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Zone1 Personal relationship with Jesus.. and Once Saved Always Saved are NOT in the Bible

"Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there am I."

The true church is in men's hearts, not a building, not any one religion. We all may have different ways of honoring God and his commandments, but no one has the "one true religion"...

Man's arrogance is a stone we all get struck with.
So now there's no building that is a true church!

And it sounds like the majority doesn't accept their bibles as being the literal word of their god!
So now there's no building that is a true church!

And it sounds like the majority doesn't accept their bibles as being the literal word of their god!
You simply do not get it. Yes, the Bible is the word of God. Buildings are constructs of men. You are making this too hard. You keep putting God into a man constructed box.
what are you talking a bout? I clearly have said many times that I have read the bible once through AND heard it read to me so many times at DAILY Mass (protestants usually don't meet daily) it is likely more like reading the whole thing 5-7 times through..

sick of anti-Catholics. You people just make me love the Church even more..

You say We read our Bibles..

oh, gee.. how holy of you. I never read Scripture myself because I'm just a stupid Catholic.. can barely even read or write, accoding to y'all
You people are so presumptuous. You don't know what I know.. what I read..

presumptuous.. prideful.. don't want to admit Catholics just MAY know something about Jesus you do not.. and of course, we do-- in spades. But hey.. carry on with this IKnowEverything schtick
yeah... right. NICE TO MEET YOU---first catholic I ever met who actually
read the bible (S)
The veil that separated man from God was rent in two. It was 60 feet long and 4 inches thick. It was replaced once a year. Horses pulling in opposite directions couldn't pull it apart. Christ did. Christ removed the barrier. There was no longer a need for a mediator. We can go boldly to the throne. We have a direct line. No third party is necessary.
The confessional is Catholic doctrine, not Biblical doctrine. Saying Hail Marys does nothing. Asking God to forgive you is how you get forgiven.
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^Totally unnecessary. As was, no meat on Fri. as was purgatory...
Well, I've heard this and other dumbass arguments against the Oringal Church before..

for years I have heard this same old same old bs

and I am still Catholic

more so than ever now that I have found out I was RIGHT to question the alleged Catholic Church and go looking for the Real One, which, while it subsists in all sincere Catholics DOES also exist in reality.. somewhere other than in the heart..

To paraphrase a saying said of God once

He who seeks the True Church has already found it

Be careful who you call a liar. That is the opposite of loving your neighbor. Instead you may want to give Jesus His judgment robe back. You aren't qualified to judge.

His church is people, not an institution. Do you really believe that Jesus is going to toss his Jewish Prayer robe for a rosary? He didn't even mention the Catholic church in Revelation. When He returns He is going to make His home in a Jewish Temple, not the Vatican...

Ezekiel 37:28-28 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
And the heathen shall know that I the Lord do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.

Christ was Jewish then, is Jewish now, and will be Jewish upon His return. He will touch down in Israel, not Rome. It is a shame you place more relevance on a church instead of Him. You miss the whole point.
He could care less what pew you sit in. His concern is you accusing your neighbor of lying...

Do you know who Ezekiel was writing about?
those who had a comment on religion-----clearly, did not read it.
Actually, it is just not true regardless.

They have all, every CAtholic even in the NO Church has heard the Scriptures.. The ones who go to daily Mass hear the whole Bible in 3 yrs. Those who go more often hear of course far more than just one go-through of the Bible.. I myself have likelly heard the entire Bible at least 7 times now, as I have been going to daily Mass for a long time
Actually, it is just not true regardless.

They have all, every CAtholic even in the NO Church has heard the Scriptures.. The ones who go to daily Mass hear the whole Bible in 3 yrs. Those who go more often hear of course far more than just one go-through of the Bible.. I myself have likelly heard the entire Bible at least 7 times now, as I have been going to daily Mass for a long time
In the course of my LONG LIFE---I have had discussion with only one catholic
who went to mass daily----a divinity student from Seton Hall---he seemed confused to me and eventually gave it up
The confessional has no "mediator". I know you like to think of the priest as a mediator because it makes criticizing Catholic doctrine so much easier. Confession/Reconciliation is a Sacrament following the life of Christ and has nothing to do with "mediation".
No one needs to make criticizing the Catholic church easier. They invite it. For instance, you have a Pope that lives behind walls that had the nerve to stand at our border and tell us what to do with all the illegals pouring into our country. Homosexuality and pedophilia is rampant. Raking in the dough is a phrase that originated from priests literally using a rake to fish money out of the pool the parishioners threw their last coins hoping for a blessing.

The only one that needs to hear our confessions is our Father. He forgives our trespasses for His Son's sake. The confessional is a Catholic manufactured song and dance that is unnecessary. Most of the pomp and circumstance of the Catholic Church is just that. Confession/Reconciliation is an elaborate show. That is why you have to learn how to be a Catholic, even though the Bible teaches us all we need to be a good Christian.
But here is the thing about our Father, If you decide not to eat meat on Fri, to honor God, He will count it as righteousness on your part. If you decide to eat meat only on Fri. to honor God, He will count it as righteousness on your part. It is your heart, not your grandeur that He is interested in.

A good rule of thumb is to weigh doctrine by what Jesus did. If He didn't walk around waving a chicken over His head, you don't need to either...
In the course of my LONG LIFE---I have had discussion with only one catholic
who went to mass daily----a divinity student from Seton Hall---he seemed confused to me and eventually gave it up

not saying much since all Catholics are confused to you and every other anti-Catholic.. You want them to all be stupid and/or confused and/or uninformed because that makes you feel superior (or some other nefarious reason IMO)
No one needs to make criticizing the Catholic church easier. They invite it. For instance, you have a Pope that lives behind walls that had the nerve to stand at our border and tell us what to do with all the illegals pouring into our country. Homosexuality and pedophilia is rampant. Raking in the dough is a phrase that originated from priests literally using a rake to fish money out of the pool the parishioners threw their last coins hoping for a blessing.
which is worse: drawing the wrong conclusion from the correct premises or drawing the correct conclusion from the wrong premises?

Both you and Meriweather are off base. That's because you are both talking about the NO Church which is absolutely, positively NOT the True Catholic Church.

so there's that...
The only one that needs to hear our confessions is our Father. He forgives our trespasses for His Son's sake.
you claim to go by the Bible and only the Bible. But you do NOT. Objectively speaking, you do NOT go by Scripture, except when it serves your preconceived notions of what Christianity is supposed to be like.

If you look @ Scripture you will see that Jesus told us that He hs given the power to forgive to MAN

"Which is easier to say," Jesus said, "Take up your mat and walk or Your sins are forgiven?"

I believe I have that quote correct..

Both are equally easy to say of course. Jesus said we His followers would do what He did and... hard to believe.. even more than He did or something to that effect

not saying much since all Catholics are confused to you and every other anti-Catholic.. You want them to all be stupid and/or confused and/or uninformed because that makes you feel superior (or some other nefarious reason IMO)
good you added "IMO" You have no evidence for your idiot conclusion.
As to the poor would be priest to whom I alluded, he not only "knew"
everything in the bible (s)----he even "knew" the "MAGIC NUMBERS"
in the Talmud (jesus knew them a lot better---he quoted the talmud
ad infinitum------PS "Balaam" is not a code word for Jesus----and the
book titled "gitten" ain't got no "jesus" in it
I understand this. However from outside it is clear to see that neither the "assumption of Mary" nor her "immaculate conception" happened or is necessary. It is Mary worship basically; it is wrong-track.

It is ascribing to Mary what belongs to Christ. It is idol worship.
Absolutely correct. Jesus is an afterthought. The Church determined who was important to them...

The (anti-Jewish) Catholic Church wanted to be God's chosen, so they came up with a ridiculous notion. It is called "Replacement Theology". They simply declared the Jews cursed and abandoned by God, then usurped the role of the Jews and gave themselves the blessings God promised Abraham. In order to do so, they had to produce their own version of the Bible.

What replacement theology did was to say God does not keep His promises. Revelation proves that that is dead wrong. God keeps His word. Christ is not coming back as the Lion of the Tribe of Catholic Priests.
you claim to go by the Bible and only the Bible. But you do NOT. Objectively speaking, you do NOT go by Scripture, except when it serves your preconceived notions of what Christianity is supposed to be like.

If you look @ Scripture you will see that Jesus told us that He hs given the power to forgive to MAN

"Which is easier to say," Jesus said, "Take up your mat and walk or Your sins are forgiven?"

I believe I have that quote correct..

Both are equally easy to say of course. Jesus said we His followers would do what He did and... hard to believe.. even more than He did or something to that effect
How would you know? The Catholics developed their own rendition of scripture. They have their own "new and improved" version of what Christ said.
The power to forgive belongs to man, as in singular, not plural as in men. Jesus Christ is the man. No Pope, no other men necessary...

The scripture you quote refers to a man healed by Jesus. Jesus didn't tell him his sins were forgiven. He later told the man he had healed to stop sinning so nothing worse happens to him. Both actions are equally easy to perform if you are Jesus Christ. Pope Bill, not so much...

Christ's disciples DID do what Christ did. With the same Holy Spirit vigor that Christ used. They were signs for a time to ensure the masses knew Christ was who He said He was and continue to trust Him:
John 2:11 This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.
John 6:2 A large crowd followed Him, because they saw the signs which He was performing on those who were sick.

I fear this describes the Catholic Church, not Catholics necessarily, but the ones who determined church doctrine:
2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

Now we live by faith. Show me a preacher or priest today whom has replaced a missing arm or raised the dead, and I will capitulate to your understanding. Until then, I am sticking with Christ...
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