Pizza Hut manager loses his job over refusing to open for Thanksgiving

But wait! Thanksgiving means football, pizza goes with football, shouldn't a pizza place be open? :lol:

And the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Yup, pizza with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade too. What was wrong with this guy...:eusa_eh:

For 20 years of my life, I had the MIL from hell. She was the most narcissistic, controlling person I have EVER met, and 25 years working in psychiatry didn't change that. We lived near my husband's family, but not near mine. His folks would get together at the drop of a hat. Not so mine. Mine pretty much only gathered for the holidays. But the MIL HAD to claim all holidays as well. If you reminded her that we just were together the last 4 weekends, she would shoot back, 'but THIS is Thanksgiving/Christmas/you name it.' She didn't care that it caused considerable problems for her sons wives, and their families who they rarely saw.

I swore then, I would NEVER do that. And I don't. I do not claim ANY day of my grown children's lives as a God given right. And often, I simply don't find the way the holidays fall to be convenient. This year is the case in point. My daughter has to work black Friday(no one is given leave where she works), and Christmas is in the middle of the week. I have been invited to come stay the last week of 2013 with them, and that is infinitely better than driving 12 hours to celebrate one meal, or one day. And it is infinitely better that they actually WANT me to come for that long.

If I tried to do that 12 hours of driving for a meal of turkey, or if they tried it with a 3 year old we would all be tired and mad. None of us would have a good time. This stupid written in steel morality that surrounds the holidays is obscene. I simply don't appreciate some leftist loon trying to dictate what/when my holiday values should be. How/when I celebrate my holidays and with whom is simply none of their business.
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I remember when I was young nothing was open on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Easter, 4th of July and other holidays. Seems like we all survived their being closed just fine. I guess spending the day with your family and reflecting on the actual holiday isn't important these days as is the all-mighty dollar.

Not everyone who works will spend holidays with family. I learned working the hospital units that those who don't have children usually volunteer to work the holidays. I've worked my share, and they are the easiest and best paid days of the year.
When a day on the calendar dictates when and how you will celebrate anything with your family, you have lost all perspective and are nothing but an automaton.
Man says he was fired for refusing to work Thanksgiving | Local - Home

He was told opening on Thanksgiving this year was mandatory, so at a meeting with his superiors he decided to take a stand.

"I said, 'Why can't we be the company that stands up and says we care about our employees and they can have the day off?'"

Tony says it wasn't about him. It was about his employees.

He told his bosses that he would not open the restaurant he managed on Thanksgiving.

"Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only two days that they're closed in the whole year and they're the only two days that those people are guaranteed to have off and spend it with their families," Rohr says.

Rohr says he was told to sign a letter of resignation.

He refused.. instead he wrote a letter explaining his position to his boss.

In the letter he wrote, "I am not quitting. I do not resign, however I accept that the refusal to comply with this greedy, immoral request means the end of my tenure with this company." He added, "I hope you realize that it is the people at the bottom of the totem pole that make your life possible."

Another chain I will no longer be doing business with, and I will be explaining why.

Like most fast food businesses, Pizza Hut is a franchise. The chain isn't telling the store to open, the franchise owner is telling the store to open. If the manger does not want to comply with the rules of the actual owner, he should be fired and replaced.
I remember when I was young nothing was open on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, Easter, 4th of July and other holidays. Seems like we all survived their being closed just fine. I guess spending the day with your family and reflecting on the actual holiday isn't important these days as is the all-mighty dollar.

What are all those people without families supposed to do, sit home alone and suck it up? We no longer have the same kind of family that we once had. Many people have none. Many people have family too far away to visit. Many more can't stand their family. Millions upon millions didn't grow up with Thanksgiving and don't celebrate it anyway. It's called changing demographics and cultural shift. Get used it it. This isn't going away.
Pizza hut offered Tony Rohr his job back..

We fully respect an employee's right to not work on a holiday, which is why the vast majority of Pizza Huts in America are closed on Thanksgiving," the corporate office said in a statement. "As a result, we strongly recommended that the local franchisee reinstate the store manager and they have agreed. We look forward to them welcoming Tony back to the team."
Pizza Hut manager offered job back after Thanksgiving disagreement -

Score one for the little guy.

Seems to me the big guy went after the little guy to get the other little guys job back.

I knew this wasn't coming from any corporate office. The franchise owner is probably an immigrant who does not recognize Thanksgiving as a holiday at all.
Workers are plentiful and expendable these days. You don't toe the company line, you're out, simple as that.

America is an Employer's Paradise. Just the way the 1%ers want it.
And the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!

Yup, pizza with the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade too. What was wrong with this guy...:eusa_eh:

For 20 years of my life, I had the MIL from hell. She was the most narcissistic, controlling person I have EVER met, and 25 years working in psychiatry didn't change that. We lived near my husband's family, but not near mine. His folks would get together at the drop of a hat. Not so mine. Mine pretty much only gathered for the holidays. But the MIL HAD to claim all holidays as well. If you reminded her that we just were together the last 4 weekends, she would shoot back, 'but THIS is Thanksgiving/Christmas/you name it.' She didn't care that it caused considerable problems for her sons wives, and their families who they rarely saw.

I swore then, I would NEVER do that. And I don't. I do not claim ANY day of my grown children's lives as a God given right. And often, I simply don't find the way the holidays fall to be convenient. This year is the case in point. My daughter has to work black Friday(no one is given leave where she works), and Christmas is in the middle of the week. I have been invited to come stay the last week of 2013 with them, and that is infinitely better than driving 12 hours to celebrate one meal, or one day. And it is infinitely better that they actually WANT me to come for that long.

If I tried to do that 12 hours of driving for a meal of turkey, or if they tried it with a 3 year old we would all be tired and mad. None of us would have a good time. This stupid written in steel morality that surrounds the holidays is obscene. I simply don't appreciate some leftist loon trying to dictate what/when my holiday values should be. How/when I celebrate my holidays and with whom is simply none of their business.

What leftist loon? You are damaged goods. Happy Thanksgiving.
Workers are plentiful and expendable these days. You don't toe the company line, you're out, simple as that.

America is an Employer's Paradise. Just the way the 1%ers want it.

actually they are not

our unemployment is dipping to under 3 percent

and that worries the state that new business may not locate here

because of worker shortcomings
Workers are plentiful and expendable these days. You don't toe the company line, you're out, simple as that.

America is an Employer's Paradise. Just the way the 1%ers want it.

actually they are not

our unemployment is dipping to under 3 percent

and that worries the state that new business may not locate here

because of worker shortcomings

You got that right. The American worker, once the pinnacle of work ethic has been replaced by the image of the New American Worker, lazy, drugged up and looking for any excuse to sue.

The new American worker is just like this guy.

John Webster, New York Teacher, Says 6-Year-Old Beat Him Up

A New York teacher, who weighs 220 pounds and once played college football, says he was beaten up by a 6-year-old pupil and plans to sue the city.

John Webster, a 27-year-old gym teacher at PS 330 in Queens, says that a first-grade student kicked and bit him after he reprimanded the child for horseplay. The child allegedly injured Webster's ankle and knee, the New York Post reports. Webster says he must now wear braces on his legs.
I don't believe that two days out of 365 is asking for much.

God bless you and that man and his former employees always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. How much business would that man have gotten anyways considering most people eat on Thanksgiving food that is not on the Pizza Hut menu?
Pizza hut offered Tony Rohr his job back..

Pizza Hut manager offered job back after Thanksgiving disagreement -

Score one for the little guy.

Seems to me the big guy went after the little guy to get the other little guys job back.

I knew this wasn't coming from any corporate office. The franchise owner is probably an immigrant who does not recognize Thanksgiving as a holiday at all.


Did you watch the video? Nooooo.

What's with that accent? Might be an immigrant from, say, Ohio...
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Man says he was fired for refusing to work Thanksgiving | Local - Home

He was told opening on Thanksgiving this year was mandatory, so at a meeting with his superiors he decided to take a stand.

"I said, 'Why can't we be the company that stands up and says we care about our employees and they can have the day off?'"

Tony says it wasn't about him. It was about his employees.

He told his bosses that he would not open the restaurant he managed on Thanksgiving.

"Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only two days that they're closed in the whole year and they're the only two days that those people are guaranteed to have off and spend it with their families," Rohr says.

Rohr says he was told to sign a letter of resignation.

He refused.. instead he wrote a letter explaining his position to his boss.

In the letter he wrote, "I am not quitting. I do not resign, however I accept that the refusal to comply with this greedy, immoral request means the end of my tenure with this company." He added, "I hope you realize that it is the people at the bottom of the totem pole that make your life possible."

Another chain I will no longer be doing business with, and I will be explaining why.

Like most fast food businesses, Pizza Hut is a franchise. The chain isn't telling the store to open, the franchise owner is telling the store to open. If the manger does not want to comply with the rules of the actual owner, he should be fired and replaced.

Riiiight, because "my company right or wrong". :cuckoo:
Pizza hut offered Tony Rohr his job back..

We fully respect an employee's right to not work on a holiday, which is why the vast majority of Pizza Huts in America are closed on Thanksgiving," the corporate office said in a statement. "As a result, we strongly recommended that the local franchisee reinstate the store manager and they have agreed. We look forward to them welcoming Tony back to the team."
Pizza Hut manager offered job back after Thanksgiving disagreement -

Score one for the little guy.

Seems to me the big guy went after the little guy to get the other little guys job back.

Sounds to me like the little guy stood up for the littler guy and the big guy backed down.
But wait! Thanksgiving means football, pizza goes with football, shouldn't a pizza place be open? :lol:

Good point, because as we all know there's no way to make that ultracomplicated cuisine at home. (/sarc)

Let alone find room for it after the turkey table...
Pizza hut offered Tony Rohr his job back..

Pizza Hut manager offered job back after Thanksgiving disagreement -

Score one for the little guy.

Seems to me the big guy went after the little guy to get the other little guys job back.

I knew this wasn't coming from any corporate office. The franchise owner is probably an immigrant who does not recognize Thanksgiving as a holiday at all.

Since my family is not going to get together until the last week of the year, I am at home. But I'm not moping around feeling sorry for myself. I am enjoying the quiet, the parade, thanking God that I no longer am under the kind of stress the holidays once brought to my life. I won't put up a tree, but I have a ceramic tree I may get out and use. I made 3 of them back in the 80s, one for my mother, one for my MIL, and one for me. When the mothers died, I got them back, then I gave each of my children one. They are treasured keepsakes. I also have a beautiful nativity scene that I made. I may get that out this year as well. But I'm not going all out with decorations.

There were 8,000 volunteers who helped with the Macy's Parade this year. All this 'family' holiday stuff is invented nonsense. And because many people don't have close family ties, or have exceedingly dysfunctional families, they become very depressed around the holidays. The time changes and the holidays were the worst events I had to deal with in my career. Time changes usually threw the bipolars into mania and the holidays made a lot of people get very depressed. There was always a big family fight, or some such. I learned over the years that the best way to help patients deal with it was to use humor. Jay Leno had a good joke about it last night. Something to the effect of the holidays being the season to rekindle bitter family feuds, or some such. I had my own grab bag of jokes I used, and I always started out with, 'what's the point of having holidays if you can't have a big family fight, why would you even bother.' I generally never even had to adjust their meds, just reframing it for them was enough. Some developed the intestinal fortitude to plan their holiday time sans their dysfunctional family. Honestly, when I think of my family, my cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. I don't see why the holidays didn't drive my mother crazy. It was about the only time we saw most of the, that and Easter, so I guess they just held their tongues. I always enjoyed seeing them. But there were years we were not all together because some live very far away and didn't come home that often. I enjoyed my cousins on my dad's side, but I can't say I enjoyed the ones on my mother's side. There was one who was particularly bossy and I didn't care for her always directing me around. I kept my mouth shut, and when I got home, was thankful my folks moved out of that town and that I didn't have to put up with her the entire year.
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But wait! Thanksgiving means football, pizza goes with football, shouldn't a pizza place be open? :lol:

I don't know about that pizza bit. I have feasted on chicken and dressing, cheese ball, chips and dip, and a party tray. I had coupon for a small party tray and it was such a good deal, just bought one for myself. I made some blue cheese dip which is good. I also made my own cheese ball. Wouldn't have done that except my daughter asked for the recipe and it threw me into the craving mode. I'll eat it with crackers and stuff from the party for lunch and dinner until they are gone. I like party food. Sosueme.

I haven't checked, but I would bet the pizza places in Murray are open because of the university. There are a lot who don't go home because home is a foreign country. The years I had to work on the holidays when my kids were in college, my son always cooked a big turkey dinner with all the fixin's for the foreign students. He got all my recipes and did a really decent job of it too, he always had plenty of takers.
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I like to work T-day, that and Christmas, no traffic going to work, the phones don't ring, nobody is in the office and I have gotten a ton of work done. It has been a good day. I can't wait to work Christmas!

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