Playing politics during COVID 2020: USS Comfort

Disturbing article about how Gov. Cuomo and NY Democrats were more interested in beating Trump on a game of politics than they were fighting the spread of COVID.

NY had some of the most stringent regulations during COVID. Why they did not take advantage of the capacity AND the resources provided by Uniformed Services is beyond disturbing.

This is another instance of Democrats putting politics above all else during the COVID Pandemic. Everything they did for COVID was not to solve the problem first but to first take care of themselves politically.

I don’t trust Democrats when it comes to the next pandemic given their exposed hypocrisy during 2020.
The former 1-term fuckup didn't allow COVID patients on the ship fuckup.
Trump allows coronavirus patients on Navy ship Comfort in New York after Cuomo asks

When the former 1-term fuckup sent the ship under great fanfare it was not allowed to take COVID cases. Only under pressure did he change that.
Where in the article does it say that it was “not allowed”? The Trump administration provided the Comfort. It was Cuomo and Democrats who played politics and felt it better for the country not to have Trump look good as opposed to leveraging a great asset to address COVID.
Where in the article does it say that it was “not allowed”? The Trump administration provided the Comfort. It was Cuomo and Democrats who played politics and felt it better for the country not to have Trump look good as opposed to leveraging a great asset to address COVID.
I suggest that you read the article.

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