Pets are being given up as owners struggle to pay bills

Even Pets are suffering and being euthanized because of Biden's economy and pet care inflation.

It should be a law you have to have insurance to have a dog. Or be able to afford to have a pet.

The best pet insurance ever by Nationwide®. Plans covering wellness, illness, emergency & more. Use any vet. Up to 90% back on vet bills. Call 877-263-6008.
I have read that during the Pandemic, many pets were surrendered to shelters and often euthanized.

Now the economy is forcing many people to surrender their pets.

How horrible.

Just imagine: a pet that has been loved and lived in a nice environment with food and bedding is suddenly dropped off in a shelter.

They have feelings, too.

In fact, in some ways, pets are kinder than a lot of human beings.

(If you know someone who is thinking about simply abandoning a pet in a remote area, PLEASE volunteer to drop off the pet at a shelter. Can one even possibly imagine how a pet would feel suddenly being forced to find food and a place to sleep on the street?)

Sadly, a lot of pets are nicer than humana. It's a good thing animals can't talk.
Did the little girl perform spay or neuter surgery? ... or are you just skipping that part of "responsible pet ownership" ... I see that kitten in a gunny sack with rocks at the bottom of the creek by year's end ... Red State hell ...

The lie starts with picking the single most expensive place to live in about the whole world ... do landlords have the final say on de-clawing? ... are you using the neighbor's flowerbeds for a free litterbox ...

If your pet is only worth $25 to you ... then I feel sorry for that pet ... that discount food you'll be feeding it will cause a very painful death from kidney failure ... and all you'll do is drown it ...

I spent $100 for my kitten, and that included vaxxes, spay/neuter and a bunch of free premium kitten food that my kitten won't eat ... it's Purina Yeller for her or nothing ...
If I could educate you blue-staters, in my neck of the woods, people who live out in the country don't treat cats like family members; they treat them like the animals they are. Death among animals is commonplace. Hunting is a way of life. And so they might not spay every female cat that roams the area. But they don't need to because nature takes care of any surplus. Maybe one kitten is taken by a hawk. Perhaps another by a fox. And so there isn't an overpopulation problem. And the folks don't think twice about it.

The problem in all this is you are assigning your hyper-liberal animal rights values to people who don't subscribe to it. The pretty country gal I got the kitty from doesn't care what you think.
Here's the thing, hon. While I love my pets, they are still just animals, nowhere near the value of human beings. Our local shelters of animal-rights nutsos charge $100 for what they call a kitten, which must be a minimum of 13 weeks old. That's not a kitten to me. Then they want you sign forms and blah blah. This is why the shelters are full, because of their idiotic preachy self-righteous policies. And besides that, no leftwinger is going to tell me what I have to do.

I wanted a kitten. I went to a private individual running an add on Craigslist, and I got my kitten, which could have been for free, but I gave the girl a little money. She raised five kittens, gave them food and attention, advertised them and charged nothing. All out of the goodness of her heart. It's preachy animal-rights nutsos who give shelters a bad name.

Shelters do have costs involved to run. When someone gives up their pet, it's more likely than not going to go to the shelter, not to the little girl who had 5 kittens once.

Maybe you prefer taxpayers support to run them?
Dry cat food is about $1.50 a pound. Dry dog food about .68 cents a pound. Tidy Cat litter is around $25.00 a tub.....Frontline for cats is $7.30 per dose, for dogs $11.66.

Toss is what vets are charging these days and it a small wonder pets are being taken on that last ride to the "big sleep".
San Francisco adoption costs: Dogs - $250. Puppies - $400. Kittens - $200. Plus city fee of $28. Every family member must be present at an adoption. Keep in mind, this is a Marxist hub which values animals over children. You must be vetted, you must present an ID, and you must have a letter of approval from your landlord or must present a deed of home ownership.

Here in red-state America, we just got a kitten, 8 weeks old from an individuaI. I gave the girl $25 for her trouble. Just called her and picked up the kitten.
I hope the kitten is ok.
We do like to tell ourselves that.
To eliminate or reduce issues, everything must be doled out equally and behavior rigorously controlled. All people get a certain number of medical benefits. And then it ends with pain pills administered until death. Progs quote Marx, each according to needs each according to ability. They always seem to do the opposite though as equity has dumbed us down. So, we go ack to the moon with a corrupted sold dead government pushing people landing there based on color and gender and costing massive amounts of money to do so. And it did not have to be this way except for the corrupted who pushed it and ended up employing people who are smart however not including people who are smarter. So, the first 4 mission are over 4 billion dollars apiece. Unsustainable at that price. And they are phukin with Musk because he is not as far left, and he can be the deep space savior if he can get his Starship to work. He already saved their ass in low earth orbit human related capsules.
1. I have seen some videos on YouTube about stray dogs.

2. Supposedly, the country of Turkey is unique in its humane treatment of stray dogs.

3. The videos claim that if you visit any Turkish city, you will see stray dogs wandering around in complete safety.

4. People make sure they are fed and have water.

5. Supposedly, some business establishments even let stray dogs sleep inside during the night.

6. If you have ever visited Turkey, maybe you can tell us if the above is true.
San Francisco adoption costs: Dogs - $250. Puppies - $400. Kittens - $200. Plus city fee of $28. Every family member must be present at an adoption. Keep in mind, this is a Marxist hub which values animals over children. You must be vetted, you must present an ID, and you must have a letter of approval from your landlord or must present a deed of home ownership.

Here in red-state America, we just got a kitten, 8 weeks old from an individuaI. I gave the girl $25 for her trouble. Just called her and picked up the kitten.
No need to do all that. Just feed one stray cat one time, and your yard will be filled with stray cats in no time.
pssst.....sorry you never took a science class, but humans are animals.
Which is why you Leftists treat humans like animals. Godless Leftist like yourself view humans as glorified animals which are not separated by God as anything special or deserving of being treated better in any way..

And how are animals treated? They are used as slave labor as beasts of burden, locked in zoos for amusement, or killed and eaten. That explains why Marxists last century murdered hundreds of millions of people.

But at the same time, Leftists treat the animal kingdom better than human beings.

Crazy I know.
People who drop dogs off in the country, especially ones that have grown up in a home are assholes. I've had to shoot 4 so far this year. Not including one of my own that had to be put down.
Which is why you Leftists treat humans like animals. Godless Leftist like yourself view humans as glorified animals which are not separated by God as anything special or deserving of being treated better in any way..

And how are animals treated? They are used as slave labor as beasts of burden, locked in zoos for amusement, or killed and eaten. That explains why Marxists last century murdered hundreds of millions of people.

But at the same time, Leftists treat the animal kingdom better than human beings.

Crazy I know.

They worship the earth. It's prophetic.....and pathetic.

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