Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Again- we are talking about $17.00 a day for a family of four. That works out to $1.41 per person per meal.
Libs want to crank out the entitlement programs... And then deny low income people get them and use them.

You are still wrong. But keep whining.

Actually, I think most libs would be happier if everyone had a remunerative job that put food on the table.

I'd be all for a federal jobs program that employed every able bodied American at a living wage. You know, like the Europeans do.
You know, with all your hostility towards poor people, you'd think you'd be thrilled they were having abortions.
Don't know why that would be a conditional consideration, since one deals with standard of living and the other is life itself. But sure lets talk about welfare. Forget about the abuse of it on the part of citizens,(which needs to be part of the conversation) let's talk about the abuse coming from govt. an immense amount of taxpayer money goes into welfare, then you pay for a gigantic bureaucracy, that then doles out breadcrumbs to the needy. I'm sure you would agree that not enough is given out to the needy, correct? And in this day and age isn't it possible that we can cut out the bureaucracy and be more efficient at getting the money to the people, and in turn giving them more money? And what is the point of welfare, is it dependence? And if not then why are more and more people becoming dependent on it under this administration supposedly for the little guy? Remember, 93 million have dropped out of the workforce, operant word being workforce, not people retiring. And look up the numbers for the increase in food stamps, pretty damning for a party that's trying to champion the lower and middle class
:rolleyes: sorry in advance for being off topic ... but ...... 93 million people have not dropped out of the workforce. :rolleyes:
9.5 Million People Have Left the Workforce Under Obama

Report More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force CBS DC

Theres more articles I can cite from different sources. And I know it's off topic but I was responding to joeb and his assertion that he won't listen to a life argument until we back welfare to his satisfaction.
93 million people who are not in the labor force did not "drop out" of the labor force. That's the part you got wrong. Most were not in it to begin with and 87 million of them don't want to work.
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Try 10. Leaving mom extra SNAP money for the weekend.

Yeah, she might be able to buy a whole hot dog.

Uh oh...

Your argument is screwed this week. Lots of buy one get one deals and 2/1.00 deals on proteins.

Bacon ( buy one get two)
Sausage Brats or Italian (3.99 pk of 5)
Tuna ( 2/1.00)
Ground Turkey (2.77 a pkg)
Chicken kabobs ( 3.99 lb)
Steak ( buy one get one)
Ground Beef
Shrimp (5.99 lb)
Eggs (2.99 18 pk)

Lots of fruit and veggies for 89/99 cents a carton/bag/ lb.

Black raspberries

1.00 bread
.75 Spaghetti
1.00 pasta sauce
2/1.00 Mac n cheese.
Cheerios 1.49

Sale on Frozen Spinach 1.00
Canned corn .69
Fresh broccoli and bell peppers 99 cents a lb.
Lettuce .99
Green onions,radishes 2/1.00

Milk 1.99
Almond milk 1.69 ( plus .75 coupon) = .94

Plus several stores will price match all ads.

Better luck next week.
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These people should be closed down and locked up:evil:

Absolutely. CMP is an unethical and needs to be investigated for illegal activity.

What, exactly, do you think that they need to be investigated for?

Getting video of PP affiliates trying to sell tissue?

Abortion Providers Should Take Legal Action Against the Center for Medical Progress Here s Why

CMP videotaped the conversations with Dr. Deborah Nucatola and Dr. Mary Gatter while they were each engaged in private discussions in restaurants. Nucatola’s conversation took place in California; although the location of Gatter’s is as yet unknown, she lives and works in California, which suggests that her meeting was also in the state. This fact is incredibly important, because it’s very likely that CMP violated California’s two-party consent wiretapping law.

Oh, yeah, THAT'S the big concern here.

Can you even SPELL the word "priorities"?
they catch a rather disgusting and illegal act with an undercover camera

Eating salad, drinking wine, and talking shop (unsettling for some people I know) with someone is not illegal. However taping a conversation without the other persons consent is illegal in California.

you not only condone illegal activities but

Still it is not illegal to donate tissue or for PP to act as a collection agent for research firms.

You might want to check out the definition of "donate". FYI, one doesn't acquire sports cars by "donating" things.
These people should be closed down and locked up:evil:

Absolutely. CMP is an unethical and needs to be investigated for illegal activity.

What, exactly, do you think that they need to be investigated for?

Getting video of PP affiliates trying to sell tissue?

Abortion Providers Should Take Legal Action Against the Center for Medical Progress Here s Why

CMP videotaped the conversations with Dr. Deborah Nucatola and Dr. Mary Gatter while they were each engaged in private discussions in restaurants. Nucatola’s conversation took place in California; although the location of Gatter’s is as yet unknown, she lives and works in California, which suggests that her meeting was also in the state. This fact is incredibly important, because it’s very likely that CMP violated California’s two-party consent wiretapping law.

Amazing that they catch a rather disgusting and illegal act with an undercover camera from a MAJOR institution and you want to prosecute those that are doing the taping because it might put that institution in a bad light.

People like you make me sick and they are the core problem with the laws like the one you cite – you not only condone illegal activities but you want to ensure that they CANNOT BE EXPOSED AS WELL. IOW, you back over corruption.

They should be prosecuted for fraud and defamation because they cut the footage from the interview to make it appear that the doctor was talking about selling fetal body parts when she was talking about tissue donation.

The film, as released, is a total fraud and has been exposed as such.

I searched this post in vain, but saw absolutely no evidence of the assertions you make so definitely. I shall assume that they are coming in a follow-up post, and look forward eagerly to seeing this footage you claim was cut and can mitigate the damning footage we've seen to render it innocuous. I am also very interested to see the citation of the brilliant and courageous investigative individual who "exposed" the film as a "total fraud".

Thank you in advance for your diligent efforts in re: substantiation.
It's all about optics.

Only the hard core believers are going to back PP on this one.

They lost more stock on this one....fraudlent or not.

Scares me that you can't have dinner and not wind up on YouTube.

You can, provided you don't discuss illegal activities over your food. I cannot count the number of times I've had dinner and discussed perfect ordinary, legal topics without winding up on YouTube. It's really quite easy to do.
they catch a rather disgusting and illegal act with an undercover camera

Eating salad, drinking wine, and talking shop (unsettling for some people I know) with someone is not illegal. However taping a conversation without the other persons consent is illegal in California.

you not only condone illegal activities but

Still it is not illegal to donate tissue or for PP to act as a collection agent for research firms.
We already covered this - she is negotiating compensation for the donations and compensation is illegal for profit (a notion backed by here rather insensitive comments). Further it is illegal to change the procedure for the collection of said sample and she DIRECTLY points that out but then goes right on to say that she has no problem asking the doctor to do exactly that. Have you even bothered to watch the damn video?

The video doesn't prove Planned Parenthood is doing anything illegal.

In what parallel universe?
It's illegal to alter treatment to accommodate obtaining tissue to sell....and both pp butchers, nocatola and 'i wanna lamboughini' described doing just that.
To which law do you refer?

You know that she specifically states it is illegal in the video but is not averse to making the suggestion to the doctor, right?
Do you not know the specific law being violated?
42 U.S. Code 289g 2 - Prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

(a) Purchase of tissue
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.

It is illegal to sell fetal tissue for profit. It sounds really really bad when you state you need a new lambo at the end of the financial discussion. i do not understand why she was so idiotic anyway - who negotiate a HIGHER price for themselves - that should have warned her to end the conversation there. Not only possibly negotiating illegal deals but also an idiot.
A) that law has absolutely jack shit to do with @koshergirl's complaint that the procedural methods of abortion were in violation of the law. That is the law I asked for.

B) Planned Parenthood was not acquiring valuable consideration, paying the women having abortions, or donating the organs to their relatives. So by that measure, they were not in violation of the law you posted.

Yeah, you run with that.
The law was already linked somewhere.
And I didn't complain that the procedural methods of abortion were in violation of the law. The reality is that both the doctors talked about CHANGING the procedure in order to FACILITATE organ harvest. And THAT is against the law. You can't change a procedure for the sake of selling tissue or for any purpose except safety.

And the procedure they were choosing to change to was partial birth abortion...which is illegal.
Nocatola said that they were *ok* as long as they didn't PLAN to change the procedure, but just went in and did it...but the thing is, the fact that she then admitted that she looked down at the patient admitting sheet and picked out the ones that would get the altered procedure (based on fetal age) for the purpose of organ harvest means that yup, they PLAN to engage in illegal procedures for the sake of selling tissue.
Laws have already been broken and freely admitted to on video tape (like for instance aborting in such a way to facilitate the removal of vital organs).
The problem now is finding a way to force this administration

If that were true there would already have been charges file in the local jurisdictions where the alleged crimes took place. They know they don't have a case, that's why they are desperately appealing to emotion......
It's all about optics.

Only the hard core believers are going to back PP on this one.

They lost more stock on this one....fraudlent or not.

Scares me that you can't have dinner and not wind up on YouTube.

You can, provided you don't discuss illegal activities over your food. I cannot count the number of times I've had dinner and discussed perfect ordinary, legal topics without winding up on YouTube. It's really quite easy to do.

Sure, as long as you don't have a group that is essentially stalking you, watching you all the time.

Such a group would only stalk you if they were looking to ensnare you in some kind of controversey.

My guess is that there wasn't a lot of thought given to the legality of the discussed sounds BAD.

Whether or not I like PP, it bothers me that people would be sitting close to them at dinner and monitor their conversations.

Isn't what happened (the videoing) illegal ?
they catch a rather disgusting and illegal act with an undercover camera

Eating salad, drinking wine, and talking shop (unsettling for some people I know) with someone is not illegal. However taping a conversation without the other persons consent is illegal in California.

you not only condone illegal activities but

Still it is not illegal to donate tissue or for PP to act as a collection agent for research firms.
We already covered this - she is negotiating compensation for the donations and compensation is illegal for profit (a notion backed by here rather insensitive comments). Further it is illegal to change the procedure for the collection of said sample and she DIRECTLY points that out but then goes right on to say that she has no problem asking the doctor to do exactly that. Have you even bothered to watch the damn video?

The video doesn't prove Planned Parenthood is doing anything illegal.

In what parallel universe?

Has anyone been charged ?

Is there an investigation ?

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