Pete Buttigieg: White Supremacy Could Be The End Of America

He's being hyperbolic, which only makes things worse. But, of course, that's where our politics are now.

This Alt Right stuff is more of a last gasp than a long term trend. But it will take a while to flush through.
United States will devolve something 3rd world like Brazil without majority white population.
America is a white nation, Butt guy should start appreciating that fact.

You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.

Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.

I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.

What the fuck is wrong with you.
The magnificent White founders wanted a nation full of White Citizens only, Terri. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

We should return to that original statute. America truly would be great again!
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Well, if it becomes true, then I will be happy and proud to have been a part of it. My people would have reigned in a new birth of freedom. Nevertheless, Buttplug is just doing what libtards do, trying to outdo each other with the most outrageous headline grabbing statements that they can dream up.

Pete Buttigieg: white supremacy could be the end of America

Mr. Buttigieg really thinks his supporters are stupid. Of course there were bigots wearing both blue and gray in the War of Northern Aggression. Pretending as if the Union Army was a group of ultra politically correct leftards is a load of bullshit. No less than 6 Presidents were union vets- Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison and McKinley, and not a socialist pantywaist between them.
United States will devolve something 3rd world like Brazil without majority white population.
America is a white nation, Butt guy should start appreciating that fact.

You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.

Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.

I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.

What the fuck is wrong with you.
The magnificent White founders wanted a nation full of White Citizens only, Terri. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

We should return to that original statute. America truly would be great again!

Here is how bringing in 3rd world folks from all over the world works for America.


It doesn't. For starters as is immediately obvious, these people are not American and do not hold a single one of the American values. Instead they have their 3rd world values.
Dang! It's like a Richard Spencer talk in here!

Richard Spencer is an intellectual light weight. Fraud, just like white nationalism. There is no such thing as a "white" nationality, and hence no white nation.
United States will devolve something 3rd world like Brazil without majority white population.
America is a white nation, Butt guy should start appreciating that fact.

You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.

Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.

I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.

What the fuck is wrong with you.
The magnificent White founders wanted a nation full of White Citizens only, Terri. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

We should return to that original statute. America truly would be great again!

This is retarded.
United States will devolve something 3rd world like Brazil without majority white population.
America is a white nation, Butt guy should start appreciating that fact.

You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.

Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.

I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.

What the fuck is wrong with you.
The magnificent White founders wanted a nation full of White Citizens only, Terri. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

We should return to that original statute. America truly would be great again!

This is retarded.

America is by necessity mostly white nation, since other ethnicities do not in general share the American values of liberty. The founders would obviously recoil if they found out how the democrats are conning America, they could not even conceive of something so retarded.
United States will devolve something 3rd world like Brazil without majority white population.
America is a white nation, Butt guy should start appreciating that fact.

You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.

Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.

I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.

What the fuck is wrong with you.
The magnificent White founders wanted a nation full of White Citizens only, Terri. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress.

[ United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are "free White persons of good character". It thus excludes Native Americans, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks and Asians.]

We should return to that original statute. America truly would be great again!

This is retarded.

America is by necessity mostly white nation, since other ethnicities do not in general share the American values of liberty. The founders would obviously recoil if they found out how the democrats are conning America, they could not even conceive of something so retarded.

That’s crazy talk. Plenty of African Americans, Latin Americans and Asian Americans share this same view. You don’t even know who our enemies are. My goodness.
He's being hyperbolic, which only makes things worse. But, of course, that's where our politics are now.

This Alt Right stuff is more of a last gasp than a long term trend. But it will take a while to flush through.

I met one guy from the alt-right years ago, he joined the movement when he was doing time in West Virginia. Pretty tough guy, you wouldn't want to fuck with him. But I don't think the ideology is very popular at all, much overstated and set up like some kind of "boogeyman" by the left. In a more sane time, they would be ignored, but now, our liberal friends really don't have anything else to run on except Fear against marginal, tiny groups like the alt right.
You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.
Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.
I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
So wait... your really think America will not become Mexico if Mexican people become the majority here?

Did America become any European nation? No.
Did America become England or Ireland or Italy, despite all the English, and then later the Irish and Italians who came here? No.

Its about wanting to be an American.

My mother's parents came here from Italy. Guess what: They did not teach her to speak one tiny speck of Italian. They wanted her to be 100% American, and she was.

If people come here with that attitude then it does not matter where they came from.

How STUPID are you to think that skin color affects the MIND, the attitude, the love of country..

You fuckers are idiots. You are hurting the very cause you claim to promote. Skin color means nothings. It is love of America, traditional values, and obedience to the Constitution that mean EVERYTHING
You are NOT doing conservatives any favors. You are being the very racist they accuse us of being you idiot.
Its not about color, its about the constitution and love of America.
I would rather have a nation of Herman Cains and Dr. Ben Carson's than a white nation of Pelosi's and Biden's.
What the fuck is wrong with you.
So wait... your really think America will not become Mexico if Mexican people become the majority here?

Did America become any European nation? No.
Did America become England or Ireland or Italy, despite all the English, and then later the Irish and Italians who came here? No.

Its about wanting to be an American.

My mother's parents came here from Italy. Guess what: They did not teach her to speak one tiny speck of Italian. They wanted her to be 100% American, and she was.

If people come here with that attitude then it does not matter where they came from.

How STUPID are you to think that skin color affects the MIND, the attitude, the love of country..

You fuckers are idiots. You are hurting the very cause you claim to promote. Skin color means nothings. It is love of America, traditional values, and obedience to the Constitution that mean EVERYTHING

I did not realize that America was mostly Irish after their immigration. Did you forget to read the word "MOST"?

Try again.

I just posted the statistics, skin color is very highly correlated with voting patterns, in particular America would consist of only blue states if only the minorities voted. A fact... that makes your observation that skin color has nothing to do with attitude blatantly false.
I did not realize that America is mostly Irish. Did you forget to read the word "MOST"?
Try again.

Fuck off you idiot. You missed the entire point of my post. I repeat:

Its about wanting to be an American.

My mother's parents came here from Italy. Guess what: They did not teach her to speak one tiny speck of Italian. They wanted her to be 100% American, and she was.

If people come here with that attitude then it does not matter where they came from.

How STUPID are you to think that skin color affects the MIND, the attitude, the love of country..

You fuckers are idiots. You are hurting the very cause you claim to promote. Skin color means nothings. It is love of America, traditional values, and obedience to the Constitution that mean EVERYTHING
He's being hyperbolic, which only makes things worse. But, of course, that's where our politics are now.

This Alt Right stuff is more of a last gasp than a long term trend. But it will take a while to flush through.

I met one guy from the alt-right years ago, he joined the movement when he was doing time in West Virginia. Pretty tough guy, you wouldn't want to fuck with him. But I don't think the ideology is very popular at all, much overstated and set up like some kind of "boogeyman" by the left. In a more sane time, they would be ignored, but now, our liberal friends really don't have anything else to run on except Fear against marginal, tiny groups like the alt right.
Well, the Left has Antifa, the Right has the Alt Right.

The actual groups themselves are less important than the fact that they are an extension of the worst of that "side".

So the problem isn't the group; it's the people on that "side" who don't fight them. Not just say they disagree - admit what they are and work actively against them.

Otherwise these groups are allowed to fester. And both ends know it.
I did not realize that America is mostly Irish. Did you forget to read the word "MOST"?
Try again.

Fuck off you idiot. You missed the entire point of my post. I repeat:

Its about wanting to be an American.

My mother's parents came here from Italy. Guess what: They did not teach her to speak one tiny speck of Italian. They wanted her to be 100% American, and she was.

If people come here with that attitude then it does not matter where they came from.

How STUPID are you to think that skin color affects the MIND, the attitude, the love of country..

You fuckers are idiots. You are hurting the very cause you claim to promote. Skin color means nothings. It is love of America, traditional values, and obedience to the Constitution that mean EVERYTHING

These people are assholes and why the Leftists call people who disagree with them racists. Because some are, like this douchebag.

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