Photo Trump wishes weren't on the internet

From your link, "Republican frontrunner wants ‘total and complete shutdown’ of borders to Muslims after San Bernardino shooting in latest boundary-pushing proposal"

Nothing temporary

Obviously he hates all Muslims

Unless he loves all Muslim

What do you think?
I would like to debate people with differing views- but I draw the line with disengenuous assholes. Debate his proposition, but stop dishonestly heaping meaning and intent that are not there.

His quote made clear it is a temporary measure by the first word used. "Until"

“Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life,” the billionaire real estate developer said."
I am glad you admit there was nothing about "temporary ban" in what he said.

Trump wanted to violate the Constitution by banning folks of a particular region.

We certainly can ban anyone from a particular country, but we cannot ban our own citizens from that country because of their religion.

I am glad, clevergirl, you are back on track.
I am glad you admit there was nothing about "temporary ban" in what he said.

Trump wanted to violate the Constitution by banning folks of a particular region.

We certainly can ban anyone from a particular country, but we cannot ban our own citizens from that country because of their religion.

I am glad, clevergirl, you are back on track.
Obviously you are not worth my time.
It strikes me that a legitimate topic for political discussion is Trump's deep relationship with Muslims.
He invites this because of his public stance, so showing he's actually very involved with many Muslims is reasonable comment.
Do you think these photos should be removed from the internet, or are they reasonable considering his statements?

with Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker

Trump International Golf Club, Dubai



So Trump is doing business that made him a success. That is hardly a negative. He isn't bowing down to the Muslims. He is using them to his advantage. Just like a smart entrepreneur.

Wanna guess who else he's using to his advantage?
I am glad you admit there was nothing about "temporary ban" in what he said.

Trump wanted to violate the Constitution by banning folks of a particular region.

We certainly can ban anyone from a particular country, but we cannot ban our own citizens from that country because of their religion.

I am glad, clevergirl, you are back on track.
Obviously you are not worth my time.
I won't tolerate people like you who pretend words and terms mean something different than what they do.

I do correct people who try to pull what you did. Ask vigilante, pismore, and so many more.

We have an immigrant problem. We cannot solve it by violating the Constitution. 1st Amendment puts Trump on notice he was wrong.

If you defend him, you are wrong.
It strikes me that a legitimate topic for political discussion is Trump's deep relationship with Muslims.
He invites this because of his public stance, so showing he's actually very involved with many Muslims is reasonable comment.
Do you think these photos should be removed from the internet, or are they reasonable considering his statements?

with Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker

Trump International Golf Club, Dubai



He isn't marrying into their families, he's doing business!
It strikes me that a legitimate topic for political discussion is Trump's deep relationship with Muslims.
He invites this because of his public stance, so showing he's actually very involved with many Muslims is reasonable comment.
Do you think these photos should be removed from the internet, or are they reasonable considering his statements?

with Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker

Trump International Golf Club, Dubai



He isn't marrying into their families, he's doing business!
Like Preston Bush in SA or Hammer in Russia.
It strikes me that a legitimate topic for political discussion is Trump's deep relationship with Muslims.
He invites this because of his public stance, so showing he's actually very involved with many Muslims is reasonable comment.
Do you think these photos should be removed from the internet, or are they reasonable considering his statements?

with Qatar Airways CEO Akbar Al Baker

Trump International Golf Club, Dubai



He isn't marrying into their families, he's doing business!
Like Preston Bush in SA or Hammer in Russia.
oKAY, I give...who is Preston Bush or Hammer?
how many pictures did we see Obama BOWING to these people?

Obama doesn't claim to hate Muslims; Trump does, but these pictures prove he actually does a lot of business with them.

A photo of Obama being friendly with a Muslim is hardly relevant, but several of Trump doing the same proves he's unfit for office. You can chose:
He's a liar
He's a friend to Muslims

Fred, I'm pretty sure you are brain damaged.

How does "We need to suspend Muslim immigration until we improve vetting" translate to "hating Muslims"?

I think you are accidentally proving his point...that he does not hate Muslims, but is only interested in protecting America from hostile terrorists masquerading as peace loving moderate Muslims.

While I understand why YOU would want to torpedo Trumps presidential aspirations...


...thanks for the assist. :lol:
lie after lie.

The sad part is that Trump has said so many outrageous things that can be attacked/debated. Why bother lying about them?
Debate over refugees will be heated in 2016 presidential race
Alan Gomez, USA TODAY 6:01 a.m. EST January 17, 2016

On one side, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump called for a temporary ban on all Muslim immigrants and the GOP-controlled House passed a bill to halt the Syrian and Iraqi refugee programs. Their reason: the federal government needs to upgrade its screening of refugee applicants to ensure that terrorists aligned with the Syria-based Islamic State don't sneak into the U.S.

Debate over refugees will be heated in 2016 presidential race

Obama doesn't claim to hate Muslims; Trump does...

Let me preface this by saying that there is no way on the green earth I will ever vote for Donald Trump...

Now, with that out of the way...

Please provide us with a link to any statement of Donald Trump in which he declares his hatred of Muslims...

We'll wait...

they can't so don't hold your breath. they get their lies off the leftwing/democrat sites and just spreads them around like little Polly parrots

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