Planned Parenthood prevented over 3 million abortions in 2011

Planned Parenthood is deserving of funding, just not public funding. Anyone who wishes to donate to Planned Parenthood should be free to do so, and even encouraged to do so.
How do you feel about funding birth control distribution through local units of government?
The thing is...if you don't prevent a lot of these births, you will end up spending more TAXPAYER money. And, I'm not even talking about welfare.

I'm talking about kids who grow up in poverty with irresponsible parents who abuse/neglect them (i.e., committing a crime against society) that then require the intervention of a system of protection for children that is inordinately expensive (and underfunded to serve the amount of children who are in it for substantiated cases of neglect/abuse).

So, you have the unwanted pregnancy, which often results in an unwanted child that is abused/neglected or represents nothing more than a check to subsidize the mom's dependency. You pay for all of that.

Then, you pay for juvenile court judges who preside over these cases of abuse/neglect.
You pay for prosecutors who prosecute them.
You pay for probation officers for mom/dad.
You pay for prison time for parents in extreme cases.
You pay for healthcare and mental health costs for these children.
You pay to house these children in foster homes and group homes (of which there are never enough because it costs a lot to house a child).
You pay for that child's lack of success in school and ongoing issues with trauma and mental health issues and the disruptions they cause in their school environment that involve teachers, administrators, counselors, and school resource officers.
You pay for that child's lack of a male role model and early involvement in the juvenile justice system.
You pay for that child's offenses against innocent members of society in higher insurance rates and harm to innocent people.
You pay for that child's probation officer, case workers, and juvenile court judges.
You pay for the police officers who respond to the scene of the crime, investigate, and provide reports to prosecutors.
You pay for the prosecutors of that child.
And, you pay for that individual's court sanctions, including probation officers, prisons, halfway houses, and parole officers.
And, in a lot of cases, you ultimately pay to house that child for years in prison (at the cost of $50k annually, most of which goes to pay for guards and constructing large secure buildings to keep the inmates from harming each other and the guards and from escaping back into society to victimize people again).

and the list goes on and on and on.

How many current American prison inmates came from the very scenario which I just described?

It makes birth control look incredibly cheap.

And that doesn't even touch on preventing abortions or welfare costs.

I don't work in the welfare system, I work with violent offenders. There is a cycle here that results in the people I work with.

I'd like to see that cycle stopped. It would have untold benefits for all of us in the long run, even if it might make my job obsolete.

Same as in the other thread , we don't disagree. In fact , I'm actually okay with public funding of birth control, just not of abortions.
Me, too. I don't approve of public funding for abortion, and truth be told, I'm not a big fan of planned parenthood as an organization. I'd prefer to work through local health departments.
No, the fact is that making contraception affordable and available will reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies, which in turn will reduce the likelihood of abortions. That alone makes PP a valuable resource, and indeed deserving of funding.

do you think agencies/prgms/organization that benefit from gov. largesse should submit detailed audit inforamtion as to use of these funds?

Including churches. And their hospitals that get funding from the government.
So that's why the push to destroy the Bill of Rights is so strong? The framers specifically discouraged making any law impinging on people's freedom of religion. So if you include churches in your lawmaking, you are decimating the core principle of the Republic, its first Amendment.

I will fight you to the death over that one. My ancestors certainly did likewise.
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I believe PP does a lot of good.
How come they can not get private funding from the millions of their rich supporters and have to beg us to borrow $$$ we do not have from the Chinese?
Hypocrits, they talk a mean game but bottom line is they always want us to pay.
I will fight you to the death over that one. My ancestors certainly did likewise.

"The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at another time and in another form." - Jefferson Davis
do you think agencies/prgms/organization that benefit from gov. largesse should submit detailed audit inforamtion as to use of these funds?

Including churches. And their hospitals that get funding from the government.
So that's why the push to destroy the Bill of Rights is so strong? The framers specifically discouraged making any law impinging on people's freedom of religion. So if you include churches in your lawmaking, you are decimating the core principle of the Republic, its first Amendment.

I will fight you to the death over that one. My ancestors certainly did likewise.

Um what? If a church or its hospital has agreed to accept money from the government, then that church or hospital has forfeited its right to keeps its information from the government.

That is just logical.
do you think agencies/prgms/organization that benefit from gov. largesse should submit detailed audit inforamtion as to use of these funds?

Including churches. And their hospitals that get funding from the government.
So that's why the push to destroy the Bill of Rights is so strong? The framers specifically discouraged making any law impinging on people's freedom of religion. So if you include churches in your lawmaking, you are decimating the core principle of the Republic, its first Amendment.

I will fight you to the death over that one. My ancestors certainly did likewise.
Imagine my surprise that you overlook the fact that allowing them to be tax exempt is "making any law."
Including churches. And their hospitals that get funding from the government.
So that's why the push to destroy the Bill of Rights is so strong? The framers specifically discouraged making any law impinging on people's freedom of religion. So if you include churches in your lawmaking, you are decimating the core principle of the Republic, its first Amendment.

I will fight you to the death over that one. My ancestors certainly did likewise.
Imagine my surprise that you overlook the fact that allowing them to be tax exempt is "making any law."

You do know that the courts have specifically rules that taxing religion amounts to interfering with said religion, don't you?

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