Perfect call followed by aid block.

He was the VP and he blames him and Obama for spying on him in 2015/16.
WTF? Quote Impeached Trump saying Biden spied on him...
He is not impeached until the articles go to the Senate.

You people are truly fucking nuts, I tell ya.

See if you're capable of following the bouncing ball....

The Constitution gives the House "sole power" to impeach a president, vice president, or civil officers...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

... that means impeachment is the House says it is. And House rules say impeachment occurs when articles of impeachment are adopted by the House...

... that occured at 20:52 EST on December 18th, 2019.

Impeached Trump is impeached. Deal with it. Or stay stupid. The choice is yours.

And yet they never sent the bill to the Senate. So no impeachment trial. President Trump wins again.
That's one way to look at it. The way I look at it is Impeached Trump is now the only U.S. president to be impeached and not acquitted.

why would he need to be acquitted if the charges were dropped?
He was the VP and he blames him and Obama for spying on him in 2015/16.
WTF? Quote Impeached Trump saying Biden spied on him...
He is not impeached until the articles go to the Senate.

You people are truly fucking nuts, I tell ya.

See if you're capable of following the bouncing ball....

The Constitution gives the House "sole power" to impeach a president, vice president, or civil officers...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

... that means impeachment is the House says it is. And House rules say impeachment occurs when articles of impeachment are adopted by the House...

... that occured at 20:52 EST on December 18th, 2019.

Impeached Trump is impeached. Deal with it. Or stay stupid. The choice is yours.
Yes but until they are submitted to the Senate there is no impeachment. You need to be served with the opportunity to defend yourself. Innocent until proven guilty.

I just fucking showed you the House rules that say impeachment occurs when the House adopts the articles of impeachment. At that instant, impeached Trump was impeached. Show me where the the House rules state impeachment doesn't really occur when they say it does but actually doesn't occur until the House delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate...? You can't, it doesn't exist. Show me where the Constitution states an individual being impeached isn't actually impeached until the House delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate...? You can't, it doesn't exist.

Dayum, you are committed to being stupid. :lmao:

Even their own constitutional expert, Noah Feldman said as much. So you’re smarter than him now too.?
I'm not, but these Harvard Law professors clearly are...

"@NoahRFeldman is making a clever but wholly mistaken point when he says Trump hasn’t “really” been impeached until the Articles reach the Senate. Under Art. I, Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever remain impeached. Period." ~ Laurence Tribe

"Senate rules requiring the House to 'immediately' present its articles of impeachment to the Senate clearly violate the constitutional clause in Article I giving each house the sole power to make its own rules." ~ Laurence Tribe

"He [Laurence Tribe] would withhold the trial until the Senate agreed to change its rules, or presumably until a new election put many more Democrats in the Senate. Under his proposal, there might never be a Senate trial, but the impeachment would stand as a final and permanent condemnation of President Trump." ~ Alan Dershowitz
Of course he can. But if he does so for the benefit of his own re-election campaign, he's gonna get impeached for abuse of power. Just like Impeached Trump did.

There is no proof he did anything for his own re-election campaign, only all this supposition that he did. Democrats were lined up to impeach Trump before the phone call was ever made, so of course they were looking for anything to be outraged about. Anything they could use to continue their previous impeachment attempt.
Nonsense. He sought to have a political rival publicly investigated. The only benefit to that was to his own campaign. It certainly was of no benefit to Ukraine which means it was also no benefit to the U.S..

How would it be a benefit if Biden isn’t apart of any such corruption investigation into those Ukrainian companies?
Just declaring Biden is under investigation hurts Biden's campaign. That is a benefit to Impeached Trump's campaign.

Just declaring Trump is being Impeached hurts his campaign. Democrats wanted to have him impeached before he was even sworn in. Schummer bragged about how the Intel community could get back at him. maybe we need an investigation into these actions by DEmocrats, but yes, thankfully Durham is working on that.
I can't remember the last president who wasn't threatened with impeachment at some point during their presidency by the opposition party. And it's irrelevant since Impeached Trump wasn't actually impeached until he broke the law and abused the power of his office.
He was the VP and he blames him and Obama for spying on him in 2015/16.
WTF? Quote Impeached Trump saying Biden spied on him...
He is not impeached until the articles go to the Senate.

You people are truly fucking nuts, I tell ya.

See if you're capable of following the bouncing ball....

The Constitution gives the House "sole power" to impeach a president, vice president, or civil officers...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

... that means impeachment is the House says it is. And House rules say impeachment occurs when articles of impeachment are adopted by the House...

... that occured at 20:52 EST on December 18th, 2019.

Impeached Trump is impeached. Deal with it. Or stay stupid. The choice is yours.
Yes but until they are submitted to the Senate there is no impeachment. You need to be served with the opportunity to defend yourself. Innocent until proven guilty.

I just fucking showed you the House rules that say impeachment occurs when the House adopts the articles of impeachment. At that instant, impeached Trump was impeached. Show me where the the House rules state impeachment doesn't really occur when they say it does but actually doesn't occur until the House delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate...? You can't, it doesn't exist. Show me where the Constitution states an individual being impeached isn't actually impeached until the House delivers the articles of impeachment to the Senate...? You can't, it doesn't exist.

Dayum, you are committed to being stupid. :lmao:

Even their own constitutional expert, Noah Feldman said as much. So you’re smarter than him now too.?
I'm not, but these Harvard Law professors clearly are...

"@NoahRFeldman is making a clever but wholly mistaken point when he says Trump hasn’t “really” been impeached until the Articles reach the Senate. Under Art. I, Sec. 2, Clause 5, he was impeached on Dec 18, 2019. He will forever remain impeached. Period." ~ Laurence Tribe

"Senate rules requiring the House to 'immediately' present its articles of impeachment to the Senate clearly violate the constitutional clause in Article I giving each house the sole power to make its own rules." ~ Laurence Tribe

"He [Laurence Tribe] would withhold the trial until the Senate agreed to change its rules, or presumably until a new election put many more Democrats in the Senate. Under his proposal, there might never be a Senate trial, but the impeachment would stand as a final and permanent condemnation of President Trump." ~ Alan Dershowitz
Opinion | President Trump Is Impeached. Or Is He?
He will be acquitted in 2020. Nothing burger.
"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely. No question about that. But that’s it. And that’s why we held up the money." ~ Mick Mulvaney

Which has nothing to do with Biden..
It was one of two things Impeached Trump ask Zelensky to look into. Good luck selling stupid that Impeached Trump held up the aid for one of them but not the other.
It is amazing to see how the Democrats dismiss Zelensky as a weakling. He said there was no pressure how many times?
He might be telling the truth or he might be lying? I go by the evidence more than by what he says.

Let's say for argument's sake YOU are Zelensky ... and for argument's sake, you did feel pressure .... would you bite the hand that just fed you $400 million? And how would Zelensky appear to his constituents if he were to admit he was going to open an investigation into the U.S. VP from three years ago because he was pressured by Impeached Trump?

You cant impeach someone on arguments sake. You have to have a CRIME first before you start your impeachment proceedings, not try to piece it together as you go along.
Impeached Trump was not impeached on argument's sake. Argument's sake is what I tried to get defiler to contemplate towards the reality that Zelensky might have been less than truthful in saying he felt no pressure.
Which has nothing to do with Biden..
It was one of two things Impeached Trump ask Zelensky to look into. Good luck selling stupid that Impeached Trump held up the aid for one of them but not the other.
It is amazing to see how the Democrats dismiss Zelensky as a weakling. He said there was no pressure how many times?
He might be telling the truth or he might be lying? I go by the evidence more than by what he says.

Let's say for argument's sake YOU are Zelensky ... and for argument's sake, you did feel pressure .... would you bite the hand that just fed you $400 million? And how would Zelensky appear to his constituents if he were to admit he was going to open an investigation into the U.S. VP from three years ago because he was pressured by Impeached Trump?

You cant impeach someone on arguments sake. You have to have a CRIME first before you start your impeachment proceedings, not try to piece it together as you go along.
Impeached Trump was not impeached on argument's sake. Argument's sake is what I tried to get defiler to contemplate towards the reality that Zelensky might have been less than truthful in saying he felt no pressure.
It was 100% partisan. He was impeached for winning in 2016.
He was the VP and he blames him and Obama for spying on him in 2015/16.
He blames Obama, not Biden.

And as far as Biden's lead narrowing over others ... that's now. This shit all went down during the summer when Biden's lead was more significant.

And not that it matters if Biden is leading or not. Biden could lose the Democrats nomination and still run as a third party. Trying to claim they're not political rivals while they're both campaigning for the same office; while they're both putting out campaign ads against each other, is just a silly distraction.
There is a video of Biden bragging about holding up aid. Trump inquired about it. Your panties are in a bunch over a bunch of nothing.
He was bragging because he and others were trying to get the Prosecutor General's office cleaned up for many months. But Poroshenko had a personal relationship with Shokin and wasn't forcing him out despite huge support in their Rada to throw him out. Shokin was known for not going after corrupt oligarchs, suspected of taking bribes to not go after them, and two members of his office were caught red-handed with booty from bribes. So yeah, when Biden finally got Shokin sacked, he bragged about it.
He was bragging because he knew his son sat on the board of a corrupt company and daddy got him that gig and the prosecutor was looking into even Yavanovich was given talking pts about it as it made the WH uncomfortable. Fawn, Trump did not ask Zelensky to make shit up he asked him to investigate real events that happened.
That's a shit ton of utter Bullshit. First, it was Burisma's owner, who had fled Ukraine, who was under investigation; not Burisma per se or any other employees.. Second, that purported corruption occurred prior to Hunter working for Burisma. Third, Hunter was never under investigation. Fourth, neither Burisma nor its owner were being actively investigated when Biden got Shokin fired. Fifth, After Shokin was ousted, his replacement then began actively investigating Burisma and Zlochevsky (Burisma's owner). Sixth, there were no charges against Bursima, only against Zlochevsky. Seventh, Ukraine made a deal with Zlochevsky to pay millions in back taxes and all other charges were dropped. Eighth, That all happened after Shokin was removed because Shokin refused to take action against Zlochevsky and other oligarchs. Ninth, you have zero evidence Joe Biden got his son that job.
It was one of two things Impeached Trump ask Zelensky to look into. Good luck selling stupid that Impeached Trump held up the aid for one of them but not the other.
It is amazing to see how the Democrats dismiss Zelensky as a weakling. He said there was no pressure how many times?
He might be telling the truth or he might be lying? I go by the evidence more than by what he says.

Let's say for argument's sake YOU are Zelensky ... and for argument's sake, you did feel pressure .... would you bite the hand that just fed you $400 million? And how would Zelensky appear to his constituents if he were to admit he was going to open an investigation into the U.S. VP from three years ago because he was pressured by Impeached Trump?

You cant impeach someone on arguments sake. You have to have a CRIME first before you start your impeachment proceedings, not try to piece it together as you go along.
Impeached Trump was not impeached on argument's sake. Argument's sake is what I tried to get defiler to contemplate towards the reality that Zelensky might have been less than truthful in saying he felt no pressure.
It was 100% partisan. He was impeached for winning in 2016.
More bullshit. He broke the law. It's illegal to solicit a foreign national to contribute anything of value. That's why Impeached Trump was impeached. Asking Zelensky to investigate a political rival hurts Bidens campaign which helps Impeached Trump's. Impeched Trump even put out an attack ad on Biden over it. And to cut off your next idiocy before it begins, that's not to say Trump couldn't have had Biden investigated. He could have. He just needed to do it legally which would have not involved a foreign national.
It is amazing to see how the Democrats dismiss Zelensky as a weakling. He said there was no pressure how many times?
He might be telling the truth or he might be lying? I go by the evidence more than by what he says.

Let's say for argument's sake YOU are Zelensky ... and for argument's sake, you did feel pressure .... would you bite the hand that just fed you $400 million? And how would Zelensky appear to his constituents if he were to admit he was going to open an investigation into the U.S. VP from three years ago because he was pressured by Impeached Trump?

You cant impeach someone on arguments sake. You have to have a CRIME first before you start your impeachment proceedings, not try to piece it together as you go along.
Impeached Trump was not impeached on argument's sake. Argument's sake is what I tried to get defiler to contemplate towards the reality that Zelensky might have been less than truthful in saying he felt no pressure.
It was 100% partisan. He was impeached for winning in 2016.
More bullshit. He broke the law. It's illegal to solicit a foreign national to contribute anything of value. That's why Impeached Trump was impeached. Asking Zelensky to investigate a political rival hurts Bidens campaign which helps Impeached Trump's. Impeched Trump even put out an attack ad on Biden over it. And to cut off your next idiocy before it begins, that's not to say Trump couldn't have had Biden investigated. He could have. He just needed to do it legally which would have not involved a foreign national.
So you don’t believe that one is innocent until proven guilty?
White House blocked Ukraine aid just after Trump call

The White House sought to freeze aid to Ukraine just 91 minutes after President Trump spoke to President Volodymyr Zelensky by phone in July, a newly-released government email has revealed.

The email, telling the Pentagon to "hold off", was sent by a senior White House official.

In the phone call, Mr Trump asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.

Mr Trump has been impeached for abuse of power over the issue.

Democrats say the phone call shows Mr Trump used the office for personal political gain.

So Zelensky refuses to play ball and Trump blocks the Ukraine. Is there another interpretation of this ?
The people involved in this will have interesting things to say when it comes to trial.A great chance for Trump to clear his name.

So it looks like this.

Hey Ukraine guy ive got a shit load of cash here for you.

Fantastic Donny !

But first I need a favour..............

Oh ?

Yep, I need some dirt on Biden to screw up his Pres Campaign, Ya dont have to do anything, just announce he is being investigated.


You could do a lot with this money mate , if you get it...................

So Zelensky isnt up for it. Donny puts down the phone and instructs a lackey to stop aid to Ukraine.

Then a bit later the perfect call becomes public news and the funds are released to cover up the previous extortion.

Have I missed anything ?
Yes. It never happened. Ukraine got the aid shitstain obama should have given and didn't.
In the phone call, Mr Trump asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.

WRONG, Jackass. Really helps to get your facts straight or at least learn to lie a lot better. Trump asked about certain activities of Joe Biden because they appeared CRIMINAL in nature, more corruption involving a country already steeped in corruption, and certainly not anything you'd want in a president without knowing about first, except Joe isn't exactly a political rival, he may never even be the actual candidate nominated to run against him. Biden is just one of about THIRTY people who are contending for that position.

BTW Bonebrain, if a politician can't investigate someone for corruption just because they are a "political rival," that makes half the people involved in Trump's impeachment, many of which are running to replace him, all GUILTY.

If that is the case why didn't he ask the DOJ to investigate it.

That's a good question. Has anyone bothered to ask? Could it be because Trump has caught the DOJ conspiring against him a dozen different ways already and has no confidence in them? I mean,

Where is Pete Strokok?
Where is Lisa Page?
Where is that IG report?
Why was the investigation into Hillary dropped, the evidence destroyed and then swept under the rug?
And if investigating a political rival is so bad, why was no one ever concerned for the investigation and interfering into Trump by Obama while still in office?

You're a Trump Humper, ask Trump

As I expected, a total deflection.
The President controls foreign policy. He can withhold aid if a foreign leader sneezes if he wants. And there isn’t a damned thing you can do to change that fact.
Of course he can. But if he does so for the benefit of his own re-election campaign, he's gonna get impeached for abuse of power. Just like Impeached Trump did.

Exposing Biden’s corruption is a benefit to the nation.

Are we supposed to let Dem’s corruption go unnoticed? Is a Democrat immune from just an investigation so long as they are running for President?

It's been established that Biden had NO corruption.

Who established that? Obama when he also said there wasn't a smidgen of corruption in the IRS investigation still ongoing about their blocking Romney supporters? Ain't Joey a lucky guy.

Also, the likely FIRST VP democrat in recent memory who is squeaky clean. And while Trump needs THIRTY investigations to clear his name, GOOD OL' JOE got it done with none!

White House blocked Ukraine aid just after Trump call

The White House sought to freeze aid to Ukraine just 91 minutes after President Trump spoke to President Volodymyr Zelensky by phone in July, a newly-released government email has revealed.

The email, telling the Pentagon to "hold off", was sent by a senior White House official.

In the phone call, Mr Trump asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.

Mr Trump has been impeached for abuse of power over the issue.

Democrats say the phone call shows Mr Trump used the office for personal political gain.

So Zelensky refuses to play ball and Trump blocks the Ukraine. Is there another interpretation of this ?
The people involved in this will have interesting things to say when it comes to trial.A great chance for Trump to clear his name.

So it looks like this.

Hey Ukraine guy ive got a shit load of cash here for you.

Fantastic Donny !

But first I need a favour..............

Oh ?

Yep, I need some dirt on Biden to screw up his Pres Campaign, Ya dont have to do anything, just announce he is being investigated.


You could do a lot with this money mate , if you get it...................

So Zelensky isnt up for it. Donny puts down the phone and instructs a lackey to stop aid to Ukraine.

Then a bit later the perfect call becomes public news and the funds are released to cover up the previous extortion.

Have I missed anything ?

You missed admitting this playbook is old and stale...and keeps you a loser. Over and over.

But that McConell guy runs the show now. Where is Donny hiding ?
What makes a dumb fucker like you think he is hiding anywhere?

The better smarter question would be why is Pelosi stalling the entire impeachment process? Impeachment stalls until 2020: Hoyer announces no more House votes this year, as Pelosi quotes Shakespeare

The House has done their part in creating this circus and now it's the Senates turn to simply vote yay or nay on what the House hath wrought.
But of course you don't know any of this and it's not surprising.

Schumer and Pelosi are simply trying to drag this out and stall the inevitable but the Constitutional ball is no longer in their crooked court. They had their time at bat. Trump's poll numbers remain strong and the hope that impeachment would destroy him has backfired on them.
White House blocked Ukraine aid just after Trump call

The White House sought to freeze aid to Ukraine just 91 minutes after President Trump spoke to President Volodymyr Zelensky by phone in July, a newly-released government email has revealed.

The email, telling the Pentagon to "hold off", was sent by a senior White House official.

In the phone call, Mr Trump asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.

Mr Trump has been impeached for abuse of power over the issue.

Democrats say the phone call shows Mr Trump used the office for personal political gain.

So Zelensky refuses to play ball and Trump blocks the Ukraine. Is there another interpretation of this ?
The people involved in this will have interesting things to say when it comes to trial.A great chance for Trump to clear his name.

So it looks like this.

Hey Ukraine guy ive got a shit load of cash here for you.

Fantastic Donny !

But first I need a favour..............

Oh ?

Yep, I need some dirt on Biden to screw up his Pres Campaign, Ya dont have to do anything, just announce he is being investigated.


You could do a lot with this money mate , if you get it...................

So Zelensky isnt up for it. Donny puts down the phone and instructs a lackey to stop aid to Ukraine.

Then a bit later the perfect call becomes public news and the funds are released to cover up the previous extortion.

Have I missed anything ?
You missed that the Whitehouse told OMB to " quiet".
We got documentation on that, or rumors?
But that McConell guy runs the show now. Where is Donny hiding ?
What makes a dumb fucker like you think he is hiding anywhere?

The better smarter question would be why is Pelosi stalling the entire impeachment process? Impeachment stalls until 2020: Hoyer announces no more House votes this year, as Pelosi quotes Shakespeare

The House has done their part in creating this circus and now it's the Senates turn to simply vote yay or nay on what the House hath wrought.
But of course you don't know any of this and it's not surprising.

Schumer and Pelosi are simply trying to drag this out and stall the inevitable but the Constitutional ball is no longer in their crooked court. They had their time at bat. Trump's poll numbers remain strong and the hope that impeachment would destroy him has backfired on them.
This slight delay has brought a schism in evangelical ranks and in the senate gop. Where is the problem ?
White House blocked Ukraine aid just after Trump call

The White House sought to freeze aid to Ukraine just 91 minutes after President Trump spoke to President Volodymyr Zelensky by phone in July, a newly-released government email has revealed.

The email, telling the Pentagon to "hold off", was sent by a senior White House official.

In the phone call, Mr Trump asked the Ukrainian leader to investigate his political rival, Democrat Joe Biden.

Mr Trump has been impeached for abuse of power over the issue.

Democrats say the phone call shows Mr Trump used the office for personal political gain.

So Zelensky refuses to play ball and Trump blocks the Ukraine. Is there another interpretation of this ?
The people involved in this will have interesting things to say when it comes to trial.A great chance for Trump to clear his name.

So it looks like this.

Hey Ukraine guy ive got a shit load of cash here for you.

Fantastic Donny !

But first I need a favour..............

Oh ?

Yep, I need some dirt on Biden to screw up his Pres Campaign, Ya dont have to do anything, just announce he is being investigated.


You could do a lot with this money mate , if you get it...................

So Zelensky isnt up for it. Donny puts down the phone and instructs a lackey to stop aid to Ukraine.

Then a bit later the perfect call becomes public news and the funds are released to cover up the previous extortion.

Have I missed anything ?
You missed that the Whitehouse told OMB to " quiet".
We got documentation on that, or rumors?
It's in the BBC link in the OP.

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