Pew Research Shows Obama's Claim That 99.9% of Muslims Peaceful is FALSE


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama says 99.9% of Muslims want peace and are against violence.

Let's look at results from a Pew Survey.

Percentage of young Muslims who believe suicide bombings against infidels are justified:

American Muslims 26%

British Muslims 35%

French Muslims 42%

German Muslims 22%

Spanish Muslims 29%

At least half of Muslims in 17 out of 22 countries want sharia law. Some countries have high percentages of Muslims supporting sharia law, and not the peaceful interpretation of it.

Palestinian territories 76%

Egypt 70%

Jordan 57%

Lebanon 50%

Of those that want Sharia law, how many support the law in it's most radical meaning, as in stoning to death those who commit adultery and cutting the hands off thieves?

Currently, stoning is commonplace in South Asisa, Middle East-North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt.

There are 80 million Muslims in Egypt and 86% support a radical enforcement of sharia law. That alone shows that Obama's claim of 99.9% being peaceful and moderate is a lie. Add all the other Muslims around the world who support radicalism and the numbers are staggering. Obama is making up numbers (something he is good at) to hide the fact that there is a high percentage of Muslims who support draconian measures for those who disobey the laws of Islam.

There is a chart in link showing the percent of Muslims who support the death penalty for leaving Islam. The numbers are insanely high. When people want to leave Islam, too many find it normal to immediately turn to violence and murder. Not much different when someone merely insults them. This is a look at the ugly truth. No wonder the peaceful Muslims don't speak out. They are scared because they will be guilty of breaking sharia law if they support infidels. I guess they don't want to face the harsh penalty for free thinking.
While I agree that only a small minority of Muslims actually are violent, I also believe that a much larger number in some way support the crazies... and that for me is problematic.
While I agree that only a small minority of Muslims actually are violent, I also believe that a much larger number in some way support the crazies... and that for me is problematic.

What their American apologists refuse to admit is that, while many Muslims have made it clear they are against the Jihadists, there are many more who do or say nothing because they are sympathetic with them to some degree. And yes, that's problematic, perhaps just as problematic as the few, because they enable when they turn a blind eye.

Why their American apologists choose not to see this... well, that's an interesting question.


Confirmed in poll, posted below:
  • Only 40% of American Muslims believe Muslim groups were responsible for 9/11
  • 8% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified. That's one in 12.5.
  • Same question: France 16%, Spain 16%, Great Britain 15%
  • 29% of American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombings can be justified
  • Same question: France 42%, Spain 29%, Great Britain 35%

Yeah, no big deal, right? Spin away, folks.

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Confirmed in poll, posted below:
  • Only 40% of American Muslims believe Muslim groups were responsible for 9/11
  • 8% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified. That's one in 12.5.
  • Same question: France 16%, Spain 16%, Great Britain 15%
  • 29% of American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombings can be justified
  • Same question: France 42%, Spain 29%, Great Britain 35%

Yeah, no big deal, right? Spin away, folks.

odd the Pew Report says middle class and mainstream. Perhaps you're .... cherry picking and doing the spinning. LOL

Confirmed in poll, posted below:
  • Only 40% of American Muslims believe Muslim groups were responsible for 9/11
  • 8% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified. That's one in 12.5.
  • Same question: France 16%, Spain 16%, Great Britain 15%
  • 29% of American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombings can be justified
  • Same question: France 42%, Spain 29%, Great Britain 35%

Yeah, no big deal, right? Spin away, folks.

odd the Pew Report says middle class and mainstream. Perhaps you're .... cherry picking and doing the spinning. LOL
What does that have to do with it, precisely?

Is the information accurate or not?

Go ahead, tell me.

Obama says 99.9% of Muslims want peace and are against violence.

Let's look at results from a Pew Survey.

Percentage of young Muslims who believe suicide bombings against infidels are justified:

American Muslims 26%

British Muslims 35%

French Muslims 42%

German Muslims 22%

Spanish Muslims 29%

At least half of Muslims in 17 out of 22 countries want sharia law. Some countries have high percentages of Muslims supporting sharia law, and not the peaceful interpretation of it.

Palestinian territories 76%

Egypt 70%

Jordan 57%

Lebanon 50%

Of those that want Sharia law, how many support the law in it's most radical meaning, as in stoning to death those who commit adultery and cutting the hands off thieves?

Currently, stoning is commonplace in South Asisa, Middle East-North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt.

There are 80 million Muslims in Egypt and 86% support a radical enforcement of sharia law. That alone shows that Obama's claim of 99.9% being peaceful and moderate is a lie. Add all the other Muslims around the world who support radicalism and the numbers are staggering. Obama is making up numbers (something he is good at) to hide the fact that there is a high percentage of Muslims who support draconian measures for those who disobey the laws of Islam.

There is a chart in link showing the percent of Muslims who support the death penalty for leaving Islam. The numbers are insanely high. When people want to leave Islam, too many find it normal to immediately turn to violence and murder. Not much different when someone merely insults them. This is a look at the ugly truth. No wonder the peaceful Muslims don't speak out. They are scared because they will be guilty of breaking sharia law if they support infidels. I guess they don't want to face the harsh penalty for free thinking.

Hussssssien Obama responds: "But but but this has nothing to do with Islam! What is Islam? Is that a Moroccan dish?! Who me, Muslim?!"

Yo, what Obama lied again? Nothing out of the ordinary! Think back when 9/11 happened? They show countries on the news where those desert-fleas where dancing in the streets! So I think the number is a lot higher!!!


Confirmed in poll, posted below:
  • Only 40% of American Muslims believe Muslim groups were responsible for 9/11
  • 8% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified. That's one in 12.5.
  • Same question: France 16%, Spain 16%, Great Britain 15%
  • 29% of American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombings can be justified
  • Same question: France 42%, Spain 29%, Great Britain 35%

Yeah, no big deal, right? Spin away, folks.

odd the Pew Report says middle class and mainstream. Perhaps you're .... cherry picking and doing the spinning. LOL
What does that have to do with it, precisely?

Is the information accurate or not?

Go ahead, tell me.

yeah, you SPUN and CHERRY PICKED the fact that 80% plus don't think suicide bombers are ever justified. And there's no assertion that ANY support suicide bomber in the US. So spinaway miesterspinner

Confirmed in poll, posted below:
  • Only 40% of American Muslims believe Muslim groups were responsible for 9/11
  • 8% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified. That's one in 12.5.
  • Same question: France 16%, Spain 16%, Great Britain 15%
  • 29% of American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombings can be justified
  • Same question: France 42%, Spain 29%, Great Britain 35%

Yeah, no big deal, right? Spin away, folks.

odd the Pew Report says middle class and mainstream. Perhaps you're .... cherry picking and doing the spinning. LOL
What does that have to do with it, precisely?

Is the information accurate or not?

Go ahead, tell me.

yeah, you SPUN and CHERRY PICKED the fact that 80% plus don't think suicide bombers are ever justified. And there's no assertion that ANY support suicide bomber in the US. So spinaway miesterspinner
Look at the title of the thread. Look at what I wrote in post 4. I spun nothing. I used the numbers in the survey. I cherry-picked nothing, I used the numbers that pertained specifically to the thread.

If you're okay with that many people who would turn a blind eye to jihadism around the world, you make my point.

Thanks, and I really wonder about your motivations.

The stats are what they are. These polls are alarming because way too many Muslims polled support the extremists who are stoning women to death, beheading gays and Christians and slaughtering infidels at a consistent pace. It's not even a terrorist attack with groups like ISIS. It's a daily routine to brutally torture and murder people.

Even more disturbing is that Obama, along with radical Muslim groups, are trying to paint the conservatives as the radicals. DHS lists people supporting the 2nd amendment, constitution, border security and protesting amnesty as the most dangerous in the country. Never mind that there is no slaughter, they find patriotism dangerous to their agenda.

CAIR Praises DHS Report on Domestic Right Wing Extremists CNS News
One of you haters needs to explain why it was not a problem when GWB made the exact same argument that we are not out to battle Islam, just the violent Jihadis.
Who do you jackasses think extremists are killing more than anyone else?

They are slaughtering Muslims.

You morons shit your pants over a handful of Westerners having their heads cut off and have convinced yourselves a majority of Muslims are the same.

Fucking idiots.

Concerns about Islamic Extremism on the Rise in Middle East

Negative Opinions of al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah Widespread

As you can see, the more exposure a country has to extremists, the more concerned they are about them.



Hamas Viewed Negatively, Even in Palestinian Territories

When Muslims are asked whether suicide bombing or other forms of violence against civilian targets can be justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies, few in the countries surveyed say that this form of violence is often or sometimes justified, and support has generally diminished in the last decade. Still, significant minorities of Muslims in a few countries do hold the view that it can be justified.

More than a decade after the 9/11 attacks and after hundreds of high profile attacks on civilians, the percentage of Muslims who say suicide bombing is often or sometimes justified has fallen in many of the countries surveyed.
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Those who manipulate the bigots who hate all Muslims are very careful to frame their "stories" (I won't call them reports) in a vacuum. This suicide story from the hack media outlet was very careful not to link to the Pew Research web site which they were citing. That is because they don't want you to catch on that the trend line of support for terrorism is DECLINING in the Middle East.


Confirmed in poll, posted below:
  • Only 40% of American Muslims believe Muslim groups were responsible for 9/11
  • 8% of American Muslims believe suicide bombing of civilian targets to defend Islam is justified. That's one in 12.5.
  • Same question: France 16%, Spain 16%, Great Britain 15%
  • 29% of American Muslims aged 18-29 say suicide bombings can be justified
  • Same question: France 42%, Spain 29%, Great Britain 35%

Yeah, no big deal, right? Spin away, folks.

A 2007 report.

Pew has done polls since eight years ago, skippy. See my post above. Support has been declining.

Nice try.
Obama says 99.9% of Muslims want peace and are against violence.

Let's look at results from a Pew Survey.

Percentage of young Muslims who believe suicide bombings against infidels are justified:

American Muslims 26%

British Muslims 35%

French Muslims 42%

German Muslims 22%

Spanish Muslims 29%

At least half of Muslims in 17 out of 22 countries want sharia law. Some countries have high percentages of Muslims supporting sharia law, and not the peaceful interpretation of it.

Palestinian territories 76%

Egypt 70%

Jordan 57%

Lebanon 50%

Of those that want Sharia law, how many support the law in it's most radical meaning, as in stoning to death those who commit adultery and cutting the hands off thieves?

Currently, stoning is commonplace in South Asisa, Middle East-North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt.

There are 80 million Muslims in Egypt and 86% support a radical enforcement of sharia law. That alone shows that Obama's claim of 99.9% being peaceful and moderate is a lie. Add all the other Muslims around the world who support radicalism and the numbers are staggering. Obama is making up numbers (something he is good at) to hide the fact that there is a high percentage of Muslims who support draconian measures for those who disobey the laws of Islam.

There is a chart in link showing the percent of Muslims who support the death penalty for leaving Islam. The numbers are insanely high. When people want to leave Islam, too many find it normal to immediately turn to violence and murder. Not much different when someone merely insults them. This is a look at the ugly truth. No wonder the peaceful Muslims don't speak out. They are scared because they will be guilty of breaking sharia law if they support infidels. I guess they don't want to face the harsh penalty for free thinking.


lol, 70% of Americans originally supported Bush's unnecessary war of aggression against Iraq. Given the percentage of Americans who are Christians,

that makes Christianity one of the least peaceful religions around.
Obama says 99.9% of Muslims want peace and are against violence.

Let's look at results from a Pew Survey.

Percentage of young Muslims who believe suicide bombings against infidels are justified:

American Muslims 26%

British Muslims 35%

French Muslims 42%

German Muslims 22%

Spanish Muslims 29%

At least half of Muslims in 17 out of 22 countries want sharia law. Some countries have high percentages of Muslims supporting sharia law, and not the peaceful interpretation of it.

Palestinian territories 76%

Egypt 70%

Jordan 57%

Lebanon 50%

Of those that want Sharia law, how many support the law in it's most radical meaning, as in stoning to death those who commit adultery and cutting the hands off thieves?

Currently, stoning is commonplace in South Asisa, Middle East-North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt.

There are 80 million Muslims in Egypt and 86% support a radical enforcement of sharia law. That alone shows that Obama's claim of 99.9% being peaceful and moderate is a lie. Add all the other Muslims around the world who support radicalism and the numbers are staggering. Obama is making up numbers (something he is good at) to hide the fact that there is a high percentage of Muslims who support draconian measures for those who disobey the laws of Islam.

There is a chart in link showing the percent of Muslims who support the death penalty for leaving Islam. The numbers are insanely high. When people want to leave Islam, too many find it normal to immediately turn to violence and murder. Not much different when someone merely insults them. This is a look at the ugly truth. No wonder the peaceful Muslims don't speak out. They are scared because they will be guilty of breaking sharia law if they support infidels. I guess they don't want to face the harsh penalty for free thinking.

lol, 70% of Americans originally supported Bush's unnecessary war of aggression against Iraq. Given the percentage of Americans who are Christians,

that makes Christianity one of the least peaceful religions around.
This isn't about Christianity.

It's about Islam.
Don't you think those Muslims who have seen their fellow Muslims being slaughtered by these maniacs in much larger numbers than Westerners have been feel the same way toward them you do?


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