Photo Trump wishes weren't on the internet

Again we see photographic proof of Obama talking to Muslims - Drrrr.

Obama is hardly known for statements against Muslims, or his wild plan to ban Muslims, even US citizens, from America, so the photos are a pointless waste of time, and a rather silly attempt to derail the thread.

Trump hanging around with with Muslims is an issue because of his statements.
This great American hero who would ban Muslims, is in fact a friend to many Muslims, and has a lot of business deals with Muslims.

If you hate Muslims, is Trump a fit person to be allowed to live in the states?
Obama doesn't claim to hate Muslims; Trump does...

Let me preface this by saying that there is no way on the green earth I will ever vote for Donald Trump...

Now, with that out of the way...

Please provide us with a link to any statement of Donald Trump in which he declares his hatred of Muslims...

We'll wait...
how many pictures did we see Obama BOWING to these people?

Obama doesn't claim to hate Muslims; Trump does, but these pictures prove he actually does a lot of business with them.

A photo of Obama being friendly with a Muslim is hardly relevant, but several of Trump doing the same proves he's unfit for office. You can chose:
He's a liar
He's a friend to Muslims
Where does Trump "claim to hate Muslims".
Again we see photographic proof of Obama talking to Muslims - Drrrr.

Obama is hardly known for statements against Muslims, or his wild plan to ban Muslims, even US citizens, from America, so the photos are a pointless waste of time, and a rather silly attempt to derail the thread.

Trump hanging around with with Muslims is an issue because of his statements.
This great American hero who would ban Muslims, is in fact a friend to many Muslims, and has a lot of business deals with Muslims.

If you hate Muslims, is Trump a fit person to be allowed to live in the states?

When in doubt and losing your argument, plant a bald-faced lie in your post and you'll be sure to convince people!
Got a link to him saying he hates Muslims? I have never heard him say anything of the sort.

Are you joking?
You don't ban people you claim to love.

You ban Muslims who may secretly be terrorists.

Trump is wrong, because you cannot ban someone for religious reasons. However, you can ban them if they are from countries where ISIS is operating.

Personally, I support banning all immigration until process is completely overhauled. Muslim, Jew, atheist? I don't care! No one comes in until we straighten it out.
Got a link to him saying he hates Muslims? I have never heard him say anything of the sort.

Are you joking?
You don't ban people you claim to love.

You ban Muslims who may secretly be terrorists.

Trump is wrong, because you cannot ban someone for religious reasons. However, you can ban them if they are from countries where ISIS is operating.

Personally, I support banning all immigration until process is completely overhauled. Muslim, Jew, atheist? I don't care! No one comes in until we straighten it out.
That could be done on an Executive Order, yes.
Trump said he would ban the people he loves.

He is very confused.
No, that's untrue- are you incapable of just pointing to truthful statements and debating them on their merits.

Trump said he wanted a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country until we had safeguards for the vetting process.

Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,”
how many pictures did we see Obama BOWING to these people?

Obama doesn't claim to hate Muslims; Trump does, but these pictures prove he actually does a lot of business with them.

A photo of Obama being friendly with a Muslim is hardly relevant, but several of Trump doing the same proves he's unfit for office. You can chose:
He's a liar
He's a friend to Muslims

Got a link to him saying he hates Muslims? I have never heard him say anything of the sort.

YOU hate Trump, so you accuse him of something that is obviously not true.

they aren't ever honest. they are mostly parrots. so it's waste to read their crap they post.

Wow, Stap, why so critical of parrots? Have you ever had an original thought in your life? Well, other than needing to go to the bathroom, or realizing when you put your hand on a hot stove it hurts?
Trump said he would ban the people he loves.

He is very confused.
No, that's untrue- are you incapable of just pointing to truthful statements and debating them on their merits.

Trump said he wanted a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country until we had safeguards for the vetting process.

Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,”
Give us a link. You are conflating what happened the night before with his scramble to walk it back the next day. He said nothing about temporary the night before, and you know it.

Trump and you are very confused.
how many pictures did we see Obama BOWING to these people?

Obama doesn't claim to hate Muslims; Trump does, but these pictures prove he actually does a lot of business with them.

A photo of Obama being friendly with a Muslim is hardly relevant, but several of Trump doing the same proves he's unfit for office. You can chose:
He's a liar
He's a friend to Muslims

Typical Leftist lie!!!

TRUMP HAS NEVER SAID HE HATES MUSLIMS! In fact, he open admits to having done lots and lots of business in Muslim countries.

If you're going to show your ignorance, TRY at least to get something worthwhile ranting about.
Trump said he would ban the people he loves.

He is very confused.
No, that's untrue- are you incapable of just pointing to truthful statements and debating them on their merits.

Trump said he wanted a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country until we had safeguards for the vetting process.

Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,”
Give us a link. You are conflating what happened the night before with his scramble to walk it back the next day. He said nothing about temporary the night before, and you know it.

Trump and you are very confused.
Ok here's the link- from Dec 7th. Now you provide one for him claiming to hate all Muslims...I've seen you asked several times and yet you have not provided any.

Donald Trump: ban all Muslims entering US
Got a link to him saying he hates Muslims? I have never heard him say anything of the sort.

Are you joking?
You don't ban people you claim to love.

You ban Muslims who may secretly be terrorists.

Trump is wrong, because you cannot ban someone for religious reasons. However, you can ban them if they are from countries where ISIS is operating.

Personally, I support banning all immigration until process is completely overhauled. Muslim, Jew, atheist? I don't care! No one comes in until we straighten it out.
That could be done on an Executive Order, yes.
I like this idea too, ban everyone for now.

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From your link, "Republican frontrunner wants ‘total and complete shutdown’ of borders to Muslims after San Bernardino shooting in latest boundary-pushing proposal"

Nothing temporary

Obviously he hates all Muslims

Unless he loves all Muslim

What do you think?

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