the business goes belly up, they are the ones who get screwed
And he's the only American who uses investors to help build and grow businesses, right? You already know you're an idiot pissing lies but I notice a significant uptick in the frequency and absurdity of not just yours but of your equally brain-dead comrades. For instance, Azog asked about a few of the litany of BS accusations you 'tards regularly post. You, naturally, completely ignored them.

Do you thing it's Slo-Joe Panic or just another, more consuming phase of your acute TDS? The truth will out no matter how badly some try to ignore it. It's waiting for you:

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So to all those who believe Trump voters are poorly educated, brainwashed, racist, stupid, etc. Most of us are exactly the opposite and that is what you don't grasp. This is why the polls are so off. This is why you are deranged Leftists.
So what you are saying is that you are smart enough to be ashamed to admit to voting for Trump in public, but too stupid to not vote for him at all?
Or perhaps he's saying he was weary of of voting for SOSO, saw Clinton as that on steroids, and decided to take a chance on Trump while voting against a woman so STUPID she publicly referred to Americans as "a basket of deplorables." For smug jackasses who think themselves better than others and those who enjoy abuse, that moment must have been thrilling. I'm certain you enjoyed it.
Sorry, man, what Trump has proven is that our system is flawed. The majority GOT THIS RIGHT. Given two kind of awful choices, we made the least awful choice, which was Mrs. Clinton.
Woo ... that's some very sour grapes.

Sorry man, over the next 6 months we will employ the same system you consider to be flawed and - as we have for so many in the past - continue to do so for many more elections.

Allow me to suggest you find a country with a system more to your liking, pack your shit, and move.
She wanted to give an order to US pilots that would have required them to fire on Russian planes.
Pure bullshit

isn't it hilarious that they also try to peddle that pootey poot actually wanted hillary for potus? talk about a ridiculous dichotomy!

isn't it hilarious that they also try to peddle that pootey poot actually wanted hillary for potus?
Look at your own talking point...

she got 3,000,000 more votes
She wanted to give an order to US pilots that would have required them to fire on Russian planes.
Pure bullshit

isn't it hilarious that they also try to peddle that pootey poot actually wanted hillary for potus? talk about a ridiculous dichotomy!

isn't it hilarious that they also try to peddle that pootey poot actually wanted hillary for potus?
Look at your own talking point...

she got 3,000,000 more votes
Too bad that savvy politician of yours after a lifetime in politics did not know how the electoral college worked.
The Leftists on this board (you know who you are) believe they are all uneducated rednecks. You're wrong. The voters span all criteria and many are businessmen, accountants, bankers, consultants, doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.

They don't talk about it. They keep to themselves, they post on message boards such as this under an alias and they may even vilify him publicly because otherwise they risk their jobs. But inside that voter booth they voted for him. This is why he won. Media is 90% Leftist. How else do you explain the media vilifying Trump more than China over this. Hell, Trump has zero to do with Europe, that has been ravaged by this virus but still the media gives China a free pass.

Media is also stroking and exaggerating the COVID-19 impact. 85% of those who get the COVID have minor to no symptoms. 10k of the 50k in deaths took place in nursing facilities. Most of us are fine! But that is just one example of many how Media shames those who don't share Leftist views.

So to all those who believe Trump voters are poorly educated, brainwashed, racist, stupid, etc. Most of us are exactly the opposite and that is what you don't grasp. This is why the polls are so off. This is why you are deranged Leftists.


The great majority of the Democrat voter base would be the uneducated inner city welfare queens.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the scum in America.

Minority inner city shitheads, welfare queens, anti gun nuts, environmental wackos, Feminazis, Moon Bats, greedy union bosses, limousine liberals and confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxists professors.
& who is it that bends over for a failed reality TV star?


that's who!
A fictional character from The Hobbit? LOL


hey - you picked it to represent *you*.

that's all what is needed. you wussed out bigley when you shut yer profile down.

LOL you’re so easily triggered this is fun. You miss my profile. Beg me to open it.

naw - i found a way to poke you ... you have no choice to see my likes & Looooooves............ you'll never know when it's ready for you. unless of course you put me on iggy , otherwise you'll go right to my 'quote' to you & VOILA!

there it is.
Iggy? Take out your pacifier and enjoy your 500+ thumbs down.

you said it was only 200 yesterday.... :hyper:
bluzman61 been putting in some overtime.

he's a coward - he loves to give them out - but won't debate because he is incapable i suppose; & he knows it.
Crep and I debate frequently. What do you mean?

i wasn't talking about you. & neither was crep. but you ARE a coward 'cause you can't stand seeing me get so many more likes & certainly more 'loves' than you could ever dream of getting for yerself.

actually you are a wussy. that's worse than a coward.
I just like that it triggers you and you're such a follower that you copied my modus operandi. LOL

i'm mocking you.

if i were copying you, that would make me a wussified coward.

that title belong to you & only you.
^^^ TRIGGERED!!! ^^^

"Mocking" --- LMAO...yeah...this is great. I broke another one. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Thanks for the thumbs down.

it IS great! you started this game. & that is what it is. a game. for some nutter reason, you need to think that getting 'thumbs down' must affect me in a negative way.... i get it. i bet you live for accolades & probably get a tingle up yer leg seeing all the 'friends' you have on FB, too.

lol... am i right?

anyhoo - you project. you've done it so many times - THAT is your MO. superficial people are so easily detected. i figured you out quite some time ago. that's why when you started this game - i zeroed in on the 'likes' vs the negative & YOU really REALLY took off with it. poking you with a stick is fun. giving you real time stats annoys you SO much - that you closed down yer profile - - - like a juvenile wuss.

you broke nothing but yer own fragile ego.
So you passed out just work up with a hangover and decided it’s a “game”. No. You’re imitating me because you’re an unoriginal person. You Leftists are such reality denying fools.

lol.... ^^^ pitiful impotent reply.
& who is it that bends over for a failed reality TV star?


that's who!
A fictional character from The Hobbit? LOL


hey - you picked it to represent *you*.

that's all what is needed. you wussed out bigley when you shut yer profile down.

LOL you’re so easily triggered this is fun. You miss my profile. Beg me to open it.

naw - i found a way to poke you ... you have no choice to see my likes & Looooooves............ you'll never know when it's ready for you. unless of course you put me on iggy , otherwise you'll go right to my 'quote' to you & VOILA!

there it is.
Iggy? Take out your pacifier and enjoy your 500+ thumbs down.

you said it was only 200 yesterday.... :hyper:
bluzman61 been putting in some overtime.

he's a coward - he loves to give them out - but won't debate because he is incapable i suppose; & he knows it.
Crep and I debate frequently. What do you mean?
I believe he was referring to bluzman61 .
It is a "she" although in Leftist land, pronouns are irrelevant. LOL
My apologies to playtime .

Also, if you think pronouns are irrelevant to the alternative sexuality crowd you waaaay off base.
Just to Leftists. They shrug pronouns away.
Waaaay off base.

I'm guessing you don't actually know anyone who is alternatively sexual.
Indeed not but that doesn’t stop them from playing vs my girls in youth sports.
A deflection.

How nice for you.
You completely disregarded the post and repeated your Leftist diatribe for the 100th time.

Well, it was all more of the same, "We not racist and stupid" when you all are kind of racist and stupid.

I do not know who will win in November as Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump but if you think Trump garnered his 62mil+ votes from rednecks and racists you’re simply wrong.

Naw, a lot of them probably were REpublicans who held their noses not thinking he was going to win, but just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Mrs. C.

Or perhaps he's saying he was weary of of voting for SOSO, saw Clinton as that on steroids, and decided to take a chance on Trump while voting against a woman so STUPID she publicly referred to Americans as "a basket of deplorables." For smug jackasses who think themselves better than others and those who enjoy abuse, that moment must have been thrilling. I'm certain you enjoyed it.

Naw, I actually kind of felt bad for them. You see, I do kind of get why stupid white people vote for Trump. They realize that they've lost something good their parents and grandparents enjoyed, but they aren't quite smart enough to realize who stole it from them. (Psst. It was rich people!)

If you actually read her statement that included "Basket of Deplorables", you'd see that she was expressing sympathy for white working class folks who have seen their standard of living decline. That Trump was embracing the Deplorables (the open racists) that McCain and Romney wouldn't be seen with was what she was trying to point out.

Now they've become the face of your whole movement.

To use a Nazi Analogy, most Germans did not join the NSDAP. Many of them thought Hitler was a buffoon, but they thought they could get things they wanted out of him.

Woo ... that's some very sour grapes.

Sorry man, over the next 6 months we will employ the same system you consider to be flawed and - as we have for so many in the past - continue to do so for many more elections.

Allow me to suggest you find a country with a system more to your liking, pack your shit, and move.

Actually, no. With a new Recession, double digit unemployment and 60,000 dead from Trump's Plague, the flawed system will not make the same mistake again.

Trump is currently trailing Biden in WI, MI, PA, NC, AZ and FL. That's before the FULL PAIN of the recession is felt.

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