Personality or Policy: Which is more important to you?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It seems to me that the upcoming election may be decided by whether personality or policy is more important to US voters. According to polls (and common sense) a larger majority favor Trump's policies over Biden's policies, yet voter intentions suggest a much closer race. Which factor is more important to you?
In the particular race, we have an incestuous pedophile running against a megalomaniac bully. I don't see much in the way of personality points to be had.

All that is left is policy, and Trump's policies are about this sovereign state in which we live. Biden's are most obviously not.
Looks to me like neither party is going to control the Senate with 60 votes, let alone both the house and the Senate. Which means a divided gov't, which is both good in some respects and bad in others. This country has some serious problems that are worsening IMHO and the federal gov't doesn't appear to be able to do much about it in any effective way. So, what can either candidate do that will actually matter, cuz the next guy might very well wipe out everything that was done from 2025-2029. And I do not see the SCOTUS allowing either candidate to do as they please, although Biden is showing a willingness to ignore the rulings of the Court (see student loan forgiveness). So, will it really matter in the long run who gets elected?

However, policy does matter a great deal more than personality does. At some point the debt and deficits are going to become super important, as is immigration, foreign affairs, and all the other issues that the federal gov't is tasked to address. IMHO we are spending too much time and emphasis on character and not enough on what's best for the country. I don't care one bit about personality, I care more about what's going to happen to this country if Trump or Biden gets elected this fall. And there are some major differences between the candidates and their parties in that regard.
It seems to me that the upcoming election may be decided by whether personality or policy is more important to US voters. According to polls (and common sense) a larger majority favor Trump's policies over Biden's policies, yet voter intentions suggest a much closer race. Which factor is more important to you?
Its important to have a President who doesn’t mock someone with a birth defect. Your blob does that. So I won’t vote for him based on that alone. The fact that he’s a steaming pile of garbage also adds weight to my decision.
In the particular race, we have an incestuous pedophile running against a megalomaniac bully. I don't see much in the way of personality points to be had.

All that is left is policy, and Trump's policies are about this sovereign state in which we live. Biden's are most obviously not.
No, we just have a megalomaniac bully who is entertaining to people who have a chemical imbalance and serious daddy issues.
It seems to me that the upcoming election may be decided by whether personality or policy is more important to US voters. According to polls (and common sense) a larger majority favor Trump's policies over Biden's policies, yet voter intentions suggest a much closer race. Which factor is more important to you?
biden loses on both counts,,
Its important to have a President who doesn’t mock someone with a birth defect. Your blob does that. So I won’t vote for him based on that alone. The fact that he’s a steaming pile of garbage also adds weight to my decision.
Buzz off.
Its important to have a President who doesn’t mock someone with a birth defect. Your blob does that. So I won’t vote for him based on that alone. The fact that he’s a steaming pile of garbage also adds weight to my decision.
When did he mock you?

That was sure mean!!
It seems to me that the upcoming election may be decided by whether personality or policy is more important to US voters. According to polls (and common sense) a larger majority favor Trump's policies over Biden's policies, yet voter intentions suggest a much closer race. Which factor is more important to you?
I have heard oodles and oodles of people say how much they can't stand Trump but that they are voting for him over Biden. So, I think that should answer your question.
I have heard oodles and oodles of people say how much they can't stand Trump but that they are voting for him over Biden. So, I think that should answer your question.
The problem for Trump is that Biden won't be renominated, thus allowing the DNC to pick a more "likable" candidate.
The problem for Trump is that Biden won't be renominated, thus allowing the DNC to pick a more "likable" candidate.

I think if the democrats had a more likable candidate or one that has a better chance at beating Trump then that person would be out in the open and running hard for prez.

I have heard oodles and oodles of people say how much they can't stand Trump but that they are voting for him over Biden. So, I think that should answer your question.

Lotsa people are saying they can't stand Trump but whether they really vote for him over Biden is questionable IMHO. Like many on this board, I think instead they'll vote for a 3rd party person or not vote at all. The Trump hatred is quite visceral, and the people who won't vote for Biden might not vote for DJT either.

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