Pictures of Biden's G20 Binder Providing Step-By-Step Instructions From His Handlers

That's because TRUMP didn't need handlers telling him what to do, and he's not a moron who needs direction on where to sit and what side of the stage to exit...
Actually, Trump thought he was the smartest person in the room and would not take direction from anyone.
That is why he was an international embarrassment

Explains why our Allies avoided us and mocked Trump behind his back
Trump was not a politician of bullshit. Politicians and royalty have exterminated an endless amount of people in this world. But he is an embarrassment. For they know better. We must have proper protocol by golly.
That looks like natural aging. My parents have the same thing.

Did you think Biden applied splotchy red makeup to the side of his and neck? ROFL.

Now back to if anyone knows why the circle around Trump's eyes is white and the rest of his face is orange. I don't see him wearing shades such so I don't think they are tan lines.
Maybe. Possibly some eczema (very common) too. Biden scratches his head A LOT.

Since we are discussing presidential complexions, looks like Biden might have a big facelift scar by his ear that is normally not very visible. Explains his squint....


Maybe. Possibly some eczema (very common) too. Biden scratches his head A LOT.

Since we are discussing presidential complexions, looks like Biden might have a big facelift scar by his ear that is normally not very visible. Explains his squint....

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Yeah. I am no expert. As old as Biden is, aging and plastic surgery start to look the same... although I expect idiots like the Kardashians and other young people getting plastic surgery are really going to look a mess when the get older.

Pretty gross actually.

Anyhow, maybe Trump swims outside a lot so wears swimmer goggles. He should probably apply some orange tanning cream to his eye circles so they match his face better.
Trump does not swim

The white circles around his eyes are from the orange spray on tan he uses.
Well that's weird. He is almost 80. Either he shouldn't be worried about spray tans or he should at least apply it closer to eyeballs.

Why orange? Seems like a good tan (pardon the pun) or light brown would be the way to go. I didn't know different colors were even an option.

Perhaps he is a fan of Willy Wonka (the older Gene wilder one, not that nonsense that came out more recently). Perhaps it's a tribute oompa loompas?

How the hell was a guy president who couldn't even effectively apply orange spray tan.

These are all questions that need to be asked.
Explains why our Allies avoided us and mocked Trump behind his back

Our allies aren’t real bright. They want all their social goodies but the US to have their backs militarily. What they don’t seem to get is that if the US turns into our allies, China, Russia, et al. won’t have anything to keep them at bay. Democrats are super stupid and naive, but our allies may be even worse. Trump tried to warn Merkel about being too dependent on Russia for energy, but she didn’t listen. Democrats is this country are following the same lead from Biden. Our enemies are very, very happy with our current leadership. They don’t have to lift a finger, just sit back and watch us implode.
Actually, you have it backwards

Global leaders gave a sigh of relief when America came to its senses and sent Trump packing.

Why would that be considering our economy was great, our military more powerful, made strides with NK, wouldn't bend over for China and stupid shit like the Paris Accord; and of course no wars?

Yeah sure, they didn't take Trump seriously at all. The media designs it, and you eat it all up.

The guy you put in charge couldn't lead a dog. He's led like one instead by his handlers.

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