Perry is a bully!

I saw no evidence of Perry being a bully. I guess it's all about perception. The man is trying to be President so i'm sure he feels he has to fight to win. You gotta be tough to win these things. Remember Hillary Clinton crying on the campaign trail? That did hurt her in the long run. People lost confidence in her. I think Perry was just being aggressive. He wants to be the winner after all.

[ame=]Rick Perry Pokes Student In The Chest For Asking Tough Questions - YouTube[/ame]
Some people really are way too sensitive. That "poke" was harmless. The guy was attacking him and wouldn't let him answer his questions. In fact i think the guy he "poked" was being a bully. That guy in the video was obviously not voting for Perry either. It looked like a hacky ambush to me. People have to stand up for themselves. Just show respect and allow the man to answer. This guy in the video was not being respectful. And it really is all about perception. The real bully was the guy who ambushed Perry. That's my perception anyway. And it also doesn't make Perry a "bad Christian" in any way either. That's a big stretch for sure.
I saw no evidence of Perry being a bully. I guess it's all about perception. The man is trying to be President so i'm sure he feels he has to fight to win. You gotta be tough to win these things. Remember Hillary Clinton crying on the campaign trail? That did hurt her in the long run. People lost confidence in her. I think Perry was just being aggressive. He wants to be the winner after all.

Have Boehner's frequent tears caused people to lose confidence in him, among Rightwingers?
In the debate Perry not only talked down too Cain by calling him "brother" several times but he wouldn't let Romney talk and kept interrupting him. Perry is really ignorant and a pompous a$$! I could never vote for him.


You won't have to. Stick a fork in him cause he is done. Thank Gwad.

I'm glad he really took Romney on, but they'll spin it like he was mean.

The MSM has already crowned Romney, and you all pretend like you had a choice in the matter. Heh, heh, heh....

And then you'll wonder when he loses to Obama because he sucks as much as he did four years ago.
In the debate Perry not only talked down too Cain by calling him "brother" several times but he wouldn't let Romney talk and kept interrupting him. Perry is really ignorant and a pompous a$$! I could never vote for him.


You won't have to. Stick a fork in him cause he is done. Thank Gwad.

I'm glad he really took Romney on, but they'll spin it like he was mean.

The MSM has already crowned Romney, and you all pretend like you had a choice in the matter. Heh, heh, heh....

And then you'll wonder when he loses to Obama because he sucks as much as he did four years ago.

I believe you are an Obama fan by your post, but I am interested in who you think would be a tolerable president on the Republican side if it comes to a Republican win.

Just as Conservatives had to think about the possibility of Obama and Hillary, if the Democrats won, could you do this with the Reps?

Which candidate is the least offensive to you to become the leader of the free world? Don't say none, please.
You won't have to. Stick a fork in him cause he is done. Thank Gwad.

I'm glad he really took Romney on, but they'll spin it like he was mean.

The MSM has already crowned Romney, and you all pretend like you had a choice in the matter. Heh, heh, heh....

And then you'll wonder when he loses to Obama because he sucks as much as he did four years ago.

I believe you are an Obama fan by your post, but I am interested in who you think would be a tolerable president on the Republican side if it comes to a Republican win.

Just as Conservatives had to think about the possibility of Obama and Hillary, if the Democrats won, could you do this with the Reps?

Which candidate is the least offensive to you to become the leader of the free world? Don't say none, please.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but I really, really, hate Romney.

I hate his batshit crazy fraud of a cult he calls a religion.

I hate his fake, let's take a poll to see what he believes.

I hate his sleazy business practices.

I just think he's a horrible human being.

I would like to be able to compare and contrast my views to his, but the guy has been all over the map on every issue, I can't tell what he really believes and I kind of wonder if he knows.

Perry has a great record, and I agree with him on a lot of things, but he's shown himself to not be very good at this. Honestly, Fred Thompson is taking on a whole new dignity.

Cain. Nice guy. Not presidential.

Gingrich- Smart guy. Lousy politician.

The rest. Who cares. Paul- Crazy, Bachmann- Crazier, Santorum- loser. Huntsman- who dat?
I'm glad he really took Romney on, but they'll spin it like he was mean.

The MSM has already crowned Romney, and you all pretend like you had a choice in the matter. Heh, heh, heh....

And then you'll wonder when he loses to Obama because he sucks as much as he did four years ago.

I believe you are an Obama fan by your post, but I am interested in who you think would be a tolerable president on the Republican side if it comes to a Republican win.

Just as Conservatives had to think about the possibility of Obama and Hillary, if the Democrats won, could you do this with the Reps?

Which candidate is the least offensive to you to become the leader of the free world? Don't say none, please.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but I really, really, hate Romney.

I hate his batshit crazy fraud of a cult he calls a religion.

I hate his fake, let's take a poll to see what he believes.

I hate his sleazy business practices.

I just think he's a horrible human being.

I would like to be able to compare and contrast my views to his, but the guy has been all over the map on every issue, I can't tell what he really believes and I kind of wonder if he knows.

Perry has a great record, and I agree with him on a lot of things, but he's shown himself to not be very good at this. Honestly, Fred Thompson is taking on a whole new dignity.

Cain. Nice guy. Not presidential.

Gingrich- Smart guy. Lousy politician.

The rest. Who cares. Paul- Crazy, Bachmann- Crazier, Santorum- loser. Huntsman- who dat?

Thank you for your honest response.
Perry was a democrat before a he turned rep. So this doesnt surprise me. I will not vote for him. I thought I would like him but the more I read about him the more I dont. So far my vote goes to Cain or newt.
Perry was a democrat before a he turned rep. So this doesnt surprise me. I will not vote for him. I thought I would like him but the more I read about him the more I dont. So far my vote goes to Cain or newt.

Reagan was a Democrat too. You probably didnt vote for him either.
Newt is a washington insider sleazebag. Cain is a naif.
ANy of them would be an improvement over the current jagaloon in the White House
In the debate Perry not only talked down too Cain by calling him "brother" several times but he wouldn't let Romney talk and kept interrupting him. Perry is really ignorant and a pompous a$$! I could never vote for him.


OMGorsh, well, now... we go from dissing Obama for being a wimpy man to dissing Perry (not even for possibly miscommunicating his economic intentions) for his apparent pompousness.

We just are not ever satisfied with these men that run for office... Perhaps they should stop running so ruthlessly hard.

Perry was NOT being agressive. He was overcompensating for his past poor performance and it didn't come off well. It came off as forced overcompensation and it didn't work. What struck me is that the man doesn't know how to behave. Can you imagine that kind of performance when he gets insecure in front of world leaders that DO know how to behave?

I liked Perry initially, but the more I see, the less there is.
Perry was NOT being agressive. He was overcompensating for his past poor performance and it didn't come off well. It came off as forced overcompensation and it didn't work. What struck me is that the man doesn't know how to behave. Can you imagine that kind of performance when he gets insecure in front of world leaders that DO know how to behave?

I liked Perry initially, but the more I see, the less there is.

Excellent point, which is why Obama still makes the better sense. He has something to offer, even yet, that those other opponents have not shown to have.
I'm glad he really took Romney on, but they'll spin it like he was mean.

The MSM has already crowned Romney, and you all pretend like you had a choice in the matter. Heh, heh, heh....

And then you'll wonder when he loses to Obama because he sucks as much as he did four years ago.

I believe you are an Obama fan by your post, but I am interested in who you think would be a tolerable president on the Republican side if it comes to a Republican win.

Just as Conservatives had to think about the possibility of Obama and Hillary, if the Democrats won, could you do this with the Reps?

Which candidate is the least offensive to you to become the leader of the free world? Don't say none, please.

I'm not a fan of Obama, but I really, really, hate Romney.

I hate his batshit crazy fraud of a cult he calls a religion.

I hate his fake, let's take a poll to see what he believes.

I hate his sleazy business practices.

I just think he's a horrible human being.

I would like to be able to compare and contrast my views to his, but the guy has been all over the map on every issue, I can't tell what he really believes and I kind of wonder if he knows.

Perry has a great record, and I agree with him on a lot of things, but he's shown himself to not be very good at this. Honestly, Fred Thompson is taking on a whole new dignity.

Cain. Nice guy. Not presidential.

Gingrich- Smart guy. Lousy politician.

The rest. Who cares. Paul- Crazy, Bachmann- Crazier, Santorum- loser. Huntsman- who dat?

I disagree about Newt - just because Sean Hannity thinks he's smart doesn't make him smart. I've never ever seen Gingrich make an argument that I couldn't blow huge holes in without breaking a sweat. And he's a giant panderer, taking whatever position is currently in vogue.

I believe Huntsman is the best choice to unseat Obama but the wacko loons on the right would never vote for him. He's not extremist enough for them.
Bullying or just fighting to win? The man has been relentlessly attacked in recent weeks. At some point you have to fight back. If anything,Perry has been the victim of bullying by the Left Press and Republican Candidates. I just don't see any bullying from the man.
Perry was a democrat before a he turned rep. So this doesnt surprise me. I will not vote for him. I thought I would like him but the more I read about him the more I dont. So far my vote goes to Cain or newt.
Reagan was a Democrat before he turned Republican.

Perry was a seated Democrat and the state chairman for Al Gore.

Reagain wasn't in politics when he switched parties. The comparison is not applicable.

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