Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

Does not seem to have been the case in the mid-terms. But keep telling yourself that.
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It is statements like this from the Repbus/Right that will keeps non-whites away...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.

Yes, I'm sure the entire country is tuned into USMB.

All it's going to take is a few famous blacks that the black communities respect to show the people just how abused their vote was. That's when you're going to see some real change in the demographics.

You think that he is alone in those thoughts? He is just parroting what the GOP stands for.

Then why did he say it and not a GOP'r?

It's like I always say: leftist hypocrites want to hold all conservatives responsible for whatever obscure quote from some nobody they're obsessing about today, but everything said on the left - no matter who says it - is always "just that person".

Or they make excuses for them like when John FFFFFFF Kerry told a college group years ago that if they don't stay in school, they could end up in a place like Iraq. The left tried to say he was making a joke. Sorry.....but for the life of me, I can't find the least humors thing in that comment. But you know how they are, they never admitted he just said something stupid without thinking.

It was not humorous at all, but it does reflect the view of a great many people of those that join the military.
Yes, I'm sure the entire country is tuned into USMB.

All it's going to take is a few famous blacks that the black communities respect to show the people just how abused their vote was. That's when you're going to see some real change in the demographics.

You think that he is alone in those thoughts? He is just parroting what the GOP stands for.

Then why did he say it and not a GOP'r?

It's like I always say: leftist hypocrites want to hold all conservatives responsible for whatever obscure quote from some nobody they're obsessing about today, but everything said on the left - no matter who says it - is always "just that person".

Or they make excuses for them like when John FFFFFFF Kerry told a college group years ago that if they don't stay in school, they could end up in a place like Iraq. The left tried to say he was making a joke. Sorry.....but for the life of me, I can't find the least humors thing in that comment. But you know how they are, they never admitted he just said something stupid without thinking.

It was not humorous at all, but it does reflect the view of a great many people of those that join the military.

I strongly disagree with that. While not serving in the military myself, I have plenty of family members who did; many served in war as well.

The left? Perhaps some of them hold that view, but most of us on the right certainly don't.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yep. Party of Anti White Racism

It's like a never ending parade of stupid from the rightwingers.


Does this LOOK anti-white to you??? What ass do you idiots pull your rediculous bullshit from?

Their policies are anti white. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells and an open mind can see that.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yep. Party of Anti White Racism

It's like a never ending parade of stupid from the rightwingers.


Does this LOOK anti-white to you??? What ass do you idiots pull your rediculous bullshit from?


Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.


Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

One new Republican woman, and 95 new Democrat women members of congress.

Some 95 women have won, or are projected to win, their House races as of Wednesday, which is up from the current 84 women in the House. In addition, at least 13 women won Senate seats. That's on top of the 10 female senators who were not up for re-election this year.
Record number of women to serve in Congress following 2018 midterm elections

They saw, they heard, they came, and they kicked ASS.

More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

Boy, yeah, I'm DYING to join a political party that sees me as nothing but a dumb vagina that can be exploited. Can't tell you how appealing you just made the Democrats look by touting the joys of having my identity reduced to my reproductive organs.

That certainly seems to describe your party identity accurately since you seem to think women are to dumb to be be in control of their own reproductive decisions.
Which brings me to my next question. Are the women who were elected as Democrats truly the best qualified candidates...or were they simply rubber stamped by a main stream media that favors liberals?

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yep. Party of Anti White Racism

It's like a never ending parade of stupid from the rightwingers.


Does this LOOK anti-white to you??? What ass do you idiots pull your rediculous bullshit from?


Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.


Wow...that is my winner for the stupidest sentence of the week on here. Trumpbots are the dumbest bunch of hate filled, ding dongs I have ever seen on a chat forum.

What's next?

Just because you're straight, doesn't mean you aren't anti-straight.
Just because you're human, doesn't mean you aren't anti-human.
Just because you're tall, doesn't mean you aren't anti-tall.
Just because you are good looking, doesn't mean you aren't anti-good looking.
Just because you exist, doesn't mean you aren't anti-existence.


Not only do you appear to be stupid, you are also clearly hate-filled, closed-minded, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic. A perfect, little, Trumpbot minion.

I have wasted far too much time on you...welcome to my Ignore List.

Go back to Stormfront.

Have a VERY nice day.
Yes, I'm sure the entire country is tuned into USMB.

All it's going to take is a few famous blacks that the black communities respect to show the people just how abused their vote was. That's when you're going to see some real change in the demographics.

You think that he is alone in those thoughts? He is just parroting what the GOP stands for.

Then why did he say it and not a GOP'r?

It's like I always say: leftist hypocrites want to hold all conservatives responsible for whatever obscure quote from some nobody they're obsessing about today, but everything said on the left - no matter who says it - is always "just that person".

Or they make excuses for them like when John FFFFFFF Kerry told a college group years ago that if they don't stay in school, they could end up in a place like Iraq. The left tried to say he was making a joke. Sorry.....but for the life of me, I can't find the least humors thing in that comment. But you know how they are, they never admitted he just said something stupid without thinking.

It was not humorous at all, but it does reflect the view of a great many people of those that join the military.

By "a great many people" you mean Democrats.
Which brings me to my next question. Are the women who were elected as Democrats truly the best qualified candidates...or were they simply rubber stamped by a main stream media that favors liberals?
They're qualified by their sexual organs, and by nothing else.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yep. Party of Anti White Racism

It's like a never ending parade of stupid from the rightwingers.


Does this LOOK anti-white to you??? What ass do you idiots pull your rediculous bullshit from?


Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.


Wow...that is my winner for the stupidest sentence of the week on here. Trumpbots are the dumbest bunch of hate filled, ding dongs I have ever seen on a chat forum.

What's next?

Just because you're straight, doesn't mean you aren't anti-straight.
Just because you're human, doesn't mean you aren't anti-human.
Just because you're tall, doesn't mean you aren't anti-tall.
Just because you are good looking, doesn't mean you aren't anti-good looking.
Just because you exist, doesn't mean you aren't anti-existence.


Not only do you appear to be stupid, you are also clearly hate-filled, closed-minded, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic. A perfect, little, Trumpbot minion.

I have wasted far too much time on you...welcome to my Ignore List.

Go back to Stormfront.

Have a VERY nice day.
You win the prize for Dumbest Post of the Week. Congratulations!

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yep. Party of Anti White Racism

It's like a never ending parade of stupid from the rightwingers.


Does this LOOK anti-white to you??? What ass do you idiots pull your rediculous bullshit from?


Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.


Wow...that is my winner for the stupidest sentence of the week on here. Trumpbots are the dumbest bunch of hate filled, ding dongs I have ever seen on a chat forum.

What's next?

Just because you're straight, doesn't mean you aren't anti-straight.
Just because you're human, doesn't mean you aren't anti-human.
Just because you're tall, doesn't mean you aren't anti-tall.
Just because you are good looking, doesn't mean you aren't anti-good looking.
Just because you exist, doesn't mean you aren't anti-existence.


Not only do you appear to be stupid, you are also clearly hate-filled, closed-minded, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic. A perfect, little, Trumpbot minion.

I have wasted far too much time on you...welcome to my Ignore List.

Go back to Stormfront.

Have a VERY nice day.


Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Yep. Party of Anti White Racism

It's like a never ending parade of stupid from the rightwingers.


Does this LOOK anti-white to you??? What ass do you idiots pull your rediculous bullshit from?


Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.


Wow...that is my winner for the stupidest sentence of the week on here. Trumpbots are the dumbest bunch of hate filled, ding dongs I have ever seen on a chat forum.

What's next?

Just because you're straight, doesn't mean you aren't anti-straight.
Just because you're human, doesn't mean you aren't anti-human.
Just because you're tall, doesn't mean you aren't anti-tall.
Just because you are good looking, doesn't mean you aren't anti-good looking.
Just because you exist, doesn't mean you aren't anti-existence.


Not only do you appear to be stupid, you are also clearly hate-filled, closed-minded, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic. A perfect, little, Trumpbot minion.

I have wasted far too much time on you...welcome to my Ignore List.

Go back to Stormfront.

Have a VERY nice day.
You win the prize for Dumbest Post of the Week. Congratulations!

It's so much fun when liberals lose a debate. They can't stand the truth. :auiqs.jpg:
52 women contested House seats for the Republican Party and only one won. So is it the Republican Party that's to blame or is it hard to get elected in this country as a conservative woman?

Yeah, it's kind of hard to get elected as a woman if your message tot he other ladies is, 'Let's all get barefoot and pregnant like God intended!!!"

Which brings me to my next question. Are the women who were elected as Democrats truly the best qualified candidates...or were they simply rubber stamped by a main stream media that favors liberals?

Again, anything is an improvement over the Talking Snake Caucus that makes up most of the GOP.

Really, after you "elect" (not really) someone as Dumb and unqualified as Trump because you hate Hillary for being a woman, you really don't get to talk about "qualifications".
Not only do you appear to be stupid, you are also clearly hate-filled, closed-minded, racist, xenophobic and misogynistic. A perfect, little, Trumpbot minion.

I have wasted far too much time on you...welcome to my Ignore List.

Go back to Stormfront.

Have a VERY nice day.

Aw, come on, give Ray a chance. I'm actually going to say nice things about him, since he dragged my name into a thread I wasn't participating in.

He's very sincere in his beliefs and he'll give you a serious argument, unlike a lot of these phonies who pretend to be moderates or just repeat whatever shit they heard on Hate Radio.
Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.

Wow, Ray, greatly enjoying living rent-free in you head... but the thing is, I don't see being for equality as being "anti-White".

Look just because you had all the advantages of being white in this country and STILL managed to fuck it up in a dead end job with no health coverage, it's kind of wasteful to hate on minorities and women.
Again, anything is an improvement over the Talking Snake Caucus that makes up most of the GOP.

Really, after you "elect" (not really) someone as Dumb and unqualified as Trump because you hate Hillary for being a woman, you really don't get to talk about "qualifications".

Nobody hated Hil-Liar because she's a woman, people hated Hillary because she was Hillary.
Just because you're white doesn't mean you aren't anti-white. Democrats are selling their souls for power and thus became the anti-white party. Check out posts by JoeB. He's the most self-hating white on USMB.

Wow, Ray, greatly enjoying living rent-free in you head... but the thing is, I don't see being for equality as being "anti-White".

Look just because you had all the advantages of being white in this country and STILL managed to fuck it up in a dead end job with no health coverage, it's kind of wasteful to hate on minorities and women.

Talk about living in somebody's head rent free. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Nobody hated Hil-Liar because she's a woman, people hated Hillary because she was Hillary.

No, you guys all went crazy because she was a woman... you basically can't discuss her for more than five posts without calling her a bitch or that word we can't use on USMB.

It really is about the misogyny, bud.

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