Photo of new House members - notice any differences between the two parties?

We know that a large percentage of the people collecting checks from the government are minorities.

So you spout it off now prove it. Good luck MF.
Here ya go, dumbass:

I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare

You have to think per capita like all smart people do there Mr White Guilt.
Is this you shown in the image below?

You would need to talk to your fellow racist sheep about that one, he is the one that brought up percentages, not me.
I'm racist because I post an actual fact?

liberal dictionary
Racism - facts
Hate - truth.

Thanks for reminding me what a douchebag you are.
Yep, everyone knows that only white males work and pay taxes! :21::21::21::21::21::21:
We know that a large percentage of the people collecting checks from the government are minorities.

So you spout it off now prove it. Good luck MF.
Here ya go, dumbass:



I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare
Hispanics are on the increase as well. There's little confusion about why that is happening. The good news is that black participation is down. That must be because they are getting jobs.

Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
So you spout it off now prove it. Good luck MF.
Here ya go, dumbass:

I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare

You have to think per capita like all smart people do there Mr White Guilt.
Is this you shown in the image below?

You would need to talk to your fellow racist sheep about that one, he is the one that brought up percentages, not me.
I'm racist because I post an actual fact?

liberal dictionary
Racism - facts
Hate - truth.

Oh yeah....these dumbmothafuckers can’t stand truth, facts and statistical data related to ethnicity.
We know that a large percentage of the people collecting checks from the government are minorities.

So you spout it off now prove it. Good luck MF.
Here ya go, dumbass:



I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare
Hispanics are on the increase as well. There's little confusion about why that is happening. The good news is that black participation is down. That must be because they are getting jobs.

Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Are you really that much of a fucking douchebag? You claim you're not a leftwinger, but you prove you are almost every time you post.
Here ya go, dumbass:

I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare

You have to think per capita like all smart people do there Mr White Guilt.
Is this you shown in the image below?

You would need to talk to your fellow racist sheep about that one, he is the one that brought up percentages, not me.
I'm racist because I post an actual fact?

liberal dictionary
Racism - facts
Hate - truth.

Oh yeah....these dumbmothafuckers can’t stand truth, facts and statistical data related to ethnicity.
It is literally a crime in Europe to publish facts about Mohammad.
So you spout it off now prove it. Good luck MF.
Here ya go, dumbass:



I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare
Hispanics are on the increase as well. There's little confusion about why that is happening. The good news is that black participation is down. That must be because they are getting jobs.

Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Are you really that much of a fucking douchebag? You claim you're not a leftwinger, but you prove you are almost every time you post.

I am a leftwinger because I am making fun of your sorry ass?

Whatever floats your boat!
Here ya go, dumbass:



I believe the figure for Hispanics in the top chart is a typo. It should be 15.7%. The numbers don't add up to 100% otherwise.

Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare
Hispanics are on the increase as well. There's little confusion about why that is happening. The good news is that black participation is down. That must be because they are getting jobs.

Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Are you really that much of a fucking douchebag? You claim you're not a leftwinger, but you prove you are almost every time you post.

I am a leftwinger because I am making fun of your sorry ass?

Whatever floats your boat!
You're a leftwinger because you always take the same side as them, as in this thread. You use the same tactics as well, like calling people "racist."
I see no difference, but then I don't judge people on their skin color.

So, then do you agree with this comment...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

No I don't trollface, go peddle your troll posts elsewhere.

Yet not a single one of you Trump sheep will callout your fellow Trump sheep that said it...why is that?
11th Commandment.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.

So as long as they're in your party you are ok with them? If they're not a party person then to hell with them? Typical right wing.

Like the Democrats are any different? How many times have people on the right referred to a black leftist as a house N or Uncle Tom?

Sent from my iPad using
Your figures are a bit old, from 2015 it is now 42% for the white folk...seems to be growing, 31% in 2003, 38% in 2014 and up to 42% in 2015. I wonder if they make up more than half now.

View attachment 230302

Nine Actual Facts about Who Benefits from Welfare
Hispanics are on the increase as well. There's little confusion about why that is happening. The good news is that black participation is down. That must be because they are getting jobs.

Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Are you really that much of a fucking douchebag? You claim you're not a leftwinger, but you prove you are almost every time you post.

I am a leftwinger because I am making fun of your sorry ass?

Whatever floats your boat!
You're a leftwinger because you always take the same side as them, as in this thread. You use the same tactics as well, like calling people "racist."

Yes, I call people that say things like this racist...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

Oh, and those that defend such things I call racist also.

Sad that one has to be a "left winger" to call out such things.

Photo of new House members shows big gap in diversity between parties

Someone should tell the Republican Party that it is 2018 - not 1968.
Democrats are bean counting practicers of identity politics!
They appear to be electing a diverse array of people into office. Something the Republicans struggle to do. Identity politics? Or maybe it is the Republican message that fails.

It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.

So as long as they're in your party you are ok with them? If they're not a party person then to hell with them? Typical right wing.

Like the Democrats are any different? How many times have people on the right referred to a black leftist as a house N or Uncle Tom?

Sent from my iPad using

There is no difference in the wings, be them the left or the right. They are just two sides of the same coin.
It doesn't matter what it is. Republicans welcome anybody willing to join our party and movement regardless of gender or race.
Coyote seems to be bragging about the fact that the parasite class is more "diverse" than the people who work and pay taxes.

The implication is that Republicans are keeping certain people out. But what do you expect from the party of liars?

And where is your link(s) to unbiased, factual proof that the average Democrat lies any more than the average Republican?

I guarantee you can provide no such link. Which means your above statement is baseless and thusly, nonsensical.

Hey, you're the OP. What was the point of your topic if not to lie and insinuate that somehow Republicans are exclusive because minorities and more females are not leading the party?

Geez, that is the best you can do at trying to avoid answering my question? Okay.

1) LOL...the point of my topic was to a) post an interesting picture(s); and b) watch the fur fly.

2) And I see no links (no shock). So your above statement is baseless and thusly, nonsensical.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.

Oh, so the point was to post an interesting picture? And out of the millions of pictures out there, you found this to be the most interesting to post? You had absolutely no point to make?

Gee, how could anybody doubt that explanation? LOL!

Sent from my iPad using
Hispanics are on the increase as well. There's little confusion about why that is happening. The good news is that black participation is down. That must be because they are getting jobs.

Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Are you really that much of a fucking douchebag? You claim you're not a leftwinger, but you prove you are almost every time you post.

I am a leftwinger because I am making fun of your sorry ass?

Whatever floats your boat!
You're a leftwinger because you always take the same side as them, as in this thread. You use the same tactics as well, like calling people "racist."

Yes, I call people that say things like this racist...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

Oh, and those that defend such things I call racist also.

Sad that one has to be a "left winger" to call out such things.
I didn't say that or defend it, dumbass. Yet, you still called me a racist. Calling people "racist" who haven't said anything racist is a leftwing thing.
The Republican Party makes it very plain just how much they HATE minorities. Every. Single. Day.

[cue doom music]

FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Welcome to another edition of Blacks Behaving Badly. But before we get to the latest atrocity committed by a negro, a reminder that homos, Muslims, and Mexicans are just minutes away from raping your daughters and your dog.

So....guess which party has done the VAST majority of black lynchings in the last 200 years?

You have 100 years to figure it out (I know you need time).....GO!!!
Red Herring fallacy.

The thread is about the GOP's fear of change and diversity.
Those blacks are taking jobs from good honest white dare they! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Are you really that much of a fucking douchebag? You claim you're not a leftwinger, but you prove you are almost every time you post.

I am a leftwinger because I am making fun of your sorry ass?

Whatever floats your boat!
You're a leftwinger because you always take the same side as them, as in this thread. You use the same tactics as well, like calling people "racist."

Yes, I call people that say things like this racist...This is a White Nation founded by Whites, built by Whites, run by Whites just as the founders intended

Oh, and those that defend such things I call racist also.

Sad that one has to be a "left winger" to call out such things.
I didn't say that or defend it, dumbass. Yet, you still called me a racist. Calling people "racist" who haven't said anything racist is a leftwing thing.

You have been defending it this whole thread, you refusal to call it out is a tacit approval for it. Not a single Trumpian has said an ill word about the comment, but then I get that you guys are not allowed to say bad things about each other.
There are a few Darkies in the bottom picture but it's still very largely a bunch of White Folk.

Probably a few Wiggers embedded in there someplace.

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