Peter Navarro planned conspiracy with Steve Bannon by ‘lining up over 100 congressmen’ to overthrow the election

Judges that even were appointed by the Liar in Chief have said trump cause the attack on the US Capitol. trump is a cancer, a monster, a traitor.
That is utterly preposterous. Please quote a single judge sayin Trump "caused" the Jan 6 riot.

Brainless lying morons like you are the cancer.

Where is the incitement to riot? Got that?

Cuz I can bring dozens of Dimtard quotes telling people to fight......... :abgg2q.jpg:
These prog morons believe that just about any kind of normal campaign rhetoric constitutes "incitement" to riot or take over the government.

The idiocy is beyond belief.
Either they weren't told that Trump told the jihadis "We Love You" or they've blocked it out.

Either way, that's life in a cult.
Apparently you blocked out logic and common sense. Prog idiots can turn anything Trump said into inciting a coup.
They're a special kind of moron.
And now, let's really trigger the moonbats....

These prog morons believe that just about any kind of normal campaign rhetoric constitutes "incitement" to riot or take over the government.

The idiocy is beyond belief.
You witnessed the worst attack on the US Capitol in modern history and you want to ignore it. You and you cult want to dismiss it as a are sick SOB.
You witnessed the worst attack on the US Capitol in modern history and you want to ignore it. You and you cult want to dismiss it as a are sick SOB.
That wasn't the worst by any stretch, you fucking moron.

This is what your kind ignores:

Pleading the Fifth by some of Trumps goons. It's moving along nicely.
Democrats, like Nazis, believe they're the solution rather than the problem.

Belonging to the most dangerous cult on the planet, they project their extreme evil onto others.

To Democrats, everyone outside their cult is a sub-human worthy only of a death camp.

Hence their deranged hysteria over the DC protests last January.

The rioting in DC by Democrat Brownshirts in January of 2017?

To a Nazi-like Democrat, it's seen as entirely justified.

Democrats: The greatest danger the country and world have ever faced.

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