Pew defends Fox

Anyone who watches both networks and is willing to be intellectually honest knows, however, that this isn't even close to the truth. Fox News does a fantastic job separating its straight news (daytime, Bret Baier, Shepard Smith, etc.) from its openly conservative programming. Moreover, Fox News also does a ton of original reporting.

Explain the shock and horror on their faces when Obama was elected. Explain O'Reilly, Hannity, Huckabee, Beck and Cavuto.

Balanced my ass. Brietbart TV is a reliable source for anything...............

You're right only read what agrees with you...that's a smart way to must of graduated from a public school...
Anyone who watches both networks and is willing to be intellectually honest knows, however, that this isn't even close to the truth. Fox News does a fantastic job separating its straight news (daytime, Bret Baier, Shepard Smith, etc.) from its openly conservative programming. Moreover, Fox News also does a ton of original reporting.

Explain the shock and horror on their faces when Obama was elected. Explain O'Reilly, Hannity, Huckabee, Beck and Cavuto.

Balanced my ass.

Anyone that believes in self determination and freedom was shocked and horrified when Obama won.
Truth sure gets you anti freedom fk heads riled up...lmao
None of you actually clicked on the Pew Research site did you?
You just saw Brietbart and dismissed it.

MSNBC- 85% opinion, 15 % reporting

CNN - 46% opinion, 54% reporting

Fox News - 55% opinion, 45% reporting.

It seems that MSNBC is the one that is not educating their viewers with actual news reports.
Not Fox after all.
None of you actually clicked on the Pew Research site did you?
You just saw Brietbart and dismissed it.

MSNBC- 85% opinion, 15 % reporting

CNN - 46% opinion, 54% reporting

Fox News - 55% opinion, 45% reporting.

It seems that MSNBC is the one that is not educating their viewers with actual news reports.
Not Fox after all.

I read it. I hope they're only counting FNC as news between 9 and 3 eastern time. The rest is parallel to MSNBC. Oh and happens to be during times when people are home and watching.
Fox is only hated and considered evil by loony Liberals because Fox refuses to put the Liberal ideology ahead of factual reporting like all of the other Democrat controlled media outlets do. Nope, Liberals actually believe that it's OK to lie if it furthers their utopian agenda. They believe the benefits of lying outweigh the truth when the truth hurts their cause. They sure are a despicable bunch.
Fox is only hated and considered evil by loony Liberals because Fox refuses to put the Liberal ideology ahead of factual reporting like all of the other Democrat controlled media outlets do. Nope, Liberals actually believe that it's OK to lie if it furthers their utopian agenda. They believe the benefits of lying outweigh the truth when the truth hurts their cause. They sure are a despicable bunch.

Omg you are mirroring exactly what the left thinks about FOX. What has made you so enlightened that you've got a complete grasp on what is and isn't partisan?
I read the entire report. Not a single station mentioned was "defended".
None of you actually clicked on the Pew Research site did you?
You just saw Brietbart and dismissed it.

MSNBC- 85% opinion, 15 % reporting

CNN - 46% opinion, 54% reporting

Fox News - 55% opinion, 45% reporting.

It seems that MSNBC is the one that is not educating their viewers with actual news reports.
Not Fox after all.

Yeah I did. First of all the Dimbart page starts right off with a strawman fallacy:

>> In their never-ending crusade to dishonestly marginalize Fox News, members of the mainstream media love to casually compare Fox News to MSNBC. The idea is to falsely brand Fox News as MSNBC's ideological cable news counterpart; as though both are equally partisan, extreme, and opinionated. <<

Strangely, these members of the mainstream media are never named. Or linked. Equally strangely, Fox News is part of that mainstream media.

What they completely forgot to mention was that the entire time the O'Liarlys and Hannity bunch are doing their commentary, there's a logo in the corner reading "Fox News" whereas MSNBC has never pretended to be news. The N doesn't even stand for News, but "National".

Pew Research Center, being in research, doesn't "defend" or "attack" anybody. That would be taking a position. It seems the OP doesn't know the difference either -- which tells us that that "Fox News" logo in the corner had its desired effect. And also explains why its viewers are the most misinformed. Looks like even stories about Fox are misinformed.
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None of you actually clicked on the Pew Research site did you?
You just saw Brietbart and dismissed it.

MSNBC- 85% opinion, 15 % reporting

CNN - 46% opinion, 54% reporting

Fox News - 55% opinion, 45% reporting.

It seems that MSNBC is the one that is not educating their viewers with actual news reports.
Not Fox after all.

Yeah I did. First of all the Dimbart page starts right off with a strawman fallacy:

>> In their never-ending crusade to dishonestly marginalize Fox News, members of the mainstream media love to casually compare Fox News to MSNBC. The idea is to falsely brand Fox News as MSNBC's ideological cable news counterpart; as though both are equally partisan, extreme, and opinionated. <<

Strangely, these members of the mainstream media are never named. Or linked. Equally strangely, Fox News is part of that mainstream media.

What they completely forgot to mention was that the entire time the O'Liarlys and Hannity bunch are doing their commentary, there's a logo in the corner reading "Fox News" whereas MSNBC has never pretended to be news. The N doesn't even stand for News, but "National".

Pew Research Center, being in research, doesn't "defend" or "attack" anybody. That would be taking a position. It seems the OP doesn't know the difference either -- which tells us that that "Fox News" logo in the corner had its desired effect. And also explains why its viewers are the most misinformed. Looks like even stories about Fox are misinformed.

None of you actually clicked on the Pew Research site did you?
You just saw Brietbart and dismissed it.

MSNBC- 85% opinion, 15 % reporting

CNN - 46% opinion, 54% reporting

Fox News - 55% opinion, 45% reporting.

It seems that MSNBC is the one that is not educating their viewers with actual news reports.
Not Fox after all.
If this Pew poll is accurate...

How do you hard rightwing bastards explain how it was that theFOXNEWS and ALL of it's viewers were 100% WRONG on the election predictions then?
Because the poll is about how much of the channels' time is dedicated to what is considered to be a news program and what is considered to be an opinion program.

The study failed to mention that Faux fails factchecking throughout each program daily, while MSNBC prides itself on factchecking, and will make a huge deal out of correcting any mistakes they did make.
Because the poll is about how much of the channels' time is dedicated to what is considered to be a news program and what is considered to be an opinion program.

The study failed to mention that Faux fails factchecking throughout each program daily, while MSNBC prides itself on factchecking, and will make a huge deal out of correcting any mistakes they did make.

Exactly. I've heard many of the evening programs on MSNBC apologize whenever they get something wrong (which isn't often).

Remember when FAUX Nooze said that the SC had declared Obamacare unconstitutional?

CNN even got it wrong.

However.......................MSNBC was one of the only ones to get it right.

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