PICTURE I In 1907, a British sailor is seen unshackling an enslaved African- Black man who had been chained for three years. PS enslaved BY MUSLIMS

Since Haiti was the first to end slavery, whites in America implemented Jim Crow which was no better than slavery, the 14th amendment still allows slavery, and white countries still practice slavery, me and Superbadbrutha already know what's up. You guys are the ones who have to lie to themselves.
You mean when the French abolished slavery throughout its entire empire in 1794, which included Haiti?

Nice try IQ2.
Everything I said is true Hawk.
What’s true is human trafficking and “unpaid labor” aka slavery still exists today in Haiti. In fact Haiti is one of the worst places in the world when it comes to human trafficking.

But hey, if it is such a wonderful black utopia, why not move there?

why i´d ever read a Moscow 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 🐖 pig- troll ?

DO YOU KNOW THAT US WHITE MEN forced KSA🇸🇦 TO END SLAVERY (African ) in 70s ? they sold the Black - Africans on the streets in 70s

"Saudi Arabia and Yemen abolished it in 1962, while Oman followed in 1970. Mauritania became the last state to abolish slavery, in 1981."Islam has a much worse track record on slavery compared to Christianity, but schools teach US/EU/FREE WORLD is uniquely to blame.
You didn't force a damn thing.
Right, you just vote for the party that defends slavery and the Confederacy.

Total fiction and projection. Democrats/Confeds ruined this country by importing African slaves. The Democrat Party needs to be thrown in the trash bin of history. But instead here you are defending them.
Total fiction and projection. Democrats/Confeds ruined this country by importing African slaves. The Democrat Party needs to be thrown in the trash bin of history. But instead here you are defending them.
So why do you fight to keep up statues and monuments honoring them if they ruined the country. Why do you praise the Confederate Flag if it ruined the country. There was just as much racism in the North which mean the Republican party needs to be trashed as well.
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So why do you fight to keep up statues and monuments honoring them if they ruined the country. Why do you praise the Confederate Flag if it ruined the country. There was just as much racism in the North which mean the Republican party needs to be trashed as well.
The importation of slaves started long before political parties were formed and ended at about the same time as the parties were coming together(1800).
You didn't force a damn thing.
Kennedy entered the White House in 1961, the Society finally had a Western ally to support their activism. Kennedy's strengthening of the United Nations and his administration's ability to leverage military assistance for modernization and reform throughout the Kingdom pushed the Saudis to abolish slavery in 1962.
Since Haiti was the first to end slavery, whites in America implemented Jim Crow which was no better than slavery, the 14th amendment still allows slavery, and white countries still practice slavery, me and Superbadbrutha already know what's up. You guys are the ones who have to lie to themselves.
Whoa, Jim Crow no better than slavery? That I find very difficult to believe. Are you sticking with that?
Sadly the flag that flew from most slave ships for about 200 years was the Union Jack. Ten years after this lame photo was taken, in 1919 the Brits opened fire on a peaceful demonstration in India killing an estimated thousand people.
DO YOU KNOW THAT US WHITE MEN forced KSA🇸🇦 TO END SLAVERY (African ) in 70s ? they sold the Black - Africans on the streets in 70s

"Saudi Arabia and Yemen abolished it in 1962, while Oman followed in 1970. Mauritania became the last state to abolish slavery, in 1981."Islam has a much worse track record on slavery compared to Christianity, but schools teach US/EU/FREE WORLD is uniquely to blame.

Ibn Saud ended slavery on his death in 1953...with a 10 year window that let them prepare for their freedom. In 1962 slavery was completely done for under king Faisal.
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What is happening in Ukraine , Nazi Winkle ?

Why are the UAF either retreating or surrendering ?
You told us that the Kyiv Nazis were doing well but they have now lost three armies .

Seems very careless , Nazi Winkle .
A Nazi ^ calling someone else a Nazi.
The Royal
Navy spent decades patrolling the seas to stop slave traders. The UK spent resources, sacrificed sailors, to that end. But that part is often left out in public discourse. A 1926 convention on the suppression of slavery by the League of Nations was not adopted by Turkey until 1933. A law prohibiting slavery was enacted in Turkey only in 1964 - less than 60 years ago.

PS A lot of people don’t know that slavery is still big in North Africa and the Middle East
The USN was right there alongside the RN. Suppressing the slave trade is the one thing the two navies would cooperate on.
Whoa, Jim Crow no better than slavery? That I find very difficult to believe. Are you sticking with that?
Yes. Only the dumbest white person would even think of it being an improvement.
Naw, you are confused. Nobody made a goddamn Negro do any work by making him drink at another water fountain or sit at the back of the bus.
See folks this is a prime example of a dumbass racist who wants to try and hide history. When you are denied jobs that you are qualified for or when you are forced into sharecropping you ignorant asshole, then you are forced to work for wages that are racist and discriminatory.
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