Peter Thiel: Trump unleashing new republican party

Thiel: Trump Unleashing ‘New Republican Party’

Yep. Better get used to it! We are here to stay!
Oh my god, this is the most deluded statement ever: “He points even beyond the remaking of one party to a new American politics that overcomes denial, rejects bubble thinking and reckons with reality.”


Why are you laughing exactly? Your party is a mess, you guys invited these idiots to your party and now most Republicans are just fine voting for their candidate. Reagan's corpse has been raped and you're laughing.

"BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Right, hopefully the Democrats can fix the shit your party started.
If you're voting for hiLIARy then you are asking for more of the same corrupt/wasteful govy

Peter Thiel: What Trump represents isn't crazy, and it's not going away

Thiel conceded that Trump is not the perfect candidate. But after decades dominated by asset bubbles and a Washington culture that has made many Americans feel disaffected and powerless, Thiel said Trump represents a new path.

"I don't agree with everything Donald Trump has said and done — and I don't think the millions of other people voting for him do, either," he said.

"It's not a lack of judgment that leads Americans to vote for Trump; we're voting for Trump because we judge the leadership of our country to have failed," he added.

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