Pistorius Not Guilty Of Murder

Mebbe dey were fightin' over sex an' he got mad an' shot her...

No sex for Reeva and Oscar, says June Steenkamp
26 Oct.`14 - Reeva Steenkamp’s mother, June, has said her daughter never had sex with Oscar Pistorius as “she was scared to take the relationship to the next level”.
According to the Sunday Times, June Steenkamp made the statement in her memoir Reeva: a Mother’s Story. In her book she says the couple had spent many nights together but had not had sexual relations. She writes that on the fatal night, Reeva’s clothes were packed. “There is no doubt in our minds that she had decided to leave Oscar that night.” She also describes Pistorius as moody, arrogant, possessive, gun-toting, vague, shifty and evasive. In an interview with the London Times, the 68-year-old mother says she is convinced that Pistorius lied in court and that he knew who he was aiming at when he fired the four bullets through the toilet door.

In addition she told The Times that had Pistorius not killed Reeva, he would have killed someone else “sooner or later”. June also told the British newspaper that Reeva “had confided to me that she hadn't slept with him. They'd shared a bed, but she was scared to take the relationship to that level … She wouldn't want to sleep with Oscar if she wasn't sure”. Meanwhile, the UK’s Daily Mail reports that June says in her book that although Pistorius told the court they were planning a life together, she thinks Reeva had “nagging doubts about their compatibility”. June’s book is expected to be published on 6 November.

No revenge

Meanwhile, News24 reported how June insisted she did not want "revenge" on Wednesday, the day after the disgraced athlete was handed a five-year jail term for shooting her daughter dead. June told British broadcaster ITV that she was "settled" with Pistorius's sentence for killing Reeva, even though it could mean he is out of prison and under house arrest after 10 months. Looking pale and holding her husband Barry's hand, she added: "We don't want revenge, we want a fair punishment under the circumstances on his disabilities. "We wouldn't have wanted him to go to jail and be abused and I feel that he will realise that he can't go around doing that, he can't kill someone like that." Pistorius, the first double amputee Paralympian to compete against able-bodied athletes at the 2012 London Olympics, was ordered to serve a maximum five years in prison for culpable homicide Tuesday after a seven-month trial.

Pistorius had testified that he shot Steenkamp four times through a locked bathroom door at his Pretoria home after he mistakenly believed she was an intruder. Prosecutors had argued that he murdered her in a fit of rage after an argument. June said the family accepted the decision, despite indicating that some members were not "entirely happy". "We're very settled with the sentence," she added. "We may not feel that justice has been done, but we have just got to accept what the judge decided. "Not everyone is entirely happy... the facts that she [the judge] had before her maybe weren't enough. But we have to live." Her husband Barry also said the family had to go along with what Judge Thokozile Masipa had decided. "Only Oscar knows whether that sentence is acceptable to him," he said. "I've got my feelings to the whole thing. But we do accept what the judge handed down."

No sex for Reeva and Oscar says June Steenkamp News24
Granny says, "Dat's right - he didn't have a leg to stand on...

Paralympian Oscar Pistorius loses bid to cut 13-year jail term for murder of Reeva Steenkamp
April 10, 2018 - OSCAR Pistorius will not get a reduction in his 13-year jail term for the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp after a South African court rejected the disgraced paralympian’s appeal.
SOUTH Africa’s highest court has rejected Oscar Pistorius’s request to appeal against his 13-year jail term, ending the long legal battle over his killing of his girlfriend in 2013. The former Paralympic athlete, 31, had asked the Constitutional Court to review the jail term, which was increased to 13 years in November. But the court ruling released on Monday said that “the application for leave to appeal is dismissed” as it was not a constitutional matter. The ruling was dated March 28.


Reports Pistorius appealing prison sentence​

Pistorius shot dead Reeva Steenkamp in the early hours of Valentine’s Day in 2013 when he fired four times through the locked door of his bedroom toilet, later saying that he thought she was an intruder. He was originally convicted of culpable homicide — the equivalent of manslaughter — in 2014, but his conviction was upgraded to murder on appeal. Pistorius also tried to take the murder conviction to the Constitutional Court, but it also refused to hear the matter.


Oscar Pistorius with his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2012. He was convicted of her 2013 murder.​

His legal team and state prosecutors have fought through the courts over the length of his sentence. “This is the end of the road. There are no other legal options available,” National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Luvuyo Mfaku told AFP, welcoming the ruling. Tania Koen, the Steenkamp’s family lawyer, said that Reeva’s parents had “always had faith in the justice system” and had no further comment to make. “June and Barry have been focusing their time and energy in the Reeva Rebecca Steenkamp Foundation which was established in her memory,” Ms Koen said.


Oscar Pistorius during the 2012 Olympic Games in London.​

The year before he killed Steenkamp, Pistorius became the first double-amputee to race at the Olympics when he competed at the London 2012 games. Previously a role model for disabled people worldwide, his trial generated international headlines. In a television interview, he said he believed an intruder was in the house and “instant fear” drove him to grab his gun and walk on his stumps towards the bathroom before opening fire.


Reeva Steenkamp’s parents June and Barry Steenkamp have created a foundation against domestic violence in their daughter’s name.​

It is unclear when Pistorius, who is detained in prison outside the capital Pretoria, could be eligible for parole. “That’s the end of the road for Mr Pistorius in terms of pushing the matter forward,” local radio station EWN quoted national prosecution authority spokesman Luvuyo Mfaku as saying on Monday.


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