Plant Based Eating

Plant protein just does not suffice
Ignorance borne out of preference. BTW, you are not a cat
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?
My diet is basically even more radical than vegan. When I stay on it I feel much better and have more energy. I have always been an exceptional cook, but surprisingly I cook my most delicious food when I am cooking vegan.
There's a big difference between plant protein and animal protein. Cats are strict carnivores, for example; they want to eat nothing but meat. Dogs need meat, too.

Plant protein just does not suffice.
My wife just told me that's what the cardiologist said.
It's exactly right. Meat is high-quality protein.
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?

Off and on vegetarian. I'm supposed to be on a plant based diet now. I don't give a crap about the politics of it. Never have. I only care about the cute animals.
Plant protein just does not suffice
Ignorance borne out of preference. BTW, you are not a cat
BTW, I wasn't comparing myself to a cat.

How ignorant.
Yeah, you did. It was part of your argument.
I still eat dairy, milk and some cheese, but most of my +100 grams of protein comes from a vegetable stew I make regularly with a mix of high protein vegetable products, peanut butter and shelled sunflower seeds.

Multiple sources of protein ensures complete amino acids and I actually get more protein than an adult should be getting. Too much protein is rough on the kidneys
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?

I honestly think most of our ailments are a "reward" for killing and eating other living sentient beings. We were not created carnivore or "omnivore".

Would you prefer to be living in the trees in Africa? I prefer evolution.
Protein is from quinoa and tahini,
Everything is low sodium, including low sodium vegetable broth.
You have to take a B-12 supplement.

After 2 few months, the taste of salt becomes nauseating.
You get B-12 from yeast flakes. I use a lot of them in my cooking.
Yep. The truth is, ANIMALS DONT PRODUCE B-12 AT ALL.

They get their B-12 from DIRT, or specifically BACTERIA in the dirt.

Humans dont need much and there are many ways to get this vitamin. B-12 deficiency is EXTREMELY rare, and is only an argument/straw meat eaters grasp at in every debate
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?

I honestly think most of our ailments are a "reward" for killing and eating other living sentient beings. We were not created carnivore or "omnivore".

Would you prefer to be living in the trees in Africa? I prefer evolution.
I have no idea what you think that means. I prefer humans EVOLVE beyond the "need" to kill when it is not necessary.

Humans CAN and SHOULD be better.

I PREFER humans not do those things that lead to early cancer and heart disease. These disease arent an issue with a whole foods, plant based diet God intended for us
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?

I honestly think most of our ailments are a "reward" for killing and eating other living sentient beings. We were not created carnivore or "omnivore".

Would you prefer to be living in the trees in Africa? I prefer evolution.
I have no idea what you think that means. ....

Apparently you don't.

Do you have some idea of how much energy is required to grow a big human brain? Where do you think that energy came from?
Mushrooms taste exactly like steak
First nomination for DUMBEST POST of the year.

Congrats on that retarded bullshit
A properly prepared mushroom tastes exactly like steak.
No, it doesn't lol

Put the bong down and stfu
I don't smoke, I eat.
Clearly you need new tastebuds lol.
I love mushrooms but they are not a substitute for meat. In fact they are often a compliment for a good piece of meat but not a replacement. Even the best mushrooms in season are not the equivalent of a good cut of meat.

You may like your ridiculous alternate diet but stop with the self reassuring bullshit. There is no vegetable that tastes like or has the same texture as meat.

Dumb bullshit
Another OPINION based out of wishes and preference. Since you've never had it, you ont have a valid OPINION

Mushrooms taste exactly like steak
First nomination for DUMBEST POST of the year.

Congrats on that retarded bullshit
A properly prepared mushroom tastes exactly like steak.
No, it doesn't lol

Put the bong down and stfu
I don't smoke, I eat.
Clearly you need new tastebuds lol.
I love mushrooms but they are not a substitute for meat. In fact they are often a compliment for a good piece of meat but not a replacement. Even the best mushrooms in season are not the equivalent of a good cut of meat.

You may like your ridiculous alternate diet but stop with the self reassuring bullshit. There is no vegetable that tastes like or has the same texture as meat.

Dumb bullshit
Another OPINION based out of wishes and preference. Since you've never had it, you ont have a valid OPINION

I've never had it....meanwhile eats veggies everyday.......

Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?
considering cows eat only vegetation wouldnt that mean a meat eater is in fact a vegan???
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?
My diet is basically even more radical than vegan. When I stay on it I feel much better and have more energy. I have always been an exceptional cook, but surprisingly I cook my most delicious food when I am cooking vegan.

Tell us your favorite pasta recipe
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?

Off and on vegetarian. I'm supposed to be on a plant based diet now. I don't give a crap about the politics of it. Never have. I only care about the cute animals.
I've tried vegetarianism before (about three days). It has its advantages. Protein from meat also has its advantages, but I think in much lower amounts than what most Americans eat.
Is this a political issue? I hope not

I love my steak and many other meat products.

My daughter is Vegan, and encourages me to think about it, at age 59.

Her intentions are purely for love and not political in any means.

Do we have Any plant based eaters here?
My diet is basically even more radical than vegan. When I stay on it I feel much better and have more energy. I have always been an exceptional cook, but surprisingly I cook my most delicious food when I am cooking vegan.

Tell us your favorite pasta recipe
Pasta is my favorite food in the world, and I have many good recipes. My favorite pasta dishes are plain. I love a good red sauce and good pesto sauce. Just the sauce and pesto with a vegan substitute grated cheese. That would be a cup of cashews, 1/4 cup yeast flakes. 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp salt ground in a food processor.
The pesto sauce is made with yeast flakes instead of cheese and cashews or pistachios instead of pine nuts.

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