Peter Navarro planned conspiracy with Steve Bannon by ‘lining up over 100 congressmen’ to overthrow the election

Big font doesn't change exactly what he said in the posted video, Dumbass.
Smokin' OP
Insurrection?? In a pigs ass.

If it had been the insurrection you keep harping on, they would have all been armed and they would have shot the shit out of the Capital buildings and Congress.

The FBI found no evidence that an "insurrection" or anything else was planned for that day.
No, that's stupid. They thought they were stopping g the certification and thought they had the backing of the most powerful man in the world.

Just ask them . It's not a guess.

And you and I both know exactly why you are throwing a little baby tantrum over the cult felons testifying.
Fort Fun Indiana
I agree that everyone should be questioned including Pelousy, Epps and Sullivan. Since most of those on 1/6 have been charged with Trespassing I'd say your post is pure bullshit.

Any that committed crimes will be punished. That's as it should be.
Fort Fun Indiana
I agree that everyone should be questioned including Pelousy, Epps and Sullivan. Since most of those on 1/6 have been charged with Trespassing I'd say your post is pure bullshit.

Any that committed crimes will be punished. That's as it should be.
I know you do. But you are kind of crazy and gullible and buy into silly, debunked lies. So I fear reality is going to conflict with your desperate cult fantasies.
lock up this traitor

Are you saying the commies didn't coordinate beforehand when they objected to EC votes when Trump was elected? Are they traitors as well? You commies are such hypocrites. LMAO

Are you saying the commies didn't coordinate beforehand when they objected to EC votes when Trump was elected? Are they traitors as well? You commies are such hypocrites. LMAO

What is this hilarious, idiotic fantasy?

Haha, you people have zero standards or shame.
Pathetic whataboutism will not save you.

Only one insurrection has occurred in modern history. And that was perpetrated by a criminal president and his cult, on 01/06/2022.

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