Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

Actually, the Republicans are the ones who passed it. Did you notice Barry Goldwater in the picture?
While a larger % of Republicans than democrats did vote for the bill, they certainly couldn't have done it on their own and if you read the the wiki page, the vast majority of those who voted against were southern Dixiecrats.
Just 3 months after, Strom Thurmond switched to republican, along with the other racists moved with him. Lee Atwater's southern strategy took care of the rest.

On This Day in 1964, Democrats Filibustered the Civil Rights Act
How segregated is YOUR state? Map reveals racial divides across the US | Daily Mail Online
NYC Has the Most Segregated Schools in the Country. How Do We Fix That?
Everett Dirksen is another good example of how the parties were before they swapped sides on racism.
Segregation is another great subject. Considering how republicans cant take a segregationists name off a building.
Along with Ben Carson's drive to further segregate.
Confederate Republicans are the party of Lincoln? How can they not know?

kid, u r living 150 years in the past, get a grip
actually, just one month in the past.
Yes, I call people that say things like this racist...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

Oh, and those that defend such things I call racist also.

Sad that one has to be a "left winger" to call out such things.
I didn't say that or defend it, dumbass. Yet, you still called me a racist. Calling people "racist" who haven't said anything racist is a leftwing thing.

You have been defending it this whole thread, you refusal to call it out is a tacit approval for it. Not a single Trumpian has said an ill word about the comment, but then I get that you guys are not allowed to say bad things about each other.
Please quote where I defended it. You'll excuse us if we don't take orders from shit stain leftwingers and fight each other.

Your silence about it is defense of it, your silence signals your approval of it. Because we all know you have no issue what so ever calling out things you do not agree with.

Nope, you Trumpians will never say an ill word about each other or your savior in the White House, no matter what.

Actually silence against a lie just means it is not worthy of a response. Only stupid dimshits try to turn silence into a statement. The two are not related unless you are looking for an antonym. The picture has nothing todo with racial diversity at all. It has nothing to do with a logical conclusion or the statements you dimshit liberals make just like most of the pats you start, the answers you spin together or the labels you spew constantly. Finding a pile of dogshit in your yard does not mean Donald Trump has the CIA bring a covert trained dog named jojo to shit in your yard, all of the posts I read from dimshit worshipers on this forum are spun together wit exactly tha much basis in fact, NONE. You live in a self induced liberal dimshit fantasy world where murdering lying scum somehow have moral equivalency to normal decent humans. It would be a funny joke if you were not so sadly delusional.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Yes, I call people that say things like this racist...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

Oh, and those that defend such things I call racist also.

Sad that one has to be a "left winger" to call out such things.
I didn't say that or defend it, dumbass. Yet, you still called me a racist. Calling people "racist" who haven't said anything racist is a leftwing thing.

You have been defending it this whole thread, you refusal to call it out is a tacit approval for it. Not a single Trumpian has said an ill word about the comment, but then I get that you guys are not allowed to say bad things about each other.
Please quote where I defended it. You'll excuse us if we don't take orders from shit stain leftwingers and fight each other.

Your silence about it is defense of it, your silence signals your approval of it. Because we all know you have no issue what so ever calling out things you do not agree with.

Nope, you Trumpians will never say an ill word about each other or your savior in the White House, no matter what.

Actually silence against a lie just means it is not worthy of a response. Only stupid dimshits try to turn silence into a statement. The two are not related unless you are looking for an antonym. The picture has nothing todo with racial diversity at all. It has nothing to do with a logical conclusion or the statements you dimshit liberals make just like most of the pats you start, the answers you spin together or the labels you spew constantly. Finding a pile of dogshit in your yard does not mean Donald Trump has the CIA bring a covert trained dog named jojo to shit in your yard, all of the posts I read from dimshit worshipers on this forum are spun together wit exactly tha much basis in fact, NONE. You live in a self induced liberal dimshit fantasy world where murdering lying scum somehow have moral equivalency to normal decent humans. It would be a funny joke if you were not so sadly delusional.

Wow. that was one impressive rant. Well done!

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

How many minorities running as republicans lost to a privileged white democrat?

You can't be serious.

Yes, I'm serious. The OP is trying to present the democratic party as being more diverse, yet many minorities running as republicans lost to white male democrats.
I didn't say that or defend it, dumbass. Yet, you still called me a racist. Calling people "racist" who haven't said anything racist is a leftwing thing.

You have been defending it this whole thread, you refusal to call it out is a tacit approval for it. Not a single Trumpian has said an ill word about the comment, but then I get that you guys are not allowed to say bad things about each other.
Please quote where I defended it. You'll excuse us if we don't take orders from shit stain leftwingers and fight each other.

Your silence about it is defense of it, your silence signals your approval of it. Because we all know you have no issue what so ever calling out things you do not agree with.

Nope, you Trumpians will never say an ill word about each other or your savior in the White House, no matter what.

Actually silence against a lie just means it is not worthy of a response. Only stupid dimshits try to turn silence into a statement. The two are not related unless you are looking for an antonym. The picture has nothing todo with racial diversity at all. It has nothing to do with a logical conclusion or the statements you dimshit liberals make just like most of the pats you start, the answers you spin together or the labels you spew constantly. Finding a pile of dogshit in your yard does not mean Donald Trump has the CIA bring a covert trained dog named jojo to shit in your yard, all of the posts I read from dimshit worshipers on this forum are spun together wit exactly tha much basis in fact, NONE. You live in a self induced liberal dimshit fantasy world where murdering lying scum somehow have moral equivalency to normal decent humans. It would be a funny joke if you were not so sadly delusional.

Wow. that was one impressive rant. Well done!

Marginalization against reality is a dimshit trait brought about by fear of reality. Oh try again it didn’t work and never does.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.

So as long as they're in your party you are ok with them? If they're not a party person then to hell with them? Typical right wing.

Like the Democrats are any different? How many times have people on the right referred to a black leftist as a house N or Uncle Tom?

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LOL.... want debbiedowner to tell you how many times - since America has been in existence (I assume - you were not specific) - that someone on the political right has referred to a 'black' leftist as a house N or Uncle Tom?
And just how EXACTLY do you expect her to even begin to tabulate such a number?

LOL...what's next from you?
How many hairs on the average head of a lefty?
How many skin cells does Trump have?
How many drops of water are in the Atlantic Ocean?

Man...IMHO, you are making a fool of yourself...quit now (free advice).

Ta ta

Hairs on a head? That's funny, because I've been following politics for about 25 years now, and I don't recall one Republican calling any minority on the left side those names. But bring up black conservative names on USMB, that's exactly how the left categorizes them.
That's right's 2018 and the Republican Party's newest elected members of the House are 30 'white' guys...and a token 'white' woman. It is obvious that Republicans are VERY uncomfortable with anyone but 'white' males as politicians.

That's right Republicans...keep desperately clinging on to the 1950's (where 'white' men dominated).

See where that gets you as America becomes less and less European 'white' AND women get fed up of men messing things up and vote more and more for women.

BTW - I am a male and about as WASP as you can get (both sides of my family) and I am completely sick of only 'white' men running things.
Just look at this picture please folks:


Now which group of people more accurately represents the demographics of America in 2018?
Just look at this picture please folks:


Now which group of people more accurately represents the demographics of America in 2018?

Does this group of people accurately represent the demographics of America?

That's right's 2018 and the Republican Party's newest elected members of the House are 30 'white' guys...and a token 'white' woman. It is obvious that Republicans are VERY uncomfortable with anyone but 'white' males as politicians.

That's right Republicans...keep desperately clinging on to the 1950's (where 'white' men dominated).

See where that gets you as America becomes less and less European 'white' AND women get fed up of men messing things up and vote more and more for women.

BTW - I am a male and about as WASP as you can get (both sides of my family) and I am completely sick of only 'white' men running things.

There's a one word solution for your problem: Move.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....Sorry that hurts your feelings. Sucks huh?
Naturalization Act Of 1790 look it up.
Here’s a photo of the Japanese Government, they’re all Japanese...weird huh?
The US was built on immigration and by immigrants dumb ass.
And built by African American slaves.
What did they build? Railroads? Nope. Factories? Nope. Ships? Nope. Skyscrapers? Nope.
Humm your bigoted ass forgot to add the chinese, the slaves, the Mexicans....but I guess your poop is white and it doesnt smell you feel so superior.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....Sorry that hurts your feelings. Sucks huh?
Naturalization Act Of 1790 look it up.
Here’s a photo of the Japanese Government, they’re all Japanese...weird huh?
The US was built on immigration and by immigrants dumb ass.
It was built by Irishmen, Scots, Brits, Germans, Italians, Frenchmen and a few others. It was not built by Mexicans and Mooslim savages.
Why you have to confirm your bigotry ? We already know you are a bigot.
I stated a fact. As I pointed out previously, snowflakes believe facts are racist.
You mentioned railroads and forgot how important the chinese were to building the railroads that was the backbone of the US economy back then.
Actually the vast majority of railroads were built by whites. The Chinese that worked were mostly used for suicide work like building and blasting tunnels and other such dangerous work. It was one of the vile things that the Northern slave masters did through the years like child labor, industrial slavery is a fact that has been removed from today’s history, and only the southern state narrative is still taught. There is a little history of northern aristocrats that were involved in actually selling slaves
but I am sure it will soon be hidden.

Just one of many but most are gone including the Carnegie style mills the textile factories and all. I always read the posts from dimshits, well they were free, they could just quit and leave!! Bs not even true. They owed debts that in that day always exceeded what they earned. Leave and be picked up and jailed or just brought back. When this country was founded it was almost all white and there were no black slaves clearing the way for Lewis and Clark to sit at their table and eat and drink tea as the dimshit racial liars would have today’s children believe.

Ha another dimshit joke on their worshiping pistons. Haha.

Why not show a picture of how many minority’s president Trumps businesses employ a hell of a lot more than all the dimshits in our government do. So you have no gotcha, GOTCHA OBTW how many do you employ?
Last edited:

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

I notice the same difference that I always do: that Democrats are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance without knowing or caring about who they are as people.

Lol - because as everyone knows, when you care and know people you vote almost exclusively for white males.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....

As usual you are full of shit.
This nation was not founded and built by whites.
It was invaded by whites and built by minorities.
Sucks, huh?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

LefTard Logic:
“The dude pushing the broom in the warehouse at Microsoft built Microsoft.”

Please STFU you’re making a total ass of yourself in public.

STFU? Not likely.
I’m sure you being a racist conservative piece if garbage you probably think you can tell me what to do.
You can’t and never will.
Everything I said was truth.
You can’t handle it.
Not my problem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended.....Sorry that hurts your feelings. Sucks huh?
Naturalization Act Of 1790 look it up.
Here’s a photo of the Japanese Government, they’re all Japanese...weird huh?

This is so offensive. They have a Japanese SUPREMACY!

They need to build a bridge so that 3rd worlders can come over and take over. Otherwise they are all racists.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

I notice the same difference that I always do: that Democrats are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance without knowing or caring about who they are as people.

Lol - because as everyone knows, when you care and know people you vote almost exclusively for white males.

Not a whole hell of a lot of choices in most cases. In the Republican primaries it's usually two white guys running against each other. In the general, it's either the white Republican or some Socialist leftist.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.

I notice the same difference that I always do: that Democrats are shallow, racist, and sexist, and judge people by their surface appearance without knowing or caring about who they are as people.

Lol - because as everyone knows, when you care and know people you vote almost exclusively for white males.

Not a whole hell of a lot of choices in most cases. In the Republican primaries it's usually two white guys running against each other. In the general, it's either the white Republican or some Socialist leftist.

And why is that?

The answer is obvious...because the average Republican ONLY wants 'white' males to run. If Republicans were screaming for more minorities/women to would see more running. But they ain't - so there isn't.

Sorry pal...the primary (if not sole) reason that almost all the new Reps coming into the House are 'white' males is because that is EXACTLY what most Republicans want.

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